Albanian phrasebook
Albanian (Shqip) is the national and official language of Albania. It is an Indo-European language, forming its own isolated branch within the Indo-European language family. Thus it is not related closely to any other Indo-European language. It is an official language of Kosovo and spoken by the majority of the population as a native tongue. Albanian also enjoys co-official status in North Macedonia. The Albanian-speaking area spans across the Republic of Albania, the Preševo Valley of Serbia, and most of Kosovo, southern Montenegro, and a part of western North Macedonia.
Albanian has two main dialects, Gheg and Tosk, or the northern and southern dialects. The official standard is based on the Tosk dialect since the 1940s (both in Albania and in Kosovo, though the latter completely falls within the borders of the northern dialect), which is reported to be a "softer" version of the language by native speakers. While the two dialects are mutually intelligible, a number of differences between each other exists.
Pronunciation guide
Albanian is written as it is pronounced. The Albanian alphabet consists of 36 letters of the Latin script. The alphabet was standardised in 1909. Albanian is a branch of Indo-European and is considered to be the only language derived from the extinct Illyrian language.
For the vast majority of words, the main stress falls on the last word of a phrase, on the last stem of a compound word, and on the last syllable of a word.
- Аа
- 'a' as in "far" (IPA: a)
- Ee
- 'e' as in "elephant” (IPA: ɛ)
- Ii
- 'ee' as in "feet" (IPA: i)
- Oo
- 'o' as in "off” (IPA: ɔ)
- Uu
- 'oo' as in "cool" (IPA: u)
- Ëë
- 'a' in "above" (it is silent at times at the end of a word) like about (IPA: ə)
- Yy
- 'y' as the French 'u' or the German 'ü'. To pronounce the sound, place your mouth in the position you would when you say 'oo' as in "moon", but say 'ee' as in "feet" instead. The closest sound in British English as is 'ue' in "blue" or 'ew' as in "flew". (IPA: y)
- Bb
- like boy (IPA: b)
- Cc
- like cats (IPA: t͡s)
- Çç
- like teach (IPA: t͡ʃ)
- Dd
- like do (IPA: d)
- Dhdh
- like though (IPA: ð)
- Ff
- like fin (IPA: f)
- Gg
- like go (sometimes giving off a throaty sound; IPA: ɡ)
- Gjgj
- somewhat like geek (IPA: ɟ), in some dialects like jump (IPA: d͡ʒ)
- Hh
- like hello (IPA: h)
- Jj
- like hallelujah (IPA: j)
- Kk
- like skit (IPA: k)
- Ll
- light L (higher-pitched, non-dental), like British light (IPA: l)
- Llll
- like feel (IPA: ɫ)
- Mm
- like milk (IPA: m)
- Nn
- like nose (IPA: n)
- Njnj
- somewhat like canyon (IPA: ɲ)
- Pp
- like spin (IPA: p)
How do I pronounce q?
Place your tongue in the position as if you were about to say the word "yes." Without moving your tongue back, make a "k" sound. |
somewhat like key (IPA: c), in some dialects like teach (IPA: t͡ʃ)
Common diphthongs
- io
- 'io' as in "million"
- ua
- 'ua' as in 'iguana'
Other Sounds
- oj
- 'oy' as in "boy"
- aj
- 'i' as in "night"
- ej
- 'ay' as in "play"
- the
- [tyeh] like the Spanish word 'tie' in "tiesto"
- nje
- [nyeh] like the Spanish word 'ñe' in "muñeco"
- nju
- [nyoo] like the English word "new"
- njo
- [nyoh] like the Spanish word "moño"
- aja
- [ayah]/[aia] like the Italian word 'aia' in "baia"
- vje
- [vyeh] like the Spanish word 'vie' in "viejo"
- lje
- [lyeh] like the Italian word "moglie"
- dja
- [dyah] like the Spanish word "día"
- rja
- [ryah] like the 'ria' in "Maria"
Phrase list
Common signs
- Hello.
- Tungjatjeta. (toon-jah-TYEH-tah) or Përshëndetje. (pehr-SHEHN-det-yeh)
- Hello. (informal)
- Tung. (TOONG)
- How are you?
- Si jeni? (see YEH-nee?)
- Fine, thank you.
- Jam mirë, faleminderit. (yahm-MEER, fah-lehm-meen-DEH-reet)
- Mrs./Madam
- Zonjë (ZOH-nyuh)
- Mr./Sir
- Zotëri (zoh-teh-REE)
- Miss
- Zonjushë (zoh-NYOO-shuh)
- What is your name?
- Si e ke emrin? (see keh EHM-reen?)
- My name is ______ .
- Unë quhem______ . (CHYOO-hem_____ .)
- Pleased to meet you.
- Më vjen mirë. (muh VYEHN MEER)
- Please.
- Ju lutem. (yoo LOO-tehm)
- Thank you.
