Ngawi (town)

Ngawi (Javanese: ꦔꦮꦶ Ngawi, Hanzi: 加維 Jiā wéi) is town and capital of Ngawi Regency, East Java Province.


You can see the main road in Ngawi City

Ngawi District is a sub-district area which is also a city of Ngawi Regency. This district is also the center of business and economy. A small portion of the people of the Ngawi sub-district of the city still rely on agricultural products, even though the majority of the population earn their living in the trade and office sector. To the north of the city of Ngawi, namely in Banyuurip Village, there is a teak forest owned by Perhutani which is managed by Perhutani, Ngawi District, Kota. So that from time to time it can revive the economy of the Ngawi sub-district city.


The climate in Ngawi is a tropical climate, similar to the climate in Ngawi District of the city. The temperature, weather, rainfall and humidity in the Ngawi City sub-district are not much different from the climate in Ngawi Regency. But the difference is only a few numbers. The average annual temperature in Ngawi City ranges from 22–34° Celsius with rainfall reaching 178 mm per year.

Tourism information office

  • Tourist information, Jl. Yos Sudarso no. 64 Winong, Margomulyo, +62 351 746208.

Get in

By plane

Solo's Adisumarmo International Airport (SOC IATA), 93 km west of Ngawi (just outside of town), is a small airport. There are 12 flights a day to Jakarta. As of 2016, there are flights to other Indonesian cities as well, such as Surabaya, Batam, Denpasar, Bandung, and Balikpapan. There is an international flight to Kuala Lumpur by Malaysia's low-cost airline, AirAsia. If using a taxi, you should buy a ticket in a ticket shelter. Just name your destination and pay the amount they ask, and you will be assigned to a registered taxi using a set fee charging system.

You can also fly to Yogyakarta International Airport Yogyakarta (YIA IATA). The distance between Yogyakarta and Ngawi is about 190 ​​km from Kulonprogo, about 4 hours by road. Take a taxi or similar to get out of the airport, then get off at Giwangan Terminal. Take the inter-city bus to Ngawi. The well-known buses passing the Yogyakarta-Ngawi-Surabaya route are Eka, Mira, Sugeng Rahayu, and Sumber Selamat, you can reach Ngawi within 3 to 3.5 hours of night travel) This inter-city bus also stops in Solo, so you can use this bus from Solo. Buses also pass through the main road not far from Adisumarmo International Airport Solo.

By train

  • 🌍 Ngawi Railway Station (Stasiun Ngawi, Stasiun Paron), Jl. Raya Paron, Gelung (just outside of town). There are ekonomi-class as well as eksekutif-class trains from Jakarta and Surabaya.

By bus

Terminal Kertonegoro (bus station)
  • 🌍 Terminal Kertonegoro (Kertonegoro Bus Station), Ngronggi, Grudo. A lot of intercity buses from Jakarta, Surabaya, and Yogyakarta.

By car

From Mantingan, you may drive to the east for 45 min through the Ngawi-Mantingan highway main road. From Karangjati, you may drive to the west for 30 min through the Ngawi-Caruban highway main road. From Maospati, you may drive to the north for 25 min through the Ngawi-Maospati highway main road. From Jogorogo, you may drive to the north east for 20-25 min through the Ngawi-Jogorogo highway main road. From Padangan, Bojonegoro, you may drive to the south west for 1 hr through the Ngawi-Cepu highway main road.

Get around

There is a ride-hailing service in Ngawi city by Grab, Gojek and conventional motorcycle and car taxis.

By pedicab "becak"

Becak (traditional pedicab) is an entertaining way to see the panorama of the city and along various streets in the city, although it is quite slow. Pedicab (becak) is also a traditional means of transportation in this city area.

By bike

Bicycles are one of the legendary vehicles in this city. Traveling around this city by bicycle can relieve boredom. Although bicycles are classified as non-motorized vehicles, bicycles are widely used by tourists visiting Ngawi. Paddle bicycle is a favorite vehicle for tourists.


