Persian phrasebook

Persian (فارسی, Farsi) is a language in the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European family. It is a direct descendant of Middle Persian, which is derived from Old Persian. You can find many grammatical similarities between Persian and the other languages of this family. However, Persian is more similar to its contemporary languages like Sanskrit, Greek or Latin than to relatively newer languages. For instance, both Latin and Persian have a subject-object-verb (SOV) basic word order - though both also use other orders sometimes - which is uncommon among modern European languages.

Today, Persian is mainly spoken in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Bahrain. It has official status in the first three countries but was once the official, court, or literary language of many more places ranging from Turkey through India. At this time, many Persian poets emerged from the Indian subcontinent, Central Asia and the regions under the control of the Ottoman Empire. It is still appreciated as a literary and prestigious language among the educated elite. Many people in Iran and neighboring countries know Persian fluently even if it's not their mother tongue. The Persian Empire was historically much bigger than today's Iran before losing many territories, especially to its neighbor Russia. After the 1979 revolution, many Iranians migrated to the West and as a result, there are numerous Persian-speaking communities throughout the world, particularly in the USA. Persian is the second language of Islam so in many Islamic countries you can find someone knowing Persian.

The native name of the language is Farsi (فارسی). The word Farsi has also entered English mainly because Iranian immigrants in the West didn't know about the native English name of their language (i.e. Persian) and began to use Farsi, which still prevails although somewhat decreased. Persian has three standard dialects: Iranian Persian (Farsi), Afghan Persian (Dari) and Tajik Persian (Tajik). They are all mutually intelligible. The written form is the same for Farsi and Dari, both using the Arabic alphabet; Tajik is generally written with the Cyrillic alphabet.

Note - The contents of this page are written in literary Persian (though pronunciations are based on the Iranian Standard) so phrases written here will be understood not only in Iran but also in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and other countries. However, standard pronunciations may differ in those countries, generally due to those varieties differentiating certain vowels which do not exist in Iranian Persian. Since vowels are not commonly written in Iranian Persian or Dari, this has little effect on writing. See Dari phrasebook for Afghan Persian and Tajik phrasebook for information on those varieties.

Pronunciation guide

The Persian writing system derives from that of Arabic, extended with four letters to denote the sounds not found in Arabic. The Persian writing system is not an alphabet but an abjad. An abjad has only characters for denoting consonant sounds. Vowels have no specific character; they may be indicated either by certain diacritics or by certain consonant characters, but are usually left out altogether. Additionally, most letters change shape when they are followed by another letter.

Vowels and diphthongs

aæas a in hat
âɒːas a in father
eeas e in egg
ias ee in meet
ooas o in more
uas u in flute
owas o in go
eyas ey in they

Regarding their indication in the Persian script:

  • The sounds a, e, o can be indicated with certain diacritics but they are practically only used in elementary-school books. The vowel o is sometimes denoted with the consonant و (v).
  • The sounds â is always indicated: with آ word-initially and with ا elsewhere.
  • The sounds i and ey are indicated with ای word-initially and with the consonant ی (y) elsewhere.
  • The sounds u and ow are indicated with او word-initially and with the consonant و (v) elsewhere.


  • word-initially can denote a, e, or o; elsewhere denotes â
  • word-initially when followed by ی can denote i (mostly) or ey
  • word-initially when followed by و can denote u (mostly), ow or ave
آâɒːas o in hot
بbbas in bob
پppas in put
تttas in tea
ثssas in sad
جjas in job
چchas in cheese
حhhas in head
خxxas ch in Scottish loch, German Buch; often transcribed "kh"
دddas in dead
ذzzas in zebra
رrɾsimilar to r in Spanish reloj
زzzas in zoo
ژžʒas s in vision, pleasure, French j in jardin
سssas in sad
شšʃas in sheet
صssas in sad
ضzzas in zoo
طttas in tea
ظzzas in zoo
عøʔglottal stop
غqɣ~ɢAt the beginning, at the end or after other consonants, is somewhat similar to r in French Paris or German schreiben; between vowels, is somewhat like g
فffas in feet
قqɣ~ɢAt the beginning, at the end or after other consonants, is somewhat similar to r in French Paris or German schreiben; between vowels, is somewhat like g
کkkas in keep
گgɡas in go
لllas in leave
مmmas in moon
نnnas in noon
وvvas in van; also used to denote some vowel sounds
یyjas in yet; also used to denote some vowel sounds
هhhas in head

As you may note, there are characters that denote identical sounds e.g. ظ ,ض, ز are all pronounced z. This is because Persian has preserved the spelling of Arabic loanwords. Each of these characters has distinguished sounds in Arabic, but they are all pronounced the same in Persian.


Persian has the following syllable patterns (C = Consonant, V = Vowel):

CVna, to, ke, mâ, xu, si, u
CVCkar, pol, del, kâr, mur, sir, az, in, âb
CVCCkard, goft, zešt, kârd, xošk, rixt, farš, ârd, abr

These patterns can be encapsulated in CV(C)(C). According to the patterns:

  • A syllable always begins with a consonant sound. If a syllable seems to begin with a vowel sound, it actually begins with a glottal stop. For instance, u (he, she) is actually øu and ârd (flour) is actually øârd.
  • The second component of any syllable is a vowel sound.
  • Each syllable can only have one vowel sound. Therefore, each vowel indicates a syllable.

As opposed to English and many other languages, Persian does not allow two or more consonants to begin a syllable. Therefore, loanwords with such a characteristic are always Persianized:

English: stadiumestâdiyom (øes.tâ.di.yom)CVC.CV.CV.CVC
English: trafficterâfik (te.râ.fik)CV.CV.CVC
French: classkelâs (ke.lâs)CV.CVC

Here are some more example words along with their syllabification:

dâruxânedâ.ru.xâ.nedrug store


The stress is generally on the last syllable. However, a few adverbs are stressed differently. In addition, Persian has a number of unstressed endings called enclitics (similar to English 's in Charles's book). Enclitics do not change the stress position of the word to which they attach. Therefore, the stress position does not shift to the last syllable, e.g. pedaram (my father): pe.'dar + enclitic -am = pe.da.ram (rather than the expected pe.da.ram)

Note: As an aid to beginners, the grave accent can be placed on the first vowel of enclitics to make them distinguishable from suffixes and final letters of words. This method is used here for the genitive enclitic (è / yè), indefinite enclitic (ì / yì) and enclitic form of "and" (ò).

