- For other uses of "Star Wars", see Star Wars.
Star Wars Rebels (2014-18) is an animated American TV series which aired on Disney XD, in which a small cell of Rebels work to sabotage the workings of the Galatic Empire on the subjugated planet of Lothal. The timeline and conflict is set between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, as the Rebel Alliance begins to gain momentum.
Season 1
Spark of Rebellion: Parts 1 & 2 [1.01] & [1.02]
- Ezra: [amazed] I'm... I'm in space... [a wave of TIE fighters opens fire] And I'm about to DIE!
- Stormtrooper: That thing's not a Wookiee.
- Kanan: Haven't you ever seen a rare, hairless Wookiee before?
- [Zeb makes a poor attempt at a Wookiee roar and the Stormtroopers look at each other]
- Zeb: Aw, forget it! [Zeb proceeds to punch out the Stormtroopers and then speaks to Kanan] Told you they wouldn't buy it.
- Sabine: You didn't exactly give them a chance to buy it.
- Zeb: Heh. There's just something about the feeling of their helmets on my fists.
- Darth Vader: The Jedi Knights are all but destroyed. And yet, your task is not complete, Inquisitor. The Emperor has foreseen a new threat rising against him: the children of the Force. They must not become Jedi.
- Grand Inquisitor: Yes, Lord Vader.
- Darth Vader: Hunt down this new enemy, and if they will not serve the Empire, eliminate them along with any surviving Jedi who would train them. This is my master’s command.
- Grand Inquisitor: And so it will be done.
- Myles Grint: Your identification, now.
- Yoffar: I'm just trying to sell a couple jogans here.
- Cumberlayne Aresko: All trade must be register with the empire.
- Yoffar: I remember what it was like before your ships showed up, before you Imperials ruined Lothal like the rest of the galaxy.
- Kanan Jarrus: (after witnessing Ezra's actions) Who is that kid?
- Agent Kallus: [over commlink] I don't know how, but the Rebel ship approached without alerting our sensors.
- Ezra Bridger: They came back! [hits his head on the ceiling of the crawlspace] Ow... I don't believe it.
- Agent Kallus: Order all stormtroopers to converge on the lower hangar. I'll meet them there.
- Ezra Bridger: [clears throat, into commlink] This is Trooper LS-123 reporting intruders in the upper hangar. Sir, I believe the lower hangar is a diversion.
- Agent Kallus: Maybe, maybe not. Squads 5 through 8, divert to upper hangar. The rest, converge as ordered.
- Ezra Bridger: [to himself] Well, every little bit helps.
- Hera Syndulla: [piloting the Ghost, under fire from pursuing TIE fighters] I can't maintain position!
- Kanan Jarrus: [taking cover behind some crates with Ezra, Zeb, Sabine and the Wookiees as Kallus' troops fire at them] Go! Lead the TIE's away and give yourself maneuvering room!
- Hera Syndulla: I am not leaving you behind!
- Kanan Jarrus: [pause] No, you're not. We're running a "twenty-two pick-up!"
- Sabine Wren: Seriously?
- Kanan Jarrus: You got a better option?
- Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios: Jump into the pit and get it over with?
- Hera Syndulla: Alright, I'll be back. Make sure you're ready!
- Ezra Bridger: Twenty-Two Pick-Up? Care to let me in on the secret?
- Kanan Jarrus: Kid, I'm about to let everyone in on the secret.
- [Kanan jumps over the crates and walks fearlessly towards the stormtroopers; surprised, Kallus gestures for them to cease fire. Kanan removes the two pieces of his lightsaber from his belt, connects them together and ignites it, assuming a warrior stance. As they all realize what Kanan is, Kallus looks shocked, while the Wookies look hopeful; the stormtroopers look at each other uneasily]
- Ezra Bridger: [similarly amazed] Wow!
- Agent Kallus: [regains his composure] All troopers, focus your fire on... on the Jedi!
- Kanan Jarrus: You can keep the lightsaber you stole, let it become just another dusty souvenir, or you can give it back and come with us—come with me, and be trained in the ways of the Force. You can learn what it truly means to be a Jedi.
- Obi-Wan Kenobi: [recording] This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both the Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple; that time has passed and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged- our trust, our faith, our friendships, but we must persevere, and in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.
- Ezra Bridger: I know where they're really taking the Wookiees. Have you heard of the spice mines of Kessel?
Droids in Distress [1.03]
- Agent Kallus: You, Lasat! [draws a weapon identical to Zeb's] FACE ME! [Enraged, Zeb draws his own weapon and charges, brushing aside Kanan and Ezra's attempts to stop him]
- Kanan Jarrus: Wait!
- Ezra Bridger: ZEB! [Zeb and Kallus duel]
- Zeb Orrelios: Only the Honor Guard of Lasan may carry a bo-rifle!
- Agent Kallus: I know! [cackles gleefully] I removed it from a guardsman myself! I was there when Lasan fell! I know why you fear those disruptors... I gave the order to use them!
- Sabine Wren: These were banned by the senate. You can short-circuit an entire ship with these.
- Zeb Orrelios: That's not why they were banned.
- Hera Syndulla: Maybe you can cut Zeb a little slack today. Do you know what a T-7 disruptor is? What it does to an organic being?
- Ezra Bridger: Uh, no...
- Hera Syndulla: Well, Zeb knows. Because it's what the Imperials used on his people when they cleared his homeworld. Very few Lasat survived. And none remain on Lasan.
- Kanan Jarrus: [receiving payment] That's very generous, sir.
- Bail Organa: Well, I'm very fond of these droids.
- Kanan Jarrus: Then I'm glad we could return them.
- Bail Organa: The simplest gesture of kindness can fill a galaxy with hope.
- Kanan Jarrus: Isn't that a Jedi saying?
- Bail Organa: [smiles enigmatically] Safe travels, my friend.
- Agent Kallus: (to C-3PO) Have no fear. Help is on the way.
Fighter Flight [1.04]
- [over comlink]
- Ezra Bridger: Yeah... about that, uh... [quickly] we stole a TIE fighter...
- Kanan Jarrus: YOU WHAT?!
- Zeb Orrelios: [sotto] He's taking it better than I thought...
- Kanan Jarrus: Get RID of it!
- Ezra and Zeb: Do we have to?
- Kanan Jarrus: [sighs] At least tell me you dismantled the locator beacon?
- Zeb Orrelios: [nervous laughter] Of course... we're not fools... [whispering to Ezra] Under there, the red one. No, wait! The blue!
- Ezra Bridger: Well, which one?!
- Kanan Jarrus: [annoyed] It's the red and the blue!
- Zeb Orrelios: How much for the whole crate?
- Tsoklo: I'm sorry. They're already sold.
- Ezra Bridger: Well, maybe we can buy one from--
- Tsoklo: From the Empire? Yah, good luck.
- Ezra Bridger: Thanks for the save. Guess I owe you now.
- Zeb Orrelios: Let's just say we're eternally even.
- Ezra Bridger: All I did was save your life from an Imperial agent, or did that slip your mind?
- Zeb Orrelios: How could it? You remind me every 23 seconds.
- Stormtrooper: Wait, you did all this… for fruit?
- Ezra Bridger: No! Okay, maybe a little.
Rise of the Old Masters [1.05]
- [Upon finding that Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, whom the rebels believed alive, is in fact long dead]
- Ezra Bridger: What happened to her? I don't understand.
- Grand Inquisitor: No? It doesn't seem complicated. I am the Inquisitor. Welcome. Yes, I'm afraid Master Luminara died with the Republic, but her bones continue to serve the Empire, luring the last Jedi to their end.
- Ezra Bridger: Spectre-3, come in! It's a trap! [Ezra's radio emits nothing but static]
- Grand Inquisitor: There will be no reinforcements. [Kanan and the Inquisitor ignite their lightsabers and duel; the Inquisitor quickly gets the upper hand] Interesting... it seems you trained with Jedi Master Depa Billaba.
- Kanan Jarrus: [shocked] How...? Who are you?
- Grand Inquisitor: The Temple records are quite complete; in close quarter fighting, Billaba's emphasis was always on Form III...which you favor to a ridiculous degree. Clearly you were a poor student.
- Grand Inquisitor: Are you paying attention, boy? The Jedi are dead, but there is another path... the dark side!
- Ezra Bridger: Never heard of it!
- Grand Inquisitor: [to Kanan] Have you taught him nothing?
- Grand Inquisitor: Do you really think you can save the boy? For his sake, surrender!
- Kanan Jarrus: I'm not making deals with you!
- Grand Inquisitor: Then we'll let him make one, shall we? [knocks out Kanan] Your master cannot save you, boy. He's unfocused and undisciplined.
- Ezra Bridger: Well then we're perfect for each other!
- Grand Inquisitor: I do so admire your persistence. Ready to die? [advances on Ezra]
- Kanan Jarrus: [awakens] ... NOOO! [slams the Inquisitor on the ceiling]
- Sabine Wren: Welcome to the Spire on Stygeon Prime, the only Imperial detainment facility in the Stygeon system—and it's impregnable.
- Kanan Jarrus: That's never stopped us before.
- Sabine Wren: Trust me, we have never faced anything like this. It's a real work of art.
- Kana Jarrus: I don't want to dump you. Look, I just wanted you to have the best teacher.
