![]() | ||||||||
- Regular.
- Italics.
- Handwritten.
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- (Cyrillic-script letters) А а, Б б, В в, Г г, Гв гв, Гъ гъ, Гъв гъв, Гъь гъь, Гь гь, Гӏ гӏ, Гӏв гӏв, Д д, Дж дж, Джв джв, Джь джь, Дз дз, Е е, Ё ё, Ж ж, Жв жв, Жь жь, З з, И и, Й й, К к, Кв кв, Къ къ, Къв къв, Къь къь, Кь кь, Кӏ кӏ, Кӏв кӏв, Кӏь кӏь, Л л, Ль ль, М м, Н н, О о, П п, Пӏ пӏ, Р р, С с, Т т, Тл тл, Тш тш, Тӏ тӏ, У у, Ф ф, Х х, Хв хв, Хъ хъ, Хъв хъв, Хь хь, Хӏ хӏ, Хӏв хӏв, Ц ц, Цӏ цӏ, Ч ч, Чв чв, Чӏ чӏ, Чӏв чӏв, Ш ш, Шв шв, Шӏ шӏ, Щ щ, Ъ ъ, Ы ы, Ь ь, Э э, Ю ю, Я я
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- (Cyrillic-script letters) А а, Б б, В в, Г г, Гь гь, Гә гә, Ӷ ӷ, Ӷь ӷь, Ӷә ӷә, Д д, Дә дә, Е е, Ж ж, Жь жь, Жә жә, З з, Ӡ ӡ, Ӡә ӡә, И и, К к, Кь кь, Кә кә, Қ қ, Қь қь, Қә қә, Ҟ ҟ, Ҟь ҟь, Ҟә ҟә, Л л, М м, Н н, О о, П п, Ԥ ԥ, Р р, С с, Т т, Тә тә, Ҭ ҭ, Ҭә ҭә, У у, Ф ф, Х х, Хь хь, Хә хә, Ҳ ҳ, Ҳә ҳә, Ц ц, Цә цә, Ҵ ҵ, Ҵә ҵә, Ч ч, Ҷ ҷ, Ҽ ҽ, Ҿ ҿ, Ш ш, Шь шь, Шә шә, Ы ы, Ҩ ҩ, Џ џ, Џь џь, Ь ь, Ә ә
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- (Cyrillic-script letters) А а, Б б, В в, Г г, Гу гу, Гъ гъ, Гъу гъу, Д д, Дж дж, Дз дз, Дзу дзу, Е е, Ё ё, Ж ж, Жъ жъ, Жъу жъу, Жь жь, З з, И и, Й й, К к, Ку ку, Къ къ, Къу къу, Кӏ кӏ, Кӏу кӏу, Л л, Лъ лъ, Лӏ лӏ, М м, Н н, О о, П п, Пӏ пӏ, Пӏу пӏу, Р р, С с, Т т, Тӏ тӏ, Тӏу тӏу, У у, Ф ф, Х х, Хъ хъ, Хъу хъу, Хь хь, Ц ц, Цу цу, Цӏ цӏ, Ч ч, Чӏ чӏ, Чъ чъ, Ш ш, Шъ шъ, Шъу шъу, Шӏ шӏ, Шӏу шӏу, Щ щ, Ъ ъ, Ы ы, Ь ь, Э э, Ю ю, Я я, ӏ ӏ, ӏу ӏу
Alternative forms
- ӏа (ʼa)
- IPA(key): [ʔaː]
Audio (file)
а • (a)
- that, Calling article (o)
- а бэнанэ ― a bɛnanɛ ― that banana
- а пшъашъэ ― a pŝaŝɛ ― that girl
- а кӏалэм еӏуэ ― a kʼalɛm jeʼwɛ ― that boy is saying
а (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- (Cyrillic-script letters) А а, Б б, В в, Г г, Гъ гъ, Гь гь, Гӏ гӏ, Д д, Дж дж, Е е, Ё ё, Ж ж, З з, И и, Й й, К к, Кк кк, Къ къ, Кь кь, Кӏ кӏ, Л л, М м, Н н, О о, П п, Пп пп, Пӏ пӏ, Р р, С с, Т т, Тт тт, Тӏ тӏ, У у, Уь уь, Ф ф, Х х, Хъ хъ, Хь хь, Хӏ хӏ, Ц ц, Цӏ цӏ, Ч ч, Чч чч, Чӏ чӏ, Ш ш, Щ щ, Ъ ъ, ӏ ӏ, Ы ы, Ь ь, Э э, Ю ю, Я я
а (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case А)