Basic grammar

Persian has relatively easy and mostly regular grammar. Therefore, reading this grammar primer should help you understand and memorize phrases.


Persian is a gender-neutral language. Such languages don't differentiate different grammatical genders (masculine, feminine and neuter) and have identical pronouns, adjectives, etc. for all of them. For example, Persian has one word for both English "he" and "she", "him" and "her", "his" and "her".


There is no definite article in Persian. A bare noun indicates a definite noun (which includes common and generic nouns) e.g. mâšin dar pârking ast: the car is in the garage (literally: car, in garage, is); az mâr mitarsam: I'm afraid of snakes (literally: from snake fear-I).

Indefiniteness is expressed with the enclitic (or -yì after vowels), for both singular and plural nouns. English does not have an exact equivalent for the Persian plural indefinite article. It's often translated as "some" or "a few", or simply omitted. The indefinite enclitic is added to the end of the noun phrase: mâšinì (a car, some car), mâšinhâyì (some cars)


Nouns are pluralized with the suffix -hâ. It's the only plural suffix used in spoken Persian. In written Persian, there's another plural suffix -ân (-gân after the vowel e and -yân after other vowels) which can only be used for animates and human beings in particular. It is especially useful to restrict the meaning to human beings. For example:

  • sar means "head", sarhâ means "heads" and sarân means "chiefs, heads, leaders"
  • gozašte means "past", gozaštehâ means "the past (events, etc.)" and gozaštegân means "the people of the past"

Arabic loanwords usually keep their irregular plural forms (technically referred to as "broken plurals") in Persian, but the regular -hâ can also be used. In spoken Persian, broken plurals are never used except for very few cases where the broken plural has found an extended meaning. In modern written Persian too, the use of broken plurals has greatly decreased in favour of the regular -hâ.

Note: In Persian, nouns are not pluralized when preceded by numbers, because the number itself indicates quantity: yek ketâb (one/a book), do/se/panjâh ketâb (two/three/fifty books).

Genitive case

In Persian, the genitive case relates two or more words to each other. The genitive case is marked with the enclitic (or -yè after vowels). The genitive enclitic is added to all the words that are connected to the head word and complement it. Look at the following examples:

To designate Persian English Template
possession pedarè Ali the father of Ali, Ali's father father-è Ali
mâdarè man my mother mother-è I
payâmbarè Eslâm the prophet of Islam prophet-è Islam
nâmè ketâb the name of the book, book's name name-è book
attribute dustè xub good friend friend-è good
Âmrikâyè jonubi South America America-yè south(ern)
other relations kešvarè Irân the country of Iran country-yè Iran
sâlè 2008 year 2008 year-è 2008
bâlâyè miz above table top-è table
šomâlè Tehrân north of Tehran north-è Tehran

Accusative case

The accusative case is indicated by adding the enclitic to the end of the noun phrase. Despite being an enclitic, it is written apart from the host word in the Persian script. Examples: dar râ bastam (I closed the door), in filmè Hendi râ qablan dide budam (I had already seen this Indian film).


Adjectives have only one form. They agree neither in gender nor in number with the noun they modify. They are placed after the noun plus the genitive enclitic: pesarè xub: good boy (template: boy-è good), doxtarhâyè xub: good girls (template: girl-hâ-yè good). As stated before, the indefinite article is added to the end of the noun phrase; hence pesarè xubì (a/some good boy), doxtarhâyè xubì ((some) good girls).


The comparative form of an adjective is always made by adding the comparative suffix -tar to the end of the adjective: bad (bad), badtar (worse); kam (little), kamtar (less); zibâ (beautiful), zibâtar (more beautiful).

The common pattern to compare A with B is: A + comparative + az (from) + B + verb. Example (a Persian proverb):

  • [došmanè dânâ] [behtar] [az] [dustè nâdân] [ast]: a wise foe is better than a foolish friend (template: foe-yè wise, good-tar, from, friend-è foolish, is).


The superlative form of an adjective is always made by adding the superlative suffix -in to the comparative: bad (bad), badtar (worse), badtarin (the worst). The superlative comes before the noun e.g. behtarin hotel (the best hotel), behtarin hotelè in šahr (the best hotel of this city)


Demonstrative adjectives come before nouns and like other adjectives, they have only one form. In Persian, we don't say "these books" but "this books". The plural form itself indicates that we are pointing to a plural noun. Basic demonstrative adjectives are ân (distal: that, those) and in (proximal: this, these):

  • When combined with jâ (place), they make adverbs: injâ (here) and ânjâ (there)
  • When combined with chon (like), they make demonstratives: chonin (such, like this) and chonân (such, like that)
  • When combined with ham (also; even), they make demonstratives: hamin (this/the same/one/very) and hamân (that/the same/one/very)

A pronoun (pro-noun) substitutes a noun phrase, so the quantity (singular or plural) must be indicated. Therefore, demonstrative pronouns agree in number with the noun phrase whose place they take: ân (that), ânhâ (those), in (this), inhâ (these).

Demonstrative pronouns are also used as subject pronouns. For example, the Persian word for "they" is ânhâ. Distal pronouns (ân, ânhâ, hamân, hamânhâ) are either used neutrally (i.e. not denoting distance from the speaker) or natively (i.e. indicating remoteness); but proximal pronouns (in, inhâ, hamin, haminhâ) are always used natively and indicate proximity to the speaker. English doesn't have such a feature.

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns have two forms. One is their normal form called free personal pronouns (free in the sense of "not bound, separate") and the other is their enclitic form called bound personal pronouns. The English subject pronouns "I", "you", "he", "she", etc. are analogous to free personal pronouns, but English does not have any equivalent of bound personal pronouns.

Persian has formal and informal 2nd and 3rd person. In addition, people of higher rank (like kings) usually use 1st person plural (we) rather than 1st person singular (I). So, plural forms can be considered polite and formal forms of singulars.


Singular Plural
Persian English French Persian English French
1st man I je we nous
2nd to thou, you (informal) tu šomâ you (formal, singular and plural)

you (informal, plural)

3rd u he, she il, elle išân he, she (formal) il, elle
ân he, she, it il, elle, ça ânhâ they ils, elles, on

In spoken Persian, there is also šomâhâ used as the plural form of both informal and formal "you" (to and šomâ).


Bound personal pronouns have various functions depending on the word class to which they attach. For example, when they are added to the end of a noun (phrase), they express possession e.g. pedaram (my father). We'll learn more about their functions.