Historical building

Fort Van Den Bosch

The location of this fort is considered strategic because it is located near the mouth of the Madiun river which empties into the Solo river. This fort was deliberately made lower than the surrounding land surrounded by high ground so that it looks hidden from the outside.

  • 🌍 Fort Van Den Bosch (Benteng Pendem), Jl. Untung Suropati No.II, Pelem II, Pelem, +62 351 749208. 07:00-17:00. Fort Van den Bosch in Pelem Village, Ngawi sub-district, the city was built by the Dutch government in 1839–1845 under the name Fort Van den Bosch. This fort is often called "Fort Pendem" This fort has a building size of 165 m x 80 m with a land area of ​​15 Ha. The location is easy to reach, namely from the Ngawi Regency Square or from the zero kilometer point Ngawi is 1.5 km to the northeast. Rp10,000.
  • 🌍 Kepatihan Ngawi Building (Gedung Kepatihan Ngawi), Ketanggi, Ngawi. 09:00–17:30. Kepatihan Ngawi is one of the cultural attractions in Ngawi which is located in the ex-Kepatihan on Jalan Patiunus, Ketangi Village, Ngawi District of the city, Ngawi. This building includes the legacy of Patih Pringgokusumo, an important figure in the history of the Duchy of Ngawi. The Joglo house and the 2 hectare land belong to the Ngawi regional government which it is hoped will become one of the heritage areas in Indonesia. This kepatihan includes buildings from the past that have high historical value in defending Ngawi during the Dutch colonial period. free.
  • 🌍 Dungus Bridge (Jembatan Dungus kuno), Dungus, Karang Asri. A historical bridge decorated with lights and lighter colors. This bridge has a long history of Ngawi because in ancient times this bridge was the only crossing access from the west and east of Ngawi City.
  • 🌍 Pendopo Wedya Graha, Jl. Teuku Umar no. 12 Kluncing, Ketanggi. 08.00-17.00. The center of activities is located in a historic building that has high historical value

House of culture

Pedestrian path

Ngawioboro Street is one of the places where visitors or travelers walk on the pedestrian walkway from the Ivory Monument Kartonyono intersection in the south to Ngawi Town Square in the north. The uniqueness is that the pedestrian path is made wide and many interesting spots are made. The location of Ngawioboro Street is along Yos Sudarso street on the west side.

  • 🌍 Ngawioboro Street (Ngawioboro Yos Sudarso), Margomulyo, Ngawi. 24/7. Many local people call it "Ngawioboro Street" or "the Malioboro" of Ngawi city. Facilities such as rows of long chairs and round chairs in the shape of cartoon ladybugs are of concern to tourists, there are several tables and decorative lights in creamy yellow which give the impression of being a classic. free.

Religious buildings

  • 🌍 Baiturrahman Grand Mosque (Masjid Agung Baiturrahman), Jl. Imam Bonjol no. 3 Kerek, Margomulyo. 24/7. Spiritual tourism destinations for Muslims. This mosque is one of the cultural heritages in the Ngawi city.
  • 🌍 St Joseph's Catholic Church (Gereja Katolik Santo Yosef), Jl. J.A Suprapto no. 6 Kluncing, Ketanggi, +62 351 749153. 24/7. Spiritual tourist spot for Catholics. This church building is one of the cultural heritage buildings in Ngawi city.
  • 🌍 Sien Hien Kiong Temple (Klenteng Sien Hien Kiong), Jl. Sultan Agung no. 76 Sidomakmur, Ketanggi, +62 351 744458. 06:00–18:00. This building is one of the Confucian worship buildings which is also a cultural heritage in Ngawi.



  • 🌍 Taman Wisata Bukit Kerek (Kerek Bukit Indah). 09:00-17:00.


