Public transportation

This article is about local travel. For information on long-distance trains and buses, see Rail travel and Bus travel. For rail transportation systems which are an attraction in their own right, See urban rail adventures.

Public transportation is a system of scheduled passenger transportation that allows for strangers travelling together on the same route in the same vehicle. In big cities it is often provided by buses, different rail systems (such as metro, commuter rail and trams), and it may be provided also by funiculars, monorail, ferries and other more unusual modes of transport.

London Underground Overground DLR Crossrail map

Depending on the country, commuter rail can be virtually identical to longer-distance trains while mostly fulfilling an urban rail role. Ticketing can be integrated with railways (e.g. in Germany), with other local and regional transport, or separate (e.g. in most of the U.S.A.).

While comfort and reliability vary a lot, in Europe and East Asia, it is usually the most practical way to get around in large cities.


Public transport networks are often government-subsidized and carry large numbers of passengers. These systems almost always cost less than taxicabs and are often both faster than driving and cheaper than paying for parking. However, there are fairly often problems with overcrowding, especially at rush hours. So as the quotable late New York Yankees baseball player Yogi Berra used to say: "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."

With oil prices generally on the rise, and political concern for environmental protection and CO2 emissions becoming more and more important, almost all countries and cities that have rapid transit systems are in the process of upgrading, modernizing and expanding their networks, in some cases very rapidly. Unfortunately, this can also mean construction sites that slow down traffic, and information about a public transit system can be outdated despite being only a few years or even months old.

Nearly all public transport systems include buses and those of big cities usually some kind of urban rail (trams, metro, commuter rail). Long-distance trains and ferry harbours are usually well-served by public transport, and in countries with well-developed public transport, usually also the airports are.

Often all kinds of public transport in a city or metropolitan area use a common ticket system, which makes transfers smooth and avoids the need to plan on what lines to use at the time of buying a ticket or a day pass. Sometimes a long-distance train ticket already includes rides on the public transport systems of your departure and origin city to enable "door to door" travel, perhaps as an optional add-on.

Some see the iconic maps of the New York Subway or London Underground for the first time and get intimidated. They see a mishmash of colors and can't make head or tail of it. But once it's explained to them, they get their head around it. Not only is it not that complicated, it's actually brilliant. Soon they'll be doing it like an expert, knowing where to switch lines in order to conveniently get to their destination.

Types of public transportation

Public transportation is provided by many types of vehicles. Each of these methods is used in some cities, and it is fairly common for a single city to combine several. For example, Shanghai's system mainly uses underground rail lines downtown and elevated lines in the suburbs, and it also includes an extensive bus network, a fast magnetic levitation rail line to Pudong Airport and a tram system in one suburban neighborhood.

Nearly all such systems offer convenient connections to other transport. For local travel, most metro stations have bus or tram stops nearby, some have a major terminus for buses or trams, and many have a taxi stand. For long distance travel, nearly all rapid transit systems offer convenient connections to railway stations and airports. In London, for example, all the railway terminals and Heathrow Airport are on the underground, and the other airports can be reached by trains which depart from underground stations.

Rail vehicles

Rapid transit or metro is a local passenger rail network with grade separation from other traffic. The terms subway and underground indicate that many rapid transit lines go below ground. However, by no means all transit lines are underground (regardless of name); elevated and surface rail is widely used as well. Fully grade separated rail systems are the only ones to commonly be operated automatically.

Wuppertal Suspension Railway

Light rail typically moves at ground level, often with small vehicles of shorter range, known as trams or streetcars. Tracks can either be in the street, or on a separate trackbed. The first trams in the early 19th century were horse-drawn or steam-powered, but nowadays nearly all use electric motors. They fell from favor with the rise of the automobile but are experiencing a renaissance, starting in France in the 1970s. Some notable examples of cities with light rail networks are Barcelona, Cologne, St. Petersburg, Berlin, Sarajevo, Amsterdam, Denver, Vienna, Manchester, Melbourne, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Sydney, Toronto, New Orleans and Lisbon. In Belgium one single line connects the entire coast end to end. Streetcars experienced a renaissance starting in France in the 1970s and many cities in Europe now have comprehensive systems that are often not only the cheapest and most environmentally friendly but also the fastest way around town. Central and Eastern Europe also tend to have dense networks as they were slower to dismantle their streetcar systems and are almost universally reinvigorating and modernizing their systems, sometimes even building new lines that run on dedicated tracks.

