Orthodoxy (from Greek ὀρθοδοξία "right opinion") is adherence to correct or accepted creeds.
- What cannot be emphasized enough is that there is nothing to be said for presenting 'the Islamic view' ... as though there exists one view which is shared by all Muslims. All religions contain a variety of interpretations of that religion, and trying to work out what the right view is should not detain us. Working out the orthodox position in each religion is in itself a minefield, and even if we skirt that minefield without coming to harm, it is not at all clear that an unorthodox belief is not nonetheless a belief which can be classified as falling under the religion.
- Oliver Leaman, Referring to God, edited by Paul Helm (New York: St Martin's Press: 2000), pp. 5-6
- Dorian Gray ... never fell into the error of arresting his intellectual development by any formal acceptance of creed or system, or of mistaking, for a house in which to live, an inn that is but suitable for the sojourn of a night,
- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, ch. 11, p. 106
See also
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