
See also: zat, zať, zaț, zât, ząt, žat, žať, and 'zat



From -z (verb-forming suffix) + -at (noun-forming suffix).[1]


  • IPA(key): [zɒt]



  1. (noun-forming suffix) Added to a noun to form an abstract noun or a collective noun.
    homlok (forehead) + -zathomlokzat (façade)

Usage notes

  • (noun-forming suffix) Variants:
    -zat is added to back-vowel nouns
    -zet is added to front-vowel nouns
    -ozat is added to some back-vowel nouns
    -ezet is added to some front-vowel nouns


Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative -zat -zatok
accusative -zatot -zatokat
dative -zatnak -zatoknak
instrumental -zattal -zatokkal
causal-final -zatért -zatokért
translative -zattá -zatokká
terminative -zatig -zatokig
essive-formal -zatként -zatokként
essive-modal -zatul
inessive -zatban -zatokban
superessive -zaton -zatokon
adessive -zatnál -zatoknál
illative -zatba -zatokba
sublative -zatra -zatokra
allative -zathoz -zatokhoz
elative -zatból -zatokból
delative -zatról -zatokról
ablative -zattól -zatoktól
possessive - singular
-zaté -zatoké
possessive - plural
-zatéi -zatokéi
Possessive forms of -zat
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. -zatom -zataim
2nd person sing. -zatod -zataid
3rd person sing. -zata -zatai
1st person plural -zatunk -zataink
2nd person plural -zatotok -zataitok
3rd person plural -zatuk -zataik

Derived terms

Hungarian nouns suffixed with -zat

See also

  • Appendix:Hungarian suffixes


  1. -zat in Zaicz, Gábor (ed.). Etimológiai szótár: Magyar szavak és toldalékok eredete (‘Dictionary of Etymology: The origin of Hungarian words and affixes’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2006, →ISBN.  (See also its 2nd edition.)
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