Szob (German: Zopp an der Donau, Slovak: Soba) is a town in the Danube Bend region, on the border with Slovakia.
Szob was first mentioned in 1280. It was elevated to town status in 2000.
Get in
By train
Trains S70 , G70 and Z70 are available in every 30 minutes (weekdays) / hourly (weekends) from Budapest-Nyugati pályaudvar via Vác. The journey from Budapest takes one hour and costs 1300 Ft. Other direct connections are:
- Toward west: there are direct international trains to Praha (Czech Republic) via Štúrovo, Nové Zámky, Bratislava (Slovakia) and Brno in every two hours, to Hamburg (Germany) via Dresden and Berlin once a day, and to Terespol (Poland) via Katowice and Warszawa once a day.
🌍 Szob Train Station, Ipolysági út 19, ☏ +36 1 349-4949, 03:00–23:00.
By ferry
- 🌍 Szob ferry pier (Szobi RÉV), Szob, Rév utca (from Train Station/Bus Station go to the center at OTP Bank (also ATM 24 hr) follow the sign on Rév street 300 m), ☏ +36 30 9144195. Apr-Oct daily 06:40, 8:40-18:40, hourly. Car ferries from Pilismarót. Fees: Adult/car/bike: Ft420/1500/420.
Get around
There is no local public transport service. You can use the regional buses operated by Volánbusz.
By narrow-gauge train
There is a 21 km (13 mi) long narrow-gauge railway between Szob and Nagybörzsöny operated by two companies. Bezina Valley Forest Railway (Bezina-völgyi Erdei Vasút) operates narrow-gauge trains between Szob and Nagyírtáspuszta. Nagybörzsöny Forest Railway (Nagybörzsönyi Erdei Vasút) operates narrow-gauge trains between Nagyírtáspuszta and Nagybörzsöny. The trains are operated only between March 15 and November 3 on Saturdays, Sundays, and on specific Fridays. The ticket costs for adult: 600 Ft–2300 Ft; for senior, student: 500 Ft–2000 Ft; for children: 400 Ft–1600 Ft (depending on the distance).
- 🌍 Szob narrow-gauge railway station, ☏ +36 20 250-1279,
- 🌍 Nagyírtáspuszta narrow-gauge railway station.
- 🌍 Nagybörzsöny narrow-gauge railway station, ☏ +36 20 380-7795,
Kemence Forest Museum Railway (Kemencei Erdei Múzeumvasút) operates narrow-gauge trains between Kemence and Feketevölgy. This is a unique 600 mm (24 in) narrow gauge railway at Hungary: all of jobs are done by volunteers. The trains are operated only between April 6 and October 27 on Saturdays and Sundays. The ticket costs for adult: 400 Ft–1100 Ft; for student: 300 Ft–750 Ft (depending on the distance).
- 🌍 Kemence narrow-gauge railway station, ☏ +36 20 586-5242, Adult: 300 Ft, children: 150 Ft.
- 🌍 Feketevölgy narrow-gauge railway station.
In Szob:
- 🌍 Börzsöny Museum (Börzsöny Közérdekű Muzeális Gyűjtemény), Szent László utca 14, ☏ +36 27 370-408, Tu–F 09:00–16:00, Sa Su 09:00–17:00. The museum presents the wildlife, ethnography, archaeological and historical finds of Börzsöny mountain range. The Ipoly Valley folk costume, pottery and peasant furniture are on display. Adult: 600 Ft; senior, student: 300 Ft.
- 🌍 Luczenbacher Mansion (Luczenbacher-kastély), Árpád utca 19. Built in Baroque style in the 18th century. Later it was converted to Classicist, and then neo-Baroque style in 1904 according to plans of Ignác Alpár.
- 🌍 Saint Ladislaus Roman Catholic Church (Szent László király római katolikus templom), Szent László utca. Built between 1775–1778 in Baroque style.
- 🌍 Calvary (Kálvária), Kálvária utca. Nice view to the Danube.
In Bernecebaráti:
- 🌍 Heritage House (Tájház), Széchenyi út 14, Bernecebaráti.
- 🌍 Huszár Mansion (Huszár-kastély), Széchenyi út 23, Bernecebaráti. Built at the end of the 18th century in Baroque style.
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), Templom utca, Bernecebaráti. Built in the 14th century in Gothic style. Converted to Baroque style around 1770.
In Ipolydamásd:
- 🌍 Ruins of Ipolydamásd Castle (Ipolydamásdi-vár romjai), Ipolydamásd. Ruins of a medieval castle from the 13th century.
