Marinilla is a city located in the East subregion of the department of Antioquia, Colombia. The town is one of Antioquia's historic colonial-era towns. It is a quiet, romantic town with old 2-story homes with wood balconies lining the town square. Small restaurants serving regional dishes should not be missed. The town has many historic churches and plazas connected by cobblestone streets.
Get in
Marinilla is 47 kilometers from Medellín. Bordered to the north by the municipalities of San Vicente and El Peñol, on the east by the municipalities of El Peñol and El Santuario, to the south by the municipalities Santuario and Carmen de Viboral, and to the west by the municipalities Carmen de Viboral and Rionegro.
By bus, the ride will take 1 hour from Medellín or 8-1/2 hours from Bogota.
Get around
- Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
- Capilla de Jesús de Nazareno
- Capilla de Belén
- Seminario nuestra Señora
- Seminario del Monasterio de la Visitación
- Templo de María Auxiliadora
- Templo del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
- El Museo Histórico y Arqueológico
- Casa de la Cultura José Duque Gómez.
- La Plazoleta de los Mártires
- Parque Carolina Gómez
- Monumento a la Batalla del Cascajo.

- Alumbrado - Medellin is world-famous for its enormous christmas light displays every December and the town of Marinilla follows their lead on rather smaller scale, though the displays are still imaginative and colorful whether they're light-hearted and whimsical or profoundly spiritual.
There are traditional places where guitars are manufactured as well as tiples, endemic stringed instruments.
A wide variety of crops are farmed here. Potatoes, cassava, maize and vegetables are part of the economy of this village, apart from trade, industry and tourism.
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