took them out of the fire. He arose. He slapped his backside, and camas came out. They put it into the kettle. It was given to Coyote. He ate. He finished eating. Coyote said: "To-morrow you will visit my tent." Coyote started back. Coyote arrived back at his tent. On the following day Moose arrived at the tent of Coyote. Coyote was seated. He said to his wife: "Look this way!" His wife looked at him. At once he cut off her nose. At once Dog ran out howling. Dog re-entered. He threw ashes on her, but her nose was not restored. Moose took ashes. He put them on her nose and it was whole again. He said to the two children: "Bring a root." They two went out. They brought it in. He took it. He threw it into the fire. He took it out of the fire. It turned into
guts. He rolled them in the fire and gave them to (Coyote). Moose said to him: "Eat. Moose started back. Enough.
xa peiS. camas. n'uwu'kuUe*. t!akpuk!xo'ume*k n'anamtskla'se* He arose. He slapped his backside, it came out n'o'qo'xa'nt.l/siue* a'tsOuS. qaoxakimkts/lne* sk^'n'ku'ts. n'^'kiue*. They put it into the kettle. It was given to Coyote. He ate. ku'l'e'k. qake'iue* sk/n*ku'ts kkanmi*'y^t luntsqona'xe* kak^' He said Coyote: " To-morrow you will visit a/k^'e's my tent. sk/n*ku*ts. la'laxa'xe* Coyote. He arrived back at his tent laxa'xe* mtsna'pku aa*k^*s arrived Moose at the tent of sk^'nkuts. qa'k/lne* t^hiamu"e*s Coyote. He said to his wife: sk^'n'ku'ts*. Coyote. sk^'n'ku'ts*. Coyote. la'na "This He finished eating. latslma'xe* He started back kkanmi'y^t.s Next day qa'nqa'me'k He sat down way qa^kaw^tsk^'ke'n'. . tscikata'pse' t^tnamu'e's. luqkupqsala'ate*. look ! " She looked at him his wife. Quickly he cut off her nose. n'anmuqkupnoxo'^nelk^kwak^'mek xa'altsin. latkaxa"mne' Quickly she ran out howling Dog. She re-entered xa'altsin. qawaxm/te* aa'kuq Imw'ko'ps qa^qalha^klanu^qsala'aSe*. Dog. He threw on her ashes her nose was not restored. tsuk^a'te* aa*kuq!my'ko*ps mtsna'pku. qawaxm^'te* lo He took ashes . Moose. aa*kuqsa%.^'se*s. laqlape'ise*. qak^'lne* ncis her nose. It was whole again. He said to those a^nya'xa'kcil aa^kuk !pi>'kam. n'a^ak^sxa"mne They two went out. la.upkak^k lo'une*. He took two out of the fire. " Fetch tsuk^a'te*. He took it. a root." xunm^'te*. He threw it into the fire. la.upkaklo'uUe*. He rolled them about He threw them on lkamuk"^ta'ke*s two children: latkak^^s^lk/n'e*. They brought it in. n'mqapta'kse* They turned into aa*ku'qt!e's. guts. latslma'xe* mtsna'pku. ta'xas. He started back Moose. Enough. qaoxakiu/ktse*. and gave them to him. qak/lne* e'lkcil. He said to "Eat I" him: