
See also: fakebook and fake book



Blend of fake + Facebook, suggesting that the site consists of phony, inauthentic users.

Proper noun


  1. (derogatory, Internet slang) The social networking site Facebook.
    • 2010 July 22, onet...@gmail.com, “Fakebook”, in alt.philosophy (Usenet):
      I love Fakebook, where all my fake friends hang out.
      When the weather is fair my fakebook friends are there. When things
      get ruff they're gone in a huff.
    • 2016 December 16, Ubiquitous, “Fakebook - The social-media site empowers a journalism cartel.”, in alt.journalism (Usenet):
    • 2018 June 1, hic...@gmail.com, “Fakebook Removes Trending Topics”, in alt.recovery.aa (Usenet):
      Fakebook stuck to the antisemite crap and never investigated. Just like the Justice shit system.

Alternative forms




Blend of fake + Facebook.


  • (file)

Proper noun

Fakebook n (proper noun, strong, genitive Fakebooks)

  1. (derogatory, Internet slang) Fakebook.
    • 2013 September 13, Juergen P. Meier, “PGP Pen Pals - Group auf Facebook”, in de.comp.security.misc (Usenet):
      Alles und jeder ist scheinbar auf Fakebook vertreten. Vor allem aber
      auch die Dienste.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2018 May 23, Andreas Neumann, “avrdude-Problem”, in de.sci.electronics (Usenet):
      Fakebook ist bei mir per hosts-file aussen vor.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2020 March 29, Dieter Funck, “Da Ihr heute Abend sowieso zu Hause seid:”, in ger.ct (Usenet):
      Fakebook ist die Pest des Internets und gehört ausgerottet.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)


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