- Faleminderit. (fah-lehm-meen-DEH-reet)
- You're welcome.
- S'ka përse. (skah purr-SEH)
- Yes.
- Po. (poh)
- No.
- Jo. (yoh)
- Excuse me. (getting attention)
- Më falni. (mah FAHL-nee)
- Excuse me. (begging pardon)
- Më falni. (mah FAHL-nee)
- Forgive (me).
- Më falni (FAHL-nee)
- I'm sorry.
- Më vjen keq. (mah VYEHN ketch)
- Goodbye
- Mirupafshim. (mee-roo-PAHF-sheem)
- Goodbye (informal)
- Shëndet. (shuhn-DEHT)
- I don't speak Albanian
- Nuk flas gjuha Shqipe
- Do you speak English?
- A flisni Anglisht? (ah FLEES-nee ahn-GLEESHT)
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- A flet njeri anglisht? (ah FLEHT NYEH-ree ahn-GLEESHT?)
- Help!
- Ndihmë! (ndeem!)
- Good morning.
- Mirëmëngjes. (meer-muhn-JEHS)
- Good afternoon/Good day.
- Mirëdita. (meer-DEE-tah)
- Good evening.
- Mirëmbrëma. (meerm-BRUH-mah)
- Good night.
- Natën e mirë. (NAH-tehn eh MEER)
- I don't understand.
- Nuk kuptoj. (nook koop-TOY)
- I understand.
- Kuptoj. (koop-TOY)
- Where are the toilets?
- Ku është tualeti? (koo uhsht neh-voy-TOHR-yah?)
- Help!
- Ndihmë! (ndeem!)
- Go away!
- Largohu! (lahr-GOH-hoo!)
- Thief!
- Hajdut! (hi-DOOT!)
- Stop! Thief!
- Ndalo! Hajdut! (ndah-LOO-nee hi-DOOT)
- I'm lost.
- Kam humbur rrugën. (kam HOOM-boor RROO-guhn)
- Could you help me please?
- A mund të më ndihmoni ju lutem? (ah MOOND tuh muh ndee-MOH-nee yoo LOO-tehm?)
- Leave me alone!
- Më lini të qetë! (muh LEE-nee tuh CHEHT)
- Don't touch me!
- Mos më prek! (moss muh prehk)
- Call the police!
- Telefononi policinë! (tuhr-HEECH-nee vuh-MEND-yen eh poh-lee-TSEES)
- Police!
- Policia! (poh-lee-TSEE-yah)
- I need your help.
- Unë kam nevojë për ndihmën tuaj. (oon kahm neh-VOY puhr NDEE-uhn TOO-eye)
- It's an emergency.
- Është një rast urgjent. (uhsht nyuh RAHST oor-JEHNT)
- I'm lost.
- Kam humbur. (oon yahm ee HOOM-boor)
- I lost my bag.
- Kam humbur çanten time. (kahm HOOM-boor CHAHN-ten TEE-meh)
- I lost my wallet.
- Kam humbur portofolin tim. (kahm HOOM-boor pohr-toh-FOH-leen teem)
- I'm sick/ill.
- Unë jam i sëmurë. (oon yahm ee suh-MOOR)
- I've been injured.
- Unë jam plagosur. (oon yahm plah-GOH-soor)
- I need a doctor.
- Unë kam nevojë për një doktor. (oon kahm neh-VOY puhr nyuh dohk-TOHR)
- Can I use your phone?
- Mund të përdor telefonin tuaj? (moond teh puhr-DOHR teh-leh-FOH-nee TOO-eye?)