- Ezra Bridger: Well, I don't want the best teacher! I want you.
Breaking Ranks [1.06]
- Cumberlayne Aresko: Those who lose will be serving Taskmaster Grint, and wish they stayed at the bottom of that well.
- Zare Leonis: I think this device has a built in sensor, which would trigger that [a security sensor]. You try walking out with this thing, the whole facility goes on lockdown.
- Dev Morgan: Wait... are you trying to help me?
- Jai Kell: You were supposed to be on the walker with us. Now what?
- Dev Morgan: Stick to the plan. I'll figure out a way to get on board.
- Zare Leonis: Sir, your podracer parts have been delivered. If you'll just sign off here, I'll bring them up.
- Agent Kallus: Obviously there's been a mistake. What would I want with podracer parts?
- Grand Inquisitor: Well, Leonis, let's take a walk, shall we? I want to know everything about your former friends.
Out of Darkness [1.07]
- [Zeb and Ezra have just discovered a mistake on their part has put Hera and Sabine in trouble]
- Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios: This is your fault! You and Chopper!
- Ezra Bridger: You were the one running the diagnostic; you should have checked!
- Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios: I'll check you, right into the wall!
- Ezra Bridger: We have to tell Kanan, but don't tell him it's our fault! [Ezra and Zeb burst into Kanan's room]
- Ezra and Zeb: Kanan-! [Kanan holds up a hand to stop them]
- Kanan Jarrus: Hera and Sabine are in danger.
- Ezra Bridger: [impressed] Wow, how could you tell? Could you sense it?
- Kanan Jarrus: No... I could hear you two yelling outside the door!
- [Hera and Sabine are being attacked by vicious creatures]
- Sabine Wren: They just keep coming!
- Hera Syndulla: Tell me something I don't know!
- Sabine Wren: We're going to die!
- Hera Syndulla: That's no secret!
- Sabine Wren: Hey, I'm all for sticking it to the Empire, but what was in that convoy? You never told us why the mission was so important.
- Hera Syndulla: I've told you before, Fulcrum's intel is on a need-to-know basis.
- Sabine Wren: And I told you before, I need to know more.
- Sabine Wren: I want to believe we're doing good, making a difference, but sometimes it seems like the harder we fight, the harder things get out there. I feel like we can't take down the Empire on our own. That's why I need to know this isn't all for nothing. I need to know that I am not walking into another nightmare here.
- Hera Syndulla: What you need is faith. Faith that there is a long-term plan that's bigger than you or me, bigger than Lothal, bigger than the entire Outer Rim. Have faith in that and in us.
- Hera Syndulla: We are making a difference, Sabine. And I promise: we won't always be fighting this battle alone. Do you think you can trust me?
- Sabine Wren: I think I can try.
Empire Day [1.08]
- [The rebels have found Tseebo, a Rodian fugitive and old friend of Ezra's family]
- Ezra Bridger: Tseebo went to work for the Imperial Information Office after the Empire took my parents away.
- Kanan Jarrus: Your parents? You never told us--
- Ezra Bridger: What's to tell? They've been gone for eight years; I've been on my own since I was seven.
- [...]
- Kanan Jarrus: Ezra, you okay?
- Ezra Bridger: I'm fine.
- Kanan Jarrus: I told you, sometimes you have to let your guard down.
- Ezra Bridger: [brusquely] I said I'm fine. [Ezra leaves the room]
- Tseebo: Ezra Bridger, son of Ephraim and Mira Bridger, born fifteen years ago today.
- Sabine Wren: [gasps] Empire Day... it's Ezra's birthday.
- Sabine Wren: Imperial specs on the new TIEs and new T-8 disruptors; schedules of troop movements, tactics, and strategies. Half of it's encrypted, but it looks like there's a five-year plan for Lothal and every other world in the Outer Rim.
- TIE Pilot: The Imperial broadcast should play here at all times!
- Old Jho: No one's requested it for–well, ever.
- TIE Pilot: It's the law.
- Minister Maketh Tua: These rebels have ruined Empire Day, they must be punished!
- Agent Kallus: We all want that, Minister, but our priority is still the Rodian.
- Maketh Tua: Citizens, I am Minister Maketh Tua. Governor Pryce sends her regrets, but she was invited to Coruscant to celebrate with Emperor Palpatine himself! Lothal is just as important to our Empire as any world in the galaxy. And she wanted me to show you why. Citizens, I present you with the latest vessel from Lothal's Imperial shipyards, the Sienar Systems advanced TIE starfighter! And who better to take this beauty on her maiden voyage than one of the best Imperial pilots on Lothal—Baron Valen Rudor.
Gathering Forces [1.09]
- Ezra Bridger: [defending an unconscious Kanan from the Inquisitor] You're not going near him! [The Inquisitor disarms Ezra easily and advances on him with lightsabers drawn]
- The Inquisitor: I believe I am; in fact, it's time to end both Jedi and Padawan... for good! Your devotion to your Master is admirable, but it will not save you... nothing can! [The Inquisitor pushes Ezra back to the edge of a cliff with the Force]
- Ezra Bridger: [angrily] Get back!
- The Inquisitor: [grinning] Ah yes, good, unleash your anger! [chuckles] I will teach you what your Master could not.
- Ezra: You don't have anything to teach me!
- The Inquisitor: The darkness is too strong for you, orphan; it is swallowing you up, even now.
- Ezra Bridger: [afraid] No...!
- The Inquisitor: Your Master will die...
- Ezra Bridger: No!
- The Inquisitor: Your friends will die, and everything you've hoped for will be lost! This is the way the story ends!
- Ezra Bridger: NO!
- Grand Inquisitor: I still sense the Jedi and his Padawan, within my grasp.
- Ezra Bridger: I've been on my own since I was seven, okay? If I'd let myself believe my folks were alive, if I let myself believe they'd come back and save me, I'd never have learned how to survive.
- Hera Syndulla: Someone want to explain to me why we're extra popular tonight?
- Kanan Jarrus: We've picked up a passenger—the Rodian the Imperials are hunting.
- Hera Syndulla: And he's important because…?
- Sabine Wren: Because his cybernetic implant has downloaded half the Empire's secrets.
- Hera Syndulla: Okay, I can see why that's important. Let's get him out of here.
- Hera Syndulla: You seem… better.
- Tseebo: Tseebo's mind is clearer now. But it is difficult. There's so much information inside Tseebo.
- Hera Syndulla: Fulcrum's people will help you with that and keep you safe.
Path of the Jedi [1.10]
- Kanan Jarrus: You lost focus.
- Ezra Bridger: [having been scared by the desiccated corpses of several Jedi] Well, dead guys are distracting!
- Yoda: [to Ezra] Ahead of you, a difficult path there is, Padawan. A Jedi, you may yet be.
- Ezra Bridger: What exactly am I looking for?
- Kanan Jarrus: Nothing, and everything.
- Kanan Jarrus: Ezra, when we were on that asteroid, you made a dangerous connection through the Force. Now I have to know if you are ready.
- Ezra Bridger: I am ready. Wait, ready for what?
- Kanan Jarrus: For a test, a real challenge, one that could determine if you’re meant to be a Jedi...or not.
- Yoda: [to Kanan] A dangerous time this is for your apprentice, for you.
- Kanan Jarrus: I know, I can sense it. I feel as if his abilities are growing faster than I can teach him.
- Yoda: You sense? Or you fear?
- Kanan Jarrus: I lost my way for a long time, but now... I have a chance to change things.
- Yoda: Last chance.
- Kanan Jarrus: I won't let him lose his way... not like I did.
Idiot's Array [1.11]
- Kanan Jarrus: What is going on out here?!
- Ezra Bridger: It's a... um... puffer
- Kanan: [takes one look at the situation] I don't wanna know.
- Hera Syndulla: And you're quite the smooth-talking smuggler.
- Lando Calrissian: Smuggler? Such a small word. I'm more of a... galactic entrepreneur.
- Zeb Orrelios: (to Lando) Guess it's down to you and me.
- Azmorigan: Well, I do what's necessary to claim my property, Calrissian.
- Lando Calrissian: I understand this is your work. Reminds me of Janyor's protest paintings on Bith.
- Sabine Wren: Janyor of Bith is a major influence.
- Lando Calrissian: Well, your work is even more stunning in its simplicity.
Vision of Hope [1.12]
- [Ezra has just received a prophetic vision]
- Kanan Jarrus: Look Ezra, just because you want something to happen, doesn't mean it's going to.
- Ezra Bridger: But it might! [Zeb whacks him on the head] Ow! What are you doing?!
- Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios: [snickers] Helping you to hone your Jedi powers! Why didn't you see that coming?
- Ezra Bridger: It doesn't work that way...[Sabine punches him in the shoulder] Ow! Stop!
- Sabine Wren: Maybe if we keep trying...!
- Senator Gall Trayvis: (to Ezra) Your parents were very brave... and very foolish.
- Ezra Bridger: There's something you should know.
- Zare Leonis: Don't tell me you're gonna miss me, Dev.
- Ezra Bridger: What? No... I mean, sure. But... look, that's not it. My real name is not Dev.
- Ezra Bridger: What's wrong with us?
- Hera Syndulla: We have hope; hope that things can get better. And they will.
- Agent Kallus: If you won't talk, then my troopers will become a firing squad.
