Veuillot in 1873
Louis Veuillot (11 October 1813 – 7 March 1883) was a French journalist and author who helped to popularize ultramontanism (a philosophy favoring Papal supremacy).
- It is easy to see where North America stands at present, and whither it is tending. Its rapid progress, due to the most degrading works, has fascinated Europe; but the results of this progress, exclusively material, already appear. Barbarism, profligacy, general bankruptcy, systematic destruction of the native races, idiotic slavery of the conquerors, bound to the most trying and repulsive of lives under the yoke of their own machinery. America might founder in the ocean once for all, and the human race would suffer no loss thereby. Not a saint, not an artist, not a thinker has it produced, unless one may term thought the aptitude for twisting iron for the construction of freight trains. The priests who wear out their lives there cannot create a civilization. Thus far there is no civilization in America, and as far as appearances go, there never will be.
- L'Univers
- Newspapers have become such a danger that it is necessary to create many. You cannot contend against the Press, except through its multitude. Add flood to flood, and let them drown one another, forming no more than a swamp, or, if you will, a sea. The swamp has its lagoons, the sea its moments of slumber. We will see whether it is possible to build some Venice within it.
- H.R.H. The Infanta Eulalia of Spain: The Thread of Life
- When I voted, my equality tumbled into the box with my ballot; they disappeared together.
- Michels, Robert: Political Parties (1911, 1966 edition), pg 75
- If I could re-establish a class of nobles, I should do so at once, and I would not belong to it.
- Jules Lemaître: Jean Jacques Rousseau (1907), pg 266<
- Amongst the amusements of Paris must be counted duels between journalists.
- Benjamin Cummings Truman, The Field of Honor (1884), pg 23
- Quand les libéraux sont au pouvoir, nous leur demandons la liberté, parce que c’est leur principe, et, quand nous sommes au pouvoir, nous la leur refusons, parce que c’est le nôtre
- According to Pierre Pierrard, this was attributed to Veuillot by Montalambert, and Veuillot protested he did not say it.
- Pierre Pierrard, Louis Veuillot, Éditions Beauchesne, 1998, p. 134.
- Also appears in the form "Quand je suis le plus faible, je vous demande la liberté parce que tel est votre principe ; mais quand je suis le plus fort, je vous l’ôte, parce que tel est le mien"
- Misattributed to Veuillot in The Wall of Separation Between Church and State (1951, pg 28) by Conrad Henry Moehlman: "When we Catholics are in a minority, we demand freedom in the name of your principles; when we Catholics are in the majority, we deny freedom in the name of our principles."
- Misattributed to Veuillot in The Centurions by Jean Lartéguy, translated by Xan Fielding (1960): "The liberty which you demand from us in the name of your principles, we deny you in the name of ours."
- Misattributed to Veuillot in Children of Dune (1976) by Frank Herbert: "When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles."
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