а (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- (Cyrillic-script letters) А а, Аа аа, Аӏ аӏ, Ааӏ ааӏ, Ы ы, Б б, В в, Г г, Гв гв, Гь гь, Гъ гъ, Гъв гъв, Гъӏ гъӏ, Гъӏв гъӏв, Гӏ гӏ, Д д, Е е, Ее ее, Еӏ еӏ, Ж ж, Жв жв, З з, Зв зв, И и, Ии ии, Иӏ иӏ, Й й, К к, Кк кк, Кв кв, Ккв ккв, Кӏ кӏ, Кӏв кӏв, Къ къ, Къв къв, Ккъ ккъ, Къӏ къӏ, Ккъӏ ккъӏ, Къӏв къӏв, Ккъӏв ккъӏв, Кь кь, Кьв кьв, Л л, Лъ лъ, Ллъ ллъ, Лъв лъв, Ллъв ллъв, Лӏ лӏ, Лӏв лӏв, М м, Н н, О о, Оо оо, Оӏ оӏ, Ооӏ ооӏ, П п, Пп пп, Пӏ пӏ, Р р, С с, Сс сс, Св св, Т т, Тт тт, Тӏ тӏ, Тв тв, У у, Уу уу, Уӏ уӏ, Х х, Хх хх, Хв хв, Ххв ххв, Хӏ хӏ, Хьӏ хьӏ, Ххьӏ ххьӏ, Хьӏв хьӏв, Ххьӏв ххьӏв, Хъ хъ, Хъв хъв, Хъӏ хъӏ, Хъӏв хъӏв, Ц ц, Цв цв, Цӏ цӏ, Ццӏ ццӏ, Ч ч, Чв чв, Чӏ чӏ, Чӏв чӏв, Ш ш, Щ щ, Шв шв, Щв щв, Э э, Ээ ээ, Эӏ эӏ
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а (lower case, upper case А)
- IPA(key): [a]
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
Etymology 2
Inherited from Proto-Slavic *a (“and, but”)
а • (a)
а • (a)
- IPA(key): [a]
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- IPA(key): [a]
а • (a)
- used in orders for emphasis: let’s, just
- А върви де!
- A vǎrvi de!
- Come on, go ahead!
- А да идем на кино.
- A da idem na kino.
- Let’s go to the pictures.
- А удари ме, ако смееш.
- A udari me, ako smeeš.
- Just you hit me, if you dare.
- Кажи де, а кажи!
- Kaži de, a kaži!
- Speak up, do!
- just, about to, on the point of, almost
- разперила криле, а-а да хвръкне
- razperila krile, a-a da hvrǎkne
- with wings spread out, about to fly off
а • (a)
- used to express surprise or wonder: ah, oh, ha, why
- А, ето къде си бил!
- A, eto kǎde si bil!
- Ah, there you are!
- А, значи ти хареса.
- A, znači ti haresa.
- Oh, so you liked it.
- А! Не те видях.
- A! Ne te vidjah.
- Oh! I didn't see you there.
- А, Джейн, ти ли си!
- A, Džejn, ti li si!
- Why Jane, it's you!
- used to express pleasure, relief: ah
- А, пролетните цветя.
- A, proletnite cvetja.
- Ah, the flowers of spring.
- А, спомням си старите времена.
- A, spomnjam si starite vremena.
- Ah, I remember the good old days.
- used when you are not certain about something and you would like confirmation: eh, well, right, or translated with a tag question
- Хареса ти, а?
- Haresa ti, a?
- So, you liked it, eh/did you?
- Утре заминаваш, а?
- Utre zaminavaš, a?
- You're leaving tomorrow, right?
- (colloquial) used to indicate that one did not hear what was said: eh, huh
- ‘Не съм гладен.’ ‘А?’ ‘Казах, че не съм гладен.’
- ‘Ne sǎm gladen.’ ‘A?’ ‘Kazah, če ne sǎm gladen.’
- ‘I'm not hungry.’ ‘Eh?’ ‘I said I'm not hungry.’
- А? Какво каза?
- A? Kakvo kaza?
- Huh? What did you say?
- used to express understanding, recognition, or realization: oh
- А, значи така работело.
- A, znači taka rabotelo.
- Oh, so that's how it works.
- А, сега ми дойде наум!
- A, sega mi dojde naum!
