Zootopia (known as Zootropolis in some European countries) is a 2016 animated comedy-adventure film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the 55th Disney animated feature film. Set in a world of talking anthropomorphic animals, that follows a rabbit with big dreams to be a cop, who deals with a con artist fox to uncover a conspiracy.

Directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore, co-directed by Jared Bush. Story by Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jared Bush, Jim Reardon, Josie Trinidad, Phil Johnston, and Jennifer Lee. Screenplay by Jared Bush and Phil Johnston.
Welcome to the urban jungle.


[Young Gideon is bullying a young lamb and her friends, trying to take her tickets.]
Young Gideon: Give me your tickets right now, or I'm gonna kick your meek little sheep butt! [shoves Sharla]
Sharla: Ow! Cut it out, Gideon!
Young Gideon: Baa-Baa! [takes the tickets] What are you gonna do, cry?
Young Judy: [out of nowhere] Hey! You heard her; Cut it out.
Young Gideon: Nice costume, loser! What crazy world are you living in where you think a bunny could be a cop?
Young Judy: [unfazed] Kindly return my friend's tickets.
Young Gideon: Come get 'em! But watch out, 'cause I'm a fox! And like you said in your dumb little stage play, us predators used to eat prey, and that killer instinct is still in our dunna!
Travis: Uh, I'm pretty much sure it's pronounced "D-N-A".
Young Gideon: [shoving Travis] Don't tell me what I know, Travis!
Young Judy: You don't scare me, Gideon. [Gideon shoves her onto the ground, knocking her police hat off her head.]
Young Gideon: You scared now?
Travis: Look at her nose twitch, she is scared.
Young Gideon: Cry, little baby bunny. Cry, cry-- [Young Judy kicks him in the face, shocking everyone, Gideon feels his lips] Aw, you don't know when to quit, do you? [Young Gideon retracts his claws and slashes Young Judy's cheek, as Judy screams, offscreen, leaves claw marks on her cheek. Then he shoves her face in the dirt] I want you to remember this moment, the next time you think you'll ever be anything more than just a stupid carrot-farming dumb bunny. [Young Gideon and Travis leave, high-fiving each other, not realizing Judy sneakily took back the tickets. The children rush to Judy]
Gareth: That looks bad.
Sharla: Are you okay, Judy?
Young Judy: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. [holds out tickets] Here you go.
Sharla: Wow! You got our tickets back!
Gareth: You're awesome, Judy!
Sharla: Yeah, that Gideon Grey doesn't know what he's talking about!
Young Judy: Well, he was right about one thing: [puts her police hat back on, as determination spreads across her face] I don't know when to quit.

[Judy is with her parents as she gets ready for the train to Zootopia.]
Bonnie Hopps: We're real proud of you, Judy.
Stu Hopps: Yeah. And scared, too.
Bonnie: Yes.
Stu: Really it's a kind of a "proud-scared" combo. I mean Zootopia! It's so far away, such a big city, and--
Judy Hopps: Guys, I've been working for this my whole life!
Bonnie: We know, and we're just a little excited for you, but terrified.
Judy:The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Stu: And also, bears. We have bears to fear, too. To say nothing about lions, and wolves--
Bonnie: Wolves?
Stu: Weasels!
Bonnie: You play cribbage with a weasel?
Stu: Yeah, and he cheats like there's no tomorrow. You know what? Pretty much all predators, and Zootopia's full of them.
Bonnie: Oh, Stu.
Stu: And foxes are the worst.
Bonnie: Actually, your father does have a point there. It's in their biology. Remember what happened with Gideon Grey?
Judy: When I was 9. Gideon Grey was a jerk who happened to be a fox. I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks.
Stu: Sure, yeah. We all do, absolutely. But just in case, we made you a little care package to take with you.
Bonnie: And I put some snacks in there.
Stu: This is fox deterrent.
Bonnie: Yeah, that's safe to have.
Stu: This is fox repellent.
Bonnie: Okay, the deterrent--
Stu: [shows Judy a foxes taser] Check this out! [the fox taser unleashes a powerful zap, surprising him.]
Bonnie: Oh, for goodness sake, she has no need for a fox taser, Stu.
Stu: Oh, come on, when is there not a need for a fox taser?
Judy: Okay, look, I will take this [shows her parents the fox repellent] to make you stop talking.
Stu: Terrific! Everyone wins!

[Judy meets two of her neighbors at her new apartment.]
Judy: Oh, hi! I'm Judy, your new neighbor!
Bucky: Yeah? Well, we're loud.
Pronk: Don’t expect us to apologize for it.