Commuter trains, sometimes known as suburban rail, are local passenger trains, either on the national rail network, or on dedicated regional networks. While commuter trains are usually part of the local transit ticket system, furnishing is minimal; toilets and refreshments are usually absent. The German term S-Bahn has spread to other German-speaking countries as well and inspired terms such as Esko (Prague) or S-Tog (Copenhagen). In North America commuter train systems are often known by the acronym of the governing authority, e.g. BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) in the San Francisco Bay Area and GO trains in the Toronto region. Some may only run trains during the rush hour in the peak direction.

Airport Express lines connect far-flung airports to the respective city centres with fewer stops than a regular commuter rail service, and are often more expensive as well. These often work out faster than taking a taxi given the heavy traffic, and have designated racks to put your luggage. Some cities with airport express lines include London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Taipei, Beijing and Kuala Lumpur.

Unusual forms of rail are sometimes used, for single lines if not whole systems. For example,

  • Seattle built an elevated monorail line for the 1962 World's Fair that is still in service;
  • Chongqing has several monorail lines; Shanghai has a magnetic levitation line to Pudong Airport with speeds over 400 km/h (250 mph);
  • the German city of Wuppertal has had a suspension railway since 1901; and
  • Morgantown, West Virginia, USA, has a Personal Rapid Transit system.
  • Some very hilly cities and a number of cities in developing countries also use funicular railways to climb steep inclines. Some famous funiculars can be found in Hong Kong, Wellington, Lisbon, Naples and Istanbul.

Road vehicles

Double-decker tram and bus in Hong Kong

Buses are used in most public transport systems. Some have double-decker buses, which can give a great view. Especially in suburbs and smaller cities, buses may be the only form of public transport.

There are variants of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) where buses have dedicated infrastructure. Much of Ottawa's system uses buses on dedicated roads called the Transitway while cities such as Xiamen have Bus Rapid Transit using elevated bus-only roads. Other notable examples of BRT are found in Curitiba and Bogotá, which first brought BRT to the mainstream. BRT is distinguished from normal bus service by using dedicated lanes, traffic signal preemption, offboard fare collection, and stations with level boarding, and is often given distinctive branding. Proponents of BRT argue that it offers similar benefits to rail, at much lower cost, while being faster to implement. Not all such traffic runs on bus-only roads; often some lanes on normal roads are restricted to buses, at least during rush hours, and in some systems the core has special roads but out at the periphery the buses continue via normal roads. Given the inherent perception of the term, BRT is sometimes applied by local government or opponents of rail transit as a term for systems hardly distinct from regular bus systems. The Netherlands also has its form of BRT, mainly served by R-net.

Trolleybuses don't run on rails either but as their motive power is provided through overhead wires, their mobility is tied to a pre-built network much like that of systems running on rails. They were an important part of public transportation in the former eastern bloc and remain important in those countries as well as in Canada, China and Switzerland. The Dutch city of Arnhem is well known for its trolley buses, with "trolleystad" - meaning trolley city - being its nickname.

Other systems

CableBus system in Mexico City

Cable cars or aerial passenger tramways carry passengers high above crowded streets. While they often offer spectacular views and may be the only way to get up steep slopes, their maintenance may prove challenging. Cities with such systems include Dresden, Medellin, Mexico City, Hong Kong and Taipei.

While escalators and elevators are usually set up for indoor transportation, they are part of the public transportation system (sometimes with a ticket required) in some hilly cities such as Hong Kong and Valletta.

Ferries are used for public transportation in waterfront locations, such as Venice, Lisbon, Sydney, the San Francisco Bay Area and the Stockholm archipelago. A variant of this form of transport is the river bus, which is a major backbone of the public transportation network in Bangkok.

