
Trinity Monastery in Chernihiv

Chernihiv (Ukrainian: Чернігів, also transliterated Chernigov from Russian: Чернигов), located in the north of Central Ukraine, is one of the most ancient and most interesting cities of Ukraine known in the world primarily for its sacred Christian temples created over 1000-year history of the city and being invaluable treasure of Ukrainian people.


In the medieval times Chernihiv, in the north of Ukraine 150 km from the city of Kyiv, was the second most significant center of the ancient Rus' state. Five Orthodox Churches, the gems of ancient Rus' art, came down to us almost intact from the times of Kyivan Rus' state.

Get in

By train

  • 🌍 Chernihiv Railway station (Залізничний вокзал "Чернігів"), Peremohy ave., 1, +380 462 77-43-75, +380 462 222 005.
  • 🌍 Chernihiv-Pivnichnyi Railway station (Залізнична станція Чернігів-Північний), Borysenka str. (North 3km.), +380 462 657681.

By bus

Buses (80 грн) leave from Kyiv's Lisova Metro station when they are full, usually every 15 to 20 minutes. Buses also leave from the Chernihiv Metro station (80 грн), and are easily reached by walking out the exit, turning left, walking on the sidewalk over the train line to the adjacent highway. The buses stand "in line", and you take the bus furthest down the line (i.e. the first one in the line). These small buses are called Mashrytkas and leave every 15 to 20 minutes. These same buses leave from Chernihiv to return to Kyiv frequently throughout the day from various stops, including at the McDonalds, in front of the Mega Mall on Prospekt Mira, and on Prospect Pobeda just before it intersects with Prospect Mira.

Get around

By public transport

Chernihiv has a convenient public transport system:

  • 16 bus routes
  • 8 trolleybus routes

Single ride tickets in buses cost 8-12 грн, in trolleybuses — 8 грн.

Schedules are available on the official website (in Ukrainian).

You can also check information about public transport on DozoR (in Ukrainian), EasyWay and Google Maps.

By taxi

Taxi is the easiest way of getting around the city. Some popular taxi companies include:

  • Bolt (Болт).
  • Uklon (Уклон).
  • OnTaxi (ОнТаксі).
  • Opti (Опті).
  • Shark (Шарк).


The Cathedral of SS. Boris and Gleb

Contemporary Chernihiv, is a charming provincial city. Its sites include a museum, several parks and green areas. The rose colored train station is an outstanding place to visit, as is the park at the town center which features a giant Lenin statue and a sober monument to the dead from the Afghan war. Just south of the city center, and an easy walk, is the theater and red square, the "Alley of Heroes" honoring the heroes from the Great Patriotic War (World War II), then on to Saint Catherine's Church, and then across the street lies the famous 'Val' where the most ancient of Chernihiv's churches are located. Chernihiv contains two functioning monasteries and ancient Orthodox churches around 1000 years old. A unique site is the Anthony Caves, where numerous relics of saints and the miracle making icons of Our Lady are found. All of these ancient sites make Chernihiv a sacred site of Orthodoxy.

A one-day trip to Chernihiv offers a sightseeing tour including the visit to Detinets, the ancient center of the city, Our Savior Transfiguration, Sts. Boris and Gleb's, Assumption Cathedrals, St. Elijah's and Good Friday Churches known as the gems of ancient Rus' architecture, masterpieces of Ukrainian Baroque Holy Trinity Monastery, St. Catherine's Church, Collegium as well as St. Anthony's caves. The train station is a uniquely beautiful piece of architecture.

