Polyamory is the practice or lifestyle of being part of more than one long-term, intimate, and, often, sexual loving relationship at the same time, with the full knowledge and consent of all partners involved. Persons who consider themselves emotionally suited to such relationships may define themselves as polyamorous, often abbreviated to poly.

I was trying to make people understand, that at least for some folks, this was a fairly natural state. And instead of skulking around about it that we'd all do better to avoid the deceit and be honest. ~ John Perry Barlow

The confusion of marriage with morality has done more to destroy the conscience of the human race than any other single error. ~ George Bernard Shaw

There are as many different forms of non-monogamous relationships as there are people who have them. The key here, is being honest, responsible, and ethical. ~ PolyTees
- Polyamory — that's where you're freely confessed that you have more than one lover at a time. And actually I'm less that way than I used to be, but I was trying to make people understand, that at least for some folks, this was a fairly natural state. And instead of skulking around about it that we'd all do better to avoid the deceit and be honest.
- In my experience and observation, the following factors most positively influence the odds for [poly relationship] success:
1. General attitude of goodwill and a generosity of spirit
2. Willingness to be honest, especially when the news is likely to hurt
3. Independent spirit
4. Strong personal desire for a poly life
5. Reasonably good emotional intelligence and self-esteem
6. Reading poly literature and discussing it with partners- Letter from "Poly out East"
- Nemerson, Andrea (March 28, 2007). "Work, work, work". The Guardian. Retrieved on 2007-12-06.
- Claimed by polyamory activist/educator Anita Wagner in Goddess of Java (November 12, 2007). "Back to Basics" blog (comment section). Polyamorous Misanthrope. Retrieved on 2007-12-06.
- I do not find people to fit the spaces in my life. I make spaces to fit the people in my life.
- Joreth InnKeeper. The InnKeeper's Polyamorous Journal.
- There is a key trait in people who do polyamory well, and it's this: They are good at regulating their strong emotions. By that I mean, when something emotionally intense is happening to you, either good or bad, you're able to see it as part of a larger whole and keep it in perspective.
- Mistress Matisse, in "Control Tower: Not Too Emo" in The Stranger (31 January 2007)
- There is no One Right Way to be Polyamorous. But there are plenty of Wrong Ways!
- Catch-phrase of Miss Poly Manners. Miss Poly Manners Website.
- The word "poly" is short for "polyamory", which means, literally, "many loves". It is a form of responsible non-monogamous relationships where all people involved are aware of and give consent to having multiple romantic partners. There are as many different forms of non-monogamous relationships as there are people who have them. The key here, is being honest, responsible, and ethical.
Polyamorous relationships can take many forms. They can be polyfidelitous, meaning a group of people who consider themselves "married" to each other and are not open to outside romantic partners (much like monogamy but with more than one spouse) all the way to what we sometimes call "free agents" — people who behave as if they are single even when they have romantic partners (with full honesty and disclosure, of course), and everything in between. The majority of polyamorous relationships, however, are somewhere in the middle, such as inclusive networks. Many have rules or guidelines for when it is appropriate to take on new partners and the rules vary from group to group.
- I'm poly, bi and kinky and I still won't sleep with you!
- Tee-shirt joke at PolyTees
- I believe that trust is more important than monogamy.
- Savage Garden (Daniel Jones and Darren Hayes) in "Affirmation" (1999)
- The confusion of marriage with morality has done more to destroy the conscience of the human race than any other single error.
- George Bernard Shaw, in Man and Superman (1903); this has also been paraphrased as: "Confusing monogamy with morality has done more to destroy the conscience of the human race than any other error."
- Marriage is only possible for me if it's an open marriage. A building situation where each helps the other grow. I've been dating younger men because they still have that spontaneity and creativity. But I haven't found anyone yet to have an open marriage with.
- Suzy Chaffee, New Woman Doesn't Marry, Lawrence Daily Journal-World, (June 20, 1973).
- I don't think it's possible to be in love with two people. I think you can love two people - but being in love is a one-on-one personal feeling.
- Cheryl Ladd, Cheryl Ladd satisfied with 'Crossings', The Reading Eagle, (February 23, 1986)
- As such, the Trinity can be a model for individuals who are polyamorous because the Trinity deconstructs the binary relationship model of marriage and domestic partnerships. Indeed, the radical love of the Trinity dissolves the boundaries between coupledom and singleness. Also, to the extent that each of the three persons of the Trinity are multigendered—as argued by Gavin D'Costa—then the Trinity is actually a polygendered or polysexual being itself.
- Patrick S. Cheng, Radical Love: An Introduction to Queer Theology (2011), p. 59
- No act of possession can be exercised on a free being; it is an unjust to own a wife monogamously as it is to own slaves. All men are born free, all are equal before the law; we must never lose sight of these principles. Hence, no sex is granted the legitimate right to seize the other sex exclusively, and never can any sex or any class possess the other arbitrarily.
- Marquis de Sade, Philosophy of the Bedroom
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