Get in

Now you can pay with a credit/debit card, or even with smartphone, when entering the New York City subway

To ride public transport, you usually need a ticket. Sometimes you need to validate it separately. Where to buy it and how to validate it varies. Tickets are usually available from offices of the responsible agency and at railway and underground stations. They are often available also from a network of other places, such as the R-kiosks in Helsinki. Sometimes you can buy the ticket from the driver or a separate conductor.

The same tickets may be valid for different kinds of transport, often with transfers included, such as any transfer within an hour or two. There may be different tickets depending on what mode of transport you want to use, whether you belong to some discount group (such as children) and what geographic zones you will be riding to or through (such as cheaper tickets for rides in the city center only).

Sometimes there are both lines operated by the city or regional council and independent lines, which may use the same tickets or their own. Regional trains may be part of the city's public transport system, the national railroad system or both.

In the simplest case, you pay the driver or a separate conductor by cash, app or card on boarding, or (where stops aren't too close one to another) a conductor collects the fees en route. In many cases though, the ticket must be bought beforehand, or is cheaper when bought beforehand. Day passes and other multi-use tickets are often not available on boarding, and are sometimes much cheaper than buying multiple single tickets. If you want to pay by app, you need to have that app installed; there may be a specific one for the ticketing system (perhaps shared by a number of cities in the region), or some general mobile payment app may be accepted.

For underground lines, and sometimes for local trains, you may need a ticket already to be allowed to the platforms; there may be turnstiles as a barrier, or you may be treated as a stowaway if encountered without a valid ticket. Often, tickets can be bought in the area in front of the turnstiles.

Especially if tickets are valid for a certain time, allowing transfers, they may need to be validated at or before boarding the transport, or before entering the platform: the ticket must be tapped, swiped, or inserted into a machine to be valid (and perhaps for the turnstile to let you onto the platform). In some systems this validation needs to be done again on transfers, in other systems a new validation will deactivate the ticket or activate a new ride on a multi-use ticket. Single tickets may be automatically validated when issued.

Your ticket's validity may be checked by the driver or conductor, perhaps by your showing it to a machine on boarding, or only by inspectors that turn up randomly. In the latter case there may be a hefty fine for riding without a valid ticket.

Before you go

Before starting a journey, try to learn the local names for words like "Entrance", "Exit" and check the types and local names of public transport in that city or country. If you are visiting multiple cities in the same country, do not assume that the protocol for buying tickets is the same in all cities - for example, tickets can be bought on the S-Bahn trains in Cologne, in Frankfurt they are bought before you go onto the platform while in Munich you validate your ticket once you are on the platform and before you enter the train.

Get out

There are also different ways to leave the system. Some systems require riders to tap or insert a card or ticket into a machine before leaving the system, too, while others put no impediment whatsoever in the path of departing commuters or simply require them to walk through a door or turnstile. Even if you can physically leave without tapping your card again, you might need to do so to make sure you're charged the right fare.

What riders may carry

Sign on Singapore MRT outlawing the very smelly durian fruit

There are all sorts of different regulations as to what you may or may not carry into a train or bus and whether it does or does not incur an additional charge. Many transportation systems allow riders to carry bicycles with them onto the vehicle, at least outside of rush hours, for free or for an additional fee. In Berlin, for example, bicycles are welcome anytime but require a separate bicycle ticket, on penalty of a large fine. Dangerous objects may be more strictly regulated than in the street. Carrying a hamburger, an ice cream cone, or other potentially messy food on board is often forbidden – and seldom appreciated. Eating on board may be disallowed also otherwise.

Public transportation systems often have harsher rules of order than other public areas, usually banning alcoholic beverages, but this varies between different systems. Travelling with pets may be restricted: for example, some systems, such as New York's, require all pets to be brought in carriers, rather than merely leashed or hand-held, though small dogs that can fit in a handbag are OK as long as they stay there. In German cities such as Berlin, however, a single ticket is specifically noted to be good for one person and one dog (extra reduced-fare tickets are needed for additional dogs), and dogs need only be leashed. In some countries, dogs are required to wear muzzles on public transport. Regulations for service animals are quite often more liberal than regulations for pets.


Urban rail

See Urban rail adventures for urban rail systems beyond the usual.

