< Kolkata


Entrance of Alipore Zoo
Kalighat Temple

South Kolkata (দক্ষিণ কলকাতা Dakṣiṇ Kalkātā) is a posh and new area of Kolkata. It is less congested and more modern than most parts of the city. You will find more flat blocks and green patches here compared to the North.


This district covers the neighbourhoods south of Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Road (AJC Bose Road, previously Lower Circular Road), west of Sealdah South lines, and north of the Southern Suburbs. The major neighbourhoods in South Kolkata include Alipore, Ballygunge, Bhowanipore, Chetla,Dhakuria, Gariahat, Kalighat, Kidderpore, Majerhat, Park Circus, and Taratala.

Get in

South Kolkata can be easily reached from Central Kolkata easily by bus, taxi or metro railway. The number of buses is slightly low from the North, but the metro and tram are always available. There also are bus and metro links from further east and south.

By bus

Like other parts of the city, buses have the most extensive coverage, and is inexpensive.

By metro

South Kolkata is mainly served by metro line  1 , which runs across Ashutosh Mukherjee Road and SP Mukherjee Road. This is useful to get in here from northern and southeastern parts of the city, though you have to take a car, bus, or rickshaw to get to places like Ballygunge and Dhakuria.

Line  3  begins from Majerhat and runs across Diamond Harbour Road, in the Southern Suburbs.

By train

 Circular  runs across this district, from Ballygunge to Khiddirpur, which is useful to get here from northern parts of the city. There are also two junction stations for local trains, both of which are useful for people from the Southern Suburbs or South 24 Parganas.

  • 🌍 Ballygunge  Circular  Sealdah South 
  • 🌍 Majerhat  3  Circular  Sealdah South 


National Library of India
Rabindra Sarobar
  • 🌍 Alipore Zoo (আলিপুর চিড়িয়াখানা Ālipur Ciṛiẏākhānā), No.2 Alipore Rd, Alipore, +91 33 2479 1150, . F–W 9AM–5PM, aquarium 10:30AM–5PM. One of the most famous zoological gardens in Eastern India. It was once notorious for its cross-breeding experiments between lions and tigers to produce strains like tigons, ligers and litigons. It was home to Advaita, the longest-lived animal in the world, who died in March 2006. The other success story of the zoo was a live birth of the rare Sumatran rhinoceros in 1889. The lakes within are a favourite retreat for migratory Siberian birds. Zoo ₹20, aquarium ₹5, video photography ₹250 per hour.
  • 🌍 Agri Horticultural Garden, 1, Alipore Rd (south from National Library, 0.8 km (0.50 mi) from Remount Road railway station), +91 33 2479 1713. 7–11AM and 1:30–5:00PM, closed on W upto 11AM and Th. Founded by William Carey in 1820, it is a lush environ owned and managed by the Agri Horticultural Society of India. The venue for exotic plant and flower exhibitions, it is spread over 21 acres comprising main lawns and informal gardens and children park, and has many rare and tropical plants.
  • 🌍 Dhanadhanya Auditorium (ধনধান্য Dhanadhānya; variously spelt as Dhanadhanye or Dhonodhanno), Thackeray Rd (off Debendra Lal Khan Rd, opposite Presidency Jail). An auditorium shaped like a humongous conch-shell (শাঁখ śā̃kh), an example of mimetic or novelty architecture in India. Inaugurated on April 2023, the building has 6 floors containing guest house, restaurant, cafeteria, VIP lounge, media lounge and a convention centre. It hosts various cultural programmes and is also a venue for national and international trade fairs.
  • 🌍 Indenture Memorial, Kidderpore Dock. A memorial dedicated to the 1.6 million Indian workers who were transported to labour in European colonies. The indenture system was a substitute for slavery, which was abolished in many European countries by the 19th century. This resulted to the increasing presence of Indians abroad, especially in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
  • 🌍 Kalighat Home for the Dying (নির্মল হৃদয় Nirmal Hr̥daẏ), Kalighat Rd (next door to the Kalighat Temple). A hospice for the sick, destitute and the dying established by Mother Teresa.
  • 🌍 India Government Mint (Calcutta Mint), Taratala (south of Majerhat  3  Circular  Sealdah South ), +91 33 2401 4132. Though the mint dates back to 1757, the present building was built from the 1930s to the 1952.
  • 🌍 National Library of India (জাতীয় গ্রন্থাগার Jātīẏa Granthāgār, previously Belvedere House), Belvedere Rd, Alipore (near Alipore Zoo, 1.3 km E of Netaji Bhavan  1 ), +91 33 2248-7831, +91-33-2479 1382, +91-33-2479 1383, +91-33-2479 1384, +91-33-2479 1385, +91-33-2479 1386, +91-33-2479 1387, +91-33-2479 2467, fax: +91 33 2479-1462, . M-F 9AM-8PM; Sa Su, holidays: 9:30AM-6PM. This is a stately mansion. Once home of the British Viceroys, Belvedere House is now the National Library. The oldest library in India with a huge collection, including some rarities. It houses over a million books and is the biggest in India.
  • 🌍 Nizam Palace, 234/4, AJC Bose Rd. A heritage building constructed in 1933.
  • 🌍 Rabindra Sarobar (রবীন্দ্র সরোবর Rabīndra Sarōbar), Southern Ave (Dr. Meghnad Saha Sarani), Dhakuria (local: Lake Gardens  Circular  Sealdah South ; metro: Rabindra Sarobar  1 ). A large open lake and park area housing boating clubs, an open air theatre and eateries. The rowing regatta events are held here.


