Together we realize there is hope and we do not have to suffer alone.

Reyna Isabel Aburto (born October 1963) is a Nicaraguan-born American religious leader, language translation specialist, and public speaker. She served as the second counselor to Jean B. Bingham in the Relief Society General Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from April 2017 to August 2022.


  • Like the monarch butterflies, we are on a journey back to our heavenly home, where we will reunite with our Heavenly Parents. Like the butterflies, we have been given divine attributes that allow us to navigate through life, in order to "[fill] the measure of [our] creation."
    • "With One Accord", address given at the 188th annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 1, 2021
  • When we open up about our emotional challenges, admitting we are not perfect, we give others permission to share their struggles. Together we realize there is hope and we do not have to suffer alone.
  • All I needed was to have a desire to reach for the Savior, turn my hear to Him, believe in Him, and act on that belief.
    • Reaching for the Savior (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2021), 4
  • Each of us can be the means through which others feel the love of God in their life. Through our righteousness, our sincere desire to follow the commandments, and our constant effort to minister to others in simple ways, people can perceive God's image in our countenance, and they can have the desire to follow Him.
    • Reaching for the Savior (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2021), 27
  • To receive revelation from heaven, we must look for it in divine sources.
    • Reaching for the Savior (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2021), 70
  • As I look back, I realize that my life, as it happens with each of us, has not been a bed of roses. There have been bumps, steep stretches, unexpected bends, and scary downhills. However, I can say with certainty that God's hand has always been guiding me when I have had the humility to acknowledge that I need His divine help at all times.
    • Reaching for the Savior (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2021), 150
  • When I was nine years old, I lost my older brother during a devastating earthquake. Because it happened unexpectedly, it took me a while to grasp the reality of what had occurred. I was heartbroken by sorrow… A few years after, I started thinking of my brother in a specific way. I would imagine him knocking on our door. I would open the door, he would be standing there, and he would tell me, "I am not dead. I am alive. I could not come to you, but now I will stay with you and never leave again." That imagining, almost a dream, helped me cope with the pain that I felt over losing him. The thought that he would be with me came to my mind over and over. Sometimes I would even stare at the door, hoping that he would knock and I would see him again.
    • "The Grave Has No Victory", address given at the 191st annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 3, 2021
  • The Savior is always inviting us to bring to Him all of those who are afflicted in any manner, and that, in reality, includes all of us. We are all suffering from something, we are all healing from something. But He invites us to bring them hither, to bring ourselves hither. And the most beautiful thing about this, I think, is that as we bring others to Christ, He can see our faith and He can heal them, but He can also heal us.
  • The Church is the members. They are the ones who willingly and joyfully give… to help those of us in need.
  • Relief Society is the covenant women of the Church; it is useach of us and all of us. It is our "global community of compassion and service." Anywhere and everywhere we go, we are always part of Relief Society as we strive to fulfill its divine purpose, which is for women to accomplish God’s work in individual as well as collective ways by providing relief: "relief of poverty, relief of illness; relief of doubt, relief of ignorance—relief of all that hinders… joy and progress."
  • The Church is more than the buildings and the ecclesiastical structure; the Church is us, the members. We are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with Christ at the head and the prophet as His mouthpiece.
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