


(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)

Proper noun

Danii (genitive Danijan, partitive Danijad)

  1. Denmark


Inflection of Danii (inflection type 10/Biblii)
nominative sing. Danii
genitive sing. Danijan
partitive sing. Danijad
partitive plur.
singular plural
nominative Danii
accusative Danijan
genitive Danijan
partitive Danijad
essive-instructive Danijan
translative Danijaks
inessive Danijas
elative Danijaspäi
illative Danijaha
adessive Danijal
ablative Danijalpäi
allative Danijale
abessive Danijata
comitative Danijanke
prolative Danijadme
approximative I Danijanno
approximative II Danijannoks
egressive Danijannopäi
terminative I Danijahasai
terminative II Danijalesai
terminative III Danijassai
additive I Danijahapäi
additive II Danijalepäi
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