- 0
- zero (zeh-ROH)
- 1
- një (nyeh)
- 2
- dy (doo)
- 3
- tre (trehh)
- 4
- katër (kah-TAHR)
- 5
- pesë (pehs)
- 6
- gjashtë (jahsht)
- 7
- shtatë (shtaht)
- 8
- tetë (teht)
- 9
- nëntë (nahnt)
- 10
- dhjetë (thyeht)
- 11
- njëmbëdhjetë (nyehm-behd-THYEHT)
- 12
- dymbëdhjetë (dewm-bah-THYEHT)
- 13
- trembëdhjetë (trehm-bah-thyeh-TAH)
- 14
- katërmbëdhjetë (kah-tuhrm-bah-thyeh-TAH)
- 15
- pesëmbëdhjetë (peh-sahm-bah-thyeh-TAH)
- 16
- gjashtëmbëdhjetë (jahsh-tahm-bah-thyeh-TAH)
- 17
- shtatëmbëdhjetë (shtah-tuhm-buh-thyeh-TAH)
- 18
- tetëmbëdhjetë (teh-tuhm-buh-thyeh-TAH)
- 19
- nëntëmbëdhjetë (nuhn-tuhm-buh-thyeh-TAH)
- 20
- njëzet (nyeh-ZEHT)
- 30
- tridhjetë (tree-THYEHT)
- 40
- dyzet (doo-ZEHT)
- 50
- pesëdhjetë (pehs-THYEHT)
- 60
- gjashtëdhjetë (jahsht-THYEHT)
- 70
- shtatëdhjetë (shtaht-THYEHT)
- 80
- tetëdhjetë (teht-THYEHT)
- 90
- nëntëdhjetë (nahn-tah-THYEH-tah)
- 100
- njëqind (nyah-CHEEND)
- 200
- dyqind (dew-CHEEND)
- 300
- treqind (treh-CHEEND)
- 400
- katërqind (kah-tuhr-CHEEND)
- 500
- pesëqind (peh-suh-CHEEHD)
- 600
- gjashtëqind (jahsh-tuh-CHEEND)
- 700
- shtatëqind (shtah-tuh-CHEEND)
- 800
- tetëqind (teh-tuh-CHEEND)
- 900
- nëntëqind (nuhn-tuh-CHEEND)
- 1000
- njëmijë (NYUH-mee-yuh)
- one million
- një milion (nyeh mee-LYOHN)
- now
- tani (tah-NEE)
- later
- më vonë (mah vohn)
- before
- më parë (mah pahr)
- morning
- mengjes (mah-jehs)
- noon
- mesditë (mehs-DEET)
- afternoon
- pas dreke (pahs dreh-KEH)
- evening
- mbrëmje (mbrah-MYEH)
- night
- natë (naht)
- midnight
- mesnatë (mehs-NAHT)
Clock time
- one o'clock AM
- një e natës (nyeh eh nah-TAHS)
- two o'clock AM
- dy e natës (die eh nah-TAHS)
- one o'clock PM
- një pasdite (nyeh pahs-dee-TEH)
- two o'clock PM
- dy pasdite (dew pahs-dee-TEH)
- _____ minute(s)
- _____ minutë/a (mee-NOOT/ah)
- _____ hour(s)
- _____ orë (ohr)
- _____ day(s)
- _____ ditë (diht)
- _____ week(s)
- _____ javë (yahv)
- _____ month(s)
- _____ muaj (mwai)
- _____ year(s)
- _____ vit/e (viht/eh)
- today
- sot (soht)
- yesterday
- dje (dyeh)
- tomorrow
- nesër (nehsr)
- day after tomorrow
- pasnesër (pahs-NEHSR)
- this week
- këtë javë (keht yahv)
- last week
- javës që kaloi (yah-VEHS cheh kah-LOI)
- next week
- javës që vjen (yah-VEHS cheh vien)
- Sunday
- e diel (eh dyehl)
- Monday
- e hënë (eh hah-NAH)
- Tuesday
- e martë (eh mahr-TAH)
- Wednesday
- e mërkurë (eh mehr-koo-RAH)
- Thursday
- e enjte (eh ayn-TEH)
- Friday
- e premte (eh prehm-TEH)
- Saturday
- e shtunë (eh shtoo-NAH)
- January
- janar (yah-NAHR)
- February
- shkurt (sh-KOORT)
- March
- mars (mahrs)
- April
- prill (pree-AHL)
- May
- maj (mai)
- June
- qershor (cheh-SHOHR)
- July
- korrik (kohr-REEK)
- August
- gusht (goosht)
- September
- shtator (shtah-TOHR)
- October
- tetor (teh-TOHR)
- November
- nëntor (nehn-TOHR)
- December
- dhjetor (thyeh-TOHR)
- summer
- vera (veh-RAH)
- spring
- pranverë (prahn-veh-RAH)
- autumn
- vjeshtë (vyehsh-TAH)
- winter
- dimër (dee-MEHR)
Writing time and date
Albania uses the 24 hour clock.
- What date is it today?
- Çfarë data është sot? (chfahr dah-TAH ahsht soht?)
- What time is it?
- Sa është ora? (sah ahsht oh-RAH?)
- It'
- Ora është....para dreke/pas dreke. (oh-RAH ahsht pah-RAH dreh-KEH/pahs dreh-KEH)
- black
- e zezë (eh zee)
- white
- e bardhë (eh barth)
- gray
- gri (gree)
- red
- e kuqe (eh kooch)
- blue
- blu (bloo)
- yellow
- e verdhë (eh vehrth)
- green
- jeshile (yeh-shee-LEH)
- orange
- portokalli (pohr-toh-kahl-LEE)
- purple
- e purpurt (eh poor-POORT)
- brown
- kafe (kah-FEH)
- pink
- rozë (rohz)
- car
- makina (mah-kee-NAH)
- taxi
- taksi (tahk-SEE)
- bus
- autobus (ow-toh-BOOS)
- van
- furgon (foor-GOHN)
- truck
- kamion (kah-MYOHN)
- trolley bus
- trolejbus (troh-lay-BOOS)
- tram
- tramvaji (trahm-VAI)
- train
- treni (treh-NEE)
- subway
- metro (meh-TROH)
- ship
- anija (ah-NYAH)
- boat
- varkë (vahrk)
- helicopter
- helikopter (heh-lee-kohp-TEHR)
- airplane/airline
- avion/linjë ajrore (ah-VYOHN/lee-NYEH ai-roh-REH)
- bicycle
- biçikletë (bee-chee-KLEHT)
- motorcycle
- motor/motorçikletë (moh-TOHR/moh-tohr-chee-KLEHT)
- carriage
- karrocë (kahr-ROHTS)
- Could I rent a______?