Person Singular Plural
1st -am -emân
2nd -at -etân
3rd - -ešân

Direct object pronouns

Direct object pronouns are simply made by adding the accusative enclitic to subject pronouns, e.g. man râ (me), u râ (him, her). man râ has developed a truncated form marâ (omitting the n), which is usually preferred in bookish Persian.

Indirect object pronouns

Although Persian has lost the declension system of Old Persian, it does mark different cases with so-called adpositions (prepositions and postpositions). Hence Persian has been able to preserve the free word order feature:

  • As we learned, the accusative case is marked with the enclitic (a postposition).
  • The dative case is marked with the preposition be (to).
  • The ablative case is marked with the preposition az (from).

English marks none of these cases. For example, if you change the word order of "the father kissed the daughter" (accusative) to e.g. "the daughter kissed the father", the meaning completely changes. The same applies to "the father helped the daughter" (dative) and "the father asked the daughter" (ablative). As in Latin, changing the word order only changes the emphasis, while the basic meaning is preserved:

  • accusative: pedar doxtar râ busid, doxtar râ pedar busid
  • dative: pedar be doxtar komak kard, be doxtar pedar komak kard
  • ablative: pedar az doxtar porsid, az doxtar pedar porsid

Hence Persian can be said to have three different sets of "object pronouns", consisting of an adposition of the case plus a subject pronoun, e.g. mâ râ busid (s/he kissed us, accusative), be mâ komak kard (s/he helped us, dative), az mâ porsid (s/he asked us, ablative).


Persian does not have English-style dedicated possessive adjectives. In Persian, possession is expressed by adding "bound personal pronouns" to the end of the noun phrase (NP):

  • dustam: my friend (template: friend-am)
  • dustè xubam: my good friend (template: friend-è good-am). Note that English possessive adjectives also refer to the whole NP. The difference is that, in English, the possessive precedes the NP: compare [dustè xub]am vs. my [good friend].

Possession can also be expressed using the genitive enclitic and subject pronouns. This form is usually used for emphasis and doesn't have an equivalent in English:

  • dustè man: my friend (template: dust-è I)
  • dustè xubè man: my good friend (template: friend-è good-è I).

As for possessive pronouns, they are formed by relating mâl (property) to subject pronouns with the genitive enclitic e.g. mâlè man (mine), in ketâb mâlè man ast, na mâlè to (this book is mine, not yours)


Learning verb conjugation of Persian is quite easy. The infinitive always ends in -an e.g. budan (to be), dâštan (to have). Each verb has two stems: past and present. The past stem is obtained regularly by removing -an from the infinitive, e.g. raftan (to go) = raft. There isn't such a rule for obtaining the present stem, but verbs can be classified into subgroups whose present stem is obtained according to a regular pattern with no or few exceptions. However, a verb (whether regular or irregular) has one and only one present stem for all persons. Therefore, as opposed to languages like French, Italian and Spanish, Persian does not have irregular verb conjugations. The past participle is formed by replacing the infinitive suffix (-an) with -e. In other words, by adding -e to the past stem e.g. raftan = rafte.

Conjugative enclitics

To conjugate verbs in different tenses, conjugative enclitics attach to stems and participles. They only differ in 3rd person singular:

  Singular Plural
  Past Present Past Present
1st -am -am -im -im
2nd -i -i -id -id
3rd - -ad -and -and

Note - Subjective pronouns (I, you, etc.) are not normally used in Persian, because each person has a unique conjugative enclitic which suffices to indicate the person of the verb. For example, in raftim it is evident that the person of the verb is 1st person plural and therefore, we do not normally say mâ raftim. So, Persian is a "pro-drop" language.

Past simple

Formula: past stem + past enclitic. Examples:

  • didan (to see): didam (I saw), didi (you /informal/ saw) , did (s/he saw); didim, didid, didand
  • raftan (to go): raftam, rafti, raft; raftim (we went), raftid (you went), raftand (they went; s/he /formal/ went)
  • budan (to be): budam, budi, bud, budim, budid, budand
  • dâštan (to have): dâštam, dâšti, dâšt, dâštim, dâštid, dâštand

To negate verbs just add the negation prefix na to the stem: naraftam (I didn't go), nadid (s/he didn't see), nadâštand (they didn't have). The negation prefix takes the primary stress.

Past imperfective

English does not have a grammatical form that corresponds exactly to this aspect. As an example, in languages having imperfective aspect, "I ran five miles yesterday" would use past simple form, whereas "I ran five miles every morning" would use past imperfective form. Romance languages like French, Spanish and Italian have only one imperfective tense, which from the viewpoint of Persian, is the counterpart of "past simple". In contrast, each of "past simple", "present perfect", "past perfect", "present simple", etc. have an imperfective tense that is simply made by prefixing "mi" to the stem or participle (depending on the formation of the tense). None of these imperfective tenses has an equivalent in English, though, and Romance languages have only an equivalent for the Persian past imperfective.

Formula: mi + past simple (i.e. past stem + past enclitic).

  • raftan (to go): miraftam, mirafti, miraft; miraftim, miraftid, miraftand
  • xâstan (to want): mixâstam, mixâsti, mixâst; mixâstim, mixâstid, mixâstand

The past imperfective is also used in a conditional sense and, like the French conditionnel, it is used to make polite expressions (which is why it is included in this primer): yek livân âb mixâstam (French je voudrais un verre d'eau; English I'd like a glass of water).

Note - Because of vowel harmony, the negation prefix "na" becomes "ne" before "mi". Therefore, we say nemiraftam rather than the expected namiraftam. However, in Afghanistani and Tajikistani Persian the form is namiraftam without vowel harmony.

Present simple

Formula: present stem + present enclitic. Regarding usage, the present imperfective has taken the place of this tense. The only exception is dâštan (to have), which is not normally conjugated in the imperfective aspect due to its meaning ("having" something cannot be imperfective: you either "have" or "don't have" something). The present stem of dâštan is dâr. Conjugation: dâram (I have), dâri (you /informal/ have), dârad (s/he has), dârim (we have), dârid (you have), dârand (they have; s/he /formal/ has).

The verb budan (to be) has two forms in present simple:

  • The full (or free) form is: hastam (I am), hasti (you /informal/ are), (h)ast (he, she, it is); hastim (we are), hastid (you are), hastand (they are; s/he /formal/ is).
  • The enclitic (or bound) form is: -am, -i, -ast; -im, -id, -and.