  • 🌍 Resurrection Church (Воскресенська церква), Komsomolska str.,42. Built in Baroque style in the years 1772-1775. It is brick, stucco, stacked structure.
  • Building of theological seminary and St. Theodore Church (Будівля Духовної семінарії, Федора церква), Polubotka Hetmana str., 40/2. In the beginning the XVIII item here was farmstead of the known colonel Paul Polubotka, and then to October revolution a spiritual seminary was disposed. Pseudo-Byzantine architecture or called the Bulgarian architecture.
  • 🌍 Military & historical museum (Військово-історичний музей), Shevchenka str.,55A, +380 4622 3-01-87, +380 462 2 39040. Found in 1985. The exposition dedicated to the participation of Chernihiv in the Great Patriotic War.
  • 🌍 V.Tarnovskyi Apartman Museum (Будинок музею українських старожитностей В.Тарновського), Shevchenka str., 63. Ukrainian antiquities museum collection, gathered by the well-known patron of Vasily Vasilyevich Tarnowski, owner and son Kachanivka friend of Taras Shevchenko.
  • The old post-house of province treasury (Будівля поштової станції губернського казначейства), Horkoho str., 8. Now building of "Ukrainian Invstment Bank"
  • 🌍 Chernihiv regional art museum, Horkoho str.. Built 19th century. More than five thousand items - works of Ukrainian, Russian, Italian, Dutch, Flemish, French and German masters of 17th-19th centuries.
  • 🌍 Regional historical museum (Обласний історичний музей), Horkoho str., 4, +380 462 67-67-93. More than 130,000 exhibits from different periods of history from ancient times Chernihiv to the present.
  • The old Governor Mansion (Будинок губернатора), Horkoho str., 4. Territory of "Billow" continued to remain the administrative and cultural center of Chernihiv. Here built a stone house for the governor at the beginning of a 19th century, – later it used for classic masculine gymnasium. Now it is the V.V.Tarnavskogo historical museum.
  • House of Lyzohuba (House of Mazepy) (Будинок Лизогуба (Будинок Мазепи)), Pidvalna str.. A Ukrainian hetman mansion.
  • 🌍 Church of Saint Catherine (Єкатерининська церква), Myru ave.. Consecrated in 1715. A beautiful white-stone church with its gold domes. The Catherine's Church - the greatest monument to Ukraine-style "Ukrainian Baroque».
  • The former house of Mykolaiv diocese fraternity (Будівля Миколаївського єпархіального братерств), Myru ave., 15. Built in 1911-1912. From 1932 to 1942 here was the Chernihiv regional musical-dramatic theater. A philharmonic society got in 1964. Example of architecture of unslavonic style.
  • 🌍 The Old Chernihiv College (Kolegium) (Чернігівський колегіум), Preobrazhens'ka str., 1. One of the eldest middle educational establishments on Western Ukraine. It was founded in 1700.
  • 🌍 Boris and Gleb Cathedral (Борисоглібський собор), Preobrazhenska str., 1. Founded in 1120, Chernihiv Prince David, the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise. The structure resembles cathedral monastery church late 11th century. In the years 1627-1659. there was a Dominican church. Here is the famous carving of the capital with a picture of "Chernihivbeast", which some researchers relate to the Iranian deity Semargl. There is also a masterpiece of the jeweler's art - 56-kg silver gilt royal doors, from 1700s.
  • The State Bank Building (Будівля Державного банку), Mahistratska str., 7. The Chernihiv branch of the State participating bank. In 1893 opened.
  • Building of City Bank (Будівля міського банку), Kyrponosa str., 16. In 1875 a city public bank which was disposed here.
  • 🌍 Black grave (Chorna mohyla) Archeological monument (Курган "Чорна могила"), Kniazia Chornoho str., 9. - The «Black grave» burial mound is - one of the greatest Old Russian burial mounds which was saved on territory of Ukraine. Disposed in Chernihiv not far away from the Elecko-uspenskogo monastery. On legend, exactly in the «Black grave» a prince was buried Black, which founded a city and gave him the name. A burial mound has imposings sizes: in a diameter is 40 m and a circum is 125 m.
  • 🌍 Mansion house of H.Ostapenko (Садибний будинок Г.Остапенка), Khlibopekarsʹka str., 10. - It is a two-storeyed mansion. Symmetric, with two lateral rizalitami, he is crowned gablets – with monograms and date of building of house – "1906".
  • 🌍 Kruti skhody Art gallery (Художня галерея Круті сходи), Khlibopekarsʹka str., 10, +380 462 67-46-61. - The exhibition features works of folk art known authors in the country - Ukraine's folk artists. Objects like artistic pottery and carvings, paintings and painting on glass, embroidery, weaving, glass, jewelry.
  • 🌍 M.M.Kotsiubyns'kyi Memorial Museum (Музей-заповідник М.М.Коцюбинського), Kotsiubynskoho str., 9, +380 4622 4-10-03, +380 4622 4-13-45. - The Museum-Reserve of the famous Ukrainian writer Mykhailo Kotsyubinskogo (1864-1913) was formed in 1934. There three rooms: a bedroom, dining room and living room with part of the study of the writer were open to visitors. A lot of things that surrounded Michael Kotsyubinskogo for life, was carefully preserved. Among them, the author manuscripts, photos, magazines, books and Kotsyubinskogo about it, family heirlooms, personal belongings of the writer, talk about their interests and preferences. Memorial garden maintained in such a way that had the writer's life.
  • 🌍 Sviato-Uspinskyi Yeletskyi Monastery (Свято-Успінський Єлецький монастир), Kniazia Chornoho str.. Founded in 11th century, by the Grand Duke Svyatoslav of Chernihiv Yaroslavich. Rebuilt in 1445, 1579 and 1611. The cathedral abbey church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1060, was the update to the 15th century and beginning of 17th century. Here, is the iconostasis "Eletskaya" - Chernihiv Icon of Our Lady, which appeared in 1060 near the city of Chernihiv to eat, from which got its name.
  • 🌍 The Chernihiv railway station (Будівля залізничного вокзалу), Peremohy ave., 1. The Chernihiv railway station is monumental building. Built after World War II, by the German and Hungarian prisoners of war. Restored in 1999.
  • Old Russian Necropolis (Комплекс курганів Давньоруський Некрополь), Tolstoho str (Boldyny hills (Boldyny hory)). - Old Russian Necropolis is a complex of burial mounds from 9th, 10th and 11th centuries. Over 250 burial places are found. There found an almost one and a halfmeter sword, shield, battle-ax and chain mail etc.
  • Elias Church (Іллінська церква), Uspens'koho str. - Disposed at an entrance in Antonievy of cave on the South slope of Boldinoy's hill. Now it is operating as a museum.
  • 🌍 Trinity-Elias Monastery (Троїцько-Іллінський монастир), Tolstoho str., 92E. - Consists of the former Elias (11th-17th century.) and Trinity (1677 - 1780) monasteries. Since 1790 Trinity Monastery became the seat of the Archbishop of Chernihiv. Trinity Cathedral has functioned as a parish church until 1929. Than became acting nunnery. Nowadays the monastery is the residence of the Archbishop of the Ukrainian Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Today on the monastery grounds are acting Trinity Cathedral (it was founded in 1679 by Lazar Baranovich by architect John the Baptist), the refectory with Vvedenskoj church (the only double tower church on the Eastern Ukraine. Dated 1677-1679), the bell tower in 1775 (a 58-m-high building, which offers a magnificent view of the city).




