Ilocano phrasebook
Ilocano, (Iloco) or (Iluko) is the main language of the Northern Philippines. According to the 2005 Census, there are about 8 million people who speak Ilocano as a mother tongue (locally called kabakketan a dildila) and still another 2 million who speak it as a second language. Although it has no official status in the country, those who use it often call it the National Language of the North. From their traditional homeland (the Ilocandia), Ilocanos have migrated southward, now forming large communities in Central Luzon, Metropolitan Manila and even in the main Urban centres of General Santos City and Zamboanga City in the Island of Mindanao.
There are also a sizable number of Ilocano speakers in the United States, especially in Hawaii, California, Alaska and Washington, as the Ilocanos were the first Filipinos to migrate en masse to the US. Speakers of this language are also found in Canada, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Australia.
Belonging to the Austronesian family of languages, it is related to all the other languages in the Philippines like the larger Tagalog and Cebuano. It is also distantly related to Malagasy, Malay, Tetum, Hawaiian and other Polynesian languages.
Ilocano is an agglutinative language. Meaning, it employs a number of affixes to signify changes in meaning. If you are having a hard time looking for a word in the dictionary, try dropping the following suffixes:
- --ak or -k
- I or my
- --tayo
- we or our
- --mo
- you or your (singular)
- --yo
- you or your (plural)
- --na
- his, her or its
- --da
- their
- --en or -n
- already
As adjectives may be placed at either sides of the noun, one must not forget the ligature nga (if the next word begins with a vowel) or a (if the next word begins with a consonant) to establish the connection.
Sample: yellow dress may be rendered as bado a duyaw or duyaw a bado.
Pronunciation guide
Like all its sister languages, Ilocano is fairly easy to pronounce. The general rule is one sound for each letter. However, the language, like all the Borneo-Philippine Languages, employ the digraph ng to represent an initial velar nasal consonant (the ng in English sing).
Accents are very unpredictable and must be learnt while learning the new word. Although books about the language will show these signs, they are often not found in publications like newspapers.
The Ilocano language has either five or six vowels, depending on what dialect you choose to speak. The language is generally divided into the Amianan (Northern) and Abagatan (Southern) Dialects. The only difference however between these two dialects is the way they pronounce the letter 'E'. In the Abagatan Dialect, only five vowels are present and they are pronounced as follows:
- a
- open front unrounded vowel IPA [a]; like the a in father
- e
- open-mid front unrounded vowel IPA [ɛ]; like the e in bed
- i
- close front unrounded vowel IPA [i]; like the ea in beat
- o
- close-mid back rounded vowel IPA [o]; like the au in author
- u
- close back rounded vowel IPA [u]; like the oo in boot
On the other hand, the Amianan Dialect has another vowel for the symbol 'e'. For the speakers of the Abagatan Dialect, the 'e' that was given above is used for words of foreign origin (e.g. elepante from Spanish). For native words, the sound of a close back unrounded vowel is used. There is no equivalent for this sound in English so some dictionaries use the IPA symbol for the schwa sign. But the proper symbol must be:
- e
- close back unrounded vowel IPA [ɯ]; like the ao in the Scots Gaelic caol.
Historically, Ilocano has only 3 vowels and this reality is still evident until today as the sounds of e and i and o and u' often merges.
When the letter i precedes another letter, its sound will glide resulting to the sound of [j]. This happens also to the letter u where it glides into the sound of [w].
Spanish cities such as Vigan were in contact with Spanish, hence, the additional open-mid front unrounded vowel "e".