The free form is usually for emphasis; otherwise the bound form is normally used, e.g. xubam (I am fine), xubi? (Are you fine? used in greetings).

Present imperfective

Formula: imperfective prefix mi + present simple (present stem + present enclitic). Present stems are placed within slashes / /.

  • neveštan /nevis/ (to write): minevisam (I write), minevisi (you /informal/ write), minevisad (s/he writes); minevisim, minevisid, minevisand
  • didan /bin/ (to see): mibinam, mibini, mibinad; mibinim (we see), mibinid (you see), mibinand (they see; s/he /formal/ sees)
  • raftan /rav/ (to go): miravam, miravi, miravad; miravim, miravid, miravand

Here, even though the stems are irregular, the conjugations is still regular.

Persian has a "future simple" tense but it is not used in spoken Persian. In spoken Persian, "future simple" is expressed with present imperfective accompanied by a "future" adverb like fardâ (tomorrow), baødan (later). Example: fardâ sobh be muze miravim (We'll go to the museum tomorrow morning).

Present progressive

An imperfective tense can also express a progressive (continuous) action because a progressive action is incomplete (imperfect). Therefore, for example "minevisam", which is in "present imperfective", besides "I write", can also mean, "I am writing" depending on the context. On this very basis, there is no progressive tense in written Persian, but spoken Persian has developed a full set of progressive tenses consisting of the imperfetive tenses plus the auxiliary dâštan (to have).

Formula: auxiliary dâštan in present simple + verb in present imperfective. Examples: dâram minevisam (I am writing), dârad minevisad (s/he is writing).

Progressive tenses only appear in affirmative sentences and they have no negative form. For negation, the imperfective form of the verb is used. Example: "I'm writing" (dâram minevisam), "I'm not writing" (neminevisam, not: dâram neminevisam).

Present perfect

Formula: past participle + auxiliary budan (to be) in present simple and in its bound form. Examples:

  • didan (to see): dideam (I have seen), didei (you /informal/ have seen) , dideast (s/he has seen); dideim, dideid, dideand
  • raftan (to go): rafteam, raftei, rafteast; rafteim (we have gone), rafteid (you have gone), rafteand (they have gone; s/he /formal/ has gone)

Speakers of French (and other Romance languages) may note that rafteam is an exact equivalent of "je suis allé" (literally: I'm gone). The difference is that in Persian the auxiliary verb is always "être" (budan) and never "avoir" (dâštan).

As stated before, the negative conjugation is formed with the prefix na: narafteam (I haven't gone).

Past perfect

Formula: past participle + auxiliary budan (to be) in past simple. Examples:

  • didan (to see): dide budam (I had seen), dide budi (you /informal/ had seen), dide bud (s/he had seen); dide budim, dide budid, dide budand
  • raftan (to go): rafte budam, rafte budi, rafte bud; rafte budim (we had gone), rafte budid (you had gone), rafte budand (they have gone; s/he /formal/ had gone)

The negative conjugation is formed with the prefix na: narafte budam (I hadn't gone).

As with "present perfect", rafte budam literally means "I was gone". If you consider "gone" as an "adjective" rather than a "past participle", you should be able to understand this construction and its meaning.

Present subjunctive

Formula: subjunctive prefix be + present simple (present stem + present enclitic). Modern English barely uses the subjunctive, so Persian subjunctive verb forms cannot be exactly translated into English. Therefore, translations are given in French. Examples:

  • neveštan /nevis/ (to write): benevisam (que j'écrive), benevisi (que tu écrives), benevisad (qu'il/elle écrive); benevisim, benevisid, benevisand
  • didan /bin/ (to see): bebinam, bebini, bebinad; bebinim (que nous voyions), bebinid (que vous voyiez), bebinand (qu'ils/elles voient)
  • raftan /rav/ (to go): beravam, beravi, beravad; beravim, beravid, beravand

In English we say "I want to go"; in Persian "to go" does not appear as an "infinitive" but as a present subjunctive: mixâham beravam. We can imagine that there is a relative pronoun ke (that) after "I want" that causes the second verb to appear in the subjunctive (similar to French que) i.e. mixâham [ke] beravam (French: je veux que j'aille). In any case, this construction is used very much and you should learn it well. Another example: mitavânam bebinam (I can see).

Wrapping up

  • Persian has a limited number of simple (single-word, light) verbs (about 100 in common use). Other Persian verbs are built on these simple verbs. For example, kardan /kon/, which is equivalent to French "faire" both in usage (different meaning in different phrases: faire attention, faire un voyage, etc.) and in basic meaning (to do, to make), has been used to make thousands of verbs from nouns, adjectives and loanwords. Examples: rang kardan (to dye; rang: color), bâz kardan (to open; bâz: open), sefid kardan (to whiten; sefid: white), dânlod kardan (to download; dânlod: download). Therefore, simply knowing the present stem of kardan (/kon/) allows one to conjugate a great and ever-growing number of verbs. Examples: telefon kardan (to phone), kopi kardan (to copy), safar kardan (to travel), negâh kardan (to look, to watch), guš kardan (to listen), pârk kardan (to park), komak kardan (to help), tamiz kardan (to clean).
    Important note: kardan basically means "to do, to make" and is extremely useful, but be careful not to use it alone, because then its meaning is vulgar (to have sexual intercourse). For "to do" we say "anjâm dâdan" (present stem /deh/), and for "to make" we say "sâxtan" (present stem /sâz/).
  • The non-verbal part of a non-simple verb is called preverb (e.g. "telefon" in "telefon kardan"). To conjugate non-simple verbs, simply conjugate the verbal part (you should find it quite logical). Example: telefon mikonam (I phone), telefon nemikonam (I don't phone), telefon kardam (I phoned), telefon nakardam (I didn't phone).
  • Bound personal pronouns can substitute direct object pronouns. They attach to the end of the verb e.g. "I saw you": to râ didam versus didamat. In fact the latter is normal way, whereas full (free) forms like to râ didam are used for emphasis.
  • To make a question, simply change the tone of your voice, e.g. didi (you saw), didi? (did you see?), raftei (you have gone), raftei? (have you gone?).

