
Amer is a town and municipality of 2,400 people (2022) in Girona province, and is a stage in Catalan Way of St. James. At the northeastern end of the La Selva region, the municipality extends throughout the entire lower Brugent valley.


Amer is a town in the Selva county. The municipality is located in the valley of the Brugent river, a tributary of the Ter. The most populated centre is the town of Amer, with 1,919 inhabitants, followed by Solivent, with 191, and Costa de Santa Brígida, with 50, all located on the banks of the Ter.

Since time immemorial the mountains of Amer have been populated, gradually gathering people and creating the current town. In the early days the town had a strong growth, appearing in the twelfth century the first data of its weekly market. From then until today, the municipality has been marked by several historical moments, such as the earthquake of 1427

Get in

Amer is 20 km from Santa Coloma de Farners, 25 km from Girona and 28 km from Olot.

Get around


  • The old town of Amer
  • 🌍 Santa Maria d'Amer, Plaça del Monestir, +34 972 430 246. The monastery was founded in 820 by the abbot Deodat. The monastery gained in importance and grew in assets in the following centuries. In the 12th century, it was amended again and the priory church of Santa Maria de Cóll was founded. In 1381, the jurisdiction of the Amer religious community was left to the monastery. In 1445, it was associated for a brief period with the monastery of Sant Pere de Galligants. In 1592, by papal order, it was attached to the monastery of Santa Maria de Roses, a union that lasted until the demise of the monastic life
  • The hermitage of Santa Brigida
  • 🌍 The Ethnological Museum of Amer (Museu Etnològic Lluís Sidera), Plaça del Monestir, +34 972 431 956, .
  • The fossil remains of the mermaid of Santa Brigida
  • 🌍 Sant Agustí de Lloret Salvatge. Hermitage dating from the 11th century and originally linked to the monastery of Santa Maria d'Amer. Initially it seems that it was dedicated to Sant Julià, in its first mention, in the tenth century (949), it appears linked to the toponym of "Loreddo", that is, Lloret. It seems that, despite suffering the effects of the earthquake of 1427, it retains much of its original structure which, possibly, will not be restored until the 16th century. Sant Agustí de Lloret Salvatge was a medieval town and an old parish


Old train station
  • The Pirinexus and Ruta del Carrilet d'Olot long distance bike routes cross the city.
  • Catalan Way of St. James from El Port de la Selva to Montserrat (Spain) to Pina de Ebro passes the village.
    • You can take a deviation to Vic, passing by the 3 reservoirs of Pasteral-Susqueda-Sau. However in this route there are no services for 30 km. It's suitable for bikes, but if you go walking make sure you can cope with the route.


Go to the viewpoints for nice landscape views

  • 🌍 vistes a l'aiguavarreig.
  • 🌍 Rocaballera.
  • 🌍 els Tres Rocs.






Go next

Routes through Amer
Molló Olot  NE Pirinexus SE  Girona Palamós
Olot Sant Esteve d'en Bas  w Way of St. James - Camí de St.Jaume E  Girona Bàscara
Vic El Pasteral-Sau-Susqueda  w Way of St. James - Camí de St.Jaume E  Girona Bàscara

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