  • 🌍 Alipore Museum (previously Alipore Central Jail), 17, Judges Court Rd, Alipore. A museum dedicated to the Indian independence movement. During British times, it was a prison used to arrest freedom activists in India, like Sri Aurobindo and Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
  • 🌍 Birla Industrial & Technological Museum, 19A, Gurusaday Rd, +91 33 22877241, +91 33 22877242, +91 33 22877243. Daily 10AM–5:30PM. Inaugurated in 1959 as the first popular science museum in Asia. It is a modern museum with lots of interesting artefacts, shows, events and activities, primarily popular with school-going children. Its collection of old gramophones, sound recorders, telephones, steam engines, road rollers, and other industrial machinery of the period 1880–1950 is very significant. It also actively organises summer camps, awareness programs and astronomy observations for school children. The exhibitions, many of them demanding you to take an active part, can compete with one you could visit in countries like the United States. ₹15; special presentations are charged extra.
  • 🌍 Centre of International Modern Art (CIMA), Sunny Towers, 43 Ashutosh Chowdhury Ave (close to the Birla Temple), +91 33 2485-8509, +91 33 2485 8717, . M 3–7PM, Tu–Sa 11AM–7PM. A small museum showing modern artworks. Free.
  • 🌍 Maulana Azad Museum, 5, Ashraf Mistry Ln, Ballygunge (near Ballygunge Military Camp Gate), +91 33 23356623. M–F 11AM–5PM. Closed on Sa, Su and national holidays. The former home of the Indian freedom activist and the first Education Minister of India, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Maulana Azad's work interpreting the mystic Sarmad of Prince Dara Shikoh's court is also a cornerstone to the secular tradition of India. The museum is replete with narrations of his life, times, work, personal archives and belongings. Free.
  • 🌍 Netaji Bhawan (নেতাজি ভবন Nētaji Bhaban), 38/2, Elgin Rd (Lala Lajpat Rai Sarani), Bhowanipore, +91 33 2486-8139, +91 33 2486 8070 (fax). Tu–Su 11AM–5PM,. A heritage building maintained as a memorial and research centre to the life of the Indian nationalist Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. ₹20 (adults), ₹10 (children).
  • 🌍 Tram World, Gariahat. A museum showcasing the 150-year-old heritage of the tram system in Kolkata.
  • Gautam Sen Memorial Boardgame Museum, Ballygunge Circular Road. Entry is by invitation or prior appointment only. A collection of ancient and modern board games, ranging from the oldest boardgame, The Royal Game of Ur, to current games such as Settlers of Catan and Grizzled.

Religious attractions

Birla Temple
  • 🌍 Bhowanipore Cemetery, Debendra Lal Khan Rd.
  • 🌍 Birla Temple (Radha-Krishna Temple), 2 Queens Park Road, Ashutosh Chowdary Ave (Ballygunge Phari Bus Stop). 5:30-11AM and 4:30-9PM. The most modernly-opulent in Kolkata and worth a visit. The adjoining tree-lined lane Queen's Park is the most exclusive and fashionable address in the city and is worth a stroll through. Some of the biggest names in the city call it home. A close second is Sunny Park, running parallel to Queen's Park on the other side of the Birla Temple.
  • 🌍 Kalighat Temple (কালীঘাট মন্দির Kālīghāṭ Mandir), Kali Mandir Rd, Kalighat. Houses Kolkata's patron deity. According to the legend, when Lord Shiva’s wife Parvati’s body was cut up, one of her fingers fell here. Rebuilt in 1809, this is one of the 51 shakti pithas.