Phrase list


Hello, Hi
salâm (سَلام)
How are you?
hâlè šomâ chetor ast? (حالِ شما چطور است؟)
How are you? (less formal)
chetorid? (چطورید؟)
xubid? (خوبید؟)
Fine, thank you.
xubam, xeyli mamnun (خوبم، خیلی ممنون)
What is your name?
esmetân chi'st? (نامتان چيست؟)
My name is ~ .
esmam ~ ast (نام من ~ است)
Nice to meet you.
xošbaxtam (خوشبختم)
lotfan (لطفا)
Thank you.
xeyli mamnun (خیلی ممنون)
sepās (سپاس)
mersi (مرسی)
Note: xeyli mamnun literally means "many thanks" but it's the common way of saying "thank you"
You're welcome.
xâheš mikonam (خواهش می‌کنم)
bale (بله), areh (آره)
na (نَه)
Excuse me (getting attention or begging pardon)
bebaxšid (ببخشید), maøzerat mixâham (معذرت می‌خواهم)
I'm sorry.
bebaxšid (بِبَخشید), maøzerat mixâham (معذرت می‌خواهم)
xodâhâfez (خداحافظ)
See you
formal: mibinametân (می‌بینمتان), informal: mibinamet (می‌بینمت)
I can't speak Persian [well].
nemitavânam [xub] Fârsi harf bezanam (نمی‌توانم [خوب] فارسی حرف بزنم)
Do you speak English?
mitavânid Engelisi harf bezanid? (می‌توانید انگلیسی حرف بزنید؟)
Is there someone here who speaks English?
injâ kasi Engelisi midânad? (اینجا کسی انگلیسی می‌داند؟)
komak! (کُمَک)
Look out
formal: movâzeb bâšid (مواظب باشید), informal: movâzeb bâš (مواظب باش)
Good morning.
sobh bexeyr (صبح بخیر)
Good evening.
asr bexeyr (عصر بخیر)
Good night.
šab bexeyr (شب بخیر)
I don't understand.
nemifahmam (نمی‌فهمم), motevajjeh nemišavam (متوجه نمی‌شوم)
Where is the toilet?
dastšuyi kojâ'st? (دستشویی کجاست؟)


Leave me alone.
rahâyam mikonid (رهایم میکنید), informal
velam konid (ولم کنید)
Don't touch me!
be man dast nazanid (به من دست نزنید)
I'll call the police.
polis râ xabar mikonam (پلیس را خبر می‌کنم)
polis (پلیس)
Stop! Thief!
âhây dozd! (آهای دزد)
I need your help.
be komaketân niyâz dâram (به کمکتان نیاز دارم)
It's an emergency.
ezterâri'st (اضطراریست)
I'm lost.
gom šodeam (گم شده‌ام)
Go away!
boro kenâr! (برو کنار)
I lost my bag.
sâkam râ gom kardeam (ساکم را گم کرده‌ام)
I lost my wallet.
kifam râ gom kardeam (کیفم را گم کرده‌ام)
I'm sick.
hâlam bad ast (حالم بد است)
I've been injured.
zaxmi šodeam (زخمی شده‌ام)
I need a doctor.
doktor mixâham (دکتر می‌خواهم)
Can I use your phone?
mišavad az telefonetân estefâde konam (می‌شود از تلفنتان استفاده کنم)


The Persian number system is very similar to that used in Arabic, exceptions being the symbols for four and five. Confusingly, the numerals used in Latin derived languages are called Arabic numerals and those used by in Arabic and Persian languages are called Indian numerals. Persian numerals are written from left to right unlike their alphabetic script.

Note - There are two ways to express "and" in Persian. One is with the enclitic ò (or after vowels) and the other is with the word va. The enclitic ò is the common way (and the sole way in spoken Persian).

Persian ۰ ۱ ۲ ۳ ۴ ۵ ۶ ۷ ۸ ۹
Latin 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Persian Persian Persian Persian
0 sefr (صفر) 15 pânzdah (پانزده) 66 šastò šeš (شصت و شش) 600 šešsad (ششصد)
1 yek (یک) 16 šânzdah (شانزده) 70 haftâd (هفتاد) 700 haftsad (هفتصد)
2 do (دو) 17 hefdah (هفده) 77 haftâdò haft (هفتاد و هفت) 800 haštsad (هشتصد)
3 se (سه) 18 hejdah (هجده) 80 haštâd (هشتاد) 900 nohsad (نهصد)
4 chahâr (چهار) 19 nuzdah (نوزده) 88 haštâdò hašt (هشتاد و هشت) 1,000 hezâr (هزار)
5 panj (پنج) 20 bist (بیست) 90 navad (نود) 1,001 hezârò yek (هزار و یک)
6 šeš (شش) 21 bistò yek (بیست و یک) 99 navadò noh (نود و نه) 1,100 hezârò sad (هزار و صد)
7 haft (هفت) 22 bistò do (بیست و دو) 100 sad (صد) 2,000 do hezâr (دو هزار)
8 hašt (هشت) 30 si (سی) 110 sadò dah (صد و ده) 2,008 do hezârò hašt (دو هزار و هشت)
9 noh (نه) 33 siyò se (سی و سه) 200 devist (دویست) 10,000 dah hezâr (ده هزار)
10 dah (ده) 40 chehel (چهل) 222 devistò bistò do (دویست و بیست و دو) 20,000 bist hezâr (بیست هزار)
11 yâzdah (یازده) 44 chehelò chahâr (چهل و چهار) 300 sisad (سیصد) 100,000 sad hezâr (صد هزار)
12 davâzdah (دوازده) 50 panjâh (پنجاه) 333 sisadò siyò se (سیصد و سی و سه) 1,000,000 yek milyun (یک میلیون)
13 sizdah (سیزده) 55 panjâhò panj (پنجاه و پنج) 400 chahârsad (چهارصد) 2,000,000 do milyun (دو میلیون)
14 chahârdah (چهارده) 60 šast (شصت) 500 pânsad (پانصد) 1,000,000,000 yek milyârd (یک میلیارد)
number ~ (train, bus, etc.)
šomâreye ~ (شماره‌ی ~)
nesf (نصف)
kamtar (کمتر)
bištar (بیشتر)


aløân (الآن)
baødan (بعدا)
qablan (قبلا)
sobh (صبح)
baød-az-zohr (بعدازظهر)
qorub (غروب)
šab (شب)

Clock time

one o'clock AM
yekè sobh (یک صبح)
two o'clock AM
doè sobh (دو صبح)
zohr (ظهر)
one o'clock PM
yekè baød-az-zohr (یک بعدازظهر)
two o'clock PM
doè baød-az-zohr (دو بعدازظهر)
nimešab (نیمه‌شب)


daqiqe(hâ) (دقیقه‌ها))
sâøat(hâ) (ساعت‌ها)
ruz(hâ) (روزها)
hafte(hâ) (هفته‌ها)
mâh(hâ) (ماه‌ها)
fasl(hâ) (فصل‌ها)
sâl(hâ) (سال‌ها)

