ࢽ • (n)
Isolated form | Final form | Medial form | Initial form |
ࢽ | ـࢽ | ـࢽـ | ࢽـ |
- (Quran) Maghrebi form of ن (n)
- 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 12:46:
- یُوسُࢻُ أَیُّهَا اَ۬لصِّدِّیࢼُ أَࢻْتِࢽَا ࢻِے سَبْعِ بَࢼَرَ ٰتࣲ سِمَاࢽࣲ یَاڪُلُهُࢽَّ سَبْعٌ عِجَاࢻࣱ
- yūsufu ʾayyuhā ṣ-ṣiddīqu ʾaftinā fī sabʿi baqarātin simānin yākuluhunna sabʿun ʿijāfun
- ˹He said,˺ “Joseph, O man of truth! Interpret for us ˹the dream of˺ seven fat cows eaten up by seven skinny ones; and seven green ears of grain and ˹seven˺ others dry, so that I may return to the people and let them know.”
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