This tourist park certainly has a high philosophy in the eastern part of Ngawi City. The location is quite close to the Kartonyono gold ivory monument, the crossroads of the Ngawi City axis. From the Kartonyono monument location, head east for about 1 km. On the front there is the inscription Dungus Park which corresponds to the name of the administrative location, namely in Dungus Hamlet, Karang Asri Village. Dungus Park is not far from the banks of the Madiun River, which is about 150 meters to the northeast.

  • 🌍 Dungus Park (Taman Dungus), Dungus, Karang Asri, Ngawi. 24/7. Dungus Park is a green open park where there is a statue of a farmer with two buffaloes 7 meters high in the middle of the park and surrounded by a fountain. free.
  • 🌍 Candi Park Kartoharjo (Taman Candi Kalimati Kartoharjo), Ketanggi, Kartoharjo. 24/7. The Candi park is a tourist and play park located near the dead river or indentation of the Madiun river which is in the form of a small lake. This park is located in Candi Hamlet, Kartoharjo Village, Ngawi District of the city. free.
  • 🌍 Central Park Ngawi Regency (Alun-alun Ngawi, Kabupaten Ngawi). Besides having a large area, Ngawi Square also has a number of facilities. Ngawi Square has an area of ​​68,310 square meters. Ngawi Square is an object of tourist attraction (ODTW) for visitors from outside District of the city and even outside Ngawi Regency.
  • 🌍 Ngudal Park (Taman Hutan Ngudal), Karangtengah, Karangtengah Prandon, Ngawi. 24/7. A park where there is a natural water source which is usually taken by drinking water companies. free.
  • 🌍 Soekarno Youth Park (Taman Pemuda Soekarno), Jl. Ir. Soekarno (Ring-road barat) km. 6 Ngronggi, Grudo. 24/7. A park and monument to Bung Karno to commemorate his services at that time free.


  • 🌍 Kali Tempuk Indah, Brangetan, Ngawi. 09:00–17:00. A tourist destination of choice to enjoy the beauty of the confluence of the two major rivers, namely the Solo rivers and Madiun rivers near the site of the Van den Bosch fort. Free.


Food souvenirs

Gethuk lindri
  • Gethuk Anyar, is one of the typical Ngawi foods that is much sought after as a snack to accompany meals. The selling price per box is priced at Rp 12,000 to 15,000


Shopping center

  • 🌍 Supermarket Luwes, Jl A Yani no. 58 West Balong, Beran, +62 351 746400. 09:00-20:30. Luwes Supermarket is one of the malls in Ngawi City. You can enjoy this shopping tour by walking around from the mall. Apart from retail, there are also clothes, books, daily necessities and entertainment vehicles in this mall.
  • 🌍 Tiara Supermarket, Jl A Yani no.45 (Near the Klitik intersection and southern ring road) Jetak, Klitik. 08:30-20:30. This supermarket is one of the shopping destinations in Ngawi. This supermarket provides a variety of household items and necessities of life that you buy.

Department store

Matahari departement store
  • 🌍 Toserba Matahari, Jl PB Sudirman, Kerek, Margomulyo. 08:00-21:00. This clothing store provides a variety of clothing you need. Starting from clothes, pants, underwear to bags, shoes and other accessories.


Tepo tahu
  • Tepo Tahu is a type of food made from rice cake, fried tofu, eggs, bean sprouts, cabbage, celery and seasoned with soy sauce mixed with peanuts. This type of dish is a typical Ngawi food that many people like.
  • Keripik Tempe is a snack made from sliced ​​tempeh, coated with rice flour and spices. This type of chip snack is one of Ngawi's specialties.

