Borrowed from French béton (“concrete”), from Latin bitūmen (“asphalt”). Doublet of Bitumen.
- IPA(key): /beˈtɔ̃/, [beˈtɔŋ], [bə-], [-ˈtɔ̃ː] (Germany)
- The realisation in [ŋ] is predominant and commoner than in most other words with a nasal vowel.
Audio (file)
- IPA(key): /beˈtoːn/ (Austria)
Usage notes
- The plural Betons goes along with the German pronunciation of the word; the plural Betone goes with the Austrian one.
Derived terms
- betonieren
- Stahlbeton
- Gussbeton
- Kiesbeton
- Leichtbeton
- Magerbeton
- Spannbeton
- Waschbeton
Related terms
- Betonbau
- Betonboden
- Betonboden
- Betonbrücke
- Betonbunker
- Betondecke
- Betonhalle
- Betonklotz
- Betonlandschaft
- Betonmaschine
- Betonmauer
- Betonmischer
- Betonpfeiler
- Betonpfosten
- Betonpiste
- Betonplatte
- Betonsockel
- Betonsperre
- Betonstraße
- Betontreppe
- Betonwand
- Betonwüste
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