Kyrgyz phrasebook
Kyrgyz (кыргызча / قىرعىزچا) is a language spoken by 4 million people primarily in Kyrgyzstan and, to a lesser extent, in adjacent regions such as Kazakhstan, Xinjiang (China), Uzbekistan, & Tajikistan. In Kyrgyzstan, the language is co-official with Russian, which is the predominant language used in urban areas (especially Bishkek) while Kyrgyz is predominant in rural areas and small cities/towns, though even in these areas many people speak Russian as well. It is also an official language in Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture of China's Xinjiang province. It is a Turkic language and has many similarities with languages such as Turkish, Tatar, Kazakh, Azeri, & Uzbek. As a result of close ties culturally and economically, Kyrgyz has become increasingly mutually intelligible with Kazakh in recent decades.
Kyrgyz is primarily written using the Cyrillic alphabet in Kyrgyzstan, and using the Arabic script in China.
西里尔字母 阿拉伯字母 拉丁字母
а ا a
б ب b
п پ p
н ن n
т ت t
ж ج j
ч چ ch
х ح h
ф ف f
қ ق q
ғ ع g
к ك k
г گ g
ң ڭ ng
л ل l
м م m
о و o
ө ۅ ö
у ۇ u
ү ۉ ü
в ۋ v
с س s
ш ش sh
д د d
р ر r
з ز z
е ە e
ы ى ы
и ئ i
й ي y
Pronunciation guide
Common diphthongs
Phrase list
Common signs
- Hello.
- Salamatsyzby. ( )
- Hello. (informal)
- Salam. ( )
- How are you?
- Kandaisiz? ( ?)
- Fine, thank you.
- Jakshuh, rakhmat. ( )
- What is your name?
- Atyngyz kim? ( ?)
- My name is ______ .
- Menim atem______. ( _____.)
- Nice to meet you.
- Siz menen tanyshkanyma kubanychtumun. ( )
- Please.
- Suranych/Otunuch. ( )
- Thank you.
- Rakhmat. ( )
- You're welcome.
- Echteke emes. ( )
- Yes.
- Ooba. ( )
- No.
- Jok. ( )
- Excuse me. (getting attention)
- Ozor dilerem. ( )
- Excuse me. (begging pardon)
- Kecheraysis. ( )
- I'm sorry.
- Korushkoncho. ( )
- Goodbye
- Jakshuh Kalgula. ( )
- Help!
- Jardam Bergulay! ( !)
- Good morning.
- Kutmanduu tangyngyz menen. ( )
- Good evening.
- Kutmanduu kechingiz menen. ( )
- I don't understand.
- Men tushunbaym. ( )
- Where is the toilet?
- Tualet kaida? ( ?)
- one
- бир (bir)
- two
- Eki
- three
- ooch
- four
- turt
- five
- Besh
- six
- Altuh
- seven
- жети (..jeti.)
- eight
- сегиз (segiz)
- nine
- toguz
- ten
- On
- twenty
- jyirma
Otuz Kyrk Eluu Altymish jetimysh Seksen tokson Júz Meen
Clock time
Monday - Duishombu Tuesday - Sheishembi Wednesday - Sharshembi Thursday- Beishembi 'Friday - Juma Saturday - Ishembi Sunday - Jekshembi
Writing time and date
White - "Ak" Black - "Khara" Red - "Kyzyl"
Bus and train
- Money
- Ackcha
- Worth/Price
- Baa
- Pay
- To'lo'
Learning more
A 325 page PDF document covering the Kyrgyz language, originally created for US Peace Corps volunteers in Kyrgyzstan, is available to view and download here. (direct link to PDF)