Mongolian phrasebook
Mongolian (монгол хэл) is the most widely spoken member of the Mongolic language family. Mongolian is the first language for the vast majority of residents in Mongolia, and most of the ethnic Mongols in the Inner Mongolia region of China. It is the sole official language of Mongolia, and co-official with Mandarin in Inner Mongolia and several Mongol autonomous prefectures and counties in the neighboring provinces.
Mongolian has two writing systems: The traditional Mongolian script (the official script in China) and the Cyrillic alphabet (the official script in Mongolia). For the sake of simplicity, this article covers Khalkha Mongolian, the most commonly spoken dialect and the main dialect used in Mongolia.
Pronunciation guide
The Mongolian language is somewhat challenging to pronounce. There are a few sounds that are unknown to native speakers of English, and the language employs vowel harmony. English does make similar distinctions – consider the "a" sounds of father (back) and cat (front), or the difference in the "i" sound for bit (short) and beat (long) – but you will need to pay extra attention to it in Mongolian.
- А
- like "a" in art
- Э
- like "i" in bit
- И
- like "ee" in beet
- О
- like "o" in off
- Ө
- somewhat like the German ö, similar to e in her, but rounded (transcribed eu )
- У
- somewhat like "o", as in boat
- Ү
- like "u", as in boot
Except for и, long vowels are written doubled (аа, ээ, оо, өө, уу, үү). They are pronounced just like the short vowels, but longer. <ий> and <ы> both represent long /i/ and are pronounced the same: as a longer и.
Vowel pronunciation guide
In Mongolian, the stress always falls on the first long vowel or diphthong of a word. If there are no long vowels or diphthongs, then stress falls on the first syllable. Loanwords can be exceptions to this rule.
If the first syllable of a word contains a short vowel, the vowel will be pronounced as it is written. Short vowels after the first syllable of a word will typically be dropped from pronunciation. Meanwhile, long vowels in the first syllable of a word are pronounced as written, while long vowels after the first syllable of a word are pronounced as if short. Essentially, the first syllable of a word can have long or short vowels, while later syllables only allow short vowels (phonetically speaking).
Let us take a look at the phrase Сайн байна уу. The first word of the phrase "Сайн" will be pronounced as (sain), whereas the second word of the phrase "байна" won't be pronounced as (bai-nah). It will be pronounced as (bain) instead.
Here are a few other examples:
- Амархан: This word is pronounced as (Amr-Khn). The short vowels in the second and third syllables will not be pronounced.
- Үндэстэн: This word is pronounced as (Un-ds-tn). The short vowels in the second and third syllables will not be pronounced.
These pronunciation rules can be challenging to grasp at first, but with time and practice, you will gradually get the hang of it.
- ч
- the "ch" in chat
- ж
- the "j" in jewel
- х
- the "h" in hug
- ш
- the "sh" in shoe
- ц
- the "zz" in pizza
- з
- the "ds" in ads
a voiceless "l". Like the "ll" in Welsh.
If a word-final "n" is followed by a vowel, the vowel is silent and the "n" is pronounced like the English "n". For example: байна is actually pronounced "bain".
If an "n" is followed by a consanant or comes at the end of a word, then it is pronounced "ng". For example: Ulaanbaatar is pronounced "Ulangbatar".
Common diphthongs
Mongolian is written using the Cyrillic alphabet in Mongolia and the traditional Mongolian script in Inner Mongolia.
Cyrillic characters: the following presents the upper case and lower case Cyrillic character, followed by the English transliteration, example word and the English transliteration of the word. The Latin character transliteration used here is what is used locally in Mongolia. Linguists have a complete set of characters to transliterate Mongolian to English, but those characters are not useful for the traveler. The following are the most common transliterations.
А а
Б б - B b - Баянхонгор - Bayankhongor (a province in Southern Mongolia.)
В в - V v - Хөвсгөл - Khovsgol (a province in Northern Mongolia.)
Д д - D d - Дорнод - Dornod (a province in Eastern Mongolia.)
Г г - G g - Говь - Govi (The Gobi desert. see below for the "ь" below.)
Е е - Ye ye - Еэвэн - Yeeven (Means round cake with filling)
Ё ё - Yo yo - Ёотон - Yoton (Means lump sugar)
Ж ж - J j - Жаргалант - Jargalant (Common sum name. A Sum, similar to a US county.)
З з - Z z - Завхан - Zavkhan (a province in Northwest Mongolia).