- b
- like the English bed
- c
- like the k in sky not as in kite
- d
- like the d in the Japanese dojo
- f
- (in proper nouns only) like the English feather
- g
- like the English go
- g
- (in foreign words from Spanish only) like the English house
- h
- like the English house
- j
- (in foreign words from Spanish only) like the English house
- k
- like the k in sky not as in kite
- l
- like the l in London
- m
- like the m in mother
- n
- like the n in nanny
- p
- like the p in spot not as in pot
- qu
- like the k in sky not as in kite
- r
- like the r in right
- r
- (in foreign words from Spanish only) like the r in rojo
- s
- like the s in seven
- t
- like the d in the Chinese Dao De Jing
- v
- like the English bed
- v
- (in proper nouns only) like the v in vase
- w
- like the w in water
- x
- (in proper nouns only) like the x in six
- x
- (in proper nouns only) like the x in the Spanish Mexico
- y
- like the y in yam
- z
- like the s in seven
- z
- like the z in zebra
Some consonants change their sounds when followed by a vowel. The following sounds are produced:
- di
- like the j in jack
- si
- like the sh in shampoo
- ti
- like the ch in church
As mentioned above the digraph ng represents the sound of the same digraph in Singer. However, unlike in English, this sound may be used as initial.
The initial glottal stop is not written. Thus, it appears as if the word commences with a vowel. When it occurs at the middle of the word, a hypen (-) is inserted to represent the sound.
Common diphthongs
There are only three commonly used diphthongs in the Ilocano language. They are as follows:
- ay
- like the i in high
- iw
- like the iw in Tiw
- oy
- like the oy in boy
Other diphthongs are also likely to occur but they are generally from loaned words. They are usually pronounced as they are foreign.
Phrase list
Common signs
- Hello.
- (There is actually no equivalent for this greeting. Instead, Ilocanos tend to greet in terms of time or by asking how are you.)
- How are you?
- Kumusta ka? (koo-mooss-tah KAH?)
- Fine, thank you.
- Mayat met, pagyamanan (mah-YAHT muht, pahg-yah-MAH-nahn)
- What is your name?
- Ania ti naganmo? (ahn-YAH ti nah-gahn-MAW?)
- My name is ______ .
- Siak ni ______. (SHAHCK nee _____ )
- Nice to meet you.
- Naragsakak a maam-ammoka. (nah-rahg-SAH-kahk ah mah-ahm-ahm-moo-KAH)
- Please.
- Pangngaasi . (pahng-ngah-AH-see' )
- Thank you.
- Agyamanak. (ahg-YAH-mah-NAHCK)
- You're welcome.
- Awan ti anyaman na. (ah-WAHN tahn-YAH-mahn nah)
- Take care
- Agaluadka. (ah-gahll-WAHD kah)
- Yes.
- wen. (wuhn)
- No.
- haan. (hah-AHN)
- Excuse me. (getting attention)
- Pakawanennak. (pah-kah-wah-NEHN-nahck) [also Excuse me. (Ilocanos don't usually use the native term anymore.)]
- Excuse me. (begging pardon)
- Dispensar. (deess-pehn-SAHR)
- I'm sorry.
- Dispensaren nak (deess-PEHN-sah-REHN nahck)
- Goodbye
- Agpakadaakon. (ahg-pah-kah-dah-AH-kawn)
- Goodbye (informal)
- Kasta pay. (kahss-tah-PIGH)
- I can't speak Ilocano.
- Diak makapagsao iti Ilocano. (jahck mah-kah-pahg-sah-AW ee-tee ee-law-KAH-naw)
- I can't speak Ilocano well.
- Diak unay ammo agsao iti Ilocano. (jahck oo-NIGH ahm-MAW ahg-sah-AW ee-TEE ee-law-KAH-naw)
- Do you speak English?
- Agsasao ka iti Inggles? (ahg-sah-sah-AW kah ee-TEE eeng-LEHSS?)
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- Adda kadi tao ditoy nga agsasao iti Inggles? (ahd-DAH kah-DEE tah-AW dew-TOY ngah ahg-sah-sah-AW tee eeng-LEHSS?)
- Help!
- Tulong! (TOO-lawng)
- Look out!
- Agannadka! (ah-gahn-NAHD kah!)
- Good morning.
- Naimbag a bigat. (nah-eem-BAHG ah bee-GAHT)
- Good afternoon
- Naimbag a malem. (nah-eem-BAHG ah mah-LEHM)
- Good evening.
