
Old Tupi

Alternative forms

  • -nam (after a nasal phoneme)
  • -gûam, -ûam (with paroxitones)
  • -am (after R or N)


From ram.



  1. forms the future tense of nouns
    Antonym: -pûer
    • 1686 [1618], Antônio de Araújo, chapter IIII, in Bartolomeu de Leão, editor, Cateciſmo Braſilico da Doutrina Chriſtãa [], 2 edition, Livro 1 [] (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Miguel Deslandes, page 23:
      M. Abà çupepcacè yerureo, / Oete maraneima õ ama recê / O anga recocaturama recebe?
      D. Tûpá çupè.
      [M. Abá supépe asé îeruréû, o eté marane'ymûama resé o 'anga rekokaturama resé bé?
      D. Tupã supé.]
      To whom should people pray, for both their bodies' future incorruption and their souls' future well-being? / To God.


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