И и - I i - Нийслэл - Niislel (Means Capital, in the sense Ulaanbaatar is the capital.)
й й - I i - Аймаг - Aimag (Means Province)
К к - K k - Кино - Kino (Means movie)
Л л - L l - Лам - Lam (Buddhist monk, Lama)
М м - M m - Мах - Mah (Means meat)
Н н - N n - Наадам - Naadam (Mid-Summer Holiday, festival, games. First part of July)
О о - O o - Орхон - Orkhon (a province in Northcentral Mongolia, also a River)
Ө ө - O o - Өмнөговь - Omnogovi (a province in Southern Mongolia)
П п - P p - Перс - Persia (The "П" is mostly used for loan words)
Р р - R r - Рашаан - Rashaan (Mineral Spring)
С с - S s - Сүхбаатар - Sukhbaatar (Mongolian Hero, Main Square in UB, Province, city)
Т т - T t - Төв - Tov (center, Province in Central Mongolia surrounding UB)
У у - U u - Улаан - Ulaan (red, Ulaanbaatar Red Hero)
Ү ү - U u - Түүх - Tuuh (Means history)
ф Ф
Х х - Kh kh - Хархорин - Kharkhorin (Sum which contains the ancient capital of the Mongolian Empire) Note 1.
Х х - H h - Хаан - Haan (Emperor) Note 2.
Ц ц - Ts ts - Цэцэрлэг - Tsetserleg (Capital of Arkhangai Province)
Ч ч - Ch ch - Чихэр - Chiher (Means candy)
Ш ш - Sh sh - Шивээс - Shivees (Means tattoo)
Щ щ
Э э - E e - Эрдэнэт - Erdenet (City in North Central Mongolia, Orkhon Province, Copper mine)
Ю ю - Yu yu - Оюутан - Oyutan (Student at a University).
Я я - Ya ya - Япон - Yapon (Japan)
ь ь - i i - Говь - Govi (Acts like a silent e, changes the sound of the preceding vowel) Note 3.
Note 1. These transliterations are from course material from the Language and Culture Department of the Mongolian National University. Dr. Б. Сарантуяа.
Note 2. These transliterations come from the Mongolian Government Website "", this site is not consistent.
Note 3. There are two other signs not seen often in place names, "ы" and "ъ". "ъ" generally modifies verbs and "ы" is used to make possessives.
The place names are from "Монгол улс Авто замын Атлас" (Mongol national Auto Highway['s] Atlas)
Much of the difficulty comes from the two sets of vowels. Back : А, О, У, Я, Ё, ы Front : Э, Ө, Ү, Е, ю Neutral: И Generally words should have only back or front vowels plus the "И" but some words are combined from two words, such as Өмнөговь.
Unless you intend to seriously study Mongolian, learning Mongolian grammar on your trip is not realistic. But it can help to at least understand how the language works.
The Ground Basics
- There is no grammatical gender in Mongolian.
- There are several grammatical cases: Nominative, Accusative, Genitive, Dative, Ablative, Instrumental, Comitative, Privative, and Directional.
- Mongolian syntax is subject-object-verb (SOV), just like in Japanese, Korean and Turkish.
Personal Pronouns
Pronoun Meaning Transliteration Би I Bee Та You (formal, singular) Ta Чи You (informal, singular) Chee Тэр He/She/It/That Ter Энэ It/This En Бид нар We Beed-Nar Та нар You (plural) Ta-Nar Тэд нар They Ted-Nar
Phrase list
Common signs
- Hello.
- Сайн байна уу. (Saing bain oo)
- Hello.
- Сайн уу. (informal) (Saing oo)
- How are you?
- Yuu baina? (Юу байна?)
- Fine, thank you.
- Saing saing. (Сайн сайн)
- What is your name?
- Chinii/Tany* neriig hen gedeg ve? (Чиний/Таны нэрийг хэн гэдэг вэ?)
- Who are you / Who is it?
- Chi/ta* khen be?(Чи/Та хэн бэ?)
- My name is ______ .
- Minii neriig ______ gedeg. (Миний нэрийг _____ гэдэг.)
- Nice to meet you.
- Taniltsahad taatai baina. (Танилцахад таатай байна.)
- Please.
- Guij baina . (Гуйж байна.)
- Thank you.
- Bayarlalaa . (Баярлалаа.)
- You're welcome.
- Zuuger zugeer . (Зүгээр зүгээр.)