- Naimbag a rabii. (nah-eem-BAHG ah rah-bee-EE)
- Good night.
- Naimbag a rabii. (Note
- Ilocano has actually no equivalent words to express this sentence.)
- I don't understand.
- Diak maawatan. (jahck mah-ah-WAH-tahn)
- Where is the toilet?
- Ayan ti banio? (ah-YAHN tee bahn-NYAW)
- Leave me alone.
- Panawandak man! (pah-NAH-wahn-dahck mahn!)
- Don't touch me.
- Dinak ig-igaman. (dee-NAHCK eeg-ee-GAH-mahn)
- I'll call the police!
- Agayabak iti pulis! (ah-gah-YAH-bahck tee poo-LEESS!)
- Stop! Thief!
- Agsardengka! Agtatakaw! (ahg-sahr-DEHNG ka! ahg-tah-TAH-kow!)
- I need your help.
- Kasapulak ti tulongmo. (kah-SAH-poo-lahk tee TOO-lawng maw) (or when talking to many people
- Tulong!) (TOO-lawng!)
- I am lost.
- Naiyaw-awanak! (nahy-YAHW-ah-wah-nahck!)
- My bag got lost.
- Napukaw diay bag-ko. (nah-POO-kow jay bag koh)
- My wallet got lost.
- Napukaw diay pitakak. (nah-poo-KOW jhay pih-TAH-kahck)
- I am sick.
- Agsakitak (ahg-sah-KEE-tahck)
- I had an accident.
- Naaksidente ak! (nah-ahck-see-DEHN-teh ahck!)
- I need a doctor.
- Masapulko ti doktor. (mah-SAH-pooll-KAW tee dawck-TAWR)
There exist two names for the numbers in Ilocano. The native Ilocano and the Spanish names. Generally, Ilocanos use the Spanish terms if they are talking about time of very large quantities. You will however see the native terms if you would read literary books. If you are going on a shopping, prices of small values are given in this form.
- 1
- maysa (migh-SAH)
- 2
- dua (dwah)
- 3
- tallo (tahll-LAW)
- 4
- uppat (oop-PAHT)
- 5
- lima (lee-MAH)
- 6
- innem (ihn-NEHM)
- 7
- pito (pee-TAW)
- 8
- walo (wah-LAW)
- 9
- siam (shahm)
- 10
- sangapulo (sah-ngah-POO-law)
- 11
- sangapulo ket maysa (sah-ngah-POO-law kuht )
- 12
- sangapulo ket dua (sah-ngah-POO-law kuht dwah)
- 13
- sangapulo ket tallo (sah-ngah-POO-law kuht tahll-LAW)
- 14
- sangapulo ket uppat (sah-ngah-POO-law kuht oop-PAHT)
- 15
- sangapulo ket lima (sah-ngah-POO-law kuht lee-MAH)
- 16
- sangapulo ket innem (sah-ngah-POO-law kuht ihn-NEHam)
- 17
- sangapulo ket pito (sah-ngah-POO-law kuht pee-TAW)
- 18
- sangapulo ket walo (sah-ngah-POO-law kuht wah-LAW)
- 19
- sangapulo ket siam (sah-ngah-POO-law kuht shahm)
- 20
- duapulo (dwah-POO-law)
- 21
- duapulo ket maysa (dwah-POO-law kuht migh-SAH)
- 22
- duapulo ket dua (dwah-POO-law kuht dwah)
- 23
- duapulo ket tallo (dwah-POO-law kuht tahll-LAW)
- 30
- tallopulo (tahll-law-POO-law)
- 40
- uppat a pulo (oop-PAHT ah-POO-law)
- 50
- limapulo (lee-mah-POO-law)
- 60
- innem a pulo (ihn-NEHM ah-POO-law)
- 70
- pitopulo (pee-taw-POO-law)
- 80
- walo a pulo (wah-law ah-POO-law)
- 90
- siam a pulo (shahm ah-POO-law)
- 100