[Judy has finished a phone call with her parents. The pictures on Judy's wall move according to which one of her neighbors is talking]
Pronk: Hey, bunny, turn off that depressing music!
[Judy turns off the radio]
Bucky: Leave the meter maid alone! Didn't you hear her conversation?! She feels like a failure!
Pronk: Oh, shut up!
Bucky: You shut up!
Pronk: You shut up!
Bucky: You shut up!
Judy: [groans; to herself] Tomorrow's another day.
Pronk: [apparently hearing Judy] Yeah, but it may be worse!

[The next day, Judy is doing her meter maid duty again. A parking meter goes off and she puts a ticket on a car. A moose is angry.]
Moose: [grunts angrily] I was 30 SECONDS OVER!
[Another parking meter expires, and Judy puts a ticket on a tiny car]
Mouse: Ugh! [sarcastically] Yeah, you're a "real hero", lady. [Another parking meter goes off and Judy puts another ticket on another car.]
Hippo kid: [innocently] My mommy says she wishes you were dead.
Offscreen angry driver: Uncool, rabbit. My tax dollars pay your salary. [bummed, Judy goes inside her car and repeatedly hits her head on the steering wheel.]
Judy: [to herself] I am a real cop. I am a real cop. I am a real cop. I am a real cop.

Judy: I popped the weasel!
Chief Bogo: HOPPS! [Judy has been sent to Chief Bogo's office after Duke stole flowers] Abandoning your post, inciting a scurry, reckless endangerment of rodents! But to be fair, you did stop a master criminal from stealing two dozen moldy onions.
Judy: Mmm, hate to disagree with you, sir, but those aren't onions. Those are a crocus varietal called midnicampum holicithias. They're a Class C Botanical, sir. Well, I grew up in a family where plant husbandry was kind of a thing.
Chief Bogo: [annoyed] Shut your tiny mouth now!
Judy: Sir, I got the bad guy. That's my job.
Chief Bogo: Your job is putting tickets on parked cars! [his intercom beeps]
Clawhauser: [through the intercom] Chief, uh, Mrs. Otterton's here to see you again.
Chief Bogo: Not now.
Clawhauser: Okay, I just didn't know if you'd want to take this time. She seems really upset.
Chief Bogo: NOT NOW!
Judy: Sir, I don't want to be a meter maid. I want to be a real cop.
Chief Bogo: Do you think the mayor asked what I wanted when he assigned you to me?
Judy: But, sir, if--
Chief Bogo: Life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and your insipid dreams magically come true! So, let it go.
[Mrs. Otterton comes into Bogo's office]
Mrs. Otterton: Chief Bogo, please. 5 minutes of your time, please.
Clawhauser: [out of breath] I'm sorry, sir. I tried to stop her. She's super slippery. I gotta go sit down.
Chief Bogo: Ma'am, as I've told you, we're doing everything we can.
Mrs. Otterton: My husband has been missing for 10 days. His name is Emmitt Otterton.
Chief Bogo: Yes, I know.
Mrs. Otterton: He's a florist. We have two beautiful children. He would never just disappear.
Chief Bogo: Ma'am, our detectives are very busy.
Mrs. Otterton: [desperate] Please. There's gotta be somebody to find my Emmitt.
Chief Bogo: Mrs. Otterton--
Judy: I will find him.
Mrs. Otterton: [elated] Oh, thank you! [runs up to Judy and hugs her] Bless you, bless you, little bunny. [Bogo growls in annoyance] Take this. Find my Emmitt. Bring him home to me and my babies please. [hands a photo of her family to Judy]
Chief Bogo: Ahem! Mrs. Otterton, please wait out here.
Mrs. Otterton: Oh, thank you both so much. [leaves the office]
Chief Bogo: One second. [closes the door; sternly to Judy] You're fired.
Judy: [shocked] What? Why?
Chief Bogo: Insubordination! Now, I'm going to open this door, and you're going to tell that otter that you're a former meter maid with delusions of grandeur who will not be taking the case. [opens the door to see Mrs. Otterton with Bellwether]
Bellwether: I just heard Officer Hopps is taking the case!
Chief Bogo: [surprised] Assistant Mayor Bellwether.
Bellwether: The Mammal Inclusion Initiative is really startin' to pay off. [chuckles] Mayor Lionheart is just gonna be so jazzed!
Chief Bogo: No, no, let's not tell the Mayor just yet.
Bellwether: And I've sent it and it is done, so I did do that. [Bogo facepalms in frustration] Alright, well, I'd say the case is in good hands. Us little guys really need to... stick together, right?
Judy: Like glue.
Bellwether: [laughs] Good one. Just call me if you ever need anything, okay? You've always got a friend at City Hall, Judy. Alright, bye-bye. [she and Mrs. Otterton leaves]
Judy: Thank you, ma'am.
Chief Bogo: [closes the door and sighs] I will give you 48 hours.
Judy: [excited] YES!
Chief Bogo: That’s two days to find Emmitt Otterton.
Judy: Okay.
Chief Bogo: But, you strike out... you resign.
Judy: [enthusiasm drops] Oh. Uh... [regains composure] Okay. Deal.
Chief Bogo: [smirks] Splendid. Clawhauser will give you the complete case file.

