We are worse [off] than we were during the times of apartheid.

Julius Sello Malema (born 3 March 1981) is the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters, a South African political party, which he founded in July 2013.


  • Malema: So these popcorn and mushrooming political parties in Zimbabwe, they will never find friendship in us. They can insult us here from air-conditioned offices of Sandton, we are unshaken. They must stop shouting at us, they must go and fight with their battle in Zimbabwe and win. Even if they've got ground and they are formed on the basis of solid ground in Zim, why are they speaking in Sandton and not Mashonaland or Matabeleland? ... Let them go back and go and fight there. Even when the ANC was underground in exile, we had our internal underground forces fighting for freedom.
    Fisher: You live in Sandton.
    Malema: And we have never spoken from ... exile. Let me tell you before you are tjatjarag [i.e. chatty]. This is a building of a revolutionary party, and you know nothing about the revolution.
    Fisher: So, so they are not welcome in Sandton but you are?
    Malema: So here you behave or else you jump. [Fisher and others laugh.] Don't laugh.
    Fisher: You're joking.
    Malema: Chief, can you get security to remove this thing here. If you are not going to behave ... call security to take you out. This is not a news room this. This is a revolutionary house. And you don't come here with that tendency. Don't come here with that white tendency, not here. ... If you've got a tendency of undermining blacks even while you work, you are in a wrong place ...
    Fisher: That's rubbish.
    Malema: ... and you can go out!
    Fisher: Absolutely rubbish.
    Malema: Rubbish is what you have covered in that trouser. ... You are a small boy, you can't do anything. ... Bastard! Go out! You bloody agent! ... So we think that we need to ensure that we encourage Zanu PF comrades to engage in peaceful means.
  • We are worse [off] than we were during the times of apartheid. We are being killed by our own people. We are being oppressed by our own government. … Every mine has a politician inside. They give them money every month, they call it shares. But it is a protection fee to protect whites against the workers.
  • Absolutely, what we need to do is that companies must just surrender 51%. ... They have exploited the wealth of that country [South Africa] for far too long. It is time that the people are now beginning to benefit. Our people don't have money to buy those shares, and they will never have money to buy those shares. ... Under president Mbeki they had 2/3 majority, they could have done anything they wanted. Till today they have not done anything. ... because the ANC did not want to tamper with the economic structure and ... property ownership ... We are going to engage in a very persuasive, peaceful engagement with capital. ... We are meeting captains of the industry. Some of them are beginning to respond to our memorandum. Some are saying, well these are doable proposals. ... We'll not use that [civil disobedience] until that our people are pushed to the limit. ... These people are prepared to give shares to the black elite who are politically connected. ... why not give it to the workers themselves who are ... making this company ... what it is.
  • There is nothing wrong with crushing white supremacy. It is wrong to think you’re superior to others on the basis of the colour of your skin ... and what perpetuates that is the economic exclusion of our people. ... If we can’t find the necessary skill‚ let’s go and fetch the old man. ‘Old man‚ you are coming to mentor this young one to produce the best product’ to build a better SA.
  • Zuma is standing between us and our enemy. Move out of the way. Zuma must pave the way because they [whites] are the one who stole our land. ... White people are going to return our land the same way Zuma will return our money. White people must never think we have abandoned the land question. We will never abandon it. We are the land, our identity is our land. We are nothing without our land. ... What we do with it is none of your business. Solomon Mahlangu died for this land.
  • Zuma ... stands in the way towards acquiring land for our people. That is why we will continue attacking him, ... We are at war with whites who took our land and we now want it back. We want our land and we want our wealth; if you stand in our way we will crush you, ...