- sangagasut (sah-ngah-gah-SOOT)
- 200
- duagasut (dwah-gah-SOOT)
- 300
- tallogasut (tahll-law-gah-SOOT)
- 1,000
- sangaribu (sah-ngah-ree-BOO)
- 2,000
- duaribu (dwah-REE-boo)
- 1,000,000
- sangariwriw (sah-ngah-reew-REEW)
- 1,000,000,000
- sangabilion (sah-ngah-beell-YAWN)
- 1,000,000,000,000
- sangatrilion (sah-ngah-treell-YAWN)
- number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
- numero iti tren/bus (NOO-meh-raw ee-TEE trehn/booss)
- half
- gudua (goo-DWAH)
- less
- bassit (bahss-SIHT)
- more
- ad-adu (ahd-ah-DOO)
- now
- tatta (taht-TAH)
- later
- madamdama (mah-dahm-dah-MAH)
- before
- sakbay (sahck-BIGH)
- morning
- bigat (bee-GAHT)
- afternoon
- malem (mah-LEHM)
- evening
- rabii (rah-bee-EE)
- night
- rabii (rah-bee-EE)
Clock Time
- one o'clock AM
- a la una iti bigat (ah lah OO-nah ee-TEE bee-gaht)
- two o'clock AM
- a las dos iti bigat (ah lahss dawss ee-TEE bee-GAHT)
- noon
- tengnga ti aldaw (teh-NGAHT ahll-DOW)
- one o'clock PM
- a la una iti malem (ah lah OO-nah ee-TEE mah-LEHM)
- two o'clock PM
- a las dos iti malem (ah lahss ee-TEE mah-LEHM)
- midnight
- kaltaang rabii (kahll-TAH-ahng rah-bee-EE)
- ____ second(s)
- ____ segundo (seh-GOON-daw)
- ____ minute(s)
- ____ minuto (mee-NOO-taw)
- ____ hour(s)
- ____ oras (AW-rahss)
- ____ day(s)
- ____ aldaw (ahll-DOW)
- ____ week(s)
- ____ lawas (LOW-wahss)
- ____ month(s)
- ____ bulan (BOO-lahn)
- ____ year(s)
- ____ tawen (TOW-wuhn)
- today
- ita nga aldaw (ee-TAH ngah ahll-DOW)
- yesterday
- idi kalman (ee-DEE kahll-MAHN)
- tomorrow
- inton bigat (ihn-TAWN bee-GAHT)
- this week
- maudi a lawas (mah-oo-DEE ah LOW-wahss)
- last week
- ita a lawas (ee-TAH ah LOW-wahss)
- next week
- intono umay a lawas (ihn-TAW-naw oo-MIGH ah low-WAHSS)
- Sunday
- Domingo (daw-MEENG-gaw)
- Monday
- Lunes (LOO-nehss)
- Tuesday
- Martes (mahr-TEHSS)
- Wednesday
- Mierkoles (MYEHR-kaw-lehss)
- Thursday
- Juebes (hoo-WEH-behss)
- Friday
- Biernes (BYEHR-nehss)
- Saturday
- Sabado (SAH-bah-daw)
- January
- Enero (eh-NEH-raw)
- February
- Febrero (pehb-REH-raw)
- March
- Marso (mahr-SAW)
- April
- Abril (ahb-REELL)
- May
- Mayo (MIGH-yaw)
- June
- Hunio (HOON-nyaw)
- July
- Hulio (HOOLL-yaw)
- August
- Agosto (ah-GAWSS-taw)
- September
- Setiembre (seht-YEHM-breh)
- October
- Oktubre (awck-TOO-breh)
- November
- Nobiembre (nawb-YEHM-breh)
- December
- Disiembre (deess-YEHM-breh)
Writing time and date
Dates can be written as follows:
- English format: March 7, 1983 would be Marso 7, 1983
- Spanish format: March 7, 1983 would be maika-7 iti Marso, 1983
Times are written as in English (as in 2:23AM) but spoken in Spanish (as in a las says baynte tres iti bigat).
