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Alternative forms
Declension table of "ຍ" (masculine)
Case \ Number | Singular | Plural |
Nominative (first) | ໂຍ (yo) | ເຍ (ye) |
Accusative (second) | ຍໍ (yaṃ) | ເຍ (ye) |
Instrumental (third) | ເຍນ (yena) | ເຍຫິ (yehi) or ເຍຠິ (yebhi) |
Dative (fourth) | ຍສ຺ສ (yassa) | ເຍສໍ (yesaṃ) or ເຍສານໍ (yesānaṃ) |
Ablative (fifth) | ຍສ຺ມາ (yasmā) or ຍມ຺ຫາ (yamhā) | ເຍຫິ (yehi) or ເຍຠິ (yebhi) |
Genitive (sixth) | ຍສ຺ສ (yassa) | ເຍສໍ (yesaṃ) or ເຍສານໍ (yesānaṃ) |
Locative (seventh) | ຍສ຺ມິໍ (yasmiṃ) or ຍມ຺ຫິ (yamhi) | ເຍສຸ (yesu) |
Usage notes
The case form ຍທ຺ (yad) is only used before vowels and as the prefixed combining form. Before vowels, the formal sequence " ຍທ຺ ອ" becomes "ຍ ທ".
Declension table of "ຍ" (neuter)
Case \ Number | Singular | Plural |
Nominative (first) | ຍໍ (yaṃ) or ຍທ຺ (yad) | ຍານິ (yāni) |
Accusative (second) | ຍໍ (yaṃ) or ຍທ຺ (yad) | ຍານິ (yāni) |
Instrumental (third) | ເຍນ (yena) | ເຍຫິ (yehi) or ເຍຠິ (yebhi) |
Dative (fourth) | ຍສ຺ສ (yassa) | ເຍສໍ (yesaṃ) or ເຍສານໍ (yesānaṃ) |
Ablative (fifth) | ຍສ຺ມາ (yasmā) or ຍມ຺ຫາ (yamhā) | ເຍຫິ (yehi) or ເຍຠິ (yebhi) |
Genitive (sixth) | ຍສ຺ສ (yassa) | ເຍສໍ (yesaṃ) or ເຍສານໍ (yesānaṃ) |
Locative (seventh) | ຍສ຺ມິໍ (yasmiṃ) or ຍມ຺ຫິ (yamhi) | ເຍສຸ (yesu) |
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