[Judy has tracked down Nick, believing him to be a lead in her case. She drives her meter maid cart next to him.]
Judy: Hi? Hello? It's me again.
Nick: Hey, it's Officer Toot-toot!
Judy: [chortles] No. Actually, it's Officer Hopps, and I'm here to ask you some questions about a case.
Nick: What happened, meter maid? Did someone steal a traffic cone? It wasn't me. [annoyed, Judy rides up and pulls up in front of Nick, blaring her siren.] Hey, Carrots, you're gonna wake the baby. [referring to Finnick] I gotta get to work.
Judy: [gets out of her cart with the folder, a notepad, and a carrot pen] This is important, sir. I think your $10 worth of pawpsicles can wait.
Nick: Heh. I make 200 bucks a day, Fluff. 365 days a year, since I was 12. And time is money. Hop along.
Judy: Please, just look at the picture. [shows a close up picture of Otterton] You sold Mr. Otterton that pawpsicle, right? Do you know him?
Nick: I know everybody. And I also know that, somewhere, there's a toy store missing its stuffed animal. So why don't you get back to your box?
Judy: [her smile drops, then becomes serious] Fine. Then we’ll have to do this the hard way.
[In a split second, a click is heard, and a parking boot attached to Nick’s stroller.]
Nick: Did you just boot my stroller?
Judy: Nicholas Wilde, you are under arrest.
Nick: [scoffs, amused] For what? [baby voice; mockingly] Hurting your feewings?
Judy: [smiles slyly] Felony tax evasion. [Nick's smile drops, and his eyes widen in shock as Judy writes.] Yeah... $200 a day, 365 days a year since you were 12. That's two decades, so times 20, which is... $1,460,000, I think. I mean, I am just a "dumb bunny," but we are good at multiplying. Anyway, according to your tax forms, you reported, let me see here... 0! [Nick's face freezes in shock] Unfortunately, lying on a federal form is a punishable offense. 5 years jail time.
Nick: Well, it's my word against yours.
[Judy pulls out her carrot pen and plays back Nick's confession.]
Nick: [through carrot pen] "200 bucks a day, Fluff. 365 days a year, since I was 12."
Judy: Actually, it's your word against yours. And if you want this pen, you're going to help me find this poor missing otter, or the only place you'll be selling pawpsicles is the prison cafeteria. [mockingly] It's called a hustle, sweetheart. [Slight pause]
Finnick: She hustled you. [opens the stroller, laughing] She hustled you good! You a cop now, Nick! You gon' need one o' these. [slaps his police sticker on Nick's shirt. Nick frowns] Have fun working with the fuzz! [leaves, while still laughing]
Judy: [to Nick] Start talking.
Nick: [sighs] I don't know where he is, I only saw where he went.
Judy: Great! Let's go! [gets in her car]
Nick: [smirks] It's not exactly a place for a...cute little bunny.
Judy: [annoyed] Don't call me cute; Get in the car.
Nick: [smirking] Okay, you're the boss. [joins Judy]

[Judy and Nick are at the Mystic Spring Oasis, a naturalist club.]
Judy: Oh, thank you so much, I'd appreciate that more than you can imagine, it'd be such an... [see that Yax is completely naked; covers her eyes] OHHHHH! You are naked!
Yax: Huh? Oh, for sure! We're a naturalist club!
Nick: Yeah. In Zootopia, anyone can be anything. And these guys? They be naked.