- blue
- asul (ah-SOOLL)
- red
- baga (BAH-gah)
- yellow
- duyaw (doo-YOW)
- green
- berde (BEHR-deh)
- orange
- kahel (kah-HEHLL)
- black
- nangisit (nah-NGEE-seet)
- white
- puraw (poo-ROW)
- brown
- kayumanggi (kah-yoo-mahng-GEE)
- grey
- dapo (DAH-paw)
Tricycles and Jeepneys
- How much is the fare to name of the place?
- Manu ti plete inggana idiay name of the place? (Literally
- How much to the name of the place.)
- How many people can take a ride?
- Manu nga tao ti mabalin nga sumakay? (MAH-noo ngah TAH-aw tee mah-bah-LEEN ngah soo-mah-KIGH?)
- Stop!
- Para! (This is used only for modes of transportation and never for people.)
Bus and Train
- How much is a ticket to _____?
- Sagmamano ti tiket a mapan ______? (sahg-mah-MAH-naw tee TEE-keht ah MAH-pahn ____?)
- One ticket to _____, please.
- Maysa man a tiket a mapan _____. (MIGH-sah mahn ah TEE-keht ah MAH-pahn ____)
- Where does this train/bus go?
- Sadino ti papanan daytoy a tren/bus? (sah-DEE-naw tee pah-PAH-nahn digh-TAWY ah trehn/booss?)
- Where is the train/bus to _____?
- Sadino ti tren/bus a mapan _____? (sah-DEE-naw tee trehn/booss ah MAH-pahn ____?)
- Does this train/bus stop in _____?
- Agsardeng aya daytoy a tren/bus idiay _____? (ahg-SAHR-duhng ahh-YAH dahy-TAWY ah trehn/buhs ee-JIGH ____?)
- When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
- Kaano nga agrubuat ti tren/bus a mapan _____? (kah-AH-naw ngah ahg-ROO-bwaht tee trehn/booss ah MAH-pahn ____?)
- When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
- Kaano a sumangpet daytoy a tren/bus idiay ______? (kah-AH-naw ah soo-MAHNG-puht digh-TAWY ah trehn/booss ee-JIGH ____?)
- How do I go to ____?
- Kasano ti mapan idiay ____? (kah-SAH-naw tee MAH-pahn ee-JIGH ____?)
- ... the train station
- ...estasion ti tren (ehss-tahss-YAWN tee trehn)
- ... the bus station
- ... estasion ti bus (ehss-tahss-YAWN tee booss)
- ... the airport
- ... ti pagpatayabán (tee pahg-pah-tah-yah-BAHN)
- ... downtown
- ... ili (EE-lee)
- ... the American/Australian/British/Canadian Consulate
- ...tee konsulado ti Amerika/Australia/Britania/Canada) (...kawn-soo-LAH-daw tee ah-MEH-ree-kah/owss-TRAHLL-yah/bree-TAHN-yah/KAH-nah-dah) [note
- There is actually no Embassy or Consulate in the Ilocandia as almost all of them are in Metro Manila.]
- Where are there a lot of _____?
- Ayanna nga lugar ti adu ti _____? (ah-yahn-NAH ngah loo-GAHR tee ah-DOO tee ____?)
- ... the ___ hotel
- ...iti ___ hotel (ee-TEE ____ haw-TEHLL)
- ... restaurants
- ... restaurant (note
- When visitng the Philippines, a foreigner might want to eat at the Philippine cafetiria called carinderia.)
- ... bars
- ... bars (bahrss)
- ... sights to see
- ... mabuya (mah-BOO-yah)
- Can you show me in the map?
- Mabalin nga pakitam kaniak ayanna idiay mapa? (mah-BAH-leen ngah pah-KEE-tahm kahn-YAHCK ah-YAHN-nah ee-dee-YIGH MAH-pah?)
- street
- dalan (DAH-lahn)
- You turn left.