- Yes.
- Tiim . (Тийм.)
- No.
- Ugui . (Үгүй)
- Sorry.
- Уучлаарай. (OOCH-laa-reh.)
- Goodbye
- Bayartai . (Баяртай.)
- I can't speak Mongolian
- Bi Mongoloor yarj chadahgui[ ]. (Би Монголоор ярьж чадахгүй[ ].)
- Do you speak English?
- Chi angliar yardaguu? (Чи Англиар ярьдаг уу?)
- Help!
- Tuslaarai! (Туслаарай!)
- Look out!
- Eniig/teriig hardaa! (Энийг/Тэрийг хардаа!)
- Good morning.
- öglöönii mend . (Өглөөний Мэнд.)
- Good afternoon.
- ödriin mend . (Өдрийн мэнд.)
- Good evening.
- oroin mend. (Оройн мэнд.)
- Good night (to sleep)
- saikhan amraarai . (Сайхан амраарай.)
- I don't understand.
- Би ойлгохгүй байна . (bee-oyl-gukh-gui-bayn.)
- Where is the toilet?
- Biy dzasakh gadzar haan baidag ve? (Бие засах газар хаана байдаг вэ?)
- *Ta or Tany - is the polite form.
- Don't touch me!
- Nadad buu khur! (Надад бүү хүр!)
- I'll call the police.
- Bi tsagdaa duudlaa (Би цагдаа дуудна.)
- Police!
- Tsagdaa! (Цагдаа!)
- Stop! Thief!
- Zogsoogooroi! Khulgaich! (Зогсоогоорои! Кhулгаич!)
- Please help / I need your help.
- Tuslaach/nadad ööriin chini tuslamj kheregtei baina (Туслаач/надад өөрийн чинь тусламж хэрэгтэй байнаz!)
- I'm lost.
- Bi toorchihloo. (Би төөрчихлөө.)
- I lost my bag.
- Bi tsunkhee geechihlee. (Би цүнхээ алдчихлаа.)
- I lost my wallet.
- Bi turuivchee geechihlee. (Би түрийвчээ алдчихлаа.)
- I'm sick.
- Bi uvchtei baina. (Би өвчтэй байна.)
- I've been injured.
- Bi gemtsen. (Би гэмтсэн.)
- I need a doctor.
- Nadad emch kheregtei. (Надад эмч хэрэгтэй.)
- Can I use your phone?
- Bi tanii utsiig hereglej boloh uu? (Би таны утсыг ашиглаж болох уу?)
- 0
- тэг (tehg)
- 1
- нэг (nehg)
- 2
- хоёр (ho-yor)
- 3
- гурав (GOO-ruv)
- 4
- дөрөв (DUHR-ruv)
- 5
- тав (tav)
- 6
- зургаа (zoor-GAH)
- 7
- долоо (dol-OH)
- 8
- найм (naim)
- 9
- ес (Yes)
- 10
- арав (AH-ruv)
- 11
- arvan neg
- 12
- arvan hoyor
- 20
- hori
- 21
- horin neg
- 30
- guch
- 31
- guchin neg
- 40
- duch
- 41
- duchin neg
- 50
- tavi
- 60
- jar
- 70
- dal
- 80
- naya
- 90
- yer
- 100
- zuu
- 200
- hoyor zuu
- 1000
- myanga
- 3451
- gurvan myanga dorvon zuun tavin neg
- 20000
- horinmyanga
- 1,000,000
- saya
- number ____ (train, bus, etc.)
- nomer/dugaar ____
- half
- tal
- a lot
- ih
- a little
- baga
- now
- odoo
- later
- daraa
- before
- umnu
- after
- daraa
- morning
- ugluu
- afternoon
- udur
- evening
- oroi
- night
- shono
Clock time
- one o'clock AM
- shoniin neg tsag
- noon
- udriin arvan hoyor tsag
- one o'clock PM
- udriin neg tsag
- midnight
- shoniin arvan hoyor tsag
- ___ minute(s)
- ___ minut
- ___ hour(s)
- ___ tsag
- ___ day(s)
- ___ udur
- ___ week(s)
- ___ doloo honog
- ___ month(s)
- ___ sar
- ___ year(s)
- ___ jil
- today
- unuudur
- tomorrow
- margaash
- yesterday
- uchigdur
- this week
- ene doloo honog
- last week
- ungursun doloo honog
- next week
- daraagiin doloo honog
- Monday
- davaa
- Tuesday
- myagmar
- Wednesday
- lkhavga
- Thursday
- purev
- Friday
- baasan
- Saturday
- byamba
- Sunday
- nyam
- January
- neg dugaar sar
- February
- hoyor dugaar sar
(etc. The number of the month (1-12), followed by "dugaar sar")
Writing time and date
When writing the date with digits, 14/11/08. The 24 hour clock is used, rather than the 12 hour clock.
