
See also: Appendix:Variations of "ju"



  • IPA(key): [juː]
  • Rhymes: -juː



  1. (adjective-forming suffix) Added to a noun to form an adjective denoting possession or similarity. It is used only in parasynthetic compounds, requiring a preceding adjective or a compound structure. Similar in function to English -ed.
    cipő (shoe) + forma (shape)cipő formá fürdőkád (a shoe-shaped bathtub)

Usage notes

  • (adjective-forming suffix): Variants:
    is added to back-vowel words ending in a consonant
    is added to front-vowel words ending in a consonant
    -jú is added to back-vowel words ending in a vowel. Final -a changes to -á-.
    -jű is added to front-vowel words ending in a vowel. Final -e changes to -é-.


Inflection (stem in -a-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative -jú -júak
accusative -jút -júakat
dative -júnak -júaknak
instrumental -júval -júakkal
causal-final -júért -júakért
translative -júvá -júakká
terminative -júig -júakig
essive-formal -júként -júakként
inessive -júban -júakban
superessive -jún -júakon
adessive -júnál -júaknál
illative -júba -júakba
sublative -júra -júakra
allative -júhoz -júakhoz
elative -júból -júakból
delative -júról -júakról
ablative -jútól -júaktól
possessive - singular
-júé -júaké
possessive - plural
-júéi -júakéi

Derived terms

Hungarian adjectives suffixed with -jú

See also

  • Appendix:Hungarian suffixes
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