In theoretical physics, quantum field theory (QFT) is the theoretical framework for constructing quantum mechanical models of subatomic particles in particle physics and quasiparticles in condensed matter physics. QFT treats particles as excited states of the underlying physical field, so these are called field quanta.
- See also: Quantum mechanics
- Among the many significant ideas and developments that connect Mathematics with contemporary Physics one of the most intriguing is the role that Quantum Field Theory (QFT) plays in Geometry and Topology. We can argue back and forth on the relevance of such a role, but the perspective QFT offers is often surprising and far reaching. Examples abound, and a fine selection is provided by the revealing insights offered by Yang–Mills theory into the topology of 4-manifolds, by the relation between Knot Theory and topological QFT, and most recently by the interaction between Strings, Riemann moduli space, and enumerative geometry. Doubtless many of the most striking connections suggested by physicists failed to pass the censorship of the Department of Mathematics, and so do not appear in the above official list.
- Mauro Carfora; Annalisa Marzuoli (14 January 2012). Quantum Triangulations: Moduli Spaces, Strings, and Quantum Computing. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 115. ISBN 978-3-642-24439-1.
- The disillusionment with QFT as a basis for the theory of elementary particles was also premature. What was missing was many ingredients, including the identification of the underlying gauge symmetry of the weak interactions, the concept of spontaneous symmetry breaking that could explain how this symmetry was hidden, the identification of the fundamental constituents of the nucleons as colored quarks, the discovery of asymptotic freedom which explained how the elementary colored constituents of hadrons could be seen at short distances yet evade detection through confinement, and the identification of the underlying gauge symmetry of the strong interactions. Once these were discovered, it was but a short step to the construction of the standard model, a gauge theory modeled on QED, which opened the door to the understanding of mesons and nucleons.
- Tian Yu Cao (25 March 2004). Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Field Theory. Cambridge University Press. p. 57. ISBN 978-0-521-60272-3.
- In parallel with the changes it brought in our attitude toward symmetries, the birth of the Standard Model marked changes also in our attitude toward quantum field theory. After 't Hooft's breakthrough in 1971, it became clear that the old problem of infinities in the weak interactions had been solved by the use of spontaneous symmetry breaking to give masses to the W and Z particles. Then the asymptotic freedom of quantum chromodynamics gave us a framework in which we could actually calculate something about the strong interactions - not everything, but at least something. But in scoring these victories, quantum field theory was preparing the way for a further change in our attitude, in which quantum field theory would lose its central position.
- Lillian Hoddeson (13 November 1997). The Rise of the Standard Model: A History of Particle Physics from 1964 to 1979. Cambridge University Press. p. 41. ISBN 978-0-521-57816-5.
- Starting in the late 1960s and then accelerating in the 1970s, our optimism about quantum field theory once again returned with the advent of the Standard Model — first of electromagnetic and weak interactions and then chromodynamics for the strong interactions. And quantum field theory became the tool of choice for doing calculations in particle physics.
- Steven Weinberg: The Quantum Theory of Fields Effective or Fundamental? CERN on 2009-07-07 T16:30. YouTube (22 May 2013). (quote at 10:00 of 1:13:13)
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