Those who have greatest cause for guilt and shame
Are quickest to besmirch a neighbor's name.
Are quickest to besmirch a neighbor's name.

I may be pious, but I'm human too.

Some joys, it's true, are wrong in Heaven's eyes;
Yet Heaven is not averse to compromise.
Yet Heaven is not averse to compromise.

It's scandal, Madam, which makes it an offense,
And it's no sin to sin in confidence.
And it's no sin to sin in confidence.
Malicious men may die, but malice never.
Tartuffe, or The Impostor, or The Hypocrite (French: Tartuffe, ou l'Imposteur), first performed in 1664, is one of the most famous theatrical comedies by Molière. The characters of Tartuffe, Elmire, and Orgon are considered among the greatest classical theatre roles.
- Unless otherwise noted, English translations are from The Misanthrope and Tartuffe, trans. Richard Wilbur (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1993)
- On n'y respecte rien, chacun y parle haut,
Et c'est tout justement la cour du roi Pétaud.- You all break in and chatter on and on.
It's like a madhouse with the keeper gone.- Madame Pernelle, Act I, scene 1
- You all break in and chatter on and on.
- Contre la médisance il n'est point de rempart.
À tous les sots caquets n'ayons donc nul égard;
Efforçons-nous de vivre avec toute innocence,
Et laissons aux causeurs une pleine licence.- One can't fight slander; it's a losing battle;
Let us instead ignore their tittle-tattle.
Let's strive to live by conscience' clear decrees,
And let the gossips gossip as they please.- Cléante, Act I, scene 1
- One can't fight slander; it's a losing battle;
- Ceux de qui la conduite offre le plus à rire
Sont toujours sur autrui les premiers à médire.- Those who have greatest cause for guilt and shame
Are quickest to besmirch a neighbor's name.- Dorine, Act I, scene 1
- Those who have greatest cause for guilt and shame
- Il est de faux dévots ainsi que de faux braves:
Et, comme on ne voit pas qu'où l'honneur les conduit
Les vrais braves soient ceux qui font beaucoup de bruit,
Les bons et vrais dévots, qu'on doit suivre à la trace,
Ne sont pas ceux aussi qui font tant de grimace.- There's true and false in piety, as in bravery,
And just as those whose courage shines the most
In battle, are the least inclined to boast,
So those whose hearts are truly pure and lowly
Don't make a flashy show of being holy.- Cléante, Act I, scene 6
- There's true and false in piety, as in bravery,
- Jamais contre un pécheur ils n'ont d'acharnement,
Ils attachent leur haine au péché seulement,
Et ne veulent point prendre avec un zèle extrême
Les intérêts du ciel, plus qu'il ne veut lui-même.- The sinner wakes no rancorous hate in them;
It is the sin alone which they condemn;
Nor do they try to show a fiercer zeal
For Heaven's cause than Heaven itself could feel.- Cléante, Act I, scene 6
- The sinner wakes no rancorous hate in them;
- Ah! pour être dévot, je n'en suis pas moins homme.
- I may be pious, but I'm human too.
- Tartuffe, Act III, scene 3
- I may be pious, but I'm human too.
- Quelque raison qu'on trouve à l'amour qui nous dompte,
On trouve à l'avouer toujours un peu de honte.- However high the passion which inflames us,
Still, to confess its power somehow shames us.- Elmire, Act IV, scene 5
- However high the passion which inflames us,
- Moins on mérite un bien, moins on l'ose espérer.
- The less we merit, the less we dare to hope.
- Tartuffe, Act IV, scene 5
- The less we merit, the less we dare to hope.
- Le ciel défend, de vrai, certains contentements;
Mais on trouve avec lui des accommodements.- Some joys, it's true, are wrong in Heaven's eyes;
Yet Heaven is not averse to compromise.- Tartuffe, Act IV, scene 5
- Some joys, it's true, are wrong in Heaven's eyes;
- Le scandale du monde est ce qui fait l'offense,
Et ce n'est pas pécher que pécher en silence.- It's scandal, Madam, which makes it an offense,
And it's no sin to sin in confidence.- Tartuffe, Act IV, scene 5
- It's scandal, Madam, which makes it an offense,
- Les envieux mourront, mais non jamais l'envie.
- Malicious men may die, but malice never.
- Madame Pernelle, Act V, scene 3
- Malicious men may die, but malice never.
- Les langues ont toujours du venin à répandre,
Et rien n'est ici-bas qui s'en puisse défendre.- The tongues of spite are busy night and noon,
And to their venom no man is immune.- Madame Pernelle, Act V, scene 3
- The tongues of spite are busy night and noon,
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