
Salekhard (Russian: Салеха́рд suh-lyeh-KHAHRT) is a city in Yamalia, and is the only city in the world located on the Arctic Circle. It is the administrative center of Yamalia, and was the first permanent Russian settlement in the region, founded following the conquest of the Khanate of Siberia.
Get in
Salekhard has a small domestic airport which serves flights from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other regional cities on a daily basis.
Direct train services are also available several times a week from both Saint Petersburg and Moscow, usually taking two nights. Trains arrive at the terminus 🌍 Labytnangi railway station, across the Ob river. Buses or ferries cover the last few kilometers into Salekhard.
During summer, ferries sail along the Ob River from the more southern railhead at Priobye, a convenient option if arriving from central Russia. See timetable.
Get around
- 🌍 Yamalo-Nenets Okrug Museum, Ulitsa Chubynina, 38, ☏ +7 349 224-78-34. Archeology, geology, natural history of region.
- 🌍 Obdorskiy Ostrog, ☏ +7 349 224-06-22. Reconstruction of fortress and first settlement of Salekhard. Also affords a look out over the lovely Ob River, either in its fluid or locked-in-ice state.
- 🌍 Stela "66 Parallel". Monument to city's location on the Arctic Circle.
- 🌍 Project 501 Monument (Мемориал памяти «501-я стройка ГУЛАГ», паровоз-пам). Monument to the unfinished transpolar highway project that was built by prisoners of a nearby labor camp from 1949-1954.
- 🌍 Pamyatnik Mamontu (Памятник Мамонту) (adjacent to the Salehard- Labytnangi ferry, north of Salekhard). Mammoth statue residing by the Ob with the affectionate apellation of "Mitya," often wearing different attire such as that of Grandfather Frost, according to times and seasons.
- 🌍 Museum of polar aviation (Музей полярной авиации) (right beside airport). Here they pour their heart into telling you about polar aviation, with things like choppers and floatplanes that are specially designed for operation in the extreme cold. Also stuff like an An-26- "Annushka" on display.
In spring, the big event is the Day of The Reindeer Herder, as reindeer outnumber people in these parts, and reindeer husbandry is a way of life for many. The event is noted by, as you might expect, the congregation of reindeer herders and their reindeer, with sleigh rides and herding events. Also, be on the lookout for Aurora Borealis above throughout the year.
- 🌍 Park of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory (Park 70 Letiya Velikoy Pobedy). City park where you can explore many Russian military tributes, plus also possibly see the Northern Lights. Also try the footbridge, the Kvantovyy Most, over the channel to the south for good views of the city and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug government center.

For fairly formal dining, the Yuribey Hotel features the fittingly-named Yuribey Restaurant, with a northern Russian theme.
- 🌍 Vantovyy Most. Restoran "Fakel" (Вантовый Мост. Ресторан "Факел"), Ulitsa Bogdana Knunyantsa, 10. This bizarre-looking restaurant suspended above a bridge is sure to catch your attention and offers nice scenery while dining, even if the food is maybe nothing to write home about.
One dependable place would be the lobby bar or Winter Garden bar at the Yuribey Hotel.
- 🌍 Hotel Arktika, Ulitsa Respubliki, 38, ☏ +7 349 224-07-77.
- 🌍 Yuribey Hotel (Юрибей), Prospekt Molodezhi, 11, ☏ +7 349 222 52 00. Fussy place; it seems it must be the pride and joy of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region. Lobby and atrium with bars and restaurant and gym, sauna, and billiards.