Tip - In Persian, nouns are not pluralized when preceded by a number. Therefore we say, for example:

  • "one/three/fifty day": yek/se/panjâh ruz (یک/سه/پنجاه روز)
  • "three to five week": se tâ panj hafte (سه تا پنج هفته)


emruz (امروز)
diruz (دیروز)
fardâ (فردا)
this week
in hafte (این هفته)
last week
hafteyè gozašte (هفته‌ی گذشته)
next week
hafteyè âyande (هفته‌ی آینده)
Yekšanbe (یکشنبه)
Došanbe (دوشنبه)
Sešanbe (سه‌شنبه)
Chahâršanbe (چهارشنبه)
Panjšanbe (پنجشنبه)
Jomøe (جمعه)
Šanbe (شنبه)

Tip - In Iran, the week begins on Saturday and ends on Friday. So the holiday is Friday, and the weekend starts on Thursday.


Iran uses a solar calendar with the New Year on the vernal equinox (March 21 on the Gregorian calendar). Years begin with "spring" and end with "winter". The first six months have 31 days, and the last five have 30 days each. The final month has 30 or 29 depending on whether or not it is a leap year. Calculating leap years is not as simple as in the Gregorian calendar, but typically there is a five-year leap period after every 7 four-year cycles. Year 0 in Iran corresponds to the Gregorian year 621.

Persian Transcription English
بهار bahâr spring
فروردین Farvardin (31 days) 21 Mar. – 20 Apr.
اردیبهشت Ordibehešt (31 days) 21 Apr. – 21 May
خرداد Xordâd (31 days) 22 May – 21 June
تابستان tâbestân summer
تیر Tir (31 days) 22 June – 22 July
مرداد Mordâd (31 days) 23 July – 22 Aug.
شهریور Šahrivar (31 days) 23 Aug. – 22 Sep.
پاییز pâyiz autumn
مهر Mehr (30 days) 23 Sep.– 22 Oct.
آبان Âbân (30 days) 23 Oct.– 21 Nov.
آذر Âzar (30 days) 22 Nov.– 21 Dec.
زمستان zemestân winter
دی Dey (30 days) 22 Dec.– 19 Jan.
بهمن Bahman (30 days) 20 Jan. – 18 Feb.
اسفند Esfand (29/30 days) 19 Feb. – 20 Mar.

The Gregorian month names are borrowed from French (and sometimes also English).

Žânviye (ژانویه)
Fevriye (فوریه)
Mârs (مارس)
Âvril (آوریل)
Me (مه), Mey (می)
Žuan (ژوئن)
Žuiye (ژوئیه), Julây (جولای)
Ut (اوت), Âgust (آگوست)
Septâm(b)r (سپتامبر)
Oktobr (اکتبر)
Novâm(b)r (نوامبر)
Desâm(b)r (دسامبر)

Writing the time and date

The starting point of the Iranian solar calendar is Muhammad's flight from Mecca to Medina (Gregorian 622). The short date format is YYYY/MM/DD (or YY/MM/DD) and the long date format is -day, DD month YYYY. For example, today (Monday, August 11, 2008) is:

  • short date format: 1387/05/21 (or 87/05/21)
  • long date format: Došanbe, 21 Mordâd 1387

Clock time is written as in English, e.g. 8:34 (۸:۳۴).


siyâh (سیاه), meški (مشکی)
sefid (سفید)
xâkestari (خاکستری)
qermez (قرمز), sorx (سرخ)
âbi (آبی)
zard (زرد)
sabz (سبز)
nârenji (نارنجی)
banafŝ (بنفش), arqavâni (ارغوانی)
qahvei (قهوه‌ای)


Bus and train

How much is a ticket to ~ ?
belitè ~ cheqadr ast? (بلیط ~ چقدر است؟)
One ticket to ~ , please.
lotfan yek belit barâye ~ (~ لطفا یک بلیط برای)
Where does this train/bus go?
in qatâr/otobus kojấ miravad? (این قطار/اتوبوس کجا می‌رود؟)
Where is the train/bus to ~ ?
qatârè/otobusè ~ kodấm ast? (قطار/اتوبوس ~ کدام است؟)
Does this train/bus stop in ~ ?
in qatâr/otobus dar ~ míistad? (این قطار/اتوبوس در ~ می‌ایستد؟)
When does the train/bus for ~ leave?
qatârè/otobusè ~ kéy harekat mikonad? (قطار/اتوبوس ~ کی حرکت می‌کند؟)
When will this train/bus arrive in ~ ?
in qatâr/otobus kéy be ~ miresad? (این قطار/اتوبوس کی به ~ می‌رسد؟)


How do I get to ~ ?
chetór beravam be ~ (چطور بروم بمه ~ ؟)
the train station
istgâhè qatâr (ایستگاه قطار)
the bus station
istgâhè otobus (ایستگاه اتوبوس)
the airport
forudgâh (فرودگاه)
markazè šahr (مرکز شهر)
the youth hostel
mehmânxâne (مهمان‌خانه)
the hotel
hotel (هتل)
the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate
sefâratè Âmrikâ/Kânâdâ/Ostorâliyâ/Engelestân (سفارت آمریکا/کانادا/استرالیا/انگلستان)
Where are there a lot of ~ ?
kojâ ~ ziyâd peydâ mišavad? (کجا ~ زیاد پیدا می‌شود؟)
hotelhâ (هتل‌ها)
resturânhâ (رستوران‌ها)
bârhâ (بارها) (NOT FOUND IN IRAN)
sites to see
jâyè didani (جای دیدنی)
Can you show me on the map?
mišavad ruyè naqše nešân bedahid? (می‌شود روی نقشه نشان بدهید؟)
xiyâbân (خیابان)
Turn left.
bepichid dastè chap (بپیچید دست چپ)
Turn right.
bepichid dastè râst (بپیچید دست راست)
chap (چپ)
râst (راست)
straight ahead
mostaqim (مستقیم)
towards the ~
be tarafè ~ (~ به طرف)
past the ~
baød az ~ (~ بعد از)
before the ~
qabl az ~ (~ قبل از)
Watch for the ~ .
donbâlè ~ begardid (دنبال ~ بگردید)
chahârrâh (چهارراه)
šomâl (شمال)
jonub (جنوب)
šarq (شرق)
qarb (غرب)
sarbâlâyi (سربالایی)
sarpâyini (سرپایینی)


tâksi (تاکسی)
Take me to ~ , please.
lotfan marâ bebar ~ (~ لطفا مرا ببر)
How much does it cost to get to ~ ?
tâ ~ cheqadr mišavad? (تا ~ چقدر می‌شود؟)
Take me there, please.
lotfan marâ bebar ânjâ (لطفا مرا ببر آنجا)


