

Alternative forms

  • Gundulf
  • Gundulph


From Old Norse mythology Gandalfr (elf with a magic staff).


  • (US) IPA(key): /ˈɡændɑlf/
    • (file)

Proper noun


  1. A male given name from the Germanic languages known in history, and in the books of Tolkien, but not usually bestowed on children.




From Old Norse Gandalfr.

Proper noun

Gandalf c (genitive Gandalfs)

  1. (rare) a male given name from Old Norse, in occasional modern use
    • 1830, Christoffer Fritz Jacobsson, Tider och Minnen B, page 14:
      Af gamle Nores blod var Gandalf en Konung i Alfhem.
      Of Old Nore's blood, Gandalf was a King of Alfheim.
    • 1901 March 28, “Lifförsäkringssällskapet Gandalf [Gandalf Life Insurance Company]”, in Norrlands-Posten, page 2:
      Därefter öfverlämnades till honom en hedersgåfva, bestående at en större silfverbägare med inskriften: »Från lifförsäkringssällskapet Gandalf till dess kassaman Georg Holmström 1893-1901». Hr Holmström tackade i rörda ordalag för gåfvan.
      He was then presented with an honorary gift, consisting of a large silver cup with the inscription: »From the life insurance company Gandalf to its cashier Georg Holmström 1893-1901». Mr. Holmström thanked in moving terms for the gift.
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