Cinema halls

Clubs and stadiums

  • 🌍 Calcutta Club, 241, AJC Bose Rd. An iconic landmark in Kolkata, representing the elite (babu) Bengal with rich history and culture.
  • 🌍 Calcutta Cricket and Football Club, 19/1, Gurusaday Dutta Rd, Ballygunge. Founded in 1792, it is the second oldest cricket club in the world after Marylebone Cricket Club. It has arguably the most picturesque cricket ground in Kolkata.
  • 🌍 Calcutta Cricket Centre, ~107, Southern Ave, Lake Terrace (on the northern lakeshore of the Rabindra Sarobar).
  • 🌍 Rabindra Sarobar Stadium, Moira Street, Hindustan Park (Sarat Bose Southern Ave Crossing Bus Stop). Multi-use stadium. Can accommodate 40,000 spectators.


  • 🌍 Deshapriya Park (দেশপ্রিয় পার্ক Deśapriẏa Pārk), Rashbehari Ave (intersection to Sarat Bose Rd; Deshapriya Park ). Although it looks like an ordinary playground for most of the time, it is the host of one of the biggest celebrations of Durga Puja in South Kolkata. It also contains one of the tallest permanently-installed Durga statues of the city.
  • 🌍 Park Circus Maidan, Suhrawardy Ave (suburban: Park Circus  Circular  Sealdah South ). Park Circus Maidan becomes a focal point during the winter—especially in December and January—as it becomes home to circus companies and kids all over the city flock to the maidan to watch circus.


  • 🌍 Fancy Market, ~22, Karl Marx Sarani, Kidderpore. Consumer goods market - lots of foreign goods. Fancy items, fancy prices. Beware of fakes.
  • 🌍 Gariahat. Spread along Rashbehari Avenue, Gariahat Road and the lanes in the area, Gariahat is one of the largest markets in Kolkata, where one can find shops ranging from branded showrooms and malls to numerous smaller shops. The shops sell a variety of saris, clothes, jewellery, electronic goods, furniture and whatnot. The makeshift shops along the footpaths, popular as hawkers, sell everything – crockery, cutlery, decorative items and utilities. It has numerous eateries and street food joints. Vegetables, fruits, flowers, betel leaves, fish, eggs and meat are the main groceries available. You can buy branded and non-branded clothing from Western like tees and jeans to traditional Indian such as dupattas and sarees, along with bags and purses.
  • 🌍 Jadu Babu's Market, 31, Asutosh Mukherjee Rd. Vegetables, fruits, betel leaf, fish, meat, eggs, etc., available
  • 🌍 Lake Market, 104, Rash Behari Ave. One of the largest markets in Kolkata. Vegetables, fruits, betel leaf, flowers, fish, meat, eggs, etc., available. It is the best place in South Kolkata for flowers, flower bouquets, floral rings etc.
  • 🌍 Lansdowne Market, 65/1 Sarat Bose Rd. Vegetables, fruits, betel leaf, flowers, fish, meat, eggs, etc., available. Old market, popular for both variety and fair prices.
  • 🌍 Machhli Baba, 24A, Lake View Rd, Ground Floor. Different varieties of fish starting from single piece to large quantities


  • 🌍 Forum Mall, 10/3 Elgin Rd. Tu-Sa 10AM-9PM, M 1-8PM, closed Sunday. There is an appealing range of upmarket shops housed across six floors. Forum is a centre of fashion and there are many beautiful clothes, accessories, and shoes to choose from. For those with nostalgia about things foreign, can find shops selling Belgian chocolates, English biscuits and so on. Restaurants and bars include Oh! Calcutta ( +91 33 22837161, mains from ₹150, excellent Bengali food), Cafe Mezzuna, Ar-Han-Thai (Lebanese & Thai food), Spaghetti Kitchen (Italian food), Starstruck (Chinese, Continental, North Indian, Mughlai).
  • 🌍 Lake Mall, Kavi Bharati Sarani (off 104, Rash Behari Ave). Highend shopping mall, branded shops, food court and restaurants, multiplex, offices and hotel.
  • 🌍 Merlin Homeland Mall, 18B Asutosh Mukherjee Rd, Bhowanipore. Homeland Mall is one stop mall for house building materials and interior decor items. E Zone Electronic Mall is next to it.
  • 🌍 Quest Mall, 33, Syed Amir Ali Ave, Park Circus. Luxury retail, largest apparel store, fine dining, six-screen insignia class multiplex. Restaurants and bars include Chili's and Irish House.