  • So black people, you are subjects of white people. Even under ANC, even under the so-called democracy, you are subject, you are servant of white people. No white man will be served by me. I do not serve white masters. ... I am here to disturb the white man's peace. ... The white man has been too comfortable for too long. We are here unashamedly to disturb the white man's peace, because we have never known peace. We don't know what peace looks like. ... They have been swimming in a pool of privilege. They have been enjoying themselves because they always owned our land. We, the rightful owners, our peace was disturbed by white man's arrival here. They committed a black genocide. They killed our people during land dispossession. ... They found peaceful Africans here. They killed them. They slaughtered them like animals. We are not calling for the slaughtering of white people, at least for now. What we are calling for is for peaceful occupation of the land. And we don't owe anyone apology about that. ... Revolution is about making those who are comfortable uncomfortable. ... Revolution is about disturbing the peace of those who are swimming in a peaceful environment through exploitation of the working class. ... Our strategic objective is the defeat of white monopoly capital. And that defeat [...] means the ownership of property must change and be transferred into the hands of the people. Their mines must be nationalized, the banks must be nationalized, the land must be expropriated without compensation. ... But white minority be warned, we will take our land no matter what.
  • I am not for reconciliation, I am for justice. There is no reconciliation without justice and justice is the return of land. [...] AfriForum is a boeremag. It’s a group of Afrikaners who still wish for apartheid. They will never see it. Afrikaner boys, die poppe sal dans. The EFF is coming for you boys. Afrikaner boys, the ANC has made you to think this thing is still Orange Free State. This thing is not Orange Free State. This is Free State. When we take over power, Afrikaner males, you will know your place. Just pray, pray to [your] ancestors, pray to Malan, pray to Verwoerd, pray and ask them for EFF not to come into power. Because [if] we come into power, Afrikaner men, this side! This is where you belong, this is how you are going to behave. They must know, these Afrikaner males, they must know, we are not scared of them ideologically, politically and otherwise. We can take each other toe to toe.
  • One of the things that we can learn [from] the Cubans is that they are highly politically conscientized. ...they understand what constitute progress and what constitute the enemy. And they have come to appreciate that they are in the situation they are because of the choice they have made, of not wanting to follow what the big brother America says they must do. And they know that if it was not [for the] illegal embargo imposed on them, they were actually going to be a much much more better country. Look at them, they have succeeded, the better education, better healthcare, the illiteracy levels are extreme low, under difficult circumstances. [The] quality of education, the quality of primary healthcare [of some country's without embargoes] is nothing compared to a country [Cuba] which is suffering from a serious economic embargo. So we can learn from the Cubans through their determination, through their appreciation that they are a unique nation, and have chosen their path, and they will lead by their conviction. [Interviewer Bryce-Pease asks Malema about Cuba's socialist-democratic model, lack of human rights, lack of freedom of association or freedom of speech among the opposition, and whether South Africa should take those as lessons.] Malema: ...if they think that their model works for them I am not the one to impose on them what should be the type of political systems in Cuba. They are the ones who can chose which direction they want to take. [Bryce-Pease: Do you see a model like Cuba existing in South Africa?] Malema: When we can do actually much better, our democratic system is intact, it is working [...] but there are a lot of things to learn from Cuba [for instance] inculcating the history of the revolution in our education system, so that everybody else is conscientized... Of course there will be some few elements who are not happy. ... [Castro] is bound to commit mistakes but generally we are more than happy with the type of work he has done for the Cubans and for the Africans as well, having contributed to the decolonization of Africa and the defeat of apartheid in southern Africa...
  • We all know that the Dutch gangsters arrived here and took our land by force. And the struggle has since been about the return of the land to the hands of rightful owners. ... Yet those who went to negotiate for our people during the [Codesa] negotiations sold out this fundamental principle, which constituted the struggle against colonialism.
  • Victory will only be victory if the land is restored in the hands of rightful owners. And rightful owners unashamedly is black people. No white person is a rightful owner of the land here in South Africa and in the whole of the African continent. This is our continent, it belongs to us.
  • The rejection of other Africans is a self-rejection, it is a self-hatred, it's because you don't know who you are. If you know who you are you will never reject people from DRC, you will never reject people from Nigeria, you will never reject people from Ghana, you will never reject people from Zimbabwe, because if you [ap]praise your history, your are actually Zimbabwean, if you [ap]praise your history, you are actually Nigerian. That is what makes us African. That is the beauty of Africa, we share history, we share culture, and all of that. Civilization started here.
