
See also: juk, Juk, and -jük



  • IPA(key): [juk]
  • Rhymes: -uk

Etymology 1

Possessive suffix.



  1. (possessive suffix) their (third-person plural, single possession)
    kar (arm) + -jukkarjuk (their arms)
    hajó (ship) + -jukhajójuk (their ship)
Usage notes
  • (possessive suffix) Variants:
    -uk is added to back-vowel words ending in a consonant
    ház (house) + -ukházuk (their house)
    -ük is added to front-vowel words ending in a consonant
    gyerek (child) + -ükgyerekük (their child)
    -juk is added to back-vowel words ending either in a consonant or a vowel. Final -a changes to -á-.
    kar (arm) + -jukkarjuk (their arms)
    hajó (ship) + -jukhajójuk (their ship)
    alma (apple) + -jukalmájuk (their apple)
    -jük is added to front-vowel words ending either in a consonant or a vowel. Final -e changes to -é-.
    kert (garden) + -jükkertjük (their garden)
    érme (coin) + -jükérméjük (their coin)
Inflection (stem in -a-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative -juk
accusative -jukat
dative -juknak
instrumental -jukkal
causal-final -jukért
translative -jukká
terminative -jukig
essive-formal -jukként
essive-modal -jukul
inessive -jukban
superessive -jukon
adessive -juknál
illative -jukba
sublative -jukra
allative -jukhoz
elative -jukból
delative -jukról
ablative -juktól
possessive - singular
possessive - plural

Etymology 2

Personal suffix.



  1. (personal suffix) Forms the first-person plural present tense of verbs (indicative mood and subjunctive mood, definite conjugation).
    hall (to hear)Nem halljuk, amit mondasz.We can’t hear what you are saying.
Usage notes
  • (personal suffix) See harmonic variants in the tables below.

See also

  • Category:Hungarian noun forms
  • Category:Hungarian verb forms
  • Appendix:Hungarian possessive suffixes
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