Major chain restaurants include Domino's (1/432, Gariahat Rd S ad 62/7, Ballygunge Circular Rd) and Haldiram's (58, Chowringhee Rd and 24, Ballygunge Park).

  • 🌍 6 Ballygunge Place, +91 33 24603922, +91 99 03975614. Bengali & North Indian cuisine. Buffet lunch ₹375 (Monday to Friday), ₹425 (Saturday). No drinks.
  • 🌍 Amrit National Hotel, 43 Diamond Harbour Rd (Mominpur Bus Stop), +91 33 66343401. Budget restaurant. Biryani and Mughlai food.
  • 🌍 Arsalan, 28, Circus Ave, +91 33 22844010, +91 33 22848556. Biryani and Mughlai food. Popular items: firni, mutton kosha, mutton boti kebab, chicken chatpata, mutton biryani, egg chicken roll. They have seven branches: 1. Chinar Park, 2. Anandapur (opposite Calcutta International School), 3. Hatibagan, 4. Park Street Area (Muzaffar Ahmed Road), 5. Park Circus 7-point crossing, 6. New Alipore, and 7. Jessore Road, Bangur.
  • 🌍 Azad Hind, 12/1, Ballygunge Circular Rd, +91 33 24866475, +91 33 24864742. Virtually open round the clock. North Indian cuisine, street food. Popular items: chicken bharta, tandoori chicken, tandoori aloo, butter naan, dal tadka, rolls, panneer butter masala. No alchohol.
  • 🌍 Balaram Mullick & Radharaman Mullick, 2, Puddapukur Rd, Bhowanipore, +91 33 2486 9490, +91 33 2454 0281, . 9AM-10PM. Offers a wide range of sweets and snacks. Famous for its baked rosogolla.
  • 🌍 Balwant Singh's Eating House, 10/B, Harish Mukherjee Rd, +91 9903975361. closed 3–4AM. North Indian vegetarian cuisine. Popular items: Tea, lassi, paneer tikka, samosa, dudh cola, kesar chai. No alcohol.
  • 🌍 Banana Leaf (A unit of Komala Vilas), 74-75, Rashbehari Ave (near Lake Market), +91 33 24641960, +91 33 24640941. South Indian vegetarian snacks and thali meal. Great food. Authentic South Indian taste - very different from the road side stalls catering to Bengali taste.
  • Bhojohori Manna, +91 33 24663941, +91 33 24667686. Authentic and traditional Bengali food. Fish and vegetarian speciality - shukto, mochar ghonto, chital macher muitha, chingri macher malaikari, kankra (crab), et al. Mutton Dak Bungalow has become a trade mark. No hard drinks.
    • 🌍 18/1A Hindustan Rd.
    • 🌍 9/18 Ekdalia Rd. Mostly for takeaway service. Food also served.
    • 🌍 23A Priyanath Mallick St (near Hazra More), +91 33 24545922.
  • Bijoli Grill, +91 33 4003 6606. Seafood, Chinese and Bengali cuisine.
    • 🌍 38, SP Mukherjee Rd. Noon-10PM.
    • 🌍 124B, Southern Ave.
  • 🌍 The Coastal Macha, 55, Southern Ave, +91 33 3099 1254. Indian seafood, South Indian, Keralian, Maharashtrian.
  • 🌍 Chinese Pavilion, P 21 Old Ballygunge Rd (at Ballygunge Phari crossing), +91 33 2283 3093, +91 9836627306. Noon-10:30PM. Chinese and Thai cuisine. Drinks not served.
  • 🌍 The Dhaba, Ballygunge Phari, +91 8017779607, +91 9903000353. 11:30AM-11PM. North Indian and Chinese cuisine. Try out the Punjabi speciality;makka di roti and sarson di saag
  • 🌍 Drop In, Ground Floor, Ideal Towers, 57, Block A, Diamond Harbour Rd, +91 9073309928, +91 9073309929. 7:30AM-11PM. Vegetarian restaurant. Indian and Chinese cuisine. Popular items: lassi, naan, paneer tikka masala, roti, thali.
  • 🌍 Fung Shway, 122A, Southern Ave, +91 33 4065 9510. Thai, Chinese, etc. Drinks served.
  • 🌍 Ganguram, 84A, Shambhunath Pandit St, +91 33 2455 2357. 6AM-10PM. One of the oldest sweet meat sellers in Kolkata, with a chain of outlets across the city. It is a revered name in the arena of Bengali sweets. Take away only.
  • 🌍 Gupta Brothers, 82A, Shambhunath Pandit Rd, +91 33 2455 6328, +91 33 2454 8716. 9AM-10:30PM. Sweets and casual dining. Popular items: vegetarian thali, gulab jamun, dahi vada, dhania dosa, kulfi, mango lassi and idli.
  • 🌍 Kasturi Restaurant, 13/6B Anil Moitro Rd (near Patha Bhaban Montessori School), +91 33 2440 0039, +91 8334922228. 11:45AM-11PM. Dhakai cuisine. Speciality - bhetki paturi, biryani, mochar ghonto, kochu pata chingri bhapa, jhuri alu bhaja, mutton kosha, kosha mangsho.
  • 🌍 Khawab, 166A, Sarat Bose Rd (near National High School For Girls), +91 9836033337, +91 9874246629, +91 33 24669695. Hyderabadi Mutton Biryani, Mutton Rogan Josh.
