Sighs are especially audible, single exhalations of air out of the mouth or nose, that humans use to communicate emotion. It often arises from a negative emotion, such as dismay, dissatisfaction, boredom, or futility. A sigh can also arise from positive emotions such as relief, particularly in response to some negative situation ending or being avoided.
- Sigh'd and look'd, and sigh'd again.
- John Dryden, Alexander's Feast (1697), line 120.
- My soul has rest, sweet sigh! alone in thee.
- Petrarch, To Laura in Death (c. 1348-1350), Sonnet LIV, line 14.
Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations
- Quotes reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 707.
- Sighed and wept and said no more.
- Isle of Ladies. Erroneously attributed to Chaucer as Dream, line 931.
- Implores the passing tribute of a sigh.
- Thomas Gray, Elegy in a Country Churchyard, Stanza 20.
- To sigh, yet feel no pain.
- Thomas Moore, Songs from M. P.; or, The Blue Stocking.
- Oh, if you knew the pensive pleasure
That fills my bosom when I sigh,
You would not rob me of a treasure
Monarchs are too poor to buy.- Samuel Rogers, To ——, Stanza 2.
- Yet sighes, deare sighes, indeede true friends you are
That do not leave your left friend at the wurst,
But, as you with my breast, I oft have nurst
So, gratefull now, you waite upon my care.- Sir Philip Sidney, Sighes.
- * * Sighs
Which perfect Joy, perplexed for utterance,
Stole from her sister Sorrow.- Alfred Tennyson, The Gardener's Daughter, line 249.
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