- Minister Maketh Tua: (transmission) The insurgents terrorizing our world will soon be brought to justice. I have assurances from—
- Senator Gall Trayvis: Citizens, Senator-in-Exile Gall Trayvis here, coming to you with a reminder that the Empire applies the term "insurgent" to anyone who dares defy their tyranny, such as some very courageous souls on Lothal. To those rebels, I have a message: The sun may have set on the Old Republic, but a new freedom can be won if we are brave enough to fight for it today. See you soon, my friends.
Call to Action [1.13]
- [Grand Moff Tarkin's shuttle arrives on Lothal, greeted by Minister Tua, Agent Kallus and the Inquisitor]
- Minister Tua: [nervously; trying to get in Tarkin's good graces] Ah, Grand Moff Tarkin, I am honored by your visit to Lothal.
- Grand Moff Tarkin: [disdainfully] My visit is hardly an honor, Minister.
- Minister Tua: [caught off-guard] I... admit, I was surprised to learn you were coming--
- Grand Moff Tarkin: And I, too, have been surprised, by what is happening on your little backwater world.
- Minister Tua: [scoffs nervously] Well, i-i-if you were referring to the insurgents, I-
- Grand Moff Tarkin: In the absence of Governor Pryce, you have had a single, simple objective, Minister: To protect the Empire's industrial interests here, interests that are vital to our expansion throughout the Outer Rim. But instead of protecting those interests, you have allowed a cell of insurgents to flourish right under your nose, am I correct? [Tua stammers and coughs for an explanation. Tarkin turns his attention to Kallus] And, Agent Kallus, have you just stood idly by while this rabble have attacked our men, destroyed our property, and disrupted our trade?
- Agent Kallus: [abashed] I have exhausted every resource to capture them, sir. This group has proven... quite elusive.
- Minister Tua: It's said their leader is... a Jedi.
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: [disparagingly] Ah, yes, let us not forget the sudden appearance of a Jedi, as if leaping from the pages of ancient history. [regards the Inquisitor and adopts a sarcastic tone] A shame we don't have someone who specializes in dealing with them, otherwise our problem might be solved. [The Inquisitor scowls at the criticism. Tarkin rolls his eyes] Minister, have you ever met a Jedi?
- Minister Maketh Tua: No, I--
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: I actually knew the Jedi. Not from the pages of folklore or children's tales, but as flesh and blood. And do you know what happened to them?
- Minister Maketh Tua: [nervously] Well, there were rumors--
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: They died. Every last one of them. So you see, this criminal cannot be what he claims to be. And I shall prove it.
- [Aresko and Grint arrive at Tarkin's office]
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: Gentlemen, sit. I understand you have experience dealing with these insurgents?
- Commandant Aresko: Yes, sir.
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: And your efforts have been less than successful?
- Commandant Aresko: [stammering] Eh... We-Well, I... Er, I wouldn't say-- [the Inquisitor moves to stand behind Aresko and Grint]
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: Commandant, if your efforts had been successful, we would not be having this little chat. Now, when was the last activity reported?
- Taskmaster Grint: Sir, we, uh, personally responded to an attack last night on one of the outlying towns.
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: And the details of this attack?
- Commandant Aresko: Um, nothing of note. The insurgents stole some supplies and escaped on speeder bikes. No casualties.
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: Ah, but you see, Commandant, there is something of note in that report; no casualties. Your rebel cell is more principled than others.
- Taskmaster Grint: Others, sir? You mean there are other cells?
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: Cells, factions, tribes, call them what you will. They lack the one thing that would make them a credible threat to the Empire... Unity. While your cell seems uninterested in violence, it does present a specific threat, the Jedi.
- Commandant Aresko: We have encountered him, sir, and he does live up to their reputation.
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: Oh, I doubt that very much, but I am not concerned with his skills as a warrior; I am concerned with what he represents, or perhaps I should say, I am concerned with what you allow him to represent by failing to stop him: Hope. There are whispers of this alleged Jedi in the streets; in time, such whispers might spark belief in something other than the strength and security of the Empire. And that, gentlemen, is something I cannot have. [The Inquisitor ignites his lightsaber and decapitates Aresko and Grint. Kallus cringes in shock while Tua gasps in horror at the execution, but Tarkin is unconcerned] Make no mistake, from now on, failure will have consequences. Agent Kallus, you will dispatch probe droids to every known location of insurgent activity on Lothal. We will discover the whereabouts of these criminals, and we will make examples of them!
- Grand Moff Tarkin: Inquisitor, I am giving you the opportunity to redeem yourself. Do not disappoint me, and remember, I want this Jedi, alive.
- Grand Inquisitor: Your faith will be rewarded.
- Kanan Jarrus: [to Grand Moff Tarkin] Whatever you want from me, you won't get it.
- Ezra Bridger: [message to the people of Lothal] Stand up together, because that's when we're strongest—as one.
Rebel Resolve [1.14]
- [The group have been searching for intel on where the captive Kanan is being held]
- Sabine Wren: Kanan is being held on Governor Tarkin's Star Destroyer, the Sovereign. It's still above Lothal, but it's scheduled to leave soon.
- Hera Syndulla: Where to?
- Sabine Wren: The Mustafar system. I've never heard of it. Hera?
- Hera Syndulla: [sighes] I've only heard that name once, from Kanan. He said Mustafar is where Jedi go to die.
- Stormtrooper: There's the courier, where's his escort?
- BN-749: Not our problem, we're running late as it is.
- Imperial Technician: (to "264") You're late, 264. Plug in.
- Grand Moff Tarkin: Now we will discover if you are indeed the Jedi you claim to be.
- Kanan Jarrus: Well, Governor. Somebody's got to keep you entertained.
- The Inquisitor: You will tell me where to find your rebel friends.
- Kanan Jarrus: No... Ezra! Not him! Not. Him!
- The Inquisitor: What do you see?
- Kanan Jarrus: I see...
- The Inquisitor: Go on.
- Kanan Jarrus: I see... you... growing more... and more... frustrated.
Fire Across the Galaxy [1.15]
- Stormtrooper: [upon hearing detonators beeping] Not again. Everyone, evacuate!
- Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios: [upon seeing the TIE Fighter they plan to use to infiltrate Kanan's prison, heavily graffitied by Sabine] This plan's as crazy as those colors!
- Hera Syndulla: Maybe this mission doesn't make military sense. But Kanan is family. And we've all lost enough family to the Empire. So rescuing him makes sense to me.
- Kanan Jarrus: I know nothing of a larger rebellion, and if I did, I'd rather give my life than tell you!
- Inquisitor: So heroic... just like your master. Tell me, Jedi, how did you survive Order 66, hmm? It was your Master, Billaba, who laid down her life for yours. Do you remember her last word to you, her last and final breath before she died? You do, don't you? You see it in your sleep, you hear her voice when you wake. Tell me, Jedi, what was her last word to you?
- Kanan Jarrus: [anguished] Run.
- Inquisitor: And does your loyal and precious crew know you ran as your Master fell? Abandoned her and the Jedi Order, when they needed you most? [Kanan looks ashamed] What do you think your rebels would do, if they knew their leader was a coward? You're even afraid of your own power; you don't have the courage to wear your full saber out in the open! Let me tell you something, Jedi... you're right to be afraid! You couldn't save your Master then, and you can't save your followers now!
- Inquisitor: [dueling Kanan and Ezra simultaneously] At last...a fight that might be worthy of my time!
- [Kanan believes the Inquisitor has killed Ezra]
- Kanan Jarrus: That was a mistake.
- Inquisitor: Why? Because you have no one left to die for you?
- Kanan Jarrus: No... because I have nothing left to fear!
- Kanan Jarrus: [dueling the Inquisitor after Ezra's "death"] You were right: I was a coward. But now I know there is something strong than fear. Far stronger: the Force. [The Inquisitor spins his lightsaber in defense.] Let me show you how strong it is. [Kanan places both his blades inside the spinning ring of the Inquisitor's dual lightsabers. The Inquisitor realizes what is happening as Kanan brings both lightsabers up, destroying the weapon and making his opponent fall off the ledge where he hangs on. The severed blades fall and hit the reactor which starts to explode.]
- The Inquisitor: [Looking up to find Kanan holding both lightsabers at his throat] You have no idea what you've unleashed here today. There are some things far more frightening than death. [The Inquisitor lets go of the ledge, falling to his death in the exploding reactor as a shocked Kanan looks on.]
- Agent Kallus: We are getting reports of unrest all over Lothal. There are whispers from Mustafar. Some people see the Empire as weak, vulnerable.
- Grand Moff Tarkin: Not to worry, Agent Kallus. The Emperor has sent an alternative solution.
- [Guttural breathing is heard as, to Kallus's alarm, Darth Vader emerges from the shuttle]
Season 2
The Siege of Lothal: Parts 1 & 2 [2.01 & 2.02]
- Minister Tua: [fuming] Agent Kallus, I've exhausted every resource to find information about the rebels, but there is nothing to be found! What more does Governor Tarkin expect?
- Agent Kallus: He expects Lothal to be punished, Minister Tua. His own Star Destroyer was demolished by these rebels; he takes that somewhat...personally.
- Minister Tua: I've doubled patrols, set up checkpoints, established curfews; I honestly don't know what else to do.
- Darth Vader: Perhaps that is the problem; you lack imagination, Minister, when it comes to producing results.