- Kumannigidka. (koo-MAHN-nee-GEED-kah)
- You turn right.
- Kumannawanka. (koo-MAHN-now-WAHN-kah)
- left
- kannigid (kahn-nee-GEED)
- right
- kannawan (kahn-nah-WAHN)
- straight ahead.
- Dumiretso (doo-mee-REHT-saw)
- towards the____
- mapan iti ___ (mah-PAHN ee-TEE ___)
- past the ____
- kalpasan iti ____ (kahll-PAH-sahn ee-TEE ___)
- before the ____
- sakbay iti ____ (sahck-BIGH ee-TEE ___)
- intersection
- Rotonda
- north
- amianan (ahm-YAH-nahn)
- east
- daya (DAH-yah)
- south
- abagatan (ah-bah-gah-TAHN)
- west
- laud (LAH-ood)
- uphill
- pasang-at (pah-SAHNG-aht)
- downhill
- pasalog (pah-SAH-lawg)
- Do you have an available room?
- Adda pay ti kuarto yo? (ahd-DAH pigh tee kwahr-TAW yaw?)
- How much is a single room?
- Manu ti kwarto para maysa nga tao?
- How much is a room for two/three people?
- Manu ti kuarto para dua/ tallo nga tao? (MAH-noo tee kwahr-TAW PAH-rah dwah/TAHLL-law ngah TAH-aw?)
- Is a __________ included in the room?
- Adda ti __________ idiay kwarto? (ahd-DAH tee _____ ee-JIGH kwahr-TAW?)
- blanket
- ules (oo-LEHSS)
- bathroom
- banio (BAHN-yaw)
- telephone
- telepono (teh-LEH-paw-naw)
- television
- telebisyon (or simply TV) (teh-leh-beess-YAWN)
- May I see the room?
- Mabalin nga makitak diay kwarto? (mah-BAH-leen ngah mah-KEE-tahck dee-YIGH KWAHR-taw)
- Do you have any room that is more quiet?
- Adda ti kwartoyo nga naul-ulimek?
- bigger
- dakdakkel (dahck-dah-KEHLL)
- cleaner
- nadaldalus (nah-dahll-dah-LOOSS)
- cheaper
- nalaklaka (nah-lahck-lah-KAH)
- I'll stay for one/ two nights.
- Agyanak ti maysa/dua nga rabii. (ahg-YAH-nahck tee migh-SAH/dwah ngah rah-bee-EE)
- Can you suggest another place?
- Adda ammum nga sabali nga lugar?
- Do you have a safe?
- Adda ti safe? (ahd-DAH tee sayf?)
- Do you have a locker?
- Adda ti lockeryo? (ahd-DAH tee LAH-kehr-yaw?)
- Please clean my room.
- Paki dalus diyay kuartok. (pah-KEE dah-loos dee-YHAY kwahr-TOOK)
- Can you wake me up at ____?
- Mabalin nga riingen nak ti ___? (mah-bah-LEEN ngah ree-ee-NGEHN nahck tee ____?)
- I am going to check out.
- Ag-check-outak. (ahg-chehck-OWT-tahck)
- Do you accept American Dollars?
- Ag-alakayo ti dolar nga Amerikano? (ahg-ah-lah-kah-YAW tee DAW-lahr ngah ah-meh-ree-KAH-naw?)
- How much is a dollar here?
- Manu ti maysa a dollar idtoy? (MAH-noo tee migh-SAH eed-TOY?)
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Ag-alakayo ti credit card? (ah-lah-kah-YAW tee KREH-diht kahrd?)
- Is there an ATM here?
- Adda ti ATM idtoy? (ahd-DAH tee ay-TEE-ehm eed-TOY?)
- A table for one/ two person, please.
- Maysa man a mesa para maysa/dua a tao. (migh-SAH mahn ah MEH-sah PAH-rah migh-SAH/dwah ah TAH-aw)
- Can I see the menu?
