- IPA(key): /ʒaˈpono/, /d͡ʒaˈpono/
Proper noun
- (archaic) Japan
- Synonym: Japonia
- 1909, L'Espérantiste, page 74:
- La Yorodzu Choko esas un de la max populara jurnali en Japono, ed ol havas inter sa lektanti tre granda nombro de studenti.
- The Yorodzu Choko is one of the most popular newspapers in Japan, and it has among its readers a very large number of students.
- 1910, Mondo, page 160:
- Anke existas en Japono ampla verkaro ed aparas specala jurnali pri la ludo.
- There also exists a vast literaturo in Japan and special magazines appear about the game.
- 1913, “Japonano pri Japono”, in Mondolinguo: Weltsprache, page 86:
- Sioro Shuho Chiba, redaktero de Tokio, diskursis en Zürich pri Japono, en januaro di ca yaro, e, quo esas tre remarkinda fakto: en germana linguo quan il sat bone praktikis.
- Mister Shuho Chiba, an editor from Tokio, talked about Japan in Zurich in January of this year, and, what is a very remarkable fact: in the German language that he knew well enough.
Derived terms
- Japonana
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