- IPA(key): [jː]
Usage notes
- (subjunctive/imperative suffix) Allomorphs are listed below. For verbs ending in -ik, remove the -ik to determine the correct case.
- -j used in all subjunctive forms not mentioned below
- -gy used in the verbs eszik, iszik, lesz, tesz, vesz, visz
- -ggy used only in the verb hisz
- -jj used only in the verb jön
- jön (“to come”) → jöjj! (“come!”), an archaic/literary variant of the irregular (suppletive) form gyere (“come!”)
- -s used in verbs ending in -t and -s, compare yod coalescence
- tanít (“to teach”) → taníts! (“teach!”)
- újjászületik (“to be born again”) → szüless újjá! (“be born again!”)
- keres (“to seek”) → keress! (“seek!”)
- késik (“to be late”) → ne késs! (“don't be late!”)
- -z used in verbs ending in -z
- hoz (“to bring”) → hozz valamit! (“bring something!”)
- dohányzik (“to smoke”) → ne dohányozz! (“don't smoke!”)
- -∅ denotes the covert subjunctive suffix -j in the short form of second-person singular definite forms
- vár (“to wait”) → várd (vár-∅-d)! (“wait for him/her/it!”)
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