
Middle English

Proper noun


  1. Alternative form of Balyne
    • 1470–1483 (date produced), Thom̃s Malleorre [i.e., Thomas Malory], “[The Tale of King Arthur]”, in Le Morte Darthur (British Library Additional Manuscript 59678), [England: s.n.], folio 23, recto, lines 11–13:
      And as the dameſell toke þer [or her] leve of Arthure and of all the barownes ſo dep[ar]tynge thys knyght Balyn called vnto her and ſeyde dameſell, I p[ra]y you of youre curteyſy ſuffir me as well to aſſay as thes oþ[er] lordis
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
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