- Minister Tua: Lord Vader, with all due respect, you and Governor Tarkin are asking for miracles! If the rebels have left Lothal-
- Darth Vader: If the rebels have left, then we must draw them back, and if they are here, we must draw them out. We will squeeze Lothal, until someone reveals the whereabouts of these traitors.
- Kanan Jarrus: After this mission, I want us to go back on our own. Fighting alongside soldiers isn't what I signed up for.
- Hera Syndulla: You seem to be forgetting these soldiers helped save your life!
- Kanan Jarrus: And I'm grateful, but that doesn't mean I want to join their little army. When you and I started together, it was rob from the Empire, give to the needy: a noble cause. Now, we're getting drawn into some military thing, and I don't like it.
- Hera Syndulla: We are fighting a bigger fight, but it's still the right fight.
- Kanan Jarrus: I survived one war; I'm not ready for another one. I saw what it did.
- Hera Syndulla: To the Jedi?
- Kanan Jarrus: To everyone.
- Darth Vader: [to Ezra] Your master has deceived you into believing you can become a Jedi.
- Sabine Wren: You know what I do in hopeless situations?
- Zeb Orrelios: [laughs] Yeah, blow stuff up!
- Agent Kallus: [triumphant] With their command ship destroyed, the rebel fleet is shattered; you have them on the run-!
- Darth Vader: [brusquely] Clear the bridge. [Kallus and the remaining Imperials vacate the bridge. Vader goes to one knee as a holographic transmission begins]
- Emperor Palpatine: Lord Vader, have you dealt with the rebels in the Lothal system?
- Darth Vader: Yes, Master. They are broken.
- Emperor Palpatine: And yet, I sense in you something...more to your victory.
- Darth Vader: I believe the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker lives, and is in league with these rebels.
- Emperor Palpatine: [surprised] Are you certain?
- Darth Vader: It was her.
- Emperor Palpatine: This is an opportunity we cannot let pass. Skywalker's apprentice could lead us to other lost Jedi.
- Darth Vader: Such as Kenobi.
- Emperor Palpatine: Perhaps, if he lives. Be patient, my old friend. For now, dispatch another Inquisitor to hunt them down.
- Darth Vader: [bows head] As you wish, my Master.
The Lost Commanders [2.03]
- [Ezra confronts Kanan about his distrust of Rex and the clones]
- Ezra: Okay, you don't trust these clones, but they haven't done anything--
- Kanan: You don't understand- they're dangerous. They could--
- Ezra: They could what?! Rex doesn't seem bad at all. Ahsoka said to trust him; you trust her, don't you?
- Kanan: [angry] You weren't there! You weren't even born!
- Ezra: [confused] What are you talking about?
- Kanan: [curtly] I don't feel like discussing it. [Ezra turns to leave; Kanan lets out a bitter sigh and starts talking] It was at the end, the end of the war. Our fellow soldiers, the clones, the ones we Jedi fought side by side with suddenly turned and betrayed us. I watched them kill my Master! She fought beside them for years and they gunned her down in a second! Then they came for me. Later, they said they had chips in their heads that made them do it, that they had no choice.
- Rex: [reveals himself in the doorway] I didn't betray my Jedi. [indicates a scar on his temple] Wolffe, Gregor and I all removed our control chips. We all had a choice.
- Rex: I fought by her side from the Battle of Christophsis to the Siege of Mandalore, and a friend of hers is a friend of mine.
- Kanan Jarrus: They're clones!
- Ezra Bridger: No, Kanan! Wait!
- Wolffe: Jedi! They've come for revenge!
- Zeb Orrelios: They're just a bunch of old-geezers!
- Sabine Wren: Well-armed old geezers.
- Zeb Oreelios: Probes! I hate Probes!
- Hera Syndulla: If only we had more allies.
- Ahsoka Tano: I know someone, who might be able to help us. A great military commander with a vast knowledge of the Outer Rim. He could assist us in finding a base.
Relics of the Old Republic [2.04]
- Kanan Jarrus: Give me some good news; has the Empire showed up yet?
- Hera Syndulla: I'm a little busy finishing repairs on the Ghost, but Chopper's been scanning; so far, nothing. [At that moment, an Imperial Star Destroyer emerges from hyperspace. Hera groans in annoyance] Just had to say it...!
- Agent Kallus: This image was taken by one of our probe droids; it clearly shows you harboring known rebels. Now surrender them or be destroyed!
- Rex: If it's a fight you want, I hope you brought a better class of soldier than those...[disparagingly] "Stormtroopers".
- Agent Kallus: They serve the Empire well, and I have a great many of them.
- Rex: You're gonna need all of 'em.
- [The new Inquisitor, the Fifth Brother, emerges from his shuttle aboard Kallus's Star Destroyer]
- Admiral Konstantine: Inquisitor, I thought Lord Vader was coming aboard. I wasn't aware that you-
- Fifth Brother: Lord Vader has sent me in his place.
- Admiral Konstantine: [annoyed] Well this unnecessary diversion may have compromised the success of Agent Kallus's mission! We must return-!
- Fifth Brother: I care not for your struggles. I will succeed where you and Kallus have failed.
- Rex: Looks like we live to fight another day.
- Wolffe: Don't we always?
- Gregor: Well, we do when we’ve got a Jedi leading us.
- Rex: Commander. You got old.
- Ahsoka Tano: Had to happen sometime, Rex.
Always Two There Are [2.05]
- [Ezra and Sabine encounter the Seventh Sister for the first time]
- Seventh Sister: I've been searching for you for some time.
- Ezra Bridger: A bounty hunter?
- Seventh Sister: Guess again! [ignites her lightsaber]
- Ezra Bridger: [gasps] You're an Inquisitor?!
- Seventh Sister: Oh good, I won't have to explain it to you! [She goes en garde] So, you know what comes next?!
- Seventh Sister: You handle a lightsaber well, apprentice.
- Ezra Bridger: Well, I've got some time if you wanted a lesson.
- Seventh Sister: You have great potential, but perhaps it is I that might teach you, as your Master never achieved the rank of Jedi Knight, did he?
- Ezra Bridger: Maybe not, but he took out the last Inquisitor, so I think I'll just stick with him!
- Seventh Sister: Yes, the death of the Grand Inquisitor was a surprise to all, yet it does present the rest of us with new opportunities. There are many hunting you now, all intent on killing you and your Master. Does that frighten you?
- Ezra Bridger: [scoffs] If you were going to kill me, you'd have already done it.
- Seventh Sister: Kill you? I have no plans to kill you...yet.
- Zeb Orrelios: [talking to Chopper after Ezra and Sabine have been taken prisoner by the Inquisitors] Truth is, I don't really stand a chance going in alone, much less with you. But if we leave this space station, we will never see those kids again; I came here with them, and I am not leaving without them!
- Seventh Sister: I'm surprised to see you here.
- Fifth Brother: The kill is mine!
- Seventh Sister: You are short sighted. We will use the boy as bait to draw in the others. Now find the girl!
- Kanan Jarrus: Inquisitors?
- Sabine Wren: Yes. Two. We got lucky. Zeb saved us. Without him, uh, things could've been bad.
Brothers of the Broken Horn [2.06]
- Hondo Ohnaka: [catching a briefcase full of credits] I'm rich! [sees he's on a conveyerbelt about to hurl him into space] I'm dead!
- Hondo Ohnaka: (to Ezra) You lied to me? I knew I liked you!
- Commander Sato: As we speak, the frozen planet of Rinn is facing an energy crisis. When their supply of fuel cells is gone, the settlements will not be able to power the heaters they need to survive.
Wings of the Master [2.07]
- Kanan Jarrus: (to Hera) We can't beat that blockade, not without a better ship, with better firepower, and the best pilot at the controls.
- Sabine Wren: (to Quarrie) Never get between a Mandalorian and a weapons package.
- Sabine Wren: How many times have you flown it?
- Quarrie: Me? Oh I don't fly, too dangerous. But theoretically, it should fly!
- Quarrie: Why would I hand over my ship to just any pilot?
- Hera Syndulla: Would any pilot risk their life to come to this... death trap?
- Quarrie: Perhaps not. So why did *you*?
- Hera Syndulla: I was a little girl when the Clone War came to Ryloth. My mother hid us below-ground, but I'd peek out when the Republic ships flew over, as they fought to liberate my world. I dreamt of nothing more than to be up there with them.
- Quarrie: So you left your family to fight.
- Hera Syndulla: I left my family so I could fly.
- Quarrie: As a combat pilot.
- Hera Syndulla: If we want freedom, we must make difficult choices. I chose to leave my family, I chose to learn to fly, and then I chose to use that ability to help others in need. It's all rooted in something I can't explain. A need to be up there, because even when there are explosions all around me, and... things are at their worst... I feel like I'm at my best.
- Hera Syndulla: Looks like the Empire came out to welcome us.
Blood Sisters [2.08]
- Sabine Wren: Still a bounty hunter, I see.
- Ketsu Onyo: Tell me you don't miss it.
Stealth Strike [2.09]
- Stormtrooper: Move along, rebel.
- Ezra Bridger: Hey, just so you know, when I escape I won't hurt any of you.
- Stormtrooper: Yeah, that's great, kid. I feel real safe.
- Ezra Bridger: You shouldn't.
