



  1. Obsolete typography of som.
    • 1775 February 16, “Florens, d. 14 Januarii”, in Stockholms Weckoblad, page 3:
      Från Conſtantinopel berättas, at beſätningen af tre Ryſka orlogs-ſkep, ſom inluvit der i hamnen, blifwit af Turkiſka menigheten och äfwen af ſielſwa Janiſſarerne ganſka illa medfarne; hwilket likwäl icke måtte kunna förorſaka något upbrot emellan bägge Magterne.
      It is told from Constantinople that the crew of three Russian warships, which entered the harbor there, were treated quite badly by the Turkish congregation and also by the Janissaries themselves; which nevertheless must not be able to cause any upheaval between the two powers.
    • 1787, Johan Henric Kellgren, Underrättelse om det, som bör iagttagas af de hvilka åtagit sig at arbeta på den Svenska Ordaboken, page 2:
      Conj. ſpringa, ſprungit, ſprang: De ſom äro irregularia anmärkas, ſåſom kunna, kunnat, kunde, och bör detta anmärkande ſträckas til alla de böjningar, i hvad tempus det vara må, ſom afvika från den allmänna reglen.
      Conjugation run, ran, ran: Those that are irregularia are noted, such as can, could, couth, and this remark should be extended to all the inflections, in whatever tense it may be, that deviate from the general rule.
    • 1792 September 3, “Paris d. 19 Aug. [Paris the 19 Aug.]”, in Götheborgs Tidningar, page 2:
      Hr Dumouriez har i Fayettes ſtaͤlle, ſom blifvit foͤrklarad fogelfri, fått befaͤlet oͤfwer hans Armee.
      Mr. Dumouriez has in place of Fayette, who has been declared an outlaw, assumed the command over his army.
    • 1860 August 11, “Botmedel mot kolera [Cure for cholera]”, in Skara Nya Tidning:
      Alla de, ſom under ſjukdomen dagligen intogo 2 gran etiope, blefwo bewarade ifrån ſjukdomen.
      All those who, during the disease, took 2 grain of ethiope daily, were preserved from the disease.
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