- Mund të marr me qira një______? (moond teh mahrr meh gee-RAH nyeh...?)
- How much are your rates?
- Sa janë tarifat tuaja? (sah yahn tah-ree-FAHT twah-YAH?)
Bus and train
- How much is a ticket to _____?
- Sa kushton një biletë për në _____? (sah koosh-TOHN nyeh pehr neh?)
- One ticket to _____, please.
- Një biletë për në _____, ju lutem. (nyeh bee-LEHT pehr neh, yoo loo-TEHM)
- Where does this train/bus go?
- Ku shkon ky tren/autobus? (koo shkohn kee trehn/ow-toh-BOOS?)
- Where is the train/bus to _____?
- Ku është treni/autobusi për _____? (koo ehsht treh-NIH/ow-toh-boo-SEE pehr?)
- Does this train/bus stop in _____?
- A ndalon ky tren/autobus në _____? (ah ndah-LOHN kee trehn/ow-toh-BOOS neh?)
- When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
- Kur niset treni/autobusi për _____? (koor nee-SEHT treh-NEE/ow-toh-boo-SEE pehr?)
- When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
- Kur do të mbërrijë ky tren/autobus në _____? (koor doh teh mbehr-RYEH kee trehn/ow-toh-BOOS neh?)
- How do I get to _____ ?
- Si mund të shkohet _____ ? (seh moond tuh sh-koh-HEHT?)
- the train station?
- ...tek stacioni i trenit? (tehk stah-tsyoh-NEE ee treh-NEET?)
- the bus station?
- ...tek stacioni i autobusit? (tehk stah-tsyoo-NEE ee ow-toh-boo-SEET?)
- the airport?
- ...tek aeroporti? (tehk ah-eh-roh-pohr-TEE)
- ...downtown?
- ...në qendër? (nehh chehn-DEHR?)
- ...the youth hostel?
- ...tek hosteli i të rinjve? (tehk hohs-teh-LEE ee tehh ree-nvyeh?)
- ...the _____ hotel?
- ...tek hoteli ____? (tehk hohs-teh-LEE?)
- ...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
- ...tek ambasada amerikane/kanadeze/australiane/angleze? (tehk ahm-bah-sah-DAH ah-meh-ree-kah-NEE/kah-nah-deh-ZEH/ows-trah-lyah-NEH/ahn-gleh-ZEH?)
- Where are there a lot of...
- Ku ka shumë (koo kuh shoom)
- ...hotele? (hoh-teh-LEH?)
- ...restaurants?
- ...restorante? (rehs-toh-rahn-TEH)
- ...bars?
- ...bare? (bah-REH)
- ...sites to see?
- ...vënde për të parë? (vuhn-DEH pehr tuh pahr?)
- Can you show me on the map?
- A mund të më tregoni në hartë? (ah moond tuh mah treh-goh-NEE nuh hahrt)
- street
- rruga (rroo-GAH)
- road/avenue
- rrugë (rroog)
- boulevar
- bulevard (boo-leh-VAHRD)
- highway
- autostradë (ow-toh-STRAHD)
- alley
- rrugicë (rroo-GEETS)
- Turn left.
- Kthehu majtas. (ktheh-HUH mai-TAHS)
- Turn right.
- Kthehu djathtas. (ktheh-HUH dyahth-TAHS)
- left
- majtas (mai-TAHS)
- right
- djathtas (dyahth-TAHS)
- straight ahead
- drejt (drayt)
- towards the _____
- drejt _____ (drayt)
- past the _____
- pas _____ (pahs)
- before the _____
- para _____ (pah-RAH)
- Watch for the _____.
- Shiko për _____. (shee-KOH pehr)
- intersection
- udhëkryqi (oo-theh-kroo-CHEE)
- north
- veri (veh-REE)
- south
- jug (yuhg)
- east
- lindje (leen-DYEH)
- west
- perëndim (peh-r'n-DEEM)
- uphill
- e përpjetë (pehr-PYEHT) or malore (mah-loh-REH)
- downhill
- tatëpjetë (tah-t'-PYEHT)
- Taxi!
- Taksi! (tahk-SEE)
- Take me to _____, please.
- Më çoni tek ____, ju lutem. (mah choh-NEE tehk...,yoo loo-TEHM)
- How much does it cost to get to _____?