- Mabalin a makitak ti menu? (mah-bah-LEEN ah mah-KEE-tahck tee meh-NOO?)
- What is the your specialty?
- Ania ti specialty-yo? (ahn-YAHT ehss-PEH-shahll-tee-YAW?)
- I am vegetarian.
- Vegetarianak. (beh-jeh-TAHR-yahn-NAHCK)
- I don't eat pork.
- Diak mangan ti karne ti baboy. (jahck MAH-ngahn tee kahr-NEHT BAH-boy)
- I don't eat beef.
- Diak mangan ti karne ti baka. (jahck MAH-ngahn tee kahr-NEHT BAH-kah)
- chicken
- karne ti manok (kahr-NEHT mah-NAWCK)
- pork
- karne ti baboy (kahr-NEHT BAH-boy)
- beef
- karne ti baka (kahr-NEHT BAH-kah)
- It's salty.
- Nagapgad (nah-gahp-GAHD)
- It's so sweet.
- Nagsam-it (nahg-SAHM-iht)
- It's spicy.
- Naggasang (nahg-GAH-sahng)
- It's sour.
- Nagalsem (nah-gahll-SUHM)
- breakfast
- pamigat (pah-mee-GAHT)
- lunch
- pangaldaw (pah-ngahll-DOW)
- snack
- mirienda (mih-RYEHN-dah)
- supper
- pangrabii (pahng-rah-bee-EE)
- fish
- ikan (ee-KAHN)
- ham
- ham (hahm)
- sausage
- longganisa (lawng-gah-NEE-sah)
- cheese
- keso (KEH-saw)
- egg
- itlog (iht-LAWG)
- salad
- salad (SAH-lahd)
- vegetables
- nateng (nah-TUHNG)
- fruits
- prutas (PROO-tahss)
- bread
- tinapay (tee-NAH-pigh)
- noodles
- pancit (pahn-SEET)
- rice
- innapoy (ihn-nah-POY)
- May I have a glass of water please.
- Maysa man a baso ti danom. (migh-SAH mahn ah BAH-saw tee DAH-nawm)
- It was delicious.
- Naimas (nah-EE-mahss)
- I'm finished/done.
- Nalpasakon (nahll-PAH-sah-KAWN)
- Do have you wine/liqueur?
- Adda ti arakyo? (ahd-DAH tee ah-rahck-YAW?)
- One/ Two bottle/s of beer, please.
- Maysa/Dua man a bote ti beer. (migh-SAH/doo-wah mahn ah BAW-teh tee beer)
- whiskey
- whiskey (WEESS-kee)
- vodka
- vodka (BAWD-kah)
- rum
- ram (RAHM)
- water
- danom (DAH-nawm)
- food
- makan (mah-KAHN)
- coffee
- kape (kah-PEH)
- milk
- gatas (GAH-tahss)
- chocolate
- tsokolate (chaw-kaw-LAH-teh)
- Another one, please.
- Maysa pay, please. (migh-SAH pigh, pleess)
- What time do you close?
- Ania ti oras nga agrikepkayo? (ah-NYAH tee AW-rahss ngah ahg-ree-kehp-kah-YAW?)
- Do you have something bigger/ smaller?
- Adda dakdakkel/ basbassit? (ahd-DAH dahck-dah-KUHLL/bahss-bah-SIHT?)
- expensive
- nangina (nah-NGEE-nah)
- cheap
- nalaka (nah-LAH-kah)
- I don't wan't it.
- Diak kayat. (jahck KAH-yaht)
- I'll take it.
- Alaekon. (ah-LAH-eh-kawn)
- I need _____ .
- Masapulko ti _____. (mah-SAH-pooll-KAW tee _____)
- ...toothpaste
- ... toothpaste (TOOTH-payst)
- ...toothbrush
- ...sepilyo (seh-PEELL-yaw)
- ...condom
- ...kondom (KAWN-dawm)
- ...sanitary napkin
- ...napkin (NAHP-keen)
- ...soap
- ... sabon (sah-BAWN)
- ...shampoo
- ... siampo (SHAHM-paw)
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
- ...pangep-ep iti ut-ot (...pah-nguhp-uhp ee-TEE oot-OOT)
- ...cold medicine.