- Admiral Brom Titus: I believe you want to do the right thing. Surrender all your compatriots, and I will offer you not only immunity, but reinstatement at an Imperial Training Academy. You could wear that armor and be proud of your service again.
- Rex: Oh, I'm proud of my service. But I really hate this armor.
- Admiral Brom Titus: That's unfortunate, because you are going to die in it.
- Kanan Jarrus: You shot us! I can't believe you shot us!
- Ezra Bridger: Well - I mean - y-you were dressed like Stormtroopers!
- Kanan Jarrus: Yeah!
- Rex: You shot us! [starts laughing]
- Ezra Bridger: I set it to stun!
- Rex: Yeah, well you should have used kill.
- Kanan Jarrus: What?!
- Rex: Well, just in case it wasn't us, I mean...
- Kanan Jarrus: Ugh! This armor doesn't protect you from anything!
- Rex: Well, I told you!
- Ezra Bridger: Will you two quit it already! Part of the reason I took this mission, was to get a break from - this! Okay, Chopper and I will meet you at Sato's ship.
- Kanan Jarrus: ...He takes after Hera sometimes.
- Admiral Titus: (to Jun Sato) Ah, yes. I am familiar with your activities in this sector. I suspected if we captured even one rebel ship, others would race to the rescue. But I dared not hope we'd capture someone as significant as you.
Future of the Force [2.10]
- [The Inquisitors have just interdicted a civilian ship]
- Pilot: This is a civilian ship! We were granted clearance to take off-!
- Seventh Sister: I’m afraid it’s been cancelled. [she pins the pilot to the wall with a droid]
- Zeb Orrelios: [sees a droid get smashed to pieces by the Inquisitors hunting for the baby he took from it] Uh oh, that's not good. [The child in his arms cries, alerting the Inquisitors to their prey] That's really not good.
- Seventh Sister: Ah, Kanan Jarrus! You've crawled out of hiding...at last! [ignites her lightsaber]
- Seventh Sister: Hmm, your capture will please Lord Vader.
- Ahsoka Tano: [Making her escape] Tell your master he'll have to wait.
Legacy [2.11]
- Ezra Bridger: Argh!
- Kanan Jarrus: Ezra, I know how important getting to Lothal is.
- Ezra Bridger: No, Kanan! Actually, you don't know what this is like!
- Kanan Jarrus: You're right!... I never knew my parents.
- Kanan Jarrus: Hey, I know what it's like to lose someone close and not have anyone. When I lost my master, I was alone. Regardless of how this turns out, I didn't want you to be.
- Kanan Jarrus: Slow down. The Force is trying to tell you something. Listen to it.
A Princess on Lothal [2.12]
- Ezra Bridger: But you're a princess, you don't have to risk your life doing this!
- Princess Leia Organa: I feel like because I can fight, I have to, for those who cannot. And I think you might be the same way.
- Kanan Jarrus: Do you ever listen to yourself?
- Ezra Bridger: Yes, and I happen to be very interesting.
The Protector of Concord Dawn [2.13]
- Kanan: You saved our lives.
Legends of the Lasat [2.14]
- Chava: Captain Garazeb Orrelios of the Lasan High Honor Guard.
The Call [2.15]
- Hera: Have to divert more power from thermal subsystems.
Homecoming [2.16]
- Hera: Hurry up, Zeb!
The Honorable Ones [2.17]
- Zeb: There! Fixed it, and I adjusted the frequency. Now, anyone can pick up its' signal.
- Kallus: So? Maybe you won't die today, but the Empire will win. Every day, we recruit more informers. Every day, we persuade Rebel sympathizers to reconsider their allegiances-
- Zeb: And every day, more beings get fed up with the Empire and join us.
[Their heater suddenly dies out]
- Kallus: It's power cell is frozen... and we'll be next. [Zeb notices a light and goes to investigate] What- where are you going? What are you doing over there?
- Zeb: [reaches into a crater and pulls out a luminescent object] Hmm- it's warm.
- Kallus: What did you find? What is that?!
- Zeb: I dunno, but it's warm and it throws light.
- Kallus: [shivers] Probably some... kind of meteorite.
- Zeb: Yeah. [tosses it to Kallus] Warm yourself up.
[they suddenly hear sounds from somewhere nearby; Zeb draws his Bo-rifle]
- Kallus: You really think we'll survive... whatever that is, in there? Plus, the temperature's dropping, and our only heat source is this thing. Who knows how long it'll last?
- Zeb: You're so quick to give up hope. Like I said, the transponder's working. My friends will find us.
- Kallus: The transponder's signal will never get through the ice.
- Zeb: Yeah, you're probably right. But Lasat never know when to give up, remember? We'll just climb this up to the surface- simple.
[He tries to scale the icy wall and falls on his face]
- Kallus: You're going to hurt yourself!
- Zeb: Will you just shut up?!
[He tries to climb again, with the same result; Kallus laughs]
- Zeb: [cracks his knuckles] How'd you like a few more broken bones? [A huge reptilian creature emerges from the darkness behind him and grows] Like this day couldn't get any better.
- Zeb: Karabast! What was that thing?!
- Kallus: I don't know... but it's probably going to come back.
- Zeb: yeah... it's probably gonna bring its' friends.
- Kallus: That is the order of things. The strong survive... the weak, perish.
- Zeb: Is that what happened on Geonosis? The weak needed to perish?!
- Kallus: The only thing I know about Geonosis, is that the population is gone. I never asked questions-
- Zeb: Well, maybe you should start. Or are you afraid of the answers you'll get? [Kallus looks away] Afraid you'll learn the Geonosians were wiped out by your precious Empire?!
- Kallus: And why would we do that? What could possibly be the point?
- Zeb: Ah, good questions. Chase the answers, and maybe you'll learn the truth.
- Kallus: [smirks] You know... you'll never get out of here, without my help.
- Zeb: You're in no shape to help anybody.
- Kallus: I can tell you exactly how to climb out of here.
- Zeb: ...All right. We'll work together. [examines Kallus' Bo-rifle] I see you modified it for close-quarters fighting-impressive. But you shouldn't have it. he uses it as a splint for Kallus' leg, causing Kallus to wince] It's not a trophy. Hold still.
- Kallus: [stands up] I didn't take it, as a trophy. The Lasat guardsman that I faced... he fought well. Died with honor. He gave me the rifle, before-
- Zeb: The Boosahn Keeraw.
- Kallus: The what?
- Zeb: Boosahn Keeraw- the Lasat warrior way. When one is defeated by a superior foe, he gifts his weapon.
- Kallus: I was... I was only doing my duty. It was nothing... personal.
- Zeb: [coldly] Yeah. But what the Empire did on Lasan... I'll never forget it.
- Kallus: We all have things we won't forget. I remember my first unit. The boys and I were deployed to Onderon... to bring peace and security to a troubled world. We were on a routine patrol, and ran into one of your Rebel friends: a Lasat mercenary who worked for Saw Gerrera. I... was lucky. Knocked out by the first blast. I came to, but found I couldn't move... and then, I saw him. The Lasat, calmly walk through smoke and fire, to finish my unit off one by one. [Zeb looks away] The injured never had a chance. Always wondered, why he let me live.
- Zeb: Well, you can't judge all Lasat the same.
- Kallus: Does that sentiment apply to Imperials?
- Zeb: [glares at him] All the Imperials I know.
Shroud of Darkness [2.18]
- [Ahsoka meditates in the Jedi Temple on Lothal. She hears the voice of her former master, Anakin Skywalker]
- Anakin Skywalker: Ahsoka.
- [Ahsoka looks around, then returns to meditating. Anakin speaks to her again]
- Anakin Skywalker: Ahsoka, why did you leave? [A vision of Anakin appears behind Ahsoka] Where were you when I needed you?
- Ahsoka Tano: I made a choice. I couldn't stay.
- Anakin Skywalker: You were selfish.
- Ahsoka Tano: No! [tears forming in her eyes]
- Anakin Skywalker: You abandoned me! You failed me! Do you know... what I've become? [The vision of Anakin has become one of Darth Vader]
- Ahsoka Tano: No... NO!!!! [Ahsoka screams, turns, and swings at the air with her lightsaber. The vision has disappeared]
The Forgotten Droid [2.19]
- AP-5: You sacrificed your replacement leg for me.
The Mystery of Chopper Base [2.20]
- Ezra: [to Zeb over commlink] That's great, Zeb. I'm going to get eaten, the last Jedi in the galaxy, chopped up by some crawlers, because [begins yelling and causing Sabine to jump] you were too afraid to go outside!
Twilight of the Apprentice Parts 1 & 2 [2.21 & 2.22]
- Ezra: Were you a Jedi?
- Old Master: No, no, no. But I was once a Force-wielder long ago, long, long ago.
- Ezra: Then you're a Sith!
- Old Master: The Sith...the Sith took everything from me. Ripped me from my mother's arms, murdered my brother, used me as a weapon and then cast me aside... Abandoned me! Once I had power, now I have nothing. Nothing...
- Old Master/Maul: Your anger is a wellspring; you must use it.
- Ezra: But a Jedi is never supposed to act out of emotion.
- Old Master/Maul: Your passions give you strength and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains.
- Old Master/Maul: Unless you take risks, do what must be done, there will always be limits to your abilities.
- Ahsoka Tano: Maul, what game are you playing?