[Judy and Nick arrive at the DMV to look up the license plate number; Judy is shocked to see the DMV is run by slow sloths]
Judy: You said this was gonna be quick!
Nick: Are you saying that because he's a sloth he can't be fast? I thought in Zootopia, anyone could be anything. [they both walk up to Nick's friend Flash] Flash, Flash, hundred-yard dash! Buddy, it's nice to see you.
Flash: Nice to... see you... too.
Nick: Hey, Flash, I'd love you to meet my friend. Uh, darling, I've forgotten your name.
Judy: Hmm... Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD, how are you?
Flash: I am... doing... just...
Judy: [trying to finish Flash's sentence] Fine?
Flash: .as well... as... I can... be. What...
Nick: [to Judy; smugly] Hang in there.
Flash: ...can I... do...
Judy: Well, I was hoping you could run a plate--
Flash: ...for you...
Judy: Well, I was hoping you could...
Flash: ...today? [pauses for a few seconds]
Judy: Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us. We are in a really big hurry.
Flash: Sure. What's the... plate...
Judy: 2-9-T--
Flash: ...number?
Judy: 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.
Flash: [begins typing the plate number very slowly on his computer] 2... 9...
Judy: [trying to speed up the process] T-H-D-0-3.
Flash: T...
Judy: H-D-0-3.
Flash: H...
Judy: D-0-3.
Flash: [pauses; types D] D...
Judy: Mmm-hmm, 0-3.
Flash: 0...
Judy: [desperately] 3!
Nick: Hey, Flash, wanna here a joke?
Judy: No!
Flash: [stops typing] Sure.
[Judy growls in frustration]
Nick: Okay, what do you call a three-humped camel?
Flash: I don't... know. What... do... you call... a...
Judy: [patience running out] Three-humped camel.
Flash: ...three-humped... camel?
Nick: Pregnant. [laughs]
[Flash stares for a few seconds and starts laughing slowly]
Judy: Ha-ha! Yes, very funny, very funny! Can we please just focus on the---
Flash: Hey...
Judy: Wait, wait, wait!
Flash: ...Priscilla!
Judy: Oh no!
Priscilla: Yes... Flash?
Flash: What...
Judy: Oh!
Flash: ...do...
Judy: No!
Flash: ...you call a...
Judy: [desperately trying to speed up the joke] A three-humped camel? Pregnant! Okay, great! We got it! Please, just...
Flash: ...humped... [Judy growls in frustration and bangs her head on the counter. Much later, the paper prints out; Flash slowly separates it at the perforation and slowly hands it to Judy]
Flash: Here...
Judy: Yes! Yeah, yeah, yeah, hurry.
Flash: ...you...
Judy: [hastily grabs the paper] Thank you! 2-9-T-H-D-0-3...
Flash: ...go.
Judy: It's registered to... Tundratown Limo Service! A limo took Otterton! And the limo's in Tundratown! [quickly runs out] It's in Tundratown!
Nick: [to Flash] Way to hustle, bud. I love ya! I owe ya! [Judy and Nick walk out of the DMV]
Judy: Hurry! We gotta beat the rush hour and-- [looks outside, shocked, as she sees that it's already nighttime. A cricket chirps off-screen] IT'S NIGHT?!

Judy: Oh, wait. Look! This is him. Emmitt Otterton. He was definitely here. What do you think happened?
[Judy and Nick are searching a limousine for clues, when Nick finds a glass emblazoned with a "B".]
Nick: Well, now, wait a minute. Polar bear fur, Rat Pack music, fancy cup? [alarmed] I know whose car this is. We gotta go!
Judy: Why? Whose car is it?
Nick: The most feared crime boss in Tundratown. They call him Mr. Big, and he does not like me, so we gotta go!
Judy: We're not leaving, this is a crime scene!
Nick: Well, it's gonna be an even bigger crime scene if Mr. Big finds me here, [opens door] so we're leaving right now. [He turns and sees two polar bears waiting for them] Oh, gah! Raymond! And is that Kevin? Long time, no see. And speaking of no see, how about you forget you saw me? Huh? For old time's sake? [Raymond and Kevin grab Judy and Nick by their throats] That's a no.
[Judy and Nick are sitting between the two bears in a car being driven to see Mr. Big. One of the bears is looking on his smartphone at a photo of him and the other bear trapping a wolf in a headlock and chuckles to himself.]
Judy: [whispering] What did you do that made Mr. Big so mad at you?
Nick: [whispering] I, um... I may have sold him a very expensive wool rug...that was made from the fur of a skunk...'s butt.
Judy: Oh, sweet cheese and crackers.