  • 🌍 Krystal Chopstick, 71 H, Hindustan Park (opposite Basanti Devi College), +91 33 4060 3022, +91 9831526118. Noon-10:30PM. Chinese cuisine. No drinks.
  • 🌍 Kurry Club, 176 Sarat Bose Rd, +91 33 24661979. Mexican, Italian and other cuisine.
  • 🌍 Kwality, 2A, Gariahat Rd (near Ballygunge Phari crossing), +91 33 2460 9982, +91 33 2460 7079. Noon-10:45PM. One of the earliest posh restaurants in South Kolkata. Authentic North Indian delicacies. Continental and Chinese also served. Drinks available. Payment in cash only.
  • 🌍 Maharaja and Maharani, Sarat Bose Rd (near the Rashbehari Ave crossing). These are two separate kachori shops, near each other. The footpath in front of the shops is always crowded. Their early morning stocks often get exhausted by around 9AM. They also serve later in the day. Anyone going that way must give it a try. Don't miss the jalebis/malpuas after the kachouri-sabzi. The location shown on the map here is that of Maharani, and Maharaja is a little down the road towards the lakes.
  • 🌍 Mainland China, Uniworth House, 3A, Guru Saday Dutta Rd, +91 33 2283 7964, +91 9330627506. 12:30-3PM, 7-11PM. Innovative Chinese food. Grand buffets. Drinks served.
  • 🌍 Marco Polo, 205 Sarat Bose Rd (near Southern Ave crossing), +91 33 2463 0909. 12:30PM-11:30PM. Continental and North Indian cuisine. Drinks served.
  • 🌍 Mirch Masala, 49/2 Gariahat Rd (near Pantaloons), +91 9830644484, +91 33 24618900. Great Punjabi food, also has a Chinese restaurant. Drinks served.
  • 🌍 Mitra Cafe, 23/37 Gariahat Rd, +91 90076 95923. 11AM-11PM. North Indian fast food. Speciality - fish kaviraji, mutton chops, rolls, pakoda, mutton kaviraji, chowmein, pudding.
  • 🌍 Only Alibaba, 28A, Syed Amir Ali Ave, +91 33 4070 1109. Noon-4:30PM, 7-11PM. Biryani and Mughlai food. The food has a good taste in the main shop but in their fry king outlet at Baghajatin some items are bad and unpalatable.
  • 🌍 Oudh 1590, 23/B, Deshapriya Park and also at P-562, Hemanta Mukhopadhyay Sarani (behind Vivekananda Park). Period dining experience - try it out.
  • 🌍 Padmaparer Rannaghar, 26/4 Gariahat Rd, +91 33 2419 8916. Noon-10PM. Bengali and South Indian cuisine.
  • 🌍 Pepper Chino, 37 Sarat Bose Rd (opposite Lakshmi Narayan Temple), +91 33 6555 2051, +91 7004985103. Noon-4AM. North Indian Continental and Chinese cuisine. Drinks served.
  • 🌍 Prema Vilas, 63/1, Lake Market, +91 33 2463 1961. South Indian vegetarian.
  • 🌍 Sangu Valley Restaurant, 6A, SP Mukherjee Rd, +91 9831361928, +91 8583962171. 11AM-10PM. North Indian, Chinese cuisine.
  • 🌍 South India Club Canteen, 70 B, Hindustan Park, +91 33 24640927. Budget restaurant. The place is not posh but has tasty food.
  • 🌍 Subway, Merlin Homeland, 18B, Asutosh Mukherjee Road, +91 33 4004 7412, +91 33 2454 2234. 11AM-10:30PM. Healthy food, salad, fast foods. Popular items: Sandwiches, Chicken Wrap, Chicken Tikka Sub. No alcohol.
  • 🌍 Tamarind, 177 Sarat Bose Rd (near Deshapriya Park), +91 33 66343960. South Indian mon-vegetarian. Snacks like idli and dosa are not available. Specialised main meal dishes. Enjoy Keralite food, Coorgi dishes et al.
  • 🌍 Tangra Kaizen, 33B, Sarat Bose Rd, Paddapukur, +91 33 2474 4358. 11AM-11PM. Chinese and Thai cuisine. Drinks served. Only cash payment.
  • 🌍 Tero Parban, 49C Purna Das Rd (Near Gol Park), +91 33 2464 0199, +91 9830432175. Noon-10:30PM. Bengali cuisine with the ambience of a traditional Bengali home.
  • 🌍 Zeeshan, 17 Syed Amir Ali Ave, +91 33 22806842, +91 9903611112. 7AM-midnight. Zeeshan has several outlets mostly for takeaway customers: 1. Deshapriya Park, 2. Kidderpore, 3. Garia, 4. Lake Market Area, 5. Ballygunge, 6. Tollygunge, 7. Esplanade, 8. College Street.
    Biryani and Mughlai food. Popular items: biryani, rolls, firni, murg reshmi kabab, mutton tikka, mutton chaap, tandoori chicken.
  • 🌍 Zeeshan, 187 Sarat Bose Rd (near Deshapriya Park), +91 33 2464 4224, +91 7604066539. 11AM-11PM. Great Mughlai food, take away only.