- Maul: The endgame, Lady Tano. The endgame. I am the enemy of your enemy now, and I have my own reasons for wanting the Empire to fall, but we have little time. The one they call "Vader" will be here soon.
- Kanan Jarrus: How do you know this?
- Maul: His dogs will tell him where we are. Two Jedi and a... part-timer? (Ahsoka looks away) Oh, he will come. He will not be able to resist us.
- Kanan Jarrus: Okay, hold on. There is no "us". Dealing with Inquisitors is one thing, Vader is another... and I'm not convinced we're all on the same side, anyway.
- Ezra Bridger: Kanan, we should trust him. Look! (holds up the Sith Holocron) He and I took this from the Temple together! This is why we came here, right? To find out about the Sith. To find a way to beat them? Ahsoka, you said we came here for knowledge.
- Ahsoka Tano: Ezra, there is no way a Jedi can unlock that Holocron.
- Maul: But you may unlock the Temple itself.
- Ezra Bridger: How? Tell me how?
- Maul: At the top of the Temple is a chamber. Connect the Holocron to the obelisk within, and you can unlock the ancient knowledge of the Sith.
- Ahsoka Tano: Why are you working so hard to keep us here?
- Maul: I cannot defeat Vader alone.
- Ezra Bridger: I say we stay with him.
- Kanan Jarrus: Yeah? Well, I say we go, so that settles it.
- Maul: Are you such cowards that you would run from this chance to defeat your enemies?! Who slaughter your friends.
- Ezra Bridger: ...Kanan?
[Kanan glances at Ahsoka, who reluctantly nods]
- Kanan Jarrus: (in his comlink) Chopper, we're staying for a while. (Chopper replies) Yeah, I know it's a bad idea! Just scan for incoming ships and keep the Phantom out of sight.
- Ahsoka Tano: If you want to finish our fight, you'll have to deal with him first.
- [Maul turns to see Kanan, now wearing an old Jedi Temple Guard mask over his face]
- Kanan Jarrus: [to Ahsoka] Go get Ezra!
- [Ahsoka runs up the stairs toward the top of the Temple]
- Maul: [pityingly] I... will make this quick.
- Kanan Jarrus: [coldly] You had your chance.
- [Maul moves slowly, with Kanan using the Force to sense his enemy's movements. Maul attacks, but Kanan quickly defeats him and sends him hurtling off the side of the Temple]
- Darth Vader: You have unlocked the secret of the Temple. How did you accomplish this?
- Ezra Bridger: You're smart, figure it out!
- Darth Vader: No matter; the power within will soon serve the Emperor.
- Ezra Bridger: I don't fear you!
- Darth Vader: Then you will die braver than most.
- [Darth Vader clashes with Ezra several more times before he destroys Ezra's lightsaber. Ezra stumbles to the ground; he looks down at the remains of his lightsaber, then back up at Vader]
- Darth Vader: Perhaps I was wrong. [Vader raises his lightsaber to kill Ezra]
- Ahsoka Tano: It wouldn't be the first time!
- [Darth Vader turns to see Ahsoka]
- Darth Vader: It was foretold that you would be here. Our long-awaited meeting has come at last.
- Ahsoka Tano: I'm glad I gave you something to look forward to.
- [Darth Vader deactivates his lightsaber]
- Darth Vader: We need not be adversaries. The Emperor will show you mercy if you tell me where the remaining Jedi can be found.
- Ahsoka Tano: There are no Jedi! You and your Inquisitors have seen to that!
- Darth Vader: Perhaps this child will confess what you will not.
- Ahsoka Tano: I was beginning to believe I knew who you were behind that mask, but it's impossible. My master could never be as vile as you!
- Darth Vader: Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him.
- Ahsoka Tano: Then I will avenge his death.
- Darth Vader: Revenge is not the Jedi way.
- Ahsoka Tano: I am no Jedi.
- [As Vader tries to use the Force to take the Sith Holocron from Ezra, Ahsoka attacks him from behind; Vader turns to face her and Ahsoka slashes him across the face, knocking him down]
- Ezra Bridger: Ahsoka! Come on, hurry!
- Darth Vader: [slightly distorted] Ahsoka!
- [Ahsoka, surprised, turns to face Darth Vader. Part of his mask has been destroyed, revealing part of Anakin's face]
- Darth Vader: [Anakin's voice] Ahsoka.
- Ahsoka Tano: Anakin. I won't leave you! Not this time.
- [Pause]
- Darth Vader: Then you will die. [ignites lightsaber]
Season 3
Steps Into Shadow: Parts 1 & 2 [3.01 & 3.02]
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: Governor Pryce, how are things proceeding on Lothal?
- Governor Arihnda Pryce: Lothal is secure, Moff Tarkin, but I am here because of the recent Rebel attack at the prison on Naraka, which I believe is only the beginning of a larger Rebel threat.
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: I am inclined to agree. Although Lord Vader has dealt with the insurgency's Jedi leadership, these rebels have proven particularly stubborn. How do you intend to solve this problem?
- Governor Arihnda Pryce: I want the Seventh Fleet.
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: I see. And what of Admiral Konstantine and his fleet?
- Governor Ahrinda Pryce: Admiral Konstantine is more politician than soldier. I need someone who sees a larger picture.
- Governor Ahrinda Pryce: Grand Admiral Thrawn believes the Rebels intend to raid the plant, and steal fighters for their fleet.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Every ship they add to their arsenal increases the threat to our own armada and the Emperor's plans.
- Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin: I trust you have a solution.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: I will start my operations here and pull the Rebels apart, piece by piece. They will be the architects of their own destruction.
The Holocrons of Fate [3.03]
- Bendu: Once something is known, it cannot be unknown.
[Maul and Ezra use the Sith and Jedi Holocrons to gain greater knowledge. They sit across from each other peering into the bright light created by the two Holocrons.]
- Maul: I see … nothing! Only oblivion. I must go deeper! Deeper!
- Ezra Bridger: Wait … I see something …
- Maul: What do you see? What is it?!
- Ezra Bridger: I see …
- Maul: Tell me! Tell me what you see!
- Ezra Bridger: I see …
- Hera Syndulla: Ezra! [the light from the Holocrons increases. The Ghost crew is blinded] It’s too bright! Where is he?
- Kanan Jarrus: [removes his face mask, and sees Maul and Ezra standing out against the light] Ezra! I see him! Maul’s close! I’m going to get Ezra out! Be ready!
- Hera Syndulla: Wait, you see him?! Kanan!
- Kanan Jarrus: Ezra! Ezra, listen to me! Look away!
- Ezra Bridger: Kanan?
- Maul: No! Stay focused, apprentice. Gain the knowledge you desire.
- Kanan Jarrus: Remember Bendu’s warning! Turn away before it’s too late!
- Ezra Bridger: It’s so close. The key to destroying the Sith is just a little farther.
- Maul: I see him!
- Ezra Bridger: Twin suns …
- Kanan Jarrus: It’s not worth it Ezra! Trust me.
- [Ezra begins to look away. As he does, the Holocrons pull slightly apart from each other]
- Maul: NO!
- [An explosion of light from the Holocrons forces all occupants of the room back. The Holocrons float down to the floor, shattered glass around them. The crew of the Ghost starts to get up. Sabine Wren looks around.]
- Sabine Wren: Where’s Maul?!
- [Maul, disoriented, makes his way to his ship, laughing softly and maniacally]
- Maul: He lives! [still laughing, Maul enters the cockpit of his ship and sits down] He... lives. [Maul pilots his ship away from the station, laughing madly]
The Antilles Extraction [3.04]
- Rake Gahree: Yeah, and all of ours.
Hera's Heroes [3.05]
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: [interrogating Hera] War. It's all you've ever known, isn't it? You were so young when you survived the Clone War: no wonder you are as equipped in spirit to fight as well as you do. War is in your blood. I studied the art of war, work to perfect it, but you...you were forged by it.
- Captain Slavin: [confused] Sir, she's just a peasant-!
- Hera Syndulla: It doesn't matter where we come from, Admiral: our will to be free is what's going to beat you!
- Captain Slavin: [outraged] You, you dare-!
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Please, Slavin, you embarass me in front of our host.
- Captain Slavin: Host? What?!
- [Thrawn points to a mosaic painting on the wall, indicating the Twi'lek family that originally owned the mansion.]
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: May I introduce Hera Syndulla, Rebel pilot, freedom fighter and military leader. Daughter of your nemesis, Cham Syndulla.
- [Ezra, in the room disguised as a scout trooper, goes for his blaster, but Thrawn stuns him first.]
- Captain Slavin: ...How did you know?
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Because Rebels have friends always rushing to their rescue.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Have the Kalikori transported to my ship.
- Captain Slavin: We should just destroy that piece of Twi'lek trash...!
- [Seething, Thrawn seizes Slavin by the front of his uniform and growls into his face... before mastering himself.]
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: My apologies, Captain Slavin. I forgot that not everyone is able to appreciate art as I do. Now if you'll excuse me, I am conducting an experiment that requires my attendance. I leave it to your command to finish the job.
- Captain Slavin: [visibly pulling himself together] And so I shall.
The Last Battle [3.06]
- Hera Syndulla: You're sure you don't need help?
- Kanan Jarrus: I'm sure everything will go horribly wrong.