In Kemence:
- 🌍 Local History Collection (Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény), Fő utca 165, Kemence, ☏ +36 70 639-8482. May–Oct: Tu–F 08:00–17:00, Sa Su 10:00–16:00 (by appointment). Former county hall, now a school. Built in 1751 in Baroque style. Converted into Romantic style in 1858. Adult: 200 Ft; student: 100 Ft.
- 🌍 Heritage House (Tájház), Fő utca 244, Kemence, ☏ +36 70 639-8482. Tu–F 08:00–17:00, Sa 10:00–14:00. Old usage tools and folk furnitures can be seen here. Adult: 200 Ft; senior, student: 100 Ft.
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), Fő utca, Kemence. Built in 1769 in Baroque style, converted to Classicist style between 1810–1812.
- 🌍 Church Ruins (Templomrom), Fő utca 270, Kemence. Built in the 15th century in Gothic style.
In Márianosztra:
- 🌍 Our Lady of Hungary Basilica (Magyarok Nagyasszonya-bazilika), Nagy Lajos király tér 1, Márianosztra, ☏ +36 27 370-771. One of the most popular religion places in Hungary. Inside the church, there is a copy of the holy-picture from the Church of Czestochowa. The village got it as a gift from the Polish congregation. The Baroque friary is the third greatest one in the country.
- 🌍 Pauline and Prison History Exhibition (Pálos- és börtöntörténeti kiállítás), Pálosok tere 1, Márianosztra, ☏ +36 27 620-400, Apr–Oct: 09:00–17:00. Former Pauline Monastery. Today there is a prison in the building. Here you can find an exhibition about the history of the prison. Adult: 300 Ft; senior, student: 150 Ft.
- 🌍 Village House (Faluház), Miklós utca 2, Márianosztra, ☏ +36 27 370-496, W–Su 09:00–12:00 13:00–17:00. The presented ethnographic values were collected by local amateur ethnographers. The collection is exhibited in an old folk dwelling house. Adult: 100 Ft, children: free.
- 🌍 Calvary Chapel (Kálvária Kápolna), Kálváriahegy, Márianosztra. Built between 1759-1779 in Baroque style.
- 🌍 Maria Well (Mária-kút), Máriakút, Márianosztra.
In Nagybörzsöny:
- 🌍 Heritage House (Tájház), József Attila utca 40, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 20 362-3914. W–Su 10:00–16:00. Built in the 17th century. The exhibition shows the history of the local mining industry, wine production and crafts, and fine art wood carvings.
- 🌍 Watermill (Vízimalom), Hunyadi tér 10, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 20 327-9295, Tu–Su 10:00–18:00. Built in 1851. The watermill is still working. The former millhouse with the stable hosts an exhibition. Adult: 400 Ft, children: 200 Ft.
- 🌍 Lace Carvings (Csipkefaragások), Széchenyi utca 3, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 30 451-7084. 09:00–19:00. Géza Kókai's exhibition of fine wood carvings.
- 🌍 Mesekerámia, Petőfi utca 59, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 70 616-1640, Tu–Su 10:00–19:00. Exhibition of fairy-tale sculptures made of ceramic figures. Free entrance.
- 🌍 Bárókút Petting Zoo (Bárókút Állatsimogató), Széchenyi utca, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 20 362-3914, 10:00–16:00.
- 🌍 Saint Stephen Church (Szent István-templom), Petőfi utca, Nagybörzsöny. This is an Árpád-age gothic church, built in the 13th century. The church is surrounded by stone walls.
- 🌍 Saint Nicholas Roman Catholic Church (Szent Miklós római katolikus templom), Templom tér, Nagybörzsöny. Built in Baroque style between 1782 to 1788.
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church of Miners (Római katolikus bányásztemplom), József Attila utca 1, Nagybörzsöny. Gothic style, built in the 14th century.
- 🌍 Lutheran Church (Evangélikus templom), Széchenyi tér 11, Nagybörzsöny. Classicist style, built in the 18th century.
In Perőcsény:
- 🌍 Csóványos. The largest mountain in Börzsöny mountain range, 938 m (3,077 ft) a.s.l. There is an observation tower.
- 🌍 Ruins of Salgóvár (Salgóvár romjai). Ruins of a medieval castle in Börzsöny mountain range, 730 m (2,400 ft) a.s.l.
In Vámosmikola:
- 🌍 Szob Attila József Community House (Szobi József Attila Művelődési Ház), Árpád utca 17, ☏ +36 70 442-6678, Tu–F 12:00–18:00.
- 🌍 Duna-Ipoly Swimming Pool (Duna-Ipoly Tanuszoda), Széchenyi sétány, ☏ +36 30 699-9785, M–F 08:00–20:00, Sa Su 08:00–18:00. Adult: 1200 Ft; senior, student: 850 Ft.
- 🌍 Malomkert Riding Hall, Malomkert telep.