[Mr. Big, a crime boss arctic shrew, is interrogating Nick after two polar bears brought him and Judy to his home.]
Nick: This is a simple misunderstanding.
Mr. Big: [speaking in a Vito-Corleone-style voice] You come here unannounced on the day my daughter is to be married.
Nick: Well, actually, we were brought here against our will, so-- [laughs nervously; Mr. Big gives him a look] Point is, I, I did not know that it was your car, and I certainly did not know about your daughter's wedding.
Mr. Big: I trusted you, Nicky. I welcomed you into my home. We broke bread together. Grandmama made you a cannoli. And how did you repay my generosity? With a rug, made from the butt of a skunk. A skunk butt rug. You disrespected me. You disrespected my Grandmama, whom I buried in that skunk butt rug. [Koslov crosses his chest in prayer.] I told you to never show your face here again, but here you are, snooping around with this-- [to Judy; thinking Judy is an actor] What are you, a performer? What's with the costume?
Judy: Sir, I am a co--
Nick: Mime. She is a mime. This mime cannot speak. You can't speak if you're a mime.
Judy: No, I am a cop. [Nick sighs; Judy shows the Otterton picture] And I'm on the Emmitt Otterton case, and my evidence puts him in your car! So, intimidate me all you want, I'm gonna find out what you did to that otter if it's the last thing I do.
Mr. Big: Meh. Then I have only one request: Say hello to Grandmama. [to the polar bears] Ice 'em.
[The polar bears grab Judy and Nick.]
Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I didn't see nothing! I'm not saying nothing!
Mr. Big: And you never will.
Nick: Please!
Judy: Put me down! [the polar bears open a trap door, revealing an ice water pit below and dangle Judy and Nick]
Nick: No, no, no, no, no! If you're mad at me about the rug, I've got more rugs!
Fru Fru: [enters the room in a wedding dress] Oh, Daddy! It's time for our dance! [sees the polar bears, holding Judy and Nick above the pit; upset] Ugh! What did we say? No icing anyone at my wedding!
Mr. Big: I have to baby, Daddy has to. Ice 'em. [the polar bears prepare to lower Judy and Nick]
Nick: No, no, no!
Fru Fru: Wait. Wait! [the polar bears stop again] She's the bunny that saved my life yesterday, from that giant donut!
Mr. Big: This bunny?
Fru Fru: Yeah! [waves to Judy] Hi!
Judy: Hi. I love your dress!
Fru Fru: Aw, thank you!
Mr. Big: Hm. Put 'em down. [the polar bears close the trap door and put Judy and Nick down; to Judy] You have done me a great service. I will help you find the otter. I will take your kindness and pay it forward. [Judy leans forward and Mr. Big kisses Judy on both cheeks. Nick looks at them dumbfounded]

[Judy and Nick attend Fru Fru's wedding in exchange for Mr. Big giving them information about Emmitt Otterton]
Mr. Big: Otterton is my florist. He's like a part of the family. He had something important he wanted to discuss. That's why I sent that car to pick him up, but he never arrived.
Judy: Because he was attacked.
Mr. Big: No. He attacked.
Judy: [shocked] Otterton?
Mr. Big: Otterton. He went crazy. Ripped up the car, scared my driver half to death and disappeared into the night.
Judy: But he's a sweet little otter.
Mr. Big: Hmm. My child, we may be evolved, but deep down, we are still animals.

[Judy and Nick are trying to get away from a savage jaguar named Manchas]
Nick: [as Judy holds onto a vine] Rabbit, whatever you do, do not let go!
Judy: [sees vines] I'm gonna let go!
Nick: No, you-- What?!
Judy: 1... 2...
Nick: I said, do not-- RABBIT! [Judy lets go and swings herself and Nick under the bridge and ends up trapped in vines. Manchas growls at them.] Carrots, you saved my life.
Judy: [warmly] Well, that's what we do at the ZPD. AAAAH! [The vines snap, sending the pair falling into the trees.]

[Nick is finishing telling Judy his story of how he was bullied by prey Junior Ranger Scout kids as a kid.]
Nick: I learned two things that day. One: I was never gonna let anyone see that they got to me.
Judy: And two?
Nick: If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there's no point trying to be anything else.
Judy: [comfortingly] Nick, you are so much more than that. [puts her paw on Nick's arm, who becomes uncomfortable and quickly changes the subject]
Nick: Boy, look at that traffic down there. How about we go up to Chuck in traffic central? Chuck, how are things looking on the jam-cams?
Judy: Nick, I’m glad you told me.
Nick: [realizing] The jam-cams.
Judy: Seriously, it’s okay.
Nickː No, no, no. Shh. There are traffic cameras everywhere, all over the canopy! Whatever happened to that jaguar...
Judy: The traffic cams would have caught it!
Nick: Bingo!
Judy: Ha-ha! Pretty sneaky, slick!
Nick: However, if you didn't have access to the system before, I doubt Chief Buffalo Butt is gonna let you into it now.
Judy: No... but I have a friend at City Hall who might.

