- Lao letter ta
Alternative forms
Alternative forms
Usage notes
The case form ຕທ຺ (tad) is only used before vowels and as the prefixed combining form. Before vowels, the virama and the letter o (ອ) are dropped.
Declension table of "ຕ" (masculine)
Case \ Number | Singular | Plural |
Nominative (first) | ໂສ (so) or ສ (sa) | ເຕ (te) |
Accusative (second) | ຕໍ (taṃ) | ເຕ (te) |
Instrumental (third) | ເຕນ (tena) | ເຕຫິ (tehi) or ເຕຠິ (tebhi) |
Dative (fourth) | ຕສ຺ສ (tassa) | ເຕສໍ (tesaṃ) or ເຕສານໍ (tesānaṃ) |
Ablative (fifth) | ຕສ຺ມາ (tasmā) or ຕມ຺ຫາ (tamhā) or ຕໂຕ (tato) | ເຕຫິ (tehi) or ເຕຠິ (tebhi) |
Genitive (sixth) | ຕສ຺ສ (tassa) | ເຕສໍ (tesaṃ) or ເຕສານໍ (tesānaṃ) |
Locative (seventh) | ຕສ຺ມິໍ (tasmiṃ) or ຕມ຺ຫິ (tamhi) | ເຕສຸ (tesu) |
Declension table of "ຕາ" (feminine)
Case \ Number | Singular | Plural |
Nominative (first) | ສາ (sā) | ຕາ (tā) |
Accusative (second) | ຕໍ (taṃ) | ຕາ (tā) |
Instrumental (third) | ຕາຍ (tāya) | ຕາຫິ (tāhi) or ຕາຠິ (tābhi) |
Dative (fourth) | ຕາຍ (tāya) or ຕສ຺ສາ (tassā) or ຕິສ຺ສາ (tissā) or ຕິສ຺ສາຍ (tissāya) | ຕາສໍ (tāsaṃ) or ຕາສານໍ (tāsānaṃ) |
Ablative (fifth) | ຕາຍ (tāya) | ຕາຫິ (tāhi) or ຕາຠິ (tābhi) |
Genitive (sixth) | ຕາຍ (tāya) or ຕສ຺ສາ (tassā) or ຕິສ຺ສາ (tissā) or ຕິສ຺ສາຍ (tissāya) | ຕາສໍ (tāsaṃ) or ຕາສານໍ (tāsānaṃ) |
Locative (seventh) | ຕາຍ (tāya) or ຕາຍໍ (tāyaṃ) or ຕິສສໍ (tisasaṃ) | ຕາສຸ (tāsu) |
Declension table of "ຕ" (neuter)
Case \ Number | Singular | Plural |
Nominative (first) | ຕໍ (taṃ) or ຕທ຺ (tad) | ຕານິ (tāni) |
Accusative (second) | ຕໍ (taṃ) or ຕທ຺ (tad) | ຕານິ (tāni) |
Instrumental (third) | ເຕນ (tena) | ເຕຫິ (tehi) or ເຕຠິ (tebhi) |
Dative (fourth) | ຕສ຺ສ (tassa) | ເຕສໍ (tesaṃ) or ເຕສານໍ (tesānaṃ) |
Ablative (fifth) | ຕສ຺ມາ (tasmā) or ຕມ຺ຫາ (tamhā) or ຕໂຕ (tato) | ເຕຫິ (tehi) or ເຕຠິ (tebhi) |
Genitive (sixth) | ຕສ຺ສ (tassa) | ເຕສໍ (tesaṃ) or ເຕສານໍ (tesānaṃ) |
Locative (seventh) | ຕສ຺ມິໍ (tasmiṃ) or ຕມ຺ຫິ (tamhi) | ເຕສຸ (tesu) |
As for the masculine of the adjective.
As for the neuter of the adjective.
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