


J- (Japanese) + horror


J-horror (uncountable)

  1. Japanese horror fiction in film, video games, and other popular culture, typically marked by psychological tension and supernatural elements.
    • 2000 November 1, Latte Thunder, “Wild Zero - More Japanese Zombies!!”, in alt.horror (Usenet), retrieved 2018-10-05, message-ID <8totmb$v8c$1@murdoch.harvard.net>:
      While everyone into J-Horror is gushing over the zombie mayhem that is Junk, I think Wild Zero is a far better movie.
    • 2001 September 23, TetsuwanATOM, “Re: Memento Mori”, in alt.asian-movies (Usenet), retrieved 2018-10-05, message-ID <_Ger7.48534$xB1.12794429@news1.rdc1.tn.home.com>:
      I've given myself the task of tying modern feminism in Japan to the trend in the new wave of J-horror flicks . . . I'd love to be able to include MEMENTO MORI in the discussion, but . . . so I'm holding off ordering a copy.
    • 2018 June 7, Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian:
      Audition…An almost unclassifiable masterpiece of J-horror and one of the very few movies in the genre in which the demonically violent protagonist is allowed to be a woman, satirising women’s position in Japanese society and cinema.
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