
Iferouane is an oasis town in Northern Niger. It's in the middle of nowhere, makes a great base for exploring the Air and Ténéré Natural Reserve, and is interesting in its own right. It's not particularly safe, but then why are you reading an article on northern Niger?


Nestled within the Aïr Mountains, Iferouane is an agricultural town thanks to its favourable microclimate. Don't get excited – it's hot as hell – temperatures as high as 52 °C (126 °F) have been recorded. Yet agriculture is it's raison d'être, with fruits and vegetables exported west along an extremely rough track to the industrial town of Arlit.

The Foureau–Lamy Mission, a French military expedition led by Fernand Foureau and Amédée-François Lamy, spent a number of months at Iferouane in 1899. The expedition stopped at Iferouane to acquire additional pack animals. During their stay, the expeditionary force faced multiple attacks by Tuaregs and lost numerous camels to the attackers. During Niger's colonial period, Iferouane was the northernmost military outpost in the French colony.

In 1964, a few years after Niger's independence, the population of Iferouane was approximately 10,000. Today? Who knows. But it is the location of the headquarters of the Air and Ténéré Natural Reserve.

Get in

Yeah, good luck. Arranging a tour is your best bet – search for operators online. If you happen to be in the area with a 4x4, there is a rough track from Arlit. Note the security situation; this is not an area of the world you want to be casually roaming around in. You'll have to report to the town police once you arrive.

Get around

Walk, ride a camel, take the 4x4 you used to get here.


  • Chiriet Dunes (Adrar Chiriet). An amazing landscape of needles jutting from the deserts sands.
  • Rock art. Several sites of numerous rock engravings of historical fauna of the region.
  • Mosques. Some date back to the 16th century.
  • Old French Fort
  • Tamgak fault. Particularly if you are in to geology.


  • Aïr Festival (Le Festival de l'Aïr). A three-day celebration of Tuareg culture. Concerts, beauty pageants and 4x4s. Held in the Winter; whether it is held at all depends on the security situation – ask a tour operator or just get to Niger and ask around.


If you're lucky enough to make it here, expect to find some legitimate Tuareg wares. This isn't tourist country, so if you see something that strikes your fancy, haggle and go for it.

The Iferouane Cross is a renown talisman meant to ward away Jinn (evil spirits). You can find Chinese knockoffs on eBay and Etsy... but you're in Iferouane... how about the real thing? (Would be a laugh if the one you bought was also from China. Who knows these days.)


Read this and godspeed.


You can sprawl out on a mat and drink tea.


This is remote Niger, so you'll be camping. Camping l'Oasis is one local campsite – when you arrive in town, seek out Alhousseini Agalher, the manager of the campsite.

Stay safe

Iferouane is not safe, and you shouldn't come here if you expect safety. As of 2024, the area is a hotbed of Jihadist activity.


Unless you have a satellite phone, you won't.

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