- Oh, I’ve just thought of it.
- А, да, сетих се!
- A, da, setih se!
- Oh, yes, I remember.
- used to express displeasure, objection
- Изпуснал влака … ама работа, а!
- Izpusnal vlaka … ama rabota, a!
- So he missed the train … what a damned nuisance!
- А, той ще ми каже!
- A, toj šte mi kaže!
- He's not the one to tell me!
- Ще ми се плезиш, а!
- Šte mi se pleziš, a!
- Don't stick out your tongue at me!
- used to express criticism or disapproval: now
- А-а, така не може!
- A-a, taka ne može!
- Now, this sort of thing can’t go on/won’t do!
- А, Били, така не се говори на майка си!
- A, Bili, taka ne se govori na majka si!
- Now, Billy, that's no way to talk to your mother!
Etymology 3
From Proto-Slavic *a (“and, but”).
- IPA(key): (stressed) [a], (unstressed) [ɐ], [ə]
а • (a)
- used to describe how two facts are different: whereas, while
- Мислехме си, че е арогантна, а всъщност просто беше много срамежлива.
- Mislehme si, če e arogantna, a vsǎštnost prosto beše mnogo sramežliva.
- We thought she was arrogant, whereas in fact she was just very shy.
- Той има кафяви очи, а децата му имат зелени очи.
- Toj ima kafjavi oči, a decata mu imat zeleni oči.
- He has brown eyes whereas his children have green eyes.
- Едни се раждат, а други умират.
- Edni se raždat, a drugi umirat.
- Some are born while others die.
- used to introduce an idea that is different or opposite to the idea that is desired, expected or that you have stated previously: but, yet, rather
- Не музиката не харесвам, а самата банда.
- Ne muzikata ne haresvam, a samata banda.
- It's not the music I don't like but rather the band themselves.
- Тя получи повишението не заради късмет, а с усърдна работа.
- Tja poluči povišenieto ne zaradi kǎsmet, a s usǎrdna rabota.
- She got the promotion not by luck but by hard work.
- Стените не бяха бели, а по-скоро мръсно сиви.
- Stenite ne bjaha beli, a po-skoro mrǎsno sivi.
- The walls were not white, but rather a sort of dirty grey.
- Той има добра работа, а като че ли никога няма пари.
- Toj ima dobra rabota, a kato če li nikoga njama pari.
- He has a good job, and yet he never seems to have any money.
- Мислех си, че те познавам, а колко съм грешал.
- Misleh si, če te poznavam, a kolko sǎm grešal.
- I thought I knew you, yet how wrong I was.
- Видях го вчера, а не днес.
- Vidjah go včera, a ne dnes.
- I saw him yesterday, not today.
- used to start a new sentence or clause that continues or adds to a previous sentence or clause: and
- Минаха години и всичко се промени. А той все още не се завръщаше.
- Minaha godini i vsičko se promeni. A toj vse ošte ne se zavrǎštaše.
- Years passed and everything changed. And he still hadn't come back.
Related terms
- а... а... (a... a...)
Further reading
- Бояджиев, Тодор (1999) “3. Части на речта / 3.8. Съюз”, in Съвременен Български Език (in Bulgarian), София: Издателска къща "Петър Берон", →ISBN, page 357
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
Crimean Tatar
а (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
Eastern Mari
- IPA(key): /ɑ/
- Rhymes: -ɑ
- Hyphenation: а
а • (a)
- and, but (used to connect two phrases when there is a contrast between them)
- тиде тылат, а тиде мылам
- tide tylat, a tide mylam
- this is for you, but that is for me
- but, but instead (used in clauses preceded by negated clauses)
- тышке огыл, а тушко
- tyške ogyl, a tuško
- not here, but there
- and, but (introduces supplementary questions)
- а вараже?
- a varaže?
- and then?
