
See also: Appendix:Variations of "nt"


Etymology 1

From Proto-Finnic *-nta. Cognates include dialectal Finnish -nta and Estonian -nt.

Originally, the suffix would be appended to the ablative stem, but this was changed in analogy to the essive.




  1. Used to form the exessive case: out of being
Possessive forms of -nt
possessor singular plural
1st person -ntaan -ntaamme
2nd person -ntaas -ntaanne
3rd person -ntaa -ntaasse

Etymology 2

From Proto-Finnic *-nut. Cognates include Finnish -nut and Estonian -nud.




  1. Used to form the past active participle of verbs.
Usage notes
  • After the consonants -l, -r, -n, -s the initial -n- of the suffix is elided:
    ol- + -ntolt
    pes- + -ntpest
  • An alternative (longer) forms -nut-nyt exist, which share the same inflected forms.
Declension of -nt (type 14/olt, no gradation, gemination)
singular plural
nominative -nt -nneet
genitive -nneen -nnein
partitive -nutta -nneita
illative -nneesse -nneisse
inessive -nnees -nneis
elative -nneest -nneist
allative -nneelle -nneille
adessive -nneel -nneil
ablative -nneelt -nneilt
translative -nneeks -nneiks
essive -nneenna, -nneen -nneinna, -nnein
exessive1) -nneent -nneint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.
Declension of -nt (type 14/olt, no gradation, gemination)
singular plural
nominative -nt -nneet
genitive -nneen -nnein
partitive -nyttä -nneitä
illative -nneesse -nneisse
inessive -nnees -nneis
elative -nneest -nneist
allative -nneelle -nneille
adessive -nneel -nneil
ablative -nneelt -nneilt
translative -nneeks -nneiks
essive -nneennä, -nneen -nneinnä, -nnein
exessive1) -nneent -nneint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.


  • V. I. Junus (1936) Iƶoran Keelen Grammatikka, Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 45
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