Alternative forms
- Bureau (archaic)
- IPA(key): /byˈroː/, [byˈʁoː], [bʏ-], [-ˈroː] (standard)
audio (file)
- IPA(key): /ˈbyːro/, /ˈbʏro/ (chiefly Switzerland, parts of western Germany)
Büro n (strong, genitive Büros, plural Büros)
- office (room for working)
- Sie sitzt in ihrem Büro.
- She’s sitting in her office.
- office, bureau, agency (administrative department or service provider)
- Fundbüro ― lost-property office
- Reisebüro ― travel agency
- (informal, collective) the staff of such places
- Der Chef lädt das ganze Büro zum Essen ein.
- The boss is inviting the whole office to dinner.
Derived terms
- Büroangestellte (“office worker”)
- Büroarbeit (“office work”)
- Büroausstattung (“office equipment”)
- Büroautomation (“office automation”)
- Bürobedarf (“office supplies”)
- Bürodrehstuhl (“office swivel chair”)
- Bürogebäude
- Bürohaus (“office building”)
- Bürohengst (“pencil pusher”) (pejorative)
- Bürohochhaus (“high-rise office building”)
- Bürojob (“office job”)
- Bürokauffrau (“office clerk”)
- Büroklammer
- Bürokommunikation (“office communication”)
- Bürokram (“office stuff, tedious paperwork”) (pejorative)
- Bürokrat (“bureaucrat”)
- Bürokratie (“bureaucracy”)
- Bürolandschaft (“office landscape”)
- Büroleiter (“office manager”)
- Büromanagement (“office management”)
- Büromaschine (“office machine”)
- Büromaschinen (“office machinery”)
- Büromaterial (“office supplies”)
- Büromöbel (“office furniture”)
- Büropersonal (“office staff”)
- Büroraum, Büroräume (“office space”)
- Büroschlaf (“sleeping on the job”)
- Bürostuhl (“office chair”)
- Bürotechnik (“office technology”)
- Bürotisch, Büroschreibtisch (“office desk”)
- Büroturm (“office tower”)
- Bürozeiten (“office hours”)
Further reading
- “Büro” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
- “Büro” in Uni Leipzig: Wortschatz-Lexikon
- “Büro” in Duden online
Büro on the German Wikipedia.Wikipedia de
- “Büro”, in Atlas zur deutschen Alltagssprache, 2020
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