- Sa kushton për të shkuar tek _____? (sah koosh-TOHN pehr tah sh-KWAHR tek)
- Take me there, please.
- Më çoni atje, ju lutem. (mah choh-NEE ah-TYEH, yoo loo-TEHM)
- Do you have any rooms available?
- A keni dhoma të lira? (keh-NEE thoh-MAH teh lee-RAH?)
- How much is a room for one person/two people?
- Sa kushton një dhomë për një njeri/dy njerëz? (sah koosh-TOHN nyeh thohm pehr nyeh nyeh-REE/doo nyeh-REHZ?)
- Does the room come with...
- A ka dhoma ... (ah kah thoh-MAH)
- ...bedsheets?
- ...çarçafë? (chahr-CHAHF?)
- ...a bathroom?
- ...banjo? (bah-NYOH?)
- ...a telephone?
- ...telefon? (teh-leh-FOHN?)
- ...a TV?
- ...televisor? (teh-leh-vee-ZOHR?)
- May I see the room first?
- A mund ta shoh dhomën? (moond tah shoh thoh-MAHN?)
- Do you have anything quieter?
- A keni ndonjë dhomë më të qetë? (keh-NEE ndoh-NYAH thohm mah tah cheht?)
- ...bigger?
- ...më të madhe? (mah tah mah-THEH?)
- ...cleaner?
- ...më të pastër? (mah tah pahs-TAHR?)
- ...cheaper?
- ...më të lirë? (mah tah leer?)
- OK, I'll take it.
- Dakord, do ta marr. (dah-KOHRD, doh tah mahrr)
- I will stay for _____ night(s).
- Do të rri për _____ natë/netë. (doht rrih pehr...naht/NEH-tah)
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- Mund të më këshilloni një hotel tjetër? (moond tah mah K'SHIHL-loh-nih nyeh HOH-tehl TYEH-tahr?)
- Do you have a safe?
- Keni kasafortë? (keh-NEE kah-sah-FOHRT?)
- ...lockers?
- ...kasafortë personale? (kah-sah-FOHRT pehr-soh-nah-LEH?)
- Is breakfast/supper included?
- A përfshihet mëngjesi/darka? (ah pahrf-shee-HEHT mehn-JEH-see/dahr-KAH?)
- What time is breakfast/supper?
- Në çfarë ore jepet mëngjesi/darka? (nah chfahr oh-REH yeh-PEHT mehn-JEH-see/dahr-KAH?)
- Please clean my room.
- Ju lutem, ma pastroni dhomën. (yoo loo-TEHM, mah pahs-troh-NEE thohm)
- Can you wake me at _____?
- A mund të më zgjoni në _____? (ah moond tah mah zgoy-oh-NEE nah...?)
- I want to check out.
- Dua të bëj pagesën. (dwoh tah bay pah-geh-SEHN) or Dua të liroj dhomën. (dwoh tah lee-ROY thoh-MAHN)
The Albanian currency is theLek. And Albanians count money according to the old money count, i.e. 1 new Lek equals 10 old Lek.
- Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
- A ju të pranoni Amerikan/Australiane/dollarë kanadez? (ah yoo tah prah-noh-NEE ah-meh-ree-KAHN/ows-trah-lyah-NEH/dohl-LAHR kah-nah-DEHZ?)
- Do you accept British pounds?
- A ju të pranoni paund britanik? (ah yoo tah prah-noh-NEE pownd bree-tah-NEEK?)
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Mos ju pranoni kartat e kreditit? (mohs yoo prah-noh-NEE kahr-TAHT eh kreh-dee-TEET?)
- Can you change money for me?
- A mund të ndryshojnë para për mua? (ah moond tuh ndrew-shoy-NAH pah-RAH pehr mwah?)
- Where can I get money changed?
- Ku mund të merrni para ndryshuar? (koo moond tuh mehrr-NEE pah-RAH ndrew-SHWAHR?)
- Can you change a traveler's check for me?
- Mund të ndryshojë kontrolloni një udhëtimi për mua? (moond tuh ndrew-shoy-UH kohn-trohl-LOH-nee nyah oo-theh-tee-MEE pehr mwah?)
- Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
- Ku mund të gjej kontrolloni një udhëtimi ndryshuar? (koo moond tuh kohn-trohl-LOH-nee nyah oo-theh-tee-MEE ndrew-SHWAHR?)
- What is the exchange rate?
- Cili është kursi i këmbimit valutor? (tsee-LEE ahsh-TAH koor-SEE ee kahm-bee-MEET vah-loo-TOHR?)
- Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
- Ku është një makinë automatike e parave? (koo ahsh-TAH nyah mah-kee-NAH ow-toh-mah-tee-KEH eh pah-rah-VEH?)
- A table for one person/two people, please.