There is a Potato House on Prospekt Mira which serves Euro-Mexican. There is a McDonald's on Prospect Mira and a wonderful restaurant next to the city square named Senator.


There is a coffee shop named Chashka (meaning cup) in the Mega Mall.



Desna river



  • Post office #6 (Відділення зв'язку No.6), Myru ave.,17, +380 4622 7-32-40.
  • Post office #13 (поштове відділення No.13), Shevchenka str.,22, +380 4622 3-31-28.
  • Post office #24 (поштове відділення No.24), Peremohy ave., 1, +380 4622 4-50-44.

Go next

  • Sedniv (Седнів). 30 km east. There are Wooden Church of Grygoi, beautiful river Snov and greet hills is around. It's very ancient town of Chernihiv region (second after Chernihiv).
  • Nizhyn (Ніжин). 90 km southeast. There are Complex Vvedensky convent, Church of the Ascension, Nezhinskaya Fortress etc.
  • Novhorod Siverskyi (Новгород-Сіверський). 175 km northeast. The town is the former residence of the Chernihiv metropolitans, the monastery of the Saviour's Transfiguration. It features a ponderous Neoclassical cathedral (1791), 17th-century stone walls, and several ecclesiastic foundations, dating from the 16th century. Other landmarks include the Cossack Baroque Assumption cathedral, a triumphal arch (1787), and the wooden church of St. Nicholas.
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Exclusion Zone The site of the worst nuclear accident in mankind's history

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