Ola Brown in 2018

Ola Brown, née Orekunrin (born 1986), is a British-Nigerian medical doctor, healthcare entrepreneur and founder of the Flying Doctors Healthcare Investment Group and a director of Greentree Investment Company.


  • Sub-Saharan Africa has the world’s smallest number of motorized vehicles but the highest rate of road traffic fatalities, with Nigeria and South Africa leading the pack. Trauma has become a silent epidemic in Africa, an epidemic that will only spread as the economy grows. More and more Africans are buying cars and working in heavy and dangerous industries. At the same time, infrastructure is poor, safety laws lax, and cars badly maintained.
  • ”We take pride in being the first Nigerian indigenous company to do this...We are training more people to go into the air ambulance sector and I think our paramedics now have a huge amount of management skills. I just think that we need to start thinking outside the box and be more confident in the concept of African innovation”.
  • ”True success is about a passion to create a better world, live a life that you can look back on and be truly proud of”.
    • Ola Brown speaking on her blog 'Lioness of Africa'
  • ”I did not want to have another charity setup and rely in fund fund rasing to create impact”.
  • ”We have a mixed-pool of more than 20 aircraft that we use for different types of evacuation, and about 30 staff all employed in different capacities with us and branches in three major cities in Nigeria”.
    • Ola Brown speaking about the Flying Doctors Nigeria
  • ”One of the most interesting things that happened to me when starting the business was the realization that all my academic medical training and the prestige that comes with the title of being a doctor was not enough”.
    • Ola Brown speaking on Building Business Skills
  • ” I have a very different definition of mentorship, to me, it means 99 percent of giving to a person”.

    Ola brown speaking on her success story

    • ”Mentorship to me is to continuously figure out how i can add value to the lives of my mentors so that those relationships will be sustainable”.

      Ola brown speaking on her success story

      • You’ll find true success when you are passionate about improving the world and using your skills and talents to make a positive impact. And, to be honest, it’s impossible to hide the fruits of passion
      • The more passionate you are about the world (and your business), the more likely you are to succeed.
      • If you can find a way to combine your passion for making a difference with your desire to live a life that you can be proud of, you will be well on your way to finding true success.
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