Do you have any rooms available?
otâqè xâli dârid? (اُتاقِ خالی دارید؟)
How much is a room for one person/two people?
otâq barâye yek/do nafar chand ast? (اُتاق برایِ یِک/دو نَفَر چَند است؟)
Does the room come with ~ ?
otâq ~ dârad? (اتاق ~ دارد؟)
malâfe (مَلافه)
a bathroom
hammâm (حَمام)
a telephone
telefon (تِلِفُن)
a TV
televizyun (تِلِویزیون)
May I see the room first?
mišavad avval otâq râ bebinam? (می‌شَوَد اول اتاق را ببینم؟)
Do you have anything quieter?
jâyè ârâmtarì dârid? (جای آرامتری دارید؟)
bozorgtar (بزرگتر)
tamiztar (تمیزتَر)
arzântar (ارزانتَر)
OK, I'll take it.
bâše, hamin râ migiram (باشه، همین را می‌گیرَم)
I will stay for ~ night(s).
~ šab mimânam (~ شب می‌مانم)
Can you suggest another hotel?
mišavad hotelè digarì râ pišnahâd konid? (می‌شود هتل دیگری را پیشنهاد کنید؟)
Do you have a safe?
sandoqè amânât dârid? (صندوق امانات دارید؟)
komodè qofldâr (کمد قفلدار)
Is breakfast/supper included?
hazine šâmelè sobhâne/šâm ham mišavad? (هزینه شامل صبحانه/شام هم می‌شود؟)
What time is breakfast/supper?
sobhâne/šâm che sâøatì ast? (صبحانه/شام چه ساعتی است؟)
Please clean my room.
lotfan otâqam râ tamiz konid (لطفا اتاقم را تمیز کنید)
Can you wake me at ~ ?
mišavad marâ sâøatè ~ bidâr konid? (می‌شود مرا ساعت ~ بیدار کنید؟)
I want to check out.
mixâham tasviye konam (می‌خواهم تسویه کنم)


Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
dolârè Âmrikâ/Ostorâliyâ/Kânâdâ qabul mikonid? (دلار آمریکا/استرالیا/کانادا قبول می‌کنید؟)
Do you accept British pounds?
pondè Engelis qabul mikonid? (پوند انگلیس قبول می‌کنید؟)
Do you accept credit cards?
kârtè eøtebâri qabul mikonid? (کارت اعتباری قبول می‌کنید؟)
Can you change money for me?
mitavânid pulam râ cheynj konid? (می‌توانید پولم را چینج کنید؟)
Where can I get money changed?
kojâ mitavânam pulam râ cheynj konam? (کجا می‌توانم پولم را چینج کنم؟)
Can you change a traveler's check for me?
mitavânid terâvel râ barâyam naqd konid? (می‌توانید تراول را برایم نقد کنید؟)
Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
kojâ mitavân terâvel naqd kard? (کجا می‌توان تراول نقد کرد؟)
What is the exchange rate?
nerxè arz cheqadr ast? (نرخ ارز چقدر است؟)
Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
âberbânk kojâ'st? (عابربانک کجاست؟)


A table for one person/two people, please.
yek miz barâyè yek/do nafar, lotfan (یک میز برای یک/دو نفر لطفا)
Can I look at the menu, please?
mitavânam menu râ bebinam? (می‌توانم منو را ببینم؟)
Can I look in the kitchen?
mitavânam âšpazxâne râ bebinam? (می‌شود آشپزخانه را ببینم؟)
Is there a house specialty?
qazâyè xânegi dârid? (غذای خانگی دارید؟)
Is there a local specialty?
qazâyè mahalli dârid? (غذای محلی دارید؟)
I'm a vegetarian.
giyâhxâr hastam (گیاهخوار هستم)
I don't eat pork.
guštè xuk nemixoram (گوشت خوک نمی‌خورم)
I don't eat beef.
guštè gâv nemixoram (گوشت گاو نمی‌خورم)
I only eat halal food.
faqat guštè halâl mixoram (فقط گوشت حلال می‌خورم)
Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
mišavad kamcharbaš konid? (می‌شود کم‌چربش کنید؟)
fixed-price meal
qazâ bâ qeymatè sâbet (غذا با قیمت ثابت)
à la carte
qazâ bâ qeymatè jodâ jodâ (غذا با قیمت جُدا جُدا)
sobhâne (صُبحانه)
nâhâr (ناهار)
tea (meal)
asrâne (عصرانه)
šâm (شام)
I want ~ .
~ mixâham ( می‌خواهم)
I want a dish containing ~ .
qazâyì mixâham ke ~ dâšte bâšad (غذایی می‌خواهم که ~ داشته باشد)
morq (مرغ)
guštè gâv (گوشت گاو)
mâhi (ماهی)
žâmbonè xuk (ژامبون خوک)
sosis (سوسیس)
panir (پنیر)
toxmè morq (تخم مرغ)
sâlâd (سالاد)
(fresh) vegetables
sabziyè tâze (سبزی تازه)
(fresh) fruit
miveyè tâze (میوه‌ی تازه)
nân (نان)
nânè tost (نان تست)
rešte (رشته)
berenj (برنج)
lubiyâ (لوبیا)
May I have a glass of ~ ?
yek livân ~ mixâstam (یک لیوان ~ می‌خواستم)
May I have a cup of ~ ?
yek fenjân ~ mixâstam (یک فنجان ~ می‌خواستم)
May I have a bottle of ~ ?
yek šiše ~ mixâstam (یک شیشه ~ می‌خواستم)
qahve (قهوه)
tea (drink)
chây (چای)
âbmive (آبمیوه)
(bubbly) water
âbè maødani(yè gâzdâr) (آب معدنی (گازدار))
âb (آب)
âbjo (آبجو) (NOTE: There is no alcoholic beer in restaurants.)
red/white wine
šarâbè sorx/sefid (شراب سرخ/سفید) (NOTE: There is no alcoholic wine in restaurants.)
May I have some ~ ?
kamì ~ mixâstam (کمی ~ می‌خواستم)
namak (نمک)
black pepper
felfelè siyâh (فلفل سیاه)
kare (کره)
Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
bebaxšid (ببخشید)
I'm finished.
xordanam tamâm šod (خوردنم تمام شد)
It was delicious.
xošmazze bud (خوشمزه بود)
Please clear the plates.
lotfan, bošqâbhâ râ tamiz konid (لُطفاً بُشقابها را تمیز کُنید)
The check, please.
surat-hesâb, lotfan (ًصورَت‌َحِساب لُطفا)


Please note that there are virtually no bars in Iran (that would be open to the casual foreign visitor).