- Një tavolinë për një person/dy njerëz, ju lutem. (nyah tah-voh-lee-NAH pehr nyah pehr-SOHN/dew nyeh-RAHZ, yoo loo-TEHM)
- Can I look at the menu, please?
- A mund ta shikojmë në menu, ju lutem? (ah moond tah shee-koy-MAH nuh meh-NOO, yoo loo-TEHM?)
- Can I look in the kitchen?
- Mund të shikoni në kuzhinë? (moond tah shee-koh-NEE nah koo-zhee-NAH?)
- Is there a house specialty?
- A ka ndonjë specialitet shtëpi? (ah kah ndoh-NYAH speh-tsyah-lee-TEHT shtah-PEE?)
- Is there a local specialty?
- A ka ndonjë specialitet lokale? (ah kah ndoh-NYAH speh-tsyah-lee-TEHT loh-kah-LEH?)
- I'm a vegetarian.
- Unë jam vegjetarian. (oo-NAH yahm veh-jeh-tah-RYAHN)
- I don't eat pork.
- Unë nuk ha mish derri. (oo-NAH nook hah meesh deh-RREE)
- I don't eat beef.
- Unë nuk ha mish lope. (oo-NAH nook hash meesh loh-PEH)
- I only eat kosher food.
- Unë ha vetëm ushqime drejtë. (oo-NAH hah veh-TAHM oo-shchee-MEH dray-TAH)
- Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
- Mund të bëni atë "lite", ju lutem? (moond tah bah-NEE ah-TAH "lite", yoo loo-TEHM?)
- fixed-price meal
- fiks-vakt çmim (feeks-vahkt chmeem)
- à la carte
- à la carte (ah lah kahrt)
- breakfast
- mëngjesi (mahn-jeh-SEE)
- lunch
- drekë (dreh-KAH)
- tea (meal)
- çaj (chai)
- supper/dinner
- darkë (dahrk)
- I want _____.
- Dua _____. (dwah....)
- spoon
- lugë (loog)
- fork
- pirun (pee-ROON)
- knife
- thikë (theek)
- plate
- pjatë (pyaht)
- glass (drinking)
- gotë (goht)
- cup
- filxhan (feel-JAHN)
- saucer
- pjatëz (pyah-TAHZ)
- bowl
- tas (tahs)
- napkin
- pecetë (peh-TSEHT)
- I want a dish containing _____.
- Unë dua një pjatë që përmban _____. (oon dwah nyah pyaht chuh puhrm-BAHN...)
- chicken
- mish pule (meesh poo-LEH)
- beef
- mish lope (meesh loh-PEH)
- fish
- peshk (pehshk)
- ham
- proshutë (proh-SHOOT)
- sausage
- sallam (sah-LLAHM)
- cheese
- djathë (dyahth)
- eggs
- vezë (vehz)
- salad
- sallatë (sah-LLAHT)
- (fresh) vegetables
- (të freskëta) perimeve ((tah frehs-kuh-TAH) peh-ree-mee-VEH)
- (fresh) fruit
- (të freskëta) fruta ((tah frehs-kuh-TAH) froo-TAH)
- bread
- bukë (book)
- toast
- dolli (doh-LLEE)
- noodles
- petë (peht)
- rice
- oriz (oh-REEZ)
- beans
- fasule (fah-soo-LEH)
- May I have a glass of _____?
- Mund të kem një gotë _____? (moond tah kehm nyah goht....?)
- May I have a cup of _____?
- Mund të kem një filxhan të _____? (moond tah kehm nyah feel-JAHN tah....?)
- May I have a bottle of _____?
- Mund të kem një shishe _____? (moond tuh kehm nyah shee-SHEH...?)
- coffee
- kafe (kah-FEH)
- tea (drink)
- çaj (chai)
- juice
- lëng (lung)
- (bubbly) water
- (flluska) ujë ((flloos-KAH oo-EE)
- water
- ujë (oo-EE)
- beer
- birra (bee-RRAH)
- red/white wine
- i kuq/verë e bardhë (ee kooch/vehr eh barth)
- May I have some _____?
- Mund të ketë disa _____? (moond tah keht dee-SAH)
- salt
- kripë (kree-PAH)
- black pepper
- piper i zi (pee-PEHR ee zee)
- butter
- gjalpë (jahlp)
- Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
- Më falni, kamerier? (mah fahl-NEE, kah-meh-RYEHR?)
- I'm finished.
- Unë jam i mbaruar. (oo-NAH yahm ee mbah-RWAHR)
- It was delicious.
- Ishte e shijshme. (eesh-TEH eh shee-SHMEH)
- Please clear the plates.
- Ju lutemi të qartë pllaka. (yoo loo-teh-MEE tah chahr-TAH pllah-KAH)
- The check, please.
- Kontrolloni, ju lutem. (kohn-trohl-loh-NEE, yoo loo-TEHM)
Do you serve alcohol?