Food stalls

  • 🌍 Lethok Mbah Jan, Jl. Trunojoyo No.6, Tanjungrejo, Central Karang. 06:00-11:00. Serves nasi lethok, rice with veggies and protein side dishes doused with lethok (rotten tempeh sauce). From Rp6,000.
  • 🌍 Tahu Tepo Mbah Nem, Jl. Dr. Soetomo, Kluncing, Ketanggi, +62 813 598 06684. 16:00-21:00. Serves tahu tepo, slices of tepo (rice cake) with veggies, tofu omelette, peanut sauce, and spiced sweet broth. From Rp12,000.
  • 🌍 Bakso dan Mie Ayam Pak Cipto, Jl. Supriyadi, Sidomulyo, Kandangan. 09:00–23:00. Provides meatball and chicken noodle dishes that can be enjoyed by visitors. From Rp 10,000.
  • 🌍 Mie Ayam Kuah dan Goreng Pak Yok, Jl. Supriyadi km 3, Pangkur, Kartoharjo, +62 857 3646 8129. 10:00–00:00. From Rp 10,000.


  • 🌍 RM Yu Sri Adem Ayem, Jl. Ir. Soekarno (ring road), Dadapan, Klitik, +62 852 3290 1058. 08:30–20:30. Adem Ayem restauran, Culinary tourism for tourists and travelers . From Rp 25,000–55,000.
  • 🌍 Milangkori Gurami spesial dan Ayam kampung, Jl. Pattimura, Bulung, Desa Kartoharjo, +62 852 3276 6616. 08:30–21:00. Milanngkori carp restaurant From Rp 25,000–50,000.
  • 🌍 RM Padang Minang Solok, Jl. A Yani no. 117 East Balong, Beran, +62 812 8099 2981. 08:00–21:00. Providing various kinds of Padang specialties consisting of beef rendang, chicken, green chili (sambal ijo) sauce to various processed vegetables with thick coconut milk gravy. Rp 20,000–65,000.
  • 🌍 Sambal Bakar Kondang, Jl. Patiunus no. 168, Pelem III, Pelem, +62 858 8855 5689. 11:00–21:00. Sambal Bakar Kondang is a restaurant in Ngawi that provides various kinds of chili sauce and how to serve it baked in a clay pan. From Rp 25,000.
  • 🌍 Ayam Goreng Yogya Pak Manto, Jl. Teuku Umar no. 102, South Cabean, Ketanggi, +62 815 5658 0095. 09:00–19:30. One of the fried chicken-based restaurants located in Ngawi. This restaurant is always crowded with culinary lovers. From Rp 25,000–50,000.
  • 🌍 Panggang Ayam Kampung Mbak Ambar, Jl. Supriyadi RT 003 RW 005, Pangkur, Kartoharjo, +62 858 6800 2325. 09:00–20:30. The only restaurant that provides a variety of culinary delights by ordering per package, not per portion. From Rp 95,000–110,000.
  • 🌍 Graha Rasa Seafood Resto, Jl. MH Thamrin no. 4 Kerek, Margomulyo, +62 813 8083 2667. 10:30–21:30. This place is a culinary destination for those who like seafood. From Rp 25,000–55,000.
  • 🌍 RM Bu Djar Karangdowo Sragen Cabang Ngawi, Jl. Trunojoyo RT 003 RW 003, Kerek, Margomulyo, +62 812 3237 1044. 09:00–17:30. This restaurant provides various types of culinary delights that are liked by tourists visiting Ngawi. From Rp 25,500–60,000.
  • 🌍 RM Accord, Jl. Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo no. 4 Sidomakmur, Ketanggi, +62 822 3747 3175. 07:30–21:30. Restaurant with full dishes. This restaurant is the umpteenth time reference for tourists or travelers who come to Ngawi. From Rp 22,000–58,000.
  • 🌍 Dapoer Sangit Ngawi, Jl. Patiunus no. 17 Cabean Lor, Pelem, +62 813 3680 6629. 12:00–20:30. One of the favorite places to eat with a cultural background. Suitable for tourists and families From Rp 25,000–50,000.
  • 🌍 Gudeg Jogja Dapur Meranti, Jl. Yos Sudarso no. 34 Kerek, Margomulyo, +62 812 3164 1611. 08:00–17:30. One of the restaurants that provide typical Jogja gudeg dishes. For tourists, this place is certainly the main destination for culinary tourism. From Rp 25,000–100,000.
  • 🌍 Omah Panggang Mertua, Jl. Supriyadi km 3 RT 001 RW 003 Pangkur, Kartoharjo, +62 812 2717 5755. 10:00–22:00. Provides a variety of duck dishes. From Rp 27,000–100,000.
  • 🌍 La Densa (Restoran Steak), Jl. Raden Saleh no. 6, South Cabean, Ketanggi, +62 859 6117 6543. 10:00–22:00. Cafes that provide various kinds of processed meat including steak. From Rp 20,000–70,000.
  • 🌍 Bintang Seafood Ngawi (Masakan Aneka Hidangan Laut), Jl. Trunojoyo Gg. Wijaya Kusuma no. 49 Kerek, Margomulyo, +62 857 3505 6303. 10:00–22:00. All kinds of seafood are here. For tourists who love seafood can come here. From Rp 30,000–100,000.


