Gaillac was created in 972. The first house in Gaillac is Maison Pierre de biens.
Gaillac is a wine city and it is principal economy. Gaillac is located in Tarn.
Get in
Get around
In Gaillac you can visit a museum such as the Museum Gaillac of fine Arts at the Castle de Foucaud, In the castle there are arts statues. Or visit the wine museum at the l'Abbaye Saint Michel from Gaillac, a museum telling the wine history in Gaillac. Gaillac has other activities such as a Festivals with attractions every year, or a Market every Friday at 08:00 to 13:00. The city has a cinema. And going to see vineyard.
Eat and Drink
If you are thirsty or hungry you can go in restaurant such as Pizza Queen to eat nice Pizza or Hostel restaurant la verrerie.
Or to drink ina pub, O'carlow is very nice pub.
number Pizza queen : +33 05 63 57 00 00 /
Hostel restaurant la verrerie : +33 05 63 57 32 77 /
To sleep in Gaillac 2 choices hostel or guest hostel. An example of a hostel is hostel restaurants la verrerie has 3 stars.
And for guest hostel The Perch domaine: +33 05 63 56 58 24
Hostel restaurant la verrerie +33 05 63 57 32 77,