- black
- хар (Har)
- white
- цагаан (tsa-gaan)
- gray
- саарал (SAA-ruhl)
- red
- улаан (oo-LAAN)
- blue
- хөх (huekh) - use this carefully, because it also means "breast"!
- light blue
- цэнхэр (TSEHN-kuhr)
- yellow
- шар (shar)
- green
- ногоон (Noh-Gohn)
- orange
- улбар шар (OOL-bur SHAR)
- purple
- нил ягаан (NEEL-yah-GAAN)
- brown
- бор (Boar)
- pink
- ягаан (Yah-GAAN)
Bus and train
- How much is a ticket to ___?
- ___ yavah biletnii une hed ve?
- One ticket to ___, please.
- ___ yavah neg bilet avya.
- Where does this train/bus go?
- Ene galt tereg/avtobus haashaa yavah ve?
- Where is the bus/train to ___?
- ___ yavah avtobus/galt teregnii zogsool haana baina ve?
- Does this train/bus stop in ___?
- Ene galt tereg/avtobus ___-d zosgoh uu?
- When does the train/bus to ___ leave?
- ___ yavah galt tereg/avtobus hodloh ve?
- When will the train/bus arrive in ___?
- ___-t galt tereg/avtobus hezee ochih ve?
- How do I get to ___?
- Bi yaj ___-d ochih ve?
- ... the train station
- galt teregnii buudal
- ... the bus station
- avtobusnii buudal
- ... the airport
- ongotsnii buudal
- ... downtown
- hotiin tuv
- ... the hotel
- zochid buudal
- ... the American/British/Canadian/Australian embassy
- Amerik/Angli/Kanad/Avstir elchin saidiin yam
- street
- gudamj
- Turn left
- zuun tiishee erge
- Turn right
- baruun tiishee erge
- straight ahead
- chigeeree
- towards the ___
- ___ tiishee
- north
- hoid
- south
- urd
- east
- zuun
- west
- baruun
- Taxi!
- Taxi!
- Take me to ___, please.
- namaig ___ ruu hurgej ogooch.
- How much does it cost to get to ___?
- ___ ruu yavhad hed ve?
- Do you have rooms available?
- Uruu baina uu?
- How much is a room for one person/two people?
- Neg/hoyor hunii uruu hed ve?
- Does the room come with ___?
- Uruund ___ bii uu?
- ...bedsheets
- ornii davuu
- ...a bathroom
- bannii uruu
- ...a telephone
- utas
- ...a TV
- zuragt
- May I see the room first?
- Uruug ehleed uzej boloh uu?
- Do you have anything quieter?
- Chimee bagatai uruu bii uu?
- ...bigger
- tomhon
- ...cleaner
- tseverhen
- ...cheaper
- hyamdhan
- OK, I'll take it.
- Za, avya.
- I will stay for ___ nights.
- Bi ___ udur honono.
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- Uur zochid buudal haana baidag ve?
- Do you have a safe?
- Safe baigaa uu?
- Is breakfast included?
- Ugluunii hool orson uu?
- Please clean my room.
- Minii uruug tseverlej ugnu uu.
- Can you wake me at ___?
- Ta namaig ___ tsagt sereej ugnu uu?
- I want to check out.
- Bi buudlaasaa garya.
- Do you accept American/British/Canadian/Australian currency?
- Ta Amerik/Angli/Kanad/Avstrali mungu avdag uu?
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Kredit kart avdag uu?
- Can you change money for me?
- Mungu solij ugnu uu?
- Where can I get money changed?
- Bi munguu haana soliulj boloh ve?
- How much for one ___?
- Neg ___ hed ve?
- A table for one/two, please.
- Neg/hoyor hunii shiree.
- Can I look at a menu, please?
- Bi hoolnii zes harj boloh uu?
- I'm a vegetarian.
- Bi mah iddeggui.
- I don't eat pork.
- Bi gahain mah iddeggui.
- I don't eat beef.
- Bi uhriin mah iddeggui.