[when Judy and Nick are at the Cliffside Asylum, eavesdropping a conversation between Mayor Lionheart and Dr. Madge Honey Badger]
Leodore Lionheart: Enough! I don't want excuses, doctor! I want answers!
Badger Doctor: Mayor Lionheart, please. We're doing everything we can.
Leodore Lionheart: Really? Because I've got a dozen-and-a-half animals in here who'd gone off-the-rails crazy, and you can't tell me why! Now, I'd call that awfully far from "doing everything"!
Badger Doctor: Sir, it might be time to consider their biology.
Leodore Lionheart: What? What do you mean, biology?
Badger Doctor: The only animals going savage are predators. We cannot keep it a secret, we need to come forward!
Leodore Lionheart: [sarcastically] Hmmm. Great idea. Tell the public. And how do you think they're gonna feel about their mayor... [yells angrily] WHO IS A LION?! I'LL BE RUINED!
Badger Doctor: Well, what does Chief Bogo say?
Leodore Lionheart: Chief Bogo doesn't know and we are going to keep it that way.
Judy: [gasps as her phone starts ringing] Oh, no, no, no!
Leodore Lionheart: [having heard Judy's phone ring] Someone's here!
Badger Doctor: [ushering Lionheart out of the room] Sir, you need to go. Now! Security, sweep the area! [Badger Doctor shuts the door, setting off an alarm, which automatically shuts and locks all the jail cells]
Nick: [after he and Judy notice the timberwolves about to burst into the room to sweep the jail cells] Great. We’re dead. We’re dead. That's it! I’m dead, you’re dead. Everybody’s dead!
Judy: [noticing a toilet in a cell] Can you swim?
Nick: What? Can I swim? Yes, I can swim. Why? [Judy and Nick escape through the sewers]

[Chief Bogo is enjoying the Gazelle video app on his phone]
Gazelle: Wow, you are one hot dancer, Chief Bogo. [as soon as Bogo hears his door open, he hides his phone; Clawhauser opens the door]
Clawhauser: Chief Bogo!
Chief Bogo: Not now!
Clawhauser: Wait, is that Gazelle?
Chief Bogo: No!
Gazelle: [on video] I'm Gazelle, and you are one hot dancer.
Clawhauser: You have the app, too?! [squeals] Ohhh... Chief!
Chief Bogo: [annoyed] Clawhauser, can't you see I'm working on the missing mammal cases?
Clawhuaser: Oh, oh, oh! Yes, of course! About that, sir. Officer Hopps just called! She found all of them!
[Chief Bogo gives a stunned look]
Gazelle: [on video] Wow! I'm impressed.
[later that night, the ZPD arrests Lionheart and the Badger Doctor]
Judy: Mayor Lionheart, you have the right to remain silent. Anything-
Leodore Lionheart: You don't understand! I was trying to protect the city!
Judy: You were just trying to protect your job.
Leodore Lionheart: No, listen! We still don't know why this is happening! It could destroy Zootopia!
Judy: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

[Judy has just finished speaking at a press conference and has inadvertently triggered Nick's dissapointment.]
Judy: [relieved] That went so fast, I didn't get a chance to mention you, or say anything about how we--
Nick: [darkly] Oh, I think you said plenty.
Judy: What do you mean?
Nick: "Clearly there's a biological component"? "These predators may be reverting back to their primitive savage ways"? Are you serious?
Judy: I just stated the facts of the case. I mean, it's not like a bunny could go savage.
Nick: Right. But a fox could, huh?
Judy: Nick, stop it. You're not like them.
Nick: [gets angrily] Oh, there's a them now?
Judy: You know what I mean; You're not that kind of predator.
Nick: The kind that needs to be muzzled? The kind that makes you think you need to carry around fox repellent? Yeah, don't think I didn't notice that little item the first time we met. So, l-let me ask you a question: are you afraid of me? [Judy stares at Nick in disbelief, her nose slightly twitching in fear.] Do you think I might go nuts? You think I might go savage? You think I might try to... [jumps forward] EAT YOU?! [Judy gasps, instinctively jumps back and puts her hand over the Fox Repellent.] I knew it. [scoffs] Just when I thought somebody actually believed in me, huh? [He gives Judy back the application she gave him for the ZPD and leaves.] Probably best if you don't have a predator as a partner.

Fabienne Growley: More bad news in this city gripped by fear. [They show a caribou being carried on a gurney into an ambulance while three police officers restrain a muzzled polar bear] A caribou is in critical condition, the victim of a mauling by a savage polar bear. This, the 27th such attack, comes just one week after ZPD officer Judy Hopps connected the violence to traditionally predatory animals.
Peter Moosebridge: Meanwhile, a peace rally organized by pop star Gazelle was marred by protest. [Gazelle is seen in front of a protest peace rally. Judy is seen between Frantic Pig and a female leopard, trying to separate the argument]
Frantic Pig: Go back to the forest, predator!
Female Leopard: [holding up a sign] I'm from the savannah!
Gazelle: Zootopia is a unique place. It's a crazy, beautiful diversity where we celebrate our differences. This is not the Zootopia I know. The Zootopia I know is better than this. [Judy is on the train and she sees a tiger sitting next to a bunny mother and child, playing on his phone placidly. The mother pulls the child close to her. The tiger's eyebrows narrow slightly. Judy looks on in shame] We don't just blindly assign blame. We don't know why these attacks keep happening, but it is irresponsible to label all predators as savages.
Mrs. Otterton: [sadly] That's not my Emmitt... [Judy somberly looks at her. Mrs. Otteron looks down and closes her eyes.]
Gazelle: We cannot let fear divide us. Please... give me back the Zootopia I love.