а • (a)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- J. Bradley et al. (2023) “а”, in The Mari Web Project: Mari-English Dictionary, University of Vienna
а (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- (Cyrillic-script letters) А а (А̄ а̄, Аᵸ аᵸ), А̇ а̇ (А̇̄ а̇̄, А̇ᵸ а̇ᵸ), Б б, В в, Г г, ГЪ гъ, ГЬ гь, Гӏ гӏ, Д д, Е е (Е̄ е̄, Еᵸ еᵸ), Ә ә (Ә̄ ә̄, Әᵸ әᵸ), Ж ж, З з, И и (Ӣ ӣ, Иᵸ иᵸ), Й й, К к, КЪ къ, КЬ кь, Кӏ кӏ, Л л, ЛЪ лъ, Лӏ лӏ, М м, Н н, О о (О̄ о̄, Оᵸ оᵸ), П п, Пӏ пӏ, Р р, С с, Т т, Тӏ тӏ, У у (Ӯ ӯ, Уᵸ уᵸ), Х х, ХЪ хъ, ХЬ хь, Хӏ хӏ, Ц ц, Цӏ цӏ, Ч ч, Чӏ чӏ, Ш ш, Ъ ъ, Ы ы (Ы̄ ы̄), Э э (Э̄ э̄, Эᵸ эᵸ)
а (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- (Cyrillic-script letters) А а, Э э, Б б, В в, Г г, Гу гу, Гъ гъ, Гъу гъу, Д д, Дж дж, Дз дз, Е е, Ё ё, Ж ж, Жь жь, З з, И и, Й й, К к, Ку ку, Кӏ кӏ, Кӏу кӏу, Къ къ, Къу къу, Кхъ кхъ, Кхъу кхъу, Л л, Лъ лъ, Лӏ лӏ, М м, Н н, О о, П п, Пӏ пӏ, Р р, С с, Т т, Тӏ тӏ, У у, Ф ф, Фӏ фӏ, Х х, Ху ху, Хь хь, Хъ хъ, Хъу хъу, Ц ц, Цӏ цӏ, Ч ч, Ш ш, Щ щ, Щӏ щӏ, Ъ ъ, Ы ы, Ь ь, Ю ю, Я я, ӏ ӏ, ӏу ӏу
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
Alternative scripts | |
Arabic | ا |
Cyrillic | А, а |
Latin | A, a |
Yañalif | A, a |
- (phoneme): IPA(key): /ɑ/
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- (phoneme): IPA(key): /ɑ/
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
Usage notes
The pronunciation of the phoneme as /a/ only occurs in Persian loanwords with a front vowel later in the word in some dialects. In most dialects, this is indistinct from /ɑ/.
See also
- (Cyrillic-script letters) А а, Б б, В в, Г г, Д д, Е е, Ё ё, Ж ж, З з, И и, Й й, К к, Л л, М м, Н н, Ң ң, О о, Ө ө, П п, Р р, С с, Т т, У у, Ү ү, Ф ф, Х х, Ц ц, Ч ч, Ш ш, Щ щ, Ъ ъ, Ы ы, Ь ь, Э э, Ю ю, Я я
- (Cyrillic-script letter names) буква; а (a), бе (be), ве (ve), ге (ge), де (de), е (ye), ё (yo), же (je), зе (ze), и (i), ий (iy), ка (ka), эл (el), эм (em), эн (en), ың (ıŋ), о (o), ө (ö), пе (pe), эр (er), эс (es), те (te), у (u), ү (ü), эф (ef), ха (ha), це (tse), че (ce), ша (şa), ща (şca), ажыратуу белгиси (ajıratuu belgisi), ы (ı), ичкертүү белгиси (ickertüü belgisi), э (e), ю (yu), я (ya) (Category: ky:Cyrillic letter names)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
- (phoneme): IPA(key): /a/
- (letter name): IPA(key): [a]
Audio (file)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
Etymology 2
Inherited from Proto-Slavic *a.
- IPA(key): [a]
а • (a)
- what about
- А јас? ― A jas? ― What about me?