- [Kanan, Ezra, Rex and Zeb have been trapped in a ray shield and are surrounded by battle droids]
- Battle Droid: [receiving orders] Uh huh. Roger, roger.
- Ezra Bridger: Wait - who's Roger?
- Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios: Looks like my friends are doing pretty good. You might as well surrender now.
- Kalani: I am not programmed to comprehend your humor.
- Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios: I wasn't joking.
- Kalani: Ha. Ha. Ha.
- Rex: We don't have the firepower to take on walkers.
- Kanan Jarrus: What about the bombs we came here for?
- Kalani: We have no cannon to fire the shells, otherwise I would have used them on you.
- Kanan Jarrus: [wryly] Oh, thanks.
- Ezra Bridger: We're running out of time.
- Rex: Ah! We roll them - the proton bombs. We roll them across the hangar into the feet of the walkers, and then we blast them.
- Kalani: My battle droids are not accurate. However, you are, Master Jedi.
- Kanan Jarrus: I don't understand.
- Kalani: My droids will line up and fire at you and your apprentice. You two will then redirect their blaster bolts toward the shells more accurately, thus setting off more targets than my droids could hit alone.
- Rex: Well, this takes trust to a whole new level.
Imperial Supercommandos [3.07]
Iron Squadron [3.08]
The Wynkahthu Job [3.09]
An Inside Man [3.10]
- [Thrawn conducts an inspection at a vehicle plant on Lothal]
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Worker 5473, you were pressed into the Empire's service?
- Morad Sumar: Y-yes, sir. After losing my farm.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Do you stand by your work?
- Morad Sumar: I do.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: This 624-AvA was the last bike you personally inspected and assembled. Please, demonstrate for me how quickly it can achieve full speed. [Morad does not move] We don't have all day.
- [A stormtrooper pushes Morad to the bike; Ezra, moving to help him, is stopped by Kanan]
- Stormtrooper: Back in line.
- Morad Sumar: [brings the bike to full speed, as the engine glows red-hot] Something's wrong, it's overheating! Gonna have to shut it down!
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: No. The demonstration is not yet over. [remotely pushes the engine back to full power]
- Morad Sumar: I can't stop it... NOOOOOO--!!
- [The bike explodes, killing him; the workers are horrified, while Governor Pryce smiles in satisfaction]
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Now that I have your attention, know this: Whatever you build here, you will test... personally. I expect your malfunction rate should drop substantially.
Visions and Voices [3.11]
Ghosts of Geonosis Parts 1 & 2 [3.12 & 3.13]
Warhead [3.14]
Trials of the Darksaber [3.15]
- [Kanan and Sabine are dueling each other. Kanan tries to force Sabine to admit the truth about her past.]
- Sabine Wren: The truth ... is that...I left to save everyone! My mother! My father! My brother! Everything I did was for family! For Mandalore! I built weapons. Terrible weapons. The Empire used them on friends. On family. People that I knew. They controlled us through fear. Mandalore ... fear of weapons I helped create! ...I helped enslave my people! I wanted to stop it. I had to stop it! I spoke out. I spoke out to save them. To save everyone! And when I did ... my family didn't stand with me. They chose the Empire. They left me. Gave me no choice. The Empire wanted to destroy worlds, and they did. They destroyed mine.
Legacy of Mandalore [3.16]
- Gar Saxon: I'll never yield to you, girl! You'll have to kill me! (Ursa Wren shoots him in the back and he falls to the ground, dead)
Through Imperial Eyes [3.17]
Secret Cargo [3.18]
Mon Mothma: This is our rebellion.
Double Agent Droid [3.19]
- AP-5: I should be frightened, but I'm strangely calm.
Twin Suns [3.20]
- [Maul is searching the Jundland Wastes for Obi-Wan Kenobi, with Tatooine's twin suns beating on him from directly overhead]
- Maul: Lost... I... I am lost. And yet, I can feel... his presence. So close, so close... I can... see him, in my mind's eye...
- [Maul pauses]
- Maul: Kenobi... [screaming] KENOBI!!!!!!!!!!
- [Maul's scream echoes across the canyon walls. There is only the sound of the blowing wind and sands. Maul leans on his cane.]
- Maul: ... Will it end here, like this? No... [goes to stand back up] No!
- Maul: He's dead... He's dead.
- Ezra: No!
- Maul: You led me to him.
- Ezra : No!
- Maul: You failed your friends!
- Ezra: No!
- Maul : You will DIE! [Trying to kill Ezra]
- Ezra: Noooo! [Maul disappears and he laughs]
- Maul: [disdainful] Look what has become of you. A rat in the desert.
- Obi-Wan: [unruffled] Look what I have risen above.
- Maul: I have come to kill you, but perhaps it's worse to leave you here, festering in your squalor.
- Obi-Wan: If you define yourself by your power to take life, your desire to dominate, to possess... then you have nothing.
- [Maul growls angrily and ignites one half of his lightsaber, putting out Obi-Wan's campfire.]
- Maul: And what do YOU have?! Why come to this place? Not simply to hide... [realizes] Oh, you have a purpose here. Perhaps you are protecting something? No... protecting some-one.
- [Obi-Wan ignites his own lightsaber and stands ready; Maul ignites the other half of his lightsaber, and both he and Obi-Wan prepare to fight. After several long moments, Maul charges furiously at Kenobi. Maul and Obi-Wan exchange three blows before Obi-Wan cuts through Maul's lightsaber, after Maul attempts to use the same move he did on Qui-Gon Jinn. After a short pause, Maul realizes he has been hit, and he falls to the ground, his lightsaber cut in half. Obi-Wan holds Maul as he dies.]
- Maul: [mortally wounded] Tell me... is he the Chosen One?
- Obi-Wan: He is.
- Maul: He... will... avenge us.
- [Maul succumbs to his wound. Obi-Wan closes Maul's eyes.]
Zero Hour: Parts 1 & 2 [3.21 & 3.22]
- [Bendu lies seemingly defeated at Thrawn's feet, who approaches the being with his blaster drawn]
- Thrawn: What manner of creature are you?
- Bendu: One... beyond your power to destroy.
- Thrawn: It would not seem so.
- Bendu: You cannot see...but I can.
- Thrawn: What? What do you see?
- Bendu: I see your defeat...like many arms surrounding you in a cold embrace.
- [Thrawn, visibly unnerved, shoots him, only for the Bendu to disappear, laughing.]
Season 4
Heroes of Mandalore Part 1 [4.01]
- Fenn Rau: I'm surprised to see you so swayed by Sabine Wren. You seem to be as impressed with her as I am.
- Bo-Katan Kryze: I had my doubts, Rau, but she came back to face her past and her bold initiative has impressed me. She has become a courageous leader. She reminds me of the best of who we were, and could inspire us to become more than we have been of late.
Heroes of Mandalore Part 2 [4.02]
In the Name of the Rebellion Part 1 [4.03]
- Saw Gerrera: Members of the Alliance to restore the Republic...
- Ezra: Saw!
- Saw Gerrera: Your losses today, stem from your leaders' cowardice. Their unwillingness to take decisive action against the Empire. All across the galaxy, your people suffer while this (chuckles)... "Rebellion" refuses to act.
- Rebel guard: (to Mon Mothma) Should I shut him down?
- Mon Mothma: No, I want to speak with him.
- Saw Gerrera: (sarcastically) Madam Senator. I am honored.
- Mon Mothma: What is your business here?
- Saw Gerrera: You ignored my warning about the Jalindi relay, and paid the price. Now you have confirmation, yet, still, you refuse to destroy it.
- Mon Mothma: So long as our allies in the Senate have hope of a peaceful resolution to this conflict, I will not risk-
- Saw Gerrera: If you continue to allow this war to be fought on the Empire's terms, not yours, you are going to lose!
- Mon Mothma: I will not be lectured on military strategy by a man who has proven himself a criminal.
- Saw Gerrera: The Empire considers both of us criminals. At least I act like one.
- Mon Mothma: You target civilians! Kill those who surrender! Break every law of engagement! If we degrade ourselves to the Empire's level, what will we become?!
- Saw Gerrera: THERE she is! That's the leader the Rebellion needs. Where is that fire, that passion, when your people need it most?! I hope, Senator, after you've lost, and the Empire reigns over the galaxy unopposed, you will find some comfort in the knowledge that you fought according to the rules.
In the Name of the Rebellion Part 2 [4.04]
The Occupation [4.05]
Flight of the Defender [4.06]
Kindred [4.07]
Crawler Commanders [4.08]
Rebel Assault [4.09]
Jedi Night [4.10]
- Governor Ahrinda Pryce: (as she tortures Hera) You have a lovely voice, General Syndulla.
- [Thrawn enters]
- Grand Armiral Thrawn: Has she revealed the location of the Rebel fleet?
- Governor Ahrinda Pryce: (smirks) Oh, I haven't begun asking questions yet.(shocks Hera again)
- Grand Armiral Thrawn: Then allow me.
- Hera Syndulla: I'll die before I tell you anything.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: I imagine you will, General. Like so many of your friends in the failed attack, and so much of your family back on Ryloth. (holds up her Kalikori) I wanted to ask you about your Kalikori; I like to know the deeper meanings of the pieces I collect. To me, they are not merely trophies, but... symbols, that truly represent some of my greatest adversaries.