A të shërbejë alkool? (ah tah shahr-beh-YEH ahl-KOHHL?)
Is there table service?
A ka shërbim tryezë? (ah kah shar-BEEM trew-eh-ZAH?)
A beer/two beers, please.
Një birre/dy birra, ju lutem. (nyah beer-RAH/dew beer-RAH, yoo loo-TEHM)
A glass of red/white wine, please.
Një gotë e kuqe/verë e bardhë, ju lutem (nyah goh-TAH eh koo-CHEH/veh-RAH eh bahr-THAH, yoo loo-TEHM)
A pint, please.
Një pintë, ju lutem (nyah peen-TUH, yoo loo-TEHM)
A bottle, please.
Një shishe, ju lutem. (nyah shee-SHEH, yoo loo-TEHM)
Uiski (wees-KEE)
votka (voht-KAH)
ujë (oo-EE)
orange juice
lëng portokalli (lung pohr-toh-kah-LLEE)
Coke (soda)
Koka-kola (koh-KAH-koh-LAH)
Do you have any bar snacks?
A keni ndonje snack bar (ah keh-NEE ndoh-NYEH snahk bahr)
- One more, please.
- Një tjeter, ju lutem. (nyah tyeh-TEHR, yoo loo-TEHM)
Another round, please.
Një tjetër raund, ju lutem. (nyah tyeh-TAHR round, yoo loo-TEHM)
- When is closing time?
- Kur është koha e mbylljes? (koor ahsh-TAH koh-HAH eh mbewl-LYEHS?)
gëzuar! (GEZ wahr!)
- Do you have this in my size?
- A keni këtë në numrin tim? (ah keh-NEE kah-TAH nah noom-REEN teem?)
- How much is this?
- Sa është kjo? (sah ahsh-TAH kyoh?)
- That's too expensive.
- Kjo është shumë e shtrenjtë. (kyoh ahsh-TAH shoo-MAH eh shtreh-nyeh-TAH)
- Would you take _____?
- A do të merrni _____? (ah doh tah mehrr-NEE....?)
- expensive
- i shtrenjtë (ee shtreh-nyeh-TAH)
- cheap
- i lirë (ee lee-RAH)
- I can't afford it.
- Unë nuk mund ta përballojë atë. (oo-NAH nook moond tah pahr-bah-loy-TAH ah-TAH)
- I don't want it.
- Unë nuk e dua atë. (oo-NAH nook eh dwah aht)
- You're cheating me.
- Ju jeni mashtrojnë mua. (yoo yeh-NEE mahsh-troy-NAH mwah)
- I'm not interested.
- Unë nuk jam i interesuar. (oo-NAH nook yahm ee een-teh-reh-SWAHR)
- OK, I'll take it.
- Mirë, unë do të marrë atë. (meer, oon doh tuh mahrr aht)
- Can I have a bag?
- Më jepni një qese? (muh yehp-NEE nyah cheh-SEH?)
- Do you ship (overseas)?
- A keni anije (jashtë)? (ah keh-NEE ah-NYEH (yahsht))
- I need...
- Unë kam nevojë për... (oo-NAH kahm neh-voy puhr....)
- ...toothpaste.
- ...pastë dhëmbësh. (pahs-TAH thahm-BASH)
- ...a toothbrush.
- ...një furçë dhëmbësh. (nyah foor-CHAH thahm-BASH)
- ...tampons.
- ...tampona. (tahm-poh-NAH)
- ...feminine napkins
- ...napkins femëror (nahp-KEENS feh-muh-ROHR)
- ...soap.
- ...sapun (sah-POON)
- ...shampoo.
- ...shampo (shahm-POH)
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
- ...reliever dhimbje. (reh-lyeh-VEHR theem-BYEH)
- ...cold medicine.
- ...mjekësi të ftohtë. (myeh-kuh-SEE tuh ftoh-TAH)
- ...stomach medicine.
- ...ilaç stomaku. (ee-LAHCH stoh-mah-KOO)
- ...a razor.
- ...një brisk. (nyah breesk)
- ...shaving cream
- ...krem rroje (krehm rroh-YEH)
- ...deodorant.
- ...deodorant. (deh-oh-doh-RAHNT)
- umbrella.
- ...një çadër. (nyah chah-DAHR)
- ...sun tan lotion.
- ...tan dielli locion (tahn dyeh-LLEE loh-TSYOHN)
- ...perfume
- ...parfum (pahr-FOOM)
- ...a postcard.
- ...një kartolinë (nyah kahr-toh-lee-NAH)
- ...postage stamps.
- ...pulla postare. (poo-LLAH pohs-tah-REH)
- ...batteries.
- ...bateri. (bah-teh-REE)
- ...writing paper.
- ...shkruar. (shkrwahr)
- ...a pen.
- ...stilolaps (stee-loh-LAHPS)
- ...a pencil
- ...laps (lahps)
- ...English-language books.