- 🌍 Nagybörzsöny Fishing Lake, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 20 458-9893,
- 🌍 Nagyvölgy Bath, Nagyvölgy, Kemence, ☏ +36 30 535-4705, Jun–Aug: 10:00–20:00. Adult: 950 Ft, student: 780 Ft, children: 500 Ft.
- 🌍 Get Out in Kemence (Szabadulj Ki Kemencén), Dózsa György utca 10, Kemence, ☏ +36 20 396-0634, Escape game. 5000 Ft.
- Szob Town's Days and Ipoly Fest (Szobi Városnapok és Ipoly Feszt), ☏ +36 70 442-6678, In June.
- RockBörzsöny, Nagybörzsöny. In September.
- 🌍 CBA, Árpád utca 1. M–Sa 06:00–18:00.
- 🌍 Coop, Arany János utca 11, ☏ +36 30 171-8862. M–F 06:00–19:00, Sa 06:00–17:00, Su 07:00–12:00.
- 🌍 Oszi-bolt, Kossuth utca 23, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 27 378-046, M–F 06:00–17:00, Sa 06:00–12:00. Grocery.
- 🌍 Lek-vár-lak, Hunyadi tér 21, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 20 405-5904, Tu–F 08:00–16:00, Sa Su 10:00–17:00. Syrups, jams.
This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under 1700 Ft |
Mid-range | 1700 Ft–2000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 2000 Ft |
- 🌍 Zátony Restaurant, Rév utca 12, ☏ +36 30 703-4244, F 16:00–21:00, Sa 12:00–21:00, Su 12:00–18:00. Fast food bar. 1500 Ft, hamburger: 990 Ft.
- 🌍 Vörös Tölgy, Àrpád utca 1, Vámosmikola, ☏ +36 27 376-282. M–Th Su 10:00–21:00, F Sa 10:00–00:00. Pizzeria and fast food bar. Pizza: 1350 Ft, hamburger: 550 Ft.

- 🌍 Nádas Falatozó, Árpád utca 16, ☏ +36 27 630-860, M 11:00–16:00, Tu–Su 11:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant. 1550 Ft, hamburger: 710 Ft, lunch menu: 1050 Ft.
- 🌍 Gyros Terasz, Hunyadi tér 45, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 30 633-2853. M–Th Su 11:00–21:00, F Sa 11:00–23:00. Fast food bar and pizzeria. Pizza: 1550 Ft, hamburger: 550 Ft.
- 🌍 Herfli Pub and Pizzeria, Árpád út 20, ☏ +36 70 282-3437. M–Th 11:00–22:00, F Sa 11:00–00:00, Su 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 1700 Ft, pizza: 1550 Ft, hamburger: 400 Ft.
- 🌍 Egy Falat Restaurant (Egy Falat Vendéglő), Dózsa György út 48, Letkés, ☏ +36 30 894-9318, Tu–Su 12:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 1690 Ft, pizza: 1450 Ft.
- 🌍 Kis Róza Restaurant, Kossuth Lajos utca 40, Márianosztra, ☏ +36 30 613-7098, W–Su 11:30–19:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 1790 Ft, pizza: 1490 Ft, hamburger: 890 Ft.
- 🌍 Szobi Jégvarázs, Rév utca 12, ☏ +36 30 531-9821. F–Su 10:00–18:00.
- 🌍 Happy Caffee, Hunyadi tér 45, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 30 509-7898. M–Th Su 08:00–20:00, F Sa 08:00–22:00.

- 🌍 Neti Pub, Dózsa György utca 37, ☏ +36 30 702-9888. 06:00–22:00.
- 🌍 Atilla's Pub (Atilla Korcsmája), Petőfi utca 18, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 30 350-9936, Tu–Th 13:00–20:00, F 13:00–21:00, Sa 11:00–21:00, Su 11:00–20:00.
- 🌍 Bistro, Kossuth Lajos utca 34, Márianosztra. 06:00–22:00.
- 🌍 , Csarnavölgyi út 9-11, Kemence, ☏ +36 27 325-134. M–Th Su 06:30–20:30, F Sa 06:30–23:30.
- 🌍 Malomkő Pub, Fő út 81, Kemence, ☏ +36 30 350-8846, M–Sa 06:00–20:00, Su 07:00–19:00.
- 🌍 Stop Pub, Dózsa György út 20, Letkés, ☏ +36 70 397-4838. M W Th 06:00–21:00, Tu 06:00–09:00 15:00–21:00, F 06:00–23:00, Sa 07:00–12:00 15:00–23:00, Su 07:00–12:00 15:00–21:00.