- IPA(key): /ˈa/
- Syllabification: а (1 syllable)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- (Cyrillic-script letters) үсэг; А а, Б б, В в, Г г, Д д, Е е, Ё ё, Ж ж, З з, И и, Й й, К к, Л л, М м, Н н, О о, Ө ө, П п, Р р, С с, Т т, У у, Ү ү, Ф ф, Х х, Ц ц, Ч ч, Ш ш, Щ щ, Ъ ъ, Ы ы, Ь ь, Э э, Ю ю, Я я
- (Cyrillic script letter names) үсэг; а (a), бэ (be), вэ (ve), гэ (ge), дэ (de), е (je), ё (jo), жэ (že), зэ (ze), и (i), хагас и (xagas i), ка (ka), эл (el), эм (em), эн (en), о (o), ө (ö), пэ (pe), эр (er), эс (es), тэ (te), у (u), ү (ü), эф (ef), ха (xa), цэ (ce), чэ (če), ша (ša), ща (šča), хатуугийн тэмдэг (xatuugiin temdeg), урт ы (urt y), зөөлний тэмдэг (zöölnii temdeg), э (e), ю (jü), я (ja) (Category: mn:Cyrillic letter names)
Northern Mansi
а (a) (lower case, upper case А)
Old Church Slavonic
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
- (Old Cyrillic-script letters) А а, Б б, В в, Г г, Д д, Е е (Є є), Ж ж, Ѕ ѕ (Ꙃ ꙃ), З з (Ꙁ ꙁ), И и, І і (Ї ї), Ꙉ ꙉ, К к, Л л, М м, Н н, О о, П п, Р р, С с, Т т, Оу оу (Ꙋ ꙋ), Ф ф, Х х, Ѡ ѡ (Ѿ ѿ), Ц ц, Ч ч, Ш ш, Щ щ, Ъ ъ, Ꙑ ꙑ, Ь ь, Ѣ ѣ, Ꙗ ꙗ, Ѥ ѥ, Ю ю, Ѫ ѫ, Ѭ ѭ, Ѧ ѧ (Ꙙ ꙙ), Ѩ ѩ (Ꙝ ꙝ), Ѯ ѯ, Ѱ ѱ, Ѳ ѳ, Ѵ ѵ, Ҁ ҁ
Etymology 2
From Proto-Slavic *a.
Old East Slavic
Inherited from Proto-Slavic *a. Cognates include Old Church Slavonic а (a) and Old Polish a.
- же (že)
- Sreznevsky, Izmail I. (1893) “а”, in Матеріалы для Словаря древне-русскаго языка по письменнымъ памятникамъ [Materials for the Dictionary of the Old East Slavic Language Based on Written Monuments] (in Russian), volumes 1 (А – К), Saint Petersburg: Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, column 1
Old Novgorodian
From Proto-Slavic *a.
- “а (letter no. 624)”, in Древнерусские берестяные грамоты [Birchbark Literacy from Medieval Rus] (in Russian), http://gramoty.ru, 2007–2024
- Zaliznyak, Andrey (2004) “§4.33”, in Древненовгородский диалект [Old Novgorod dialect] (in Russian), 2nd edition, Moscow: Languages of Slavic Cultures, →ISBN, page 191
а (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case А)
а (a) (lower case, upper case А)
- The first letter of the Moldovan alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.
- (stressed) IPA(key): [a]
(file) - (unstressed) IPA(key): [ə]
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
а • (a) n inan (indeclinable)
See also
- (Cyrillic script letter names) буква; а (a), бэ (bɛ), вэ (vɛ), гэ (gɛ), дэ (dɛ), е (je), ё (jo), же (že), зэ (zɛ), и (i), и краткое (i kratkoje)/ий (ij), ка (ka), эл (el)/эль (elʹ), эм (em), эн (en), о (o), пэ (pɛ), эр (er), эс (es), тэ (tɛ), у (u), эф (ef), ха (xa), цэ (cɛ), че (če), ша (ša), ща (šča), твёрдый знак (tvjórdyj znak), ы (y)/еры (jery), мягкий знак (mjaxkij znak), э (e)/э оборотное (e oborotnoje), ю (ju), я (ja) (Category: ru:Cyrillic letter names)
- Dal, Vladimir (1880–1882) “а”, in Толковый Словарь живаго великорускаго языка [Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language] (in Russian), 2nd edition, Publication of the bookseller-typographer Wolf, M. O.
Etymology 2
Inherited from Proto-Slavic *a (“and, but”), from Proto-Balto-Slavic *ō, from Proto-Indo-European *h₁ōd (presumed to be the ablative of *éy, h₁e). Cognate with Lithuanian õ (“and, but”).
Possible link with Lithuanian ar̃ (“question particle”). Compare Russian а (a, “and, but”), и (i, “and”) and да (da, “and, but”) with Lithuanian ar̃ (“if, whether”), ir̃ (“and”) and dár (“still, yet”).
- (stressed) IPA(key): [a]
(file) - (unstressed) IPA(key): [ə]
- (unstressed, pre-tonal) IPA(key): [ɐ]
а • (a)
- but, and (deviates from the preceding idea in some manner; introduces a new or different meaning, as opposed to но (no), which usually indicates contrarity)
- Сего́дня тепло́, а вчера́ бы́ло хо́лодно. ― Sevódnja tepló, a včerá býlo xólodno. ― It is warm today, but yesterday it was cold.