  • Mocha, AJC Bose Rd.
  • Underground, Hotel Hindusthan International.


This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room:
BudgetUnder ₹2,000
Mid-range₹2,000 to ₹5,000
SplurgeOver ₹5,000



  • 🌍 The Best Inn, 1B, Sushil Sen Rd, +91 33 24549101. Amenities include air-conditioning, telephone, internet connectivity, TV (Cable), laundry service, housekeeping, room service, continental breakfast. Deluxe Suite (King size Double Bed)/Deluxe Queen (Queen Double Bed)/Deluxe Twin (two single beds) rooms with attached bathrooms. ₹2,000-3,000.
  • 🌍 Casa Fortuna Hotel, 234/1A, AJC Bose Rd, +91 33 4021 8000, . Deluxe single ₹5,000, Deluxe double ₹6,000.
  • 🌍 Central Bed & Breakfast, 7th Floor, Lansdowne Court, 5B, Sarat Bose Rd (near Minto Park), +91 9836465400, . Check-in: Noon, check-out: 10AM. 10-minute drive from Park Street and 1 minute from Minto Park. It’s on the 7th floor of a residential apartment. 4 bedrooms with free WiFi, attached bathrooms, common kitchen. All rooms are air-conditioned. Owners live in the same building. Great location, safe, and 24/7 security. Recommended for backpackers. ₹2,699.
  • Kalighat Pilgrimage Facilitation Centre. ₹2,000–2,200 per room.
  • 🌍 The Samilton, 35A, Sarat Bose Rd, +91 33 40932000. ₹3,000-4,500.
  • 🌍 Hotel Lee International, 53/D1, Tiljala Rd, +91 33 23431678, +91 33 23431679, . Check-in: noon, check-out: 11AM. ₹2,580-4,095.
  • Mrs. Dam's Guesthouse, +91 33 2290 4533. Modern, prettily furnished rooms with attached bath, air-con, TV, etc. in a quiet, safe neighborhood. Helpful owner lives in the same building, and is a handy source for tips on what to see/where to go in Kolkata. They also have a great cook, so make sure you try a home-cooked Bengali meal when you're there. ₹2000.
  • 🌍 The Red Carpet, P-399, Keyatala Ln, +91 33 40086847. ₹2,500.
  • 🌍 Blue Chip, 99/5/13, Dr Amiya Bose Sarani, +91 33 2460 3983. Check-in: noon, check-out: 11AM.
  • 🌍 Basera Guest House, 128C, Southern Ave, Golpark, +91 90515 66883. Check-in: noon, check-out: noon.




Police stations

Go next

Routes through South Kolkata
END  N  S  Jaynagar Majilpur Bakkhali
Esplanade Maidan  N  E  East Kolkata Far North Kolkata
North Kolkata Central Kolkata  N  S  END

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