- Hera Syndulla: (scoffs) You don't need to know what it means... since I'll be taking it back!
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: From my own analysis, I have determined that, these shapes represent individuals important to you at some time in your life. This design, I found most interesting. For, it seems to refer to a... brother. (Hera looks away) One who died, while he was still quite young. I imagine it is a... bittersweet memory for you?
- General Hera Syndulla: You aren't worthy of holding that, let alone understanding it!
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Of course. I do apologize. However, its legacy likely ends with you. You should take heart, knowing that this work of art is... at least appreciated by its new owner. Governor Pryce, I'll leave you to complete her interrogation.
- [He leaves]
- Governor Ahrinda Pryce: I don't care much for art. (she shocks Hera again)
- Hera Syndulla: Kanan! I know what to say now... I love you.
- Kanan Jarrus: ... Must be the truth serum talking.
- Hera Syndulla: No. It's me... all me.
[She kisses him as Sabine's gunship arrives]
- Ezra Bridger: Hey, enough of that! Time to go!
- Governor Ahrinda Pryce: Target that fuel pod! Now!!
- Walker Driver: But, sir, the fuel-!
- Governor Ahrinda Pryce: I gave you a direct order!
[The AT-AT walkers fire, rupturing and igniting the fuel pod. Kanan uses the Force to shield Hera, Ezra and Sabine from the blast]
- Hera Syndulla: KANAN!
[She tries to run toward him, but Kanan uses the Force to push her back onto the gunship. As he pushes the gunship to safety, his vision returns, enabling him to see Hera one last time as the fuel depot explodes]
Dume [4.11]
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: (communicating via hologram) So, you lost Hera Syndulla... yet you hold a parade? Explain yourself, Governor Pryce.
- Ahrinda Pryce: A celebration of our victory over the rebels, Grand Admiral. As for General Syndulla... I have something better. (she holds out Kanan's lightsaber]
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Ahh... it's true, then. But, the Jedi's death came at a cost... did it not? Did you really believe that holding a parade would hide the fact that you destroyed our entire fuel supply? In defeating Kanan Jarrus, you have accomplished what the Rebels failed to, and given them a victory. The operation on Lothal, my TIE Defender project, has been compromised.
- Ahrinda Pryce: Eh, Grand Admiral, I-
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: (darkly) I will deal with you... when I return, Governor. With their leader gone, the remaining rebels will flounder; the boy, especially. Use that against them, Rukh. Expect them to strike out recklessly, and when they do... eliminate them. (Rukh smiles)
Wolves and a Door [4.12]
- Emperor Palpatine: We must secure the secrets of the temple, for even now, our enemies move against us.
A World Between Worlds [4.13]
- Ezra Bridger: This way! One of these portals must lead to Kanan.
- Ahsoka Tano: Ezra! Think about what you're doing!
- Ezra Bridger: I know what I'm doing! Here, in this place, I can change things! I can stop Kanan from dying!
- Ahsoka Tano: You don't know that!
- Ezra Bridger: Yes, I do! If I can change your fate, I can change his!
[The portal behind him suddenly shows Kanan at the moment of his death]
- Ezra Bridger:... I can reach him!
- Ahsoka Tano: Ezra... Kanan gave his life, so that you could live. If he's taken out of this moment... you all die.
- Ezra Bridger: You don't understand what you're asking me to do!
- Ahsoka Tano: Yes, I do! You can't save your Master, and I can't save mine. I'm asking you... to let go.
[Ezra watches Kanan die again, then turns away from the portal]
- Ahsoka Tano: I'm sorry, Ezra, but you must see... Kanan found the moment when he was needed most, and he did what he had to do, for everyone.
- Ahsoka: [about returning to the present with Ezra] I can't go with you.
- Emperor Palpatine: [mimicking Kanan's voice] Perhaps I can. [Ezra and Ashoka turn to face him] Ezra Bridger and Ahsoka Tano, mine at last! [cackles]
Ezra Bridger: I know what we have to do now. One. Last. Lesson.
A Fool's Hope [4.14]
Family Reunion and Farewell Parts 1 & 2 [4.15 & 4.16]
- Ezra Bridger: (addressing Grand Admiral Thrawn by hologram) Governor Pryce is our prisoner and we have complete control of the Imperial Dome, with every trooper, pilot and officer trapped inside. You've failed, Thrawn. Leave Lothal and we might let your troops out before we blow the dome to pieces.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: (icily) Are you quite finished? (Ezra's composure falters) If you truly wish to save Lothal, Commander Bridger, the only term I'll accept is your immediate and unconditional surrender.
- Ezra Bridger: Why would I surrender when I hold your entire army prisoner?
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: No. You've simply moved my assets to a safe position, so I can bombard the civilians of your home without incurring Imperial casualties.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: It was a wise decision to surrender.
- Ezra Bridger: I didn't have much choice.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Oh, nonsense! You could have chosen to let your people die. However... you chose to be a Jedi. Predictable. You follow a long history written by the Jedi where they chose what they believe to be morally correct, instead of what is... strategically sound.
- Ezra Bridger: And yet, the Jedi have survived.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: (shrugs) Mm. The Jedi once numbered in the thousands. What's left are a scattered, frightened lot, mostly beaten and in hiding, or poorly trained children like... yourself. I must admit, the mysteries of the Force are an enigma to me. But for all those abilities... all the power... the Jedi lacked the vision for how to wield it.
- Ezra Bridger: The Force isn't a weapon! But you'll never understand that.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Oh, I don't have to. It was not my intention to utterly destroy Lothal, but that is inevitable now. (gestures at part of his art collection) These are a few of the artifacts I have gathered from your home world. I saved what I could. I have even taken some of Sabine Wren's work. She's quite talented... or, was quite talented.
- Ezra Bridger: (angrily) You think you can take whatever you want! Things you didn't make, didn't earn; things you don't even understand! You don't deserve to have this art, or Lothal.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn: Who deserves what is irrelevant. What matters is... who has power. But, that is... something the Jedi won't teach you, so I'll take you to someone who will.
- Sabine Wren: (closing narration) The attack we all anticipated never came. The once invincible Empire had begun to fracture. The small Rebellion had become bold. And with the decisive victory at the battle of Endor, the Emperor's reign of terror came to an end. After the war, Zeb took Kallus along the secret hyperspace path to the planet Lira San. It was then Kallus realized he hadn't destroyed the Lasat people, and that they were thriving on this new world. A world where he was welcomed as one of them. Hera fought in the battle of Endor, as did Commander Rex. By that time, there had been a new member added to the crew of the Ghost. Spectre-seven, Jacen Syndulla. Born to fly, just like his mother. And well, we all know what his father was like. As for me, I used to think that Ezra was counting on me to protect Lothal, the planet and the people he cared for so much. But one day, I realized there was more to it. There was something else I was meant to do. Ezra's out there somewhere, and it's time to bring him home.
Cast and Characters
Main Cast
- Taylor Gray as Ezra Bridger
- Freddie Prinze, Jr. as Kanan Jarrus
- Steve Blum as Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios/Stormtroopers/Imperial Officers
- Dave Filoni as C1-10P
- Vanessa Marshall as Hera Syndulla
- Tiya Sircar as Sabine Wren
- David Oyelowo as Agent Kallus
- Dee Bradley Baker as Captain Rex
- Stephen Stanton as Stormtroopers
Recurring Cast
- Clancy Brown as Ryder Azadi
- Stephen Stanton as AP-5
- Dante Basco as Jai Kell
- Steve Blum as Rebel Troopers
- Keone Young as Commander Jun Sato
- Jason Isaacs as the Inquisitor
- Kath Soucie as Minister Maketh Tua
- Greg Ellis as Baron Valen Rudor
- David Acord as Stormtroopers
- Stephen Stanton as Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin/Imperial Officers
- James Earl Jones as Darth Vader
- Liam O'Brien as Yogar Lyste/Stormtroopers/Imperial Officers
- David Shaughnessy as Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko/Taskmaster Myles Grint/Stormtroopers/Imperial Officers
- Steve Blum as Alton Kastle/Woldar
- Dee Bradley Baker as Admiral Kassius Konstantine
- Phillip Anthony-Rodriguez as the Fifth Brother
- Sarah Michelle Gellar as the Seventh Sister
- Jim Cummings as Stormtroopers, Imperial Officers
- Corey Burton as Imperial Officers
- Derek Partridge as Admiral Brom Titus
- Clancy Brown as Stormtroopers
- Lars Mikkelsen as Grand Admiral Thrawn
- Mary Elizabeth McGlynn as Governor Arihnda Pryce
- Warwick Davis as Rukh
- Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano
- Keith Szarabajka as Cikatro Vizago
- Jim Cummings as Hondo Ohnaka
- Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
- Phil LaMarr as Senator Bail Organa/Imperials
- Dee Bradley Baker as Commander Wolffe/Captain Gregor
- James Arnold Taylor as Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Anthony Daniels as C-3PO
- Frank Oz as Yoda
- Sam Witwer as Emperor Palpatine/Maul/Imperial Officers
- Matt Lanter as Anakin Skywalker
- Tom Baker as the Bendu.
- Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious
- Bryton James as Zare Leonis
- Andre Sogliuzzo as Captain Slavin
- Tom Kane as Wullf Yularen/Stormtroopers
- Robert Daymond Howard as the Eighth Brother