- Э́то не я́блоко, а гру́ша. ― Éto ne jábloko, a grúša. ― This is not an apple, but a pear.
- А что? ― A što? ― How come?
- а то ― a to ― or else
- Dal, Vladimir (1880–1882) “а”, in Толковый Словарь живаго великорускаго языка [Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language] (in Russian), 2nd edition, Publication of the bookseller-typographer Wolf, M. O.
Etymology 3
Compare Lithuanian à, õ, oà (“expression of pain, surprise”), as well as Gothic 𐍉 (ō, “ah!”), Latin ā, āh (“expression of pain, anger”), Ancient Greek ἆ (â, “ah!”)
- IPA(key): [a]
Audio (file)
а • (a)
- colloquial particle used to seek confirmation: eh
- Synonym: (vernacular, humorous) ась (asʹ)
- Ты слы́шишь меня́, а? ― Ty slýšišʹ menjá, a? ― Do you hear me, eh?
- Ты придёшь сего́дня, а? ― Ty pridjóšʹ sevódnja, a? ― So are you coming today, then?
- 1831, Александр Пушкин, “Замок воеводы Мнишка в Самборе”, in Борис Годунов; English translation from Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, transl., Boris Godunov, 2023:
- Он говорит с одной моей Мариной,
Мариною одною занят он…
А дело-то на свадьбу страх похоже.
Ну — думал ты, признайся, Вишневецкий,
Что дочь моя царицей будет? а?- On govorit s odnoj mojej Marinoj,
Marinoju odnoju zanjat on…
A delo-to na svadʹbu strax poxože.
Nu — dumal ty, priznajsja, Višneveckij,
Što dočʹ moja caricej budet? a? - He only wants to talk with my Marina,
Marina is the only one who interests him…
The matter looks terribly like a wedding. Well—
Confess, Vishnevetsky, did you ever think
That my daughter would become a tsaritsa? eh?
- On govorit s odnoj mojej Marinoj,
- IPA(key): [a]
Audio (file)
а • (a) (indeclinable)
- Pirožkov, Viktor (2001) Kriminalʹnaja Psixologija [Criminal Psychology], Moscow: Os-89
- IPA(key): /a/
See also
Etymology 2
Inherited from Proto-Slavic *a (“and, but”), from Proto-Balto-Slavic *ō.
а (Latin spelling a)
- but, and (compare а̏ли)
- учио сам ц(иј)ело посл(иј)еподне, а ништа нисам научио ― I studied for the whole afternoon, but I didn't learn anything
- а како бисте ви то направили? ― and how would you do that?
- while (on the contrary), whereas
- столови су црвени, а столице су зелене ― the tables are red, whereas the chairs are green
- (with да не) without (usually after negative verbs)
- не могу се укључити у расправу, а да не направим неред ― I cannot enter a discussion without making a mess
- одлази, а да није рекао ни збогом ― he's leaving without even saying goodbye
- (а и̏па̄к) and yet
- прави пријатељ зна све о теби, а ипак те воли ― the real friend knows everything about you, and yet he loves you
- (а ка̏моли) not to mention, let alone
- у мору лоших в(иј)ести тешко је остати објективан, а камоли оптимистичан ― in the sea of bad news it's hard to stay objective, let alone optimistic
- (а + и + да) even if
- а и да јесам то направио, не би то учинило неку разлику ― even if I did it, it wouldn't have made much of a difference
- (а + и) and so, and also, and too
- свиђају ми се плавуше, а и ја се покојој свидим ― I like blondes, and some of them even like me
- били су жалосни, а и ја сам ― they were sad, and so am I
Etymology 3
Attested since the 15th century. Probably of onomatopoeic origin. Compare Slovene a, Russian а (a), Lithuanian õ, Latin ō and Ancient Greek ὦ (ô). These could all derive from Proto-Indo-European interjection ō (“oh, ah”), but each form in individual languages could easily be an independent, expressive formation.
- “а” in Hrvatski jezični portal
- “а” in Hrvatski jezični portal
- Skok, Petar (1971) “а”, in Etimologijski rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika [Etymological Dictionary of the Croatian or Serbian Language] (in Serbo-Croatian), volumes 1 (A – J), Zagreb: JAZU, page 1
Southern Altai
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
Tundra Nenets
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
- IPA(key): [a]
Audio (file)
Etymology 1
See Translingual section.
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
See also
а • (a)
а (a) (lower case, upper case А)
Western Mari
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)
а • (a) (lower case, upper case А)