


Evolved from ), itself from :-).

Punctuation mark


  1. (Internet slang, text messaging, humorous) LOL, an expression of laughter or amusement.
    мой кот тупой)))
    moj kot tupoj)))
    my cat is being stupid lol

Usage notes

The number of brackets can be more than three, and more brackets suggests that something is very hilarious and amusing. The parenthetical comes from shortening the classic emoji spelling ":-)" to just ")".

Overuse of brackets ("))))))") may suggest that something is very funny, something is ridiculously ironic, or the writer may be insincere. Some writers also write this symbol as "))0)))" (as though forgetting to hold the shift key) to make it look funnier.

Conversely, "(((" shows that the writer is very unhappy or disappointed.

This symbol is not to be confused with ((( ))), a far-right symbol directed against Jewish people.

See also

  • ) (expressing delight or happiness; may also be used for LOL)


Punctuation mark


  1. (Internet slang, text messaging, humorous) LOL, an expression of laughter or amusement.
    мій кіт дуже дурний)))
    mij kit duže durnyj)))
    my cat is being very stupid lol

Usage notes

The methods in using ))) as an Internet slang expression in Ukrainian are similar to that in Russian.

Generally, the number of brackets may vary, but it can also be just one bracket at the end of a sentence.

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