  • Cemue, Try a local drink called cemue, which consists of coconut milk, ginger, lemongrass, coconut flesh, white bread, and peanut.

Shop drink

  • 🌍 Kedai Kopi Janji Jiwa, Jl. A Yani no. 110 East Balong, Beran, +62 813 8872 6215. 11:00-22:00. This coffee shop provides various types of processed coffee types in Indonesia, especially in the Ngawi region. The taste of coffee in this shop is certainly much different compared to other coffee places. Rp 11,000.
  • 🌍 Warung Kopi "Anthurium", +62 811 363 603. 16:00–23:00. This shop provides a variety of processed coffee, including Arabica and Robusta coffee Rp 20,000.
  • 🌍 Jasuke Manis & Minuman, Jl. Yos Sudarso no. 17b, Margomulyo I, Margomulyo. 17:00–22:00. Provides a wide variety of processed drinks. Rp 5,000.
  • 🌍 Tea Break, Jl. Ronggowarsito no. 36 Sidorejo, Central Karang, +62 878 8998 1222. 09:00–21:30. Of course there are all kinds of tea drinks in this shop. Rp 4,000–12,000.
  • 🌍 Warung Kopi Mbah Tum, Jl. Pendem, Pendem, Mangunharjo. 04:30–23:30. Rp 5,000.
  • 🌍 Es Teler Durian Mbak Bella, Jl. Jekikut, Karangrejo, Beran, +62 888 0562 4900. 11:00–20:00. Rp 5,000.
  • 🌍 Ichi Thai Tea, Jl. RA Kartini no. 5 Kerek, Margomulyo, +62 857 9035 3018. 09:00–21:00. Provides various types of Thai tea drinks. Rp 5,000.
  • 🌍 Pojokan Kopi 0.2 Ngawi, Jl. Yos Sudarso no. 11 Winong, Margomulyo. 10:00–23:00. Rp 10,000.


  • 🌍 Rooftop Kartonyono, Jl. PB Sudirman, Kerek, Margomulyo, +62 812 5961 9623. 15:30–23:30. Cafe near the Kartonyono intersection Rp 10,000–25,000.
  • 🌍 Berjoeang Coffee, Jl. Brawijaya no. 13 Kerek, Margomulyo. 13:00-22:00. There are various kinds of coffee, tea and milk drinks. Rp 10,000–28,000.
  • 🌍 Belikopi Ngawi, Jl. Hasanuddin no. 1 Winong, Margomulyo. 08:00–22:00. Coffee shop that provides various types of coffee. Rp 25,000.
  • 🌍 The Real Cofee and Eatery, Jl. Supriyadi, Dungus, Karang Asri, +62 812 5918 5293. 08:00–23:00. A variety of selected coffee drink menus are available here. Rp 10,000–50,000.