Judy: I... I'm not a hero. I came here to make the world a better place, but I think I broke it.
Chief Bogo: Don't give yourself so much credit, Hopps. The world has always been broken. That's why we need good cops... like you.
Judy: With all due respect, sir, a good cop is supposed to serve and protect—help the city, not tear it apart. I don't deserve this badge.

[Judy takes off her badge]

Chief Bogo: Hopps...?
Bellwether: Judy, you've worked so hard to get here. It's what you wanted since you were a kid. You can't quit.

Judy: [putting her badge on the desk] Thank you for the opportunity. [Judy walks out, downcast]

[Judy, her parents, and Gideon Grey watch some bunny kids running through a nearby field.]
Stu: Hey, kids! Don't you run through the Midnicampum holicithias!
Bunny Kid: Whoa-whoa-whoa! [he and the others stop running and move away from them.]
Gideon Grey: Well, now, there's a $4-word, Mr. H. My family always just called them night howlers.
Judy: I'm sor-- What did you say?
Stu: Oh, Gid's talking about those flowers, Judy. I use them to keep bugs off the produce. But I don't like the little ones going near them on account of your Uncle Terry.
Bonnie: Yeah, Terry ate one whole when we were kids and went completely nuts.
Stu: He bit the dickens out of your mother.
Judy: [putting the pieces together] A bunny can go savage.
Bonnie: Savage? Well, that's a strong word. But it did hurt like the devil.
Stu: Well, sure it did. There's a sizable divot in your arm. I'd call that savage.
Judy: [realizing] Night howlers aren't wolves, they're flowers. The flowers are making the predators go savage. [gasps] That's it! That's what I've been missing! [Judy races away, then turns back.] Keys! Keys! Keys! Hurry! Come on! [Stu tosses her the keys to the pickup truck and Judy jumps in.] Thank you, I love you, bye! [Judy speeds the truck up and races back towards Zootopia.]
Stu: You catch any of that, Bon?
Bonnie: Not one bit.
Gideon Grey: Oh, that makes me feel a bit better, I thought she was talking in tongues or something.

[Judy has found Nick under a bridge and tries to reconcile with him.]
Judy: Oh, Nick! Night howlers aren't wolves; They're toxic flowers. I think someone is targeting predators on purpose and making them go savage.
Nick: [deadpan; sarcastically] Wow. Isn't that interesting. [gets up and walks under the bridge, while Judy follows him]
Judy: Wait, listen! I... I know you'll never forgive me. And I don't blame you. I wouldn't forgive me either. [Nick stops walking but doesn't look at her.] I was ignorant and irresponsible and small-minded. But predators shouldn't suffer because of my mistakes. I have to fix this, but I can't do it without you. [Nick still doesn't look at her.] And-- And after we're done... you can hate me. And tha-- [she starts crying] And that'll be fine, because I was a horrible friend, and I hurt you, and you-- And you can walk away knowing that you were right all along. I really am just a dumb bunny.
[Judy continues crying, until Nick replays her words with her carrot pen.]
Judy: [through carrot pen] I really am just a dumb bunny. [rewinds] I really am just a dumb bunny.
Nick: [turns around and smiles] Don't worry, Carrots. I'll let you erase it... in 48 hours. [Judy tears up with joy; she wipes away her tears and, emotionally exhausted, walks towards Nick] All right, get in here. [Judy walks closer and leans her face on Nick's torso, still sobbing; Nick embraces her] Okay. Oh, you bunnies. So emotional. There we go, deep breath. Are you just trying to steal the pen? Is that what this is? [Judy laughs a bit and tries to grab the pen.] You are standing on my tail, though. Off, off-off-off-off.
Judy: Oh! I'm sorry.