- Breakfast
- ugluunii hool
- Lunch
- udriin hool
- Dinner
- oroin hool
- I want ___
- ___-g avya.
- Chicken
- tahianii mah
- Beef
- uhriin mah
- Pork
- gahain mah
- Fish
- zagasnii mah
- Soda
- undaa
- Cheese
- byaslag
- Eggs
- ondog
- Salad
- salat
- Vegetable
- nogoi
- Fruit
- jims
- Bread
- talh
- Noodles
- goimon
- Rice
- budaa
- Corn
- erdene shish
- Apple
- alim
- Orange
- mandrin
- Lemon
- limon
- Banana
- banan
- May I have a glass of ___?
- Bi neg ayga ___ avch boloh uu?
- May I have a bottle of ___?
- Bi neg lonh ___ avch boloh uu?
- Coffee
- coffee
- Tea
- tsai
- Juice
- shuus
- Milk
- suu
- Water
- us
- Beer
- pivo
- Alcohol
- arhi
- Wine
- vino
- Salt
- davs
- Pepper
- pierts
- Butter
- maslo
- I'm finished (full.)
- Bi tsadchihlaa.
- It was delicious.
- Goyo amttai baisan.
- The check, please.
- Bi munguu tolyo.
- Do you serve alcohol?
- End arhi zardag uu?
- A beer, please.
- Neg shil pivo.
- ___ (liquor) and ___ (mixer), please.
- ___ arhiig ___-tai.
- whiskey
- viski
- vodka
- tsagaan arhi
- orange juice
- orangenii shuus
- Coke (soda)
- koka kola
- One more, please.
- Dahiad neg.
- When is closing time?
- Hezee haah ve?
- Do you have this in my size?
- Minii razmer baigaa uu?
- How much (is this)?
- Hed ve?
- That's too expensive.
- Ih unetei baina.
- Would you take _____?
- _____ avdag uu?
- expensive
- Unetei
- cheap
- Hyamdhan
- I can't afford it.
- Bi uniig ni diilehgui um baina.
- I don't want it.
- Nadad taalagdahgui baina.
- You're cheating me.
- Chi namaig hulhidaj baina.
- I'm not interested.
- Bi sonirhohgui baina.
- OK, I'll take it.
- Za, bi avya.
- Can I have a bag?
- Bi uut avya.
- Do you ship (overseas)?
- Shuudangaar ilgeej chadah uu? (dalain chandad)
- I need...
- Nadad ____ heregtei baina.
- ...toothpaste.
- ...shudnii oo
- ...a toothbrush.
- ...shudnii soiz
- ...tampons.
- ...tampon / ariun tsevriin hereglel
- ...soap.
- ...savan
- ...shampoo.
- ...shampuuni
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
- ...uvchin namdaagch
- ...cold medicine.
- ...haniadnii em
- ...stomach medicine.
- ...gedesnii em
- ...a razor.
- ...sahliin tatuurga
- ...batteries.
- ...baterrei
- umbrella. (rain)
- ...zoontik
- ...a postcard.
- ...otkirit
- ...postage stamps.
- ...mark
- ...writing paper.
- ...bichgiin tsaas
- ...a pen.
- ...uzeg
- ...English-language books.
- ...Angli nomnuud
- ...English-language magazines.
- ...Angli setguuluud
- English-language newspaper.
- ...Angli sonin
- I want to rent a car.
- Bi mashin prokatlahiig husej baina.
- Can I get insurance?
- Bi avto daatgal avch boloh uu?
- stop (on a street sign)
- Zogs
- one way
- neg ursgal
- yield
- zam tavij og
- no parking
- mashin tavij bolohgui
- speed limit
- hurdnii limit
- gas (petrol) station
- binzen klonk
- diesel
- diesel
- I haven't done anything wrong.
- Bi buruu um hiigeegui.
- It was a misunderstanding.
- Buruu oilgoltschih shig bolloo.
- Where are you taking me?
- Namaig haash ni avch yavj bainaa?
- Am I under arrest?
- Bi barivchlagdaj baigaa um uu?
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- Bi Amerik/Avstrali/Angli/Kanad-iin irgen.
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- Bi Amerik/Avstrali/Angli/Kanad-iin elchin saidiin yamtai/konsultai holboo barih heregtei.
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- Bi huulichtaigaa yarihiig husej baina.
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- Bi odoo zovhon tulbur hiichihej boloh uu?