Remember that the possession, sale and service of alcohol in Iran is illegal.

Do you serve alcohol?
mašrub serv mikonid? (مشروب سرو می‌کنید؟)
Is there table service?
lavâzemè miz (kârd, qâšoq, changâl) ham vojud dârad? (لوازم میز هم وجود دارد؟)
A beer/two beers, please.
yek/do tâ âbjo, lotfan (یک/دو تا آبجو، لطفا)
A glass of red/white wine, please.
yek gilâs šarâbè sorx/sefid, lotfan (یک گیلاس شراب سرخ/سفید، لطفا)
A pint, please.
yek livân, lotfan (یک لیوان، لطفا)
A bottle, please.
yek šiše, lotfan (یک شیشه، لطفا)
~ (hard liquor) and ~ (mixer), please.
likorè ~ bâ ~, lotfan (لیکور ~ با ~ ، لطفا)
viski (ویسکی)
vodkâ (ودکا)
râm (رام)
âb (آب)
club soda
limunâdè gâzdâr (لیموناد گازدار)
tonic water
sevenâp (سون‌آپ)
orange juice
âbporteqâl (آب‌پرتقال)
Coke (soda)
nušâbe (نوشابه)
Do you have any bar snacks?
mazze dârid? (مزه دارید؟)
One more, please.
yekì digar, lotfan (یکی دیگر، لطفا)
Another round, please.
yek dorè digar, lotfan (یک دور دیگر، لطفا)
When is closing time?
sâøatè chand mibandid? (ساعت چند می‌بندید؟)


Do you have this in my size?
az in andâzeyè man dârid? (از این اندازه‌ی من دارید؟)
How much is this?
chand ast? (چند است؟)
That's too expensive.
xeyli gerân ast (خیلی گران است)
Would you take ~ ?
~ mipasandid? (می‌پسندید؟ ~)
gerân (گران)
arzân (ارزان)
I can't afford it.
pulaš râ nadâram (پولش را ندارم)
I don't want it.
nemixâhamaš (نمی‌خواهمش)
You're cheating me.
dârid be man kalak mizanid (دارید به من کلک می‌زنید)
I'm not interested.
xošam nemiâyad (خوشم نمی‌آید)
OK, I'll take it.
bâše, in râ barmidâram (باشه، این را برمی‌دارم)
Can I have a bag?
kise dârid? (کیسه دارید؟)
Do you ship (overseas)?
be xârej post mikonid? (به خارج پست می‌کنید؟)
I need ~
~ mixâstam (~ می‌خواستم)
xamirdandân (خمیردندان)
a toothbrush
mesvâk (مسواک)
tâmpon (تامپون), navârè behdâšti (نوار بهداشتی)
sâbun (صابون)
šâmpu (شامپو)
pain reliever (e.g. aspirin or ibuprofen)
mosakken (مسکن)
cold medicine
dâruyè sarmâxordegi (داروی سرماخوردگی)
stomach medicine
dâruyè deldard (داروی دل‌درد)
a razor
tiq (تیغ)
an umbrella
chatr (چتر)
sunblock lotion
zeddè âftâb (ضد آفتاب)
a postcard
kârt-postâl (کارت‌پستال)
postage stamps
tambr (تمبر)
bâtri (باتری)
writing paper
kâqaz (کاغذ)
a pen
xodkâr (خودکار)
English-language books
ketâbè Engelisi-zabân (کتاب انگلیسی‌زبان)
English-language magazines
majalleyè Engelisi-zabân (مجله‌ی انگلیسی‌زبان)
an English-language newspaper
ruznâmeyè Engelisi-zabân (روزنامه‌ی انگلیسی‌زبان)
an English-Farsi dictionary
Farhangè Engelisi be Fârsi (فرهنگ انگلیسی به فارسی)


Notice - In Iran, there are no car rental agencies. Most of the time, you would need to rent a car with a driver from an "âžâns" (taxi agency) who will drive you around. The agencies often have set daily/weekly rental prices which you should make sure to ask for!

I want to rent a car.
mixâstam yek mâšin kerâye konam (می‌خواستم یک ماشین کرایه کنم)
Can I get insurance?
mitavânam bime begiram? (می‌توانم بیمه بگیرم؟)
stop (on a street sign)
ist (ایست)
one way
yektarafe (يک طرفه)
râh bedahid (راه بدهید), ejâzeyè obur bedahid (اجازه‌ی عبور بدهید)
no parking
pârk mamnuø (پارک ممنوع)
speed limit
sorøatè mojâz (سرعت مجاز)
gas (petrol) station
pompè benzin (پمپ بنزين)
benzin (بنزين)
gâzoøil (گازوئیل)


I haven't done anything wrong.
kârì nakardeam (کاری نکرده‌ام)
It was a misunderstanding.
suøè tafâhom bud (سوء تفاهم بود)
Where are you taking me?
marâ kojâ mibarid? (مرا کجا می‌برید؟)
Am I under arrest?
bâzdâšt hastam? (بازداشت هستم؟)
I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
šahrvandè Âmrikâ/Ostorâliyâ/Engelis/Kânâdâ hastam (شهروند آمریکا/استرالیا/انگلیس/کانادا هستم)
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
mixâham bâ sefâratè/konsulgariyè Âmricâ/Ostorâliyâ/Engelis/Kânâdâ tamâs begiram (می‌خواهم با سفارت/کنسولگری آمریکا/استرالیا/انگلیس/کانادا تماس بگیرم)
I want to talk to a lawyer.
mixâham bâ yek vakil harf bezanam (می‌خواهم با یک وکیل حرف بزنم)
Can I just pay a fine now?
mišavad jarime râ naqdan pardâxt konam? (می‌شود جریمه را نقدا پرداخت کنم؟)

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