[Duke Weaselton is selling bootleg movies]
Duke: [to pedestrian] Well, hello. Step right up. Anything you need, I got it. All your favorite movies! I got movies that haven't even been released yet! [pedestrian rightfully refuses the bootleg movies] Hey, 15% off! 20! Make me an offer! Come on!
Nick: Well, well, look who it is. The duke of bootleg.
Duke: What's it to you, Wilde? Should you be melting down a pawpsickle or something? [sees Judy] Hey! If it isn't Flopsy the Copsy.
Judy: We both know those weren't moldy onions I caught you stealing. What were you gonna do with those Night Howlers, Weselton?
Duke: It's Weaselton. Duke Weaselton. And I ain't talkin', rabbit. And there ain't nothin' you can do to make me!
[Judy and Nick give each other a look, and the scene changes to Mr. Big's office]
Mr. Big: Ice him!
[Mr. Big's polar bears dangle Duke over the ice water pit]
Duke: [screams] You dirty rat! Why you helpin' her?! She's a cop!
Mr. Big: And the godmother to my future granddaughter.
Fru Fru: [pregnant] I'm gonna name her Judy.
Judy: [sweetly] Ohh!
Mr. Big: [chuckles] Ice this weasel.
Duke: Alright, alright, please! I'll talk! I'll talk! I stole them Night Howlers so I could sell 'em. They offered me what I couldn't refuse: money.
Judy: And to whom did you sell them?
Duke: A ram named Doug. We got a drop spot underground. Just watch it. Doug is the opposite of friendly. He's unfriendly.

[Judy and Nick enter the Natural History Museum as a shortcut to the ZPD. Suddenly, Bellwether arrives with two sheep officials.]
Bellwether: Judy! Judy!
Judy: Mayor Bellwether! We found out what's happening. Someone's darting predators with a serum. That's what's making them go savage!
Bellwether: I'm so proud of you, Judy. You did just a super job.
Judy: Thank you, ma'am. [she starts to hand Bellwether the case with the gun inside; suddenly, she takes it away in surprise suspicion] How did you know where to find us?
Bellwether: I'll go ahead and take that case, now.
Judy: [realizing fearfully] Uh, you know what? I think Nick and I will just take this to the ZPD...!
[Judy and Nick are about to leave, but a giant ram blocks their way]
Judy and Nick: Run.
Bellwether: [her true nature revealed] Get them.

[after Judy and Nick have been thrown into the pit in the museum by one of Bellwether's henchmen; the suitcase with the dart gun and serum pellet knocked out of their hands]
Bellwether: Well, you should have just stayed at the carrot farm, huh? It really is too bad, I... I did like you.
Judy: What are you gonna do? Kill me?!
Bellwether: [laughs] No, of course not. [aims the dart gun at Nick, evilly] He is. [shoots Nick with a serum pellet; he falls to the floor, writhing]
Judy: No! Oh, Nick!
Bellwether: [talking via cellphone, fake-panicked] Yes, police! There's a savage fox in Natural History Museum! Officer Hopps is down! Please, hurry!
Judy: No. Nick, don't do this. Fight it.
Bellwether: Oh, but he can't help it. Can he? Since preds are just biologically predisposed to be savages.
[Nick turns feral and attacks Judy. She tries to run away and defend herself by throwing a stuffed fawn at him. She then cowers by the wall]
Bellwether: Gosh! Think of the headline: "Hero cop killed by savage fox". [Nick rips the fawn to pieces with his teeth]
Judy: So that's it? Prey fears predator and you stay in power?
Bellwether: Yeah. Pretty much.
Judy: It won't work!
Bellwether: Fear always works. And I'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way.
Judy: [as Nick closes in on her, growling] Oh, Nick. No.
Bellwether: [evil chuckle] Bye-bye, bunny.
[Nick locks his jaws on Judy's neck. Judy screams excruciatingly. However, after a short pause, Nick releases her and smile]
Judy: [sticks out her tongue; theatrically] Bleh. Blood, blood, blood! And death.
Nick: [amused] All right, you know, you’re milking it. Besides, I think we got it. [to Bellwether] I think we got it. We got it up there, thank you, Yakety-Yak. You laid it all out beautifully!
Bellwether: [shocked] What?
Nick: Yeah, are you looking for the serum? [pulls out a Night Howler serum pellet from his pocket] Well, it's right here.
Judy: What you got in the weapon there? Those are blueberries. [Bellwether opens the pistol to find that it's loaded with blueberries] From my family's farm.
Nick: [kisses] There are delicious. You should try some.
Bellwether: [angrily closes the pistol] I framed Lionheart, I can frame you, too. It's my word against yours.
Judy: Ooh, actually... [rewinds her recording pen]
Bellwether on recording: And I'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way.
Judy: It's your word against yours.
Bellwether: [shocked] Huh?
Judy: It's called a hustle, sweetheart. Boom.
[Bellwether is shocked and tries to escape but is soon surrounded by several ZPD officers]


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