  • 🌍 Hotel Wahyu Satu, Jl. A Yani no. 97 Winong, Margomulyo, +62 351 742031. Check-in: 12:00, check-out: 11:30. Rp 184,000.
  • 🌍 H. Maksum, Jl. Suryo no. 19 Ngronggi, Grudo, +62 351 749456. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 13:00. Rp 197,406.
  • 🌍 Ngawi Indah, Jl. Raya Ngawi - Caruban, RT. 05 RW. 05, Desa Prandon, +62 351 747467. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 12:00. From Rp248,160.
  • 🌍 Redoorz near Benteng Van den Bosch, Jl. Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo no. 48 Purworejo, Central Karang. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. Rp 269,821.


  • 🌍 Jagad Inn, Jl. Basuki Rahmat Gg Ketonggo IV, Winong, Margomulyo, +62 857 3642 1151. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 13:00. Rp 315,098.
  • 🌍 Saa Nuansa, Jl. Yos Sudarso no. 21 RT 011 RW 001 Winong, Margomulyo, +62 351 749413. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 13:00. Rp 402,384.
  • 🌍 Nuansa, Jl. Basuki Rahmat no.46 Winong, Margomulyo. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 15:00. From Rp445,890.
  • 🌍 Nimara, Jl. Wolter Monginsidi no. 20 Pelem II, Pelem, +62 895 4173 00072. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 14:00. From US$22.
  • 🌍 Sukowati, Jl. Sukowati no. 81, Sekolahan, Karang Asri, +62 351 749359. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 12:00. From Rp550,000.
  • 🌍 Nata Azana, Jl. Raya Ngawi - Solo, Ngronggi, Grudo, +62 822 5861 5758. Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 14:00. From Rp766,583.

Stay safe

Even though Ngawi is not as big and busy as other cities in Indonesia, never let your guard down, because the characteristics of cities like Ngawi also have a reputation among Indonesian people with the same crime rate as other cities in Indonesia. Ngawi also poses some real dangers to visitors especially when crossing very busy roads (the secret is to raise your hand while crossing, and go forward at a predictable speed and direction, allowing traffic to flow around you). Bring your face mask if you are traveling and doing activities on foot during peak hours due to bad air pollution (especially in the afternoon from 15:00 to 19:00). Don't trust people you just met, even if they look friendly.


  • Ambulance, 118, 119.
  • Police, 110.

Police stations

  • Ngawi Police Headquarters (Polres Ngawi), Jl. J.A Suprapto no. 10 Kluncing, Ketanggi, +62 852 1122 5110.
  • Ngawi sector police headquarters (Polsek Kota Ngawi), Jl. Supriyadi km 1 no. 1 Nglarangan, Karang Asri, +62 351 744310.

Stay healthy


Ngawi has hospitals with 24 hr emergency rooms "Unit Gawat Darurat" (ER) (UGD)


If the disease is not too severe, you can contact several existing clinics.

  • 🌍 Puskesmas Ngawi (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Ngawi kota), Jl. S Parman no. 25 West Balong, Beran, +62 351 746976.
  • 🌍 Puskesmas Ngawi Purba (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Ngawi bagian Timur), Jl. Trip km 3 Ngantru, Ngawi.
  • 🌍 Pustu Watualang (Puskesmas Pembantu sub Watualang), Jl. Raya Ngawi - Solo km. 5 RT 002/RW009 East Gemarang, Watualang.
  • 🌍 Klinik Merah Putih, Jl. Ronggowarsito no. 98 Ngadirejo, Central Karang, +62 351 745596.
  • 🌍 Klinik Dr. Harun Al Rasyid, Jl. Letjend Sutoyo no. 6 Kerek, Margomulyo, +62 351 749411.


Dialing and postal code

  • The dialing code for Ngawi city is +62 351.
  • The postal code for Ngawi city is 63211–63218.


There are many internet cafes (warnet) that offer access to the internet. Some hotels and tourist attractions also provide wifi around the location. There is free wifi in Ngawi Square (Alun-alun).

Indomaret and Alfamart 24 hours sometimes offer free wifi and charging points, but it's a bit noisy because of its location on the side of the road.

Go next

Explore other cities or districts of Ngawi, see the regency of Ngawi

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