- ....agas ti panateng (...ah-GAHSS tee pah-NAH-tuhng)
- ...stomach medicine.
- ...agas ti sakit iti buksit (...ah-GAHSS tee sah-KEET ee-TEE boock-SEET)
- ...razor
- ... pagibarbas (pah-gee-BAHR-bahss)
- ...umbrella
- ... payong (PAH-yawng)
- card
- ... post card (pawst kahrd)
- ...stamps
- ... selyo para iti surat
- ...battery
- ... bateria (bah-tehr-YAH)
- ...paper
- ... papel (pah-PEHLL)
- ...pen
- ... bolpen (BAWLL-pehn)
- ...English Book
- ... libro nga Inggles (leeb-RAW ngah eeng-LEHSS)
- ...English Magazine
- ...magasin nga Inggles (MAH-gah-seen ngah eeng-LEHSS)
- ...English Newspaper
- ...diario nga Inggles (JAHR-yaw ngah eeng-LEHSS)
- ...English-Ilocano Dictionary
- ...diksionario nga Inggles-Ilokano (deeck-shaw-NAHR-yaw ngah eeng-LEHSS-ee-law-KAW-naw)
- I want to rent a car.
- Kayatko nga agrenta ti kotse. (kah-YAHT-kaw ngah ahg-REHN-tah tee KAWT-seh)
- Can I get an insurance?
- Mabalin nga ag-ala-ak ti insurance? (mah-bah-LEEN ngah ahg-ah-LAH-ahck tee een-SHOO-ranss?)
- Stop!
- Sardeng! (sahr-DEHNG!)
- gasoline
- gasolina (gah-saw-LEE-nah)
- diesel
- krudo (KROO-daw)
- gasoline station
- paggasolinaan (pahg-gah-saw-lee-nah-AHN)
Note: As Ilocano enjoys no official status in the Philippines, no street sign is written in the language. Street signs and even public notices are posted in English.
- I haven't done anything wrong.
- Awan iti madi nga inaramidko. (ah-WAHN ee-TEE mah-DEE ngah ih-nah-rah-MEED-kaw)
- It was a misunderstanding.
- Maysa laeng daydiay a di panagkinkinnaawatan. (migh-SAH LAH-uhng ah dee pah-nahg-kihn-kihn-nah-ah-WAH-tahn)
- Where are you taking me?
- Sadinno ti pangipanam kaniak? (sah-DEE-nawt pah-NGEE-pah-nahm kahn-YAHCK?)
- Am I under arrest?
- Kemmegennak kadi? (kuhm-muh-guhn-NAHCK kah-DEE?)
- Where's the warrant?
- Ayan na ti warrant? (ah-YAHN nah tee WAHR-rahnt?)
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- Siak ket umili ti Amerika/Australia/Britania/Kanada. (shahck kuht oo-MEE-lee tee ah-MEH-ree-kah/owss-TRAHLL-yah/bree-TAHN-yah/KAH-nah-dah)
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- Kayatko ti makipatang iti embahada/konsulado ti Amerika , Australia,Britanya,Kanada. (kah-yaht-KAW tee mah-kee-pah-TAHNG ee-TEE ehm-bah-HAH-dah/kawn-soo-LAH-daw tee ah-MEH-ree-kah/owss-TRAHLL-yah/bree-TAHN-yah/KAH-nah-dah)
- I want to talk to my lawyer.
- Kayatko a makasarita ti abogadok. (kah-yaht-KAW ah mah-kah-sah-REE-tah tee ah-baw-GAH-dawck)
- Can I just pay a fine, now.
- Mabalinak kadi nga agbayad ti multa itan? (mah-bah-lee-NAHCK kah-DEE ngah ahg-BAH-yahd tee mooll-tah EE-tahn?)