- 🌍 Tűzkakas Pub, Ipolysági út 3, Vámosmikola, ☏ +36 30 892-0593. M–Th 05:00–23:00, F 05:00–00:00, Sa 06:00–00:00, Su 06:00–23:00.
- 🌍 Ventura Pub, Madách út 7, Bernecebaráti, ☏ +36 30 331-6652. 05:00–23:00.
This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | Under 9000 Ft |
Mid-range | 9000 Ft–14,000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 14,000 Ft |
- 🌍 Ipolyfalu Camping, Park utca 11, ☏ +36 30 670-6272, Apr 12–Oct 15. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 3000 Ft, double room: 5600 Ft.
- 🌍 Malomvölgy Youth Camp (Malomvölgyi Ifjúsági Tábor), Malomvölgy telep, ☏ +36 70 622-5709, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Wooden house for two persons: 6000 Ft.
- 🌍 Baráti Guesthouse, Madách út 32, Bernecebaráti, ☏ +36 30 999-8795, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 6 rooms. Single room: 3700 Ft, double room: 7400 Ft.
- 🌍 Butella Apartment, Présházsor, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 70 372-5943, Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 11:00. Apartment for two persons: 7000 Ft.
- 🌍 Hétszilvafás Guesthouse, Kossuth utca 23, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 27 378-046, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 3 apartments. Single room: 3900 Ft, double room: 7800 Ft.
- 🌍 Jobb mint otthon Guesthouse, Árpád utca 8, Vámosmikola, ☏ +36 70 386-2549, Check-in: 08:00, check-out: 18:00. 2 apartments. Double room: 8000 Ft.
- 🌍 Gábor Guesthouse, Fő utca 184, Kemence, ☏ +36 20 568-9175. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 10:30. 2 apartments. Single room: 7500 Ft, double room: 11,000 Ft.
- 🌍 Kisirtáspuszta Hostel and Camping (Kisirtáspusztai hegyi menedékház és táborhely), Kisirtáspuszta, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 20 347-6869, 5400 Ft per person.
- 🌍 Kőrózsa Guesthouse, Nagyvölgy, Kemence, ☏ +36 27 365-127, 30 rooms. Single room: 7000 Ft, double room: 12,000 Ft.
- 🌍 Márianosztra Inn (Márianosztrai Fogadóépület és Szálláshely), Márianosztra, ☏ +36 20 224-7257, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 3 rooms. Double room: 9000 Ft.
- 🌍 Mathias Lovasudvar, Királyháza, Kemence, ☏ +36 27 365-139, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 10 rooms. Horse riding and tennis playing. Double room: 11,000 Ft.
- 🌍 Pál Domszky Mattress Hostel (Domszky Pál Matracszállás), Széchenyi út, Bernecebaráti, ☏ +36 27 365-161, 4300 Ft per person.
- 🌍 Édes Otthon Guesthouse, Hunyadi tér 21, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 20 405-5904, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 7 rooms. Single room: 12,500 Ft, double room: 16,000 Ft.
- 🌍 Feketevölgy Guesthouse, Feketevölgy, Perőcsény, ☏ +36 30 520-0277, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 17 rooms. Double room: 27,500 Ft.
- 🌍 Malomkert Guesthouse and Restaurant, Hunyadi tér 18, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 20 420-4112, Restaurant: M–Th Su 11:00–21:00, F Sa 11:00–22:00. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. 38 rooms. Traditional restaurant. Single room: 8990 Ft, double room: 13,980 Ft, average meal: 2140 Ft.
- 🌍 Sport Inn (Sportfogadó), Fő út 83, Kemence, ☏ +36 30 275-4600, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 11 rooms. Single room: 8000 Ft, double room: 15,000 Ft.
- 🌍 Szalamandra Holiday Houses (Szalamandra Üdülőházak), Nagyvölgy, Kemence, ☏ +36 70 334-9797, Wooden house for two persons: 17,500 Ft.
- 🌍 Szent Orbán Erdei Wellness Hotel, Nagyírtáspuszta, Nagybörzsöny, ☏ +36 27 378-034, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 60 rooms. Single room: 29,250 Ft, double room: 39,000 Ft.
Szob's postal code is H-2628, and its telephone area code is 27.
- 🌍 Szob Post Office, Árpád út 4, ☏ +36 27 370-007, M 08:00–17:00, Tu Th 08:00–18:00, W 08:00–20:00, F 08:00–16:00.
Go next
- Esztergom – town 14 km (8.7 mi) west
- Nagymaros – town 12 km (7.5 mi) east
- Nyergesújfalu – town 30 km (19 mi) west
- Rétság – town 38 km (24 mi) northeast
- Vác – town 30 km (19 mi) east
- Verőce – village 20 km (12 mi) east
- Visegrád – town 13 km (8.1 mi) east