The oldest urban rail systems in the world (the London Underground, New York City Subway, Paris Metro, Berlin U-Bahn, Moscow Metro...) have many historical stations that are masterpieces of architecture and design in their own right. For example, Paris' famous Art Nouveau station entrances, London's Art Deco ticket halls and Moscow's cathedral-like platforms are seen as integral parts of their respective cities' heritage.

Some rapid transit systems, such as Moscow and New York City have public art on permanent display, making them interesting destinations in their own right. See Stockholm Metro for a presentation.

Some systems also display short poems or excerpts from longer poems and descriptive prose in train carriages, which was started by the London Tube as "Poems on the Underground", continued by the MTA as "Poetry in Motion" on New York's Subway and adopted by other mass transit systems around the world.

Riding on systems with elevated lines can be a cheap and cheerful way of seeing the sights of a city from a good vantage point instead of forking out for a costly open-top bus or river tour. Notable examples include much of Chicago's L system, lines 2 and 6 of the Paris Metro and the Docklands Light Railway in east London.

One inherent advantage of light rail/trams over underground systems is the better views, and there are often routes that are worth taking for the views alone. One of the most notable examples of this is Melbourne tram route 35 (City Circle tram), which is a free tourist tram that does a full loop of the city.



Musicians on the platform of the F subway train at Delancey Street station, New York

Some rapid transit systems are well known for buskers or more formally organized performances. Among the systems where you can hear some high-quality performances by buskers in corridors are the London Tube and the Paris Metro. New York City is one of the places where there is a formal system for selecting approved performers. Every year, there are auditions at Grand Central Terminal for Music Under New York, which gives artists a chance to perform on a regular schedule without hassles by the police, while they display the official logo of the program. The London Underground also has designated sites in prominent areas where licensed buskers can perform.

Stay safe

Traveling via public transportation is a practical and economical way to navigate cities and towns. Unfortunately, there remains a slight risk of encountering criminal activities during your journey. Implementing simple precautions and staying alert, mostly the same as in any crowded area, can greatly reduce these risks and ensure a safe and enjoyable ride.

Firstly, pay heed to your appearance and possessions. Blending in with locals and avoiding flashy clothing or accessories reduces the likelihood of drawing unnecessary attention from potential wrongdoers. Carrying only essential items and keeping them close to your person prevents losses due to pickpocketing or snatch-theft. Opt for front pants pockets, a purse kept firmly under your arm, or a concealed money belt to store valuable documents, electronics, and cash.

Secondly, if you travel in insecure regions or late at night, plan your route ahead of time and select well-populated carriages or sections of public transport vehicles. Sitting near other passengers or staff members tends to deter criminals looking for easy targets. Remain cautious when traveling alone late at night, choosing routes serviced by frequent departures and brightly illuminated stops. Trust your instincts and switch seats or exit the vehicle if someone makes you feel uncomfortable.

Thirdly, practice situational awareness while riding public transportation. Stay tuned in to announcements, observe fellow passengers' behaviors, and identify escape routes or emergency call buttons in case of sudden danger. Avoid deep conversations with strangers that may distract you from observing suspicious activities occurring around you. If confronted by an assailant, refrain from resisting physically unless absolutely necessary, as injuries can worsen the situation. Instead, prioritize verbal de-escalation techniques and cooperate until help arrives.

Additionally, take note of the condition and cleanliness of public transportation vehicles and stations. Poorly-maintained infrastructure may indicate lax security protocols, attracting criminal elements. Similarly, overflowing trash bins, broken fixtures, and dim lighting suggest neglected premises, increasing vulnerability to theft and violence. Report any such observations to the appropriate authorities and seek alternative modes of transportation if required.

Also, try to learn about general attitudes towards public transport among the local population. For instance, in many American cities, public transport is primarily seen as a form of social welfare for those too poor to afford a car, and hence mainly serves people from poorer socio-economic backgrounds. This means that they suffer from a chronic lack of investment, and often leave much to be desired in terms of security and cleanliness. On the other hand, in major East Asian cities like Tokyo, Hong Kong, Taipei and Shanghai, public transportation is well-maintained and frequently used by people of all socio-economic backgrounds.


