Etymology 1
Ultimately from Latin glūten. The usual pronunciation apparently by analogy with chemical terms in -en (“-ene”).
- IPA(key): /ɡluˈteːn/
Audio (file) - IPA(key): /ˈɡluːtən/ (less common, sometimes humorous)
Audio (file)
Gluten n (strong, genitive Glutens, plural (nonstandard) Gluten)
- gluten
- 2010, Der Spiegel, number 22/2010, page 126:
- Pasta, Kuchen, Müsli, Brot – wer an Zöliakie leidet, muss viele gängige Lebensmittel meiden: Das Eiweiß Gluten, das bei den Betroffenen zu chronischer Darmentzündung führt, kommt in den meisten Getreidearten vor.
- Pasta, cakes, muesli, bread – someone who suffers from celiac disease has to avoid many common foods: the protein gluten, which leads to chronic intestinal inflammation for the sufferers, occurs in most types of grain.
- 2020, Leo Heller, Der Gemüseflüsterer von Mainhattan, Gmeiner Verlag:
- Na, die ganzen kurzfaserigen Kohlehydrate aus dem weißen Mehl, damit wird doch der menschliche Körper unglaublich belastet. Denk mal an die ganzen Gluten, die da drin sind. Der reine Krebs.
- Well, all those short-fibred carbohydrates from the white flour, that’s an unbelievable strain on the human body. Think about all those glutens in there. It’s pure cancer.
Usage notes
- The rarer pronunciation with initial stress may be colloquially construed as a plurale tantum. Compare the second quotation.
Etymology 2
See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.
- IPA(key): /ˈɡluːtən/
Audio (file)
Further reading
- “Gluten” in Duden online
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