- ...Anglisht-libra gjuhe. (ahn-GLEESHT-lee-BRAH joo-HEH)
- ...English-language magazines.
- ...revista gjuhën angleze. (reh-vees-TAH joo-HAHN ahn-gleh-ZEH)
- English-language newspaper.
- ...një gazetë në gjuhën angleze. (nyah gah-zeh-TAH nah yoo-HAHN ahn-gleh-ZEH)
- English-Albanian dictionary.
- ...një fjalor anglisht-shqip. (nyah fyah-LOHR ahn-GLEESHT-sh-CHEEP)
You need to remember that most of the road signs are in picture form and not by words like they do in America. Some such as the common 'STOP' sign shall be seen in major cities in Albania. But get a European road guide that would show which road signs you wish to know.
- I want to rent a car.
- Dua të marr me qira një makinë (dwah tah mahrr meh chee-RAH nyah mah-kee-NAH)
- Can I get insurance?
- Mund të merrni sigurim? (moond tah mehrr-NEE see-goo-REEM?)
- stop (on a street sign)
- STOP (stohp)
- one way
- një drejtim (nyah drayt)
- yield
- Hapni rrugën (hahp-NEE rroo-GAHN)
- no parking
- ka parkim (kah pahr-KEEM)
- speed limit
- limit shpejtësie (lee-MEET shpay-tah-SYEH)
- gas (petrol) station
- stacion benzine (stah-TSYOHN behn-zee-NEH)
- petrol
- benzinë (behn-zee-NAH)
- diesel
- dizel (dee-ZEHL)
- I haven't done anything wrong.
- S'kam bërë asgjë të keqe. (suh'kahm bah-RAH ahs-JAH tah keh-CHEH)
- It was a misunderstanding.
- Ishte keqkuptim. (eesh-TEH kehch-koop-TEEM)
- Where are you taking me?
- Ku po më çoni? (koo poh mah choh-NEE?)
- Am I under arrest?
- A jam nën arrest? (ah yahm nahn ah-RREHST?)
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- Jam një shtetas(e) amerikan(e)/Australian(e)/anglez(e)/kanadez(e). (yahm nyah shteh-TAHS(eh) ah-meh-ree-KAHN(eh)/ ows-trah-LYAHN(eh)/ ahn-GLEHZ(e)/ kah-nah-DEHZ(eh))
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- Dua të flas me ambasadën amerikane/australiane/angleze/kanadeze. (dwah tah flahs meh ahm-bah-sah-DAHN ah-meh-ree-kah-NEH/ows-trah-lyah-NEH/ahn-gleh-ZEH/kah-nah-deh-ZEH)
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- Dua të flas me një avokat. (dwah tah flahs meh nyah ah-voh-KAHT)
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- A mundem thjesht të paguaj gjobën tani? (ah moon-DEHM thyehsht tah pah-GWAI joh-BAHN tah-NEE?)
- Help!
- Ndihmë! (ndeeh-MAH)
- Look out!
- Kujdes! (kui-DEHS)
- Fire!
- Zjarri! (zyah-RREE)
- Go away!
- Largohu! (lahr-goh-HOO)
- Thief!
- Hajdut! (hai-DOOT)
- Stop thief!
- Hajdut Stop! (hai-DOOT stohp)
- Call the police!
- Tërhiqni vëmendjen e policisë! (tahr-hee-chnee vah-mehn-DYEHN eh poh-lee-tsee-SAH)
- Where is the police station?
- Ku është stacioni i policisë? (koo ahsh-TAH stah-tsyoh-NEE ee poh-lee-TSEE-SAH?)
- May you help me please?
- Ju mund të ndihmoni ju lutem? (yoo moond tah ndeeh-moh-NEE yoo loo-TEHM?)
- Could I use your telephone?
- Mund të përdorni telefonin tuaj? (moond tah pahr-dohr-NEE teh-leh-foh-NEEN twai?)
- There's been an accident!
- Ka qenë një aksident! (kah cheh-NAH nyah ahk-see-DEHNT)
- Call a...
- Thërrisni një... (thah-rreesh-NEE nyah....)
- doktor! (dohk-TOHR)
- ambulance!
- një ambulancë! (nyah ahm-boo-lahn-TSAH)
- I need medical attention!
- Unë kam nevojë për kujdes mjekësor! (oo-NAH kahm neh-VOY pehr kui-DEHS myeh-kah-SOHR)
- I'm ill.
- Unë jam i sëmurë. (oo-NAH yahm ee sah-moo-RAH)
- I'm lost.
- Unë jam i humbur. (oo-NAH yahm ee huhm-BOOR)
- I've been raped!
- Unë jam përdhunuar! (oo-NAH yahm ee pahr-thoo-NWAHR!)
- Where are the toilets?
- Ku jane banjot? (koo yah-NEH bah-NYOHT?)