Security routines on stations and on board are usually harsher than in other public places. In high-risk areas, ticket gates might have metal detectors or body searches. Behavior accepted in the streets (drinking alcohol, begging, soliciting etc) might be prohibited in stations and vehicles. Staff might require ID from passengers, and forcefully eject (or even detain) passengers for intoxication, disorderly behavior, or for absence of a proper ticket.

Specific risks

Pickpocketing is possible on public transportation. Follow the usual principles: Try to avoid displaying yourself as an out-of-town traveller, don't carry more baggage than you can keep track of, keep valuables near your body, and never put anything you don't want to lose in your back pants pockets or jacket pockets, only your front pants pockets or a money belt.

Another hazard of some rapid transit systems, especially in crowded trains, is molestation. It's to be expected that in very crowded systems during rush hour, people will be mashed against each other, but that is no excuse for someone to deliberately touch a stranger's private parts. Some rapid-transit systems, such as in Tokyo, Mexico City, Dubai and Delhi, have women-only areas. Others, like New York's, post and play announcements against molestation and advise victims not to remain silent. If you are being molested in a crowded metro car, speak up, and the rest of the passengers will generally support you.

An obvious danger is falling onto the tracks. These (or a third rail on the side) are often electrified, so touching them can be fatal. Additionally, being struck by a train is also likely, considering the high frequency of services. If you accidentally drop anything onto the tracks, inform the station staff and make no attempt to retrieve the item yourself, no matter how valuable it is.

Many rapid transport systems have installed automatic doors between the platform and the tracks, such as in Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong or Singapore. This is done for general safety and also to prevent suicides. However, do not be surprised if some stations on a network lack such doors.

Peak hour on the Seoul subway

Generally speaking, if you get stuck in a train door owing to a crowded compartment, the train will not move and will open the door again. However, there have been cases, such as in Shanghai, when people have died after the train started to move whilst they were caught in the door, so you should not rely on such safety measures. This is especially important if you travel with children, whose limbs may be too small to be detected by the door locking system. In buses, the driver's view may be obstructed by passengers so that a child is hard to see.

Crowding is a risk factor for all of the above. So if you have the chance, do yourself and everyone else a favor and avoid rides during rush hour (usually 07:00-09:00 and 16:00-18:00 on weekdays and for major public events), or wait for a less crowded train.

The crowds on public transport create a risk for infectious diseases to spread through aerosols or physical contact. This has long been a concern in many countries in Asia, and became an international risk factor during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Shutdowns can be done for various reasons: renovation, security incidents, crashes, strikes, or severe weather. If you have time, read the local news, or the carrier's website, to learn about disruptions.

Planned shutdowns (usually for renovation or maintenance) tend to have better information and replacement service than the unplanned ones.

In the best case, a closed rail line can be replaced by buses, which tend to be more irregular, crowded and time-consuming than the regular service.


See also: Respect#Public transport

Etiquette for public transit systems varies from system to system. For instance, in non-pandemic times, while eating on the train is acceptable in London as long as you are not making a mess, consumption of food is prohibited on public transport in Hong Kong. Likewise, while it is common for people to talk on the phone in Chicago, talking on the phone is prohibited while on trains in Tokyo. Where phone calls are allowed, don't talk loudly on the phone.

Show consideration for your fellow passengers: don't block aisles or take up multiple seats. Don't listen to loud music, and if at any point you realise you don't know what to do or where to go, get out of the way of those who do. Move away from the doors if you aren't getting off soon, so that you don't contribute to congestion there. Try to have your ticket or exact change ready.

Able-bodied travellers should give up their seats for travellers who are elderly, pregnant, disabled, or otherwise in need of rest. Some seats might be marked as "priority seats" for those with special needs, with text or pictograms.

Articles on public transit systems

Some large cities and countries have complex transportation systems described in a whole article.

See Rail travel for articles on rail travel by country

Museums covering urban rail

Hanover Tramway Museum, partial view
New York Transit museum covers all the history of New York City Subway.

Other options

Other options, such as cycling, taxis or guided tours may provide more comfort or flexibility.

Rapid transit
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