  • We also want to call upon our fellow Indians here in Natal to respect Africans. They are ill-treating them worse than Afrikaners will do. We don’t want that to continue here in Natal. This is not anti-Indian statement, it is the truth. Indians who own shops don't pay our people, but they give them food parcels. They must be paid a minimum wage. We're not going to nurse feelings here.
  • I heard that these whites are coming to march again, they will announce a new date. I’m thinking national chair we must organise a counter-march and meet them half way. We cannot allow white people to do as they wish in this country, like they’re doing in Palestine. Let them announce the day they’re coming back. Let us meet them toe to toe, let us teach them who owns South Africa. We cannot be harassed in our own country during apartheid and be harassed in our own country during a democratic dispensation by a nonsense Afrikaner community. It must come to an end, let us meet them toe to toe.
  • Every land in South Africa should be expropriated without compensation and it will be under the state. The state should be the custodian of the land. ... No one is going to lose his or her house, no one is going to lose his or her flat, no one is going to lose his or her factory or industry. All we are saying is they will not have the ownership of the land.
  • Chinese are like Indians. They think they're close to whiteness. When they practice racism they even become worse than whites. There are even Blacks who mimic whiteness. All of this needs to be confronted.
  • I know for a fact that Chinese are taking over strategic sectors in Africa. Their ownership is mounting up and [is] even almost worse than white domination.
  • We have taken a decision that we are going to remove the mayor of PE. Why? Why not [mayor of DA-led Johannesburg] Mashaba, why not Solly [mayor of DA-led Tshwane]? Because the mayor of DA in PE is a white man. So, these people, when you want to hit them hard – go after a white man. They feel a terrible pain, because you have touched a white man. Not because Mashaba and Solly will not be touched, they will be touched, don't worry. But we are starting with this whiteness. We are cutting the throat of whiteness. Trollip will not be a mayor after the 6th of April, if they give us that date.
  • It didn’t end there [with genocide]. They passed law after law‚ taking land from our people. Yet investors never left the country. When they passed the Land Act of 1913‚ investors never left the country. Investors came into the country.
  • All white people who are voting DA, who are angry with what we are going to do in PE, who have insulted us since we announced this decision, and mobilised some of your people in the media, to insult us and say all of this, all of you combined can go to hell! We don't care about you. We don't care about you. We don’t care about White feelings.
  • ...any farm, on which a bond is registered after December 2017, will not be paid by our government. The bond system is anyway a criminal syndicate, ... We have no respect for banks, because they are run by criminals.
    • On 4 March 2018, at the launch of the EFF's election registration campaign, Standard Bank arena, Johannesburg. As quoted by Bonolo Selebano in DA is a typical bully – Malema, The New Age (Free State) (5 March 2018)
  • The Zulu king [Zwelithini] must stop these threats of violence. We are not scared. I am scared of no one. No amount of violence can scare me because some of us are surprised that we are still alive today. ... We want every Zulu-speaking person to get a piece of land. If the king wants to give land through the Ingonyama Trust, he must convince the EFF and the government.
  • A racist country like Australia says: ‘The white farmers are being killed in South Africa.’ We are not killing them. ... If they want to go, they must go. They must leave the keys to their tractors because we want to work the land, they must leave the keys to their houses because we want to stay in those houses. They must leave everything they did not come here with in South Africa and go to Australia. ... White farmers are the architect of their own misfortune. ... Don’t make noise, because you will irritate us. Go to Australia. It is only racists who went to Australia when Mandela got out of prison. It is only racists who went to Australia when 1994 came. It is the racists again who are going back to Australia. ... They are rich here because they are exploiting black people. There is no black person to be exploited in Australia, they are going to be poor. ... They will come back here with their tail between their legs. We will hire them because we will be the owners of their farms when they come back to South Africa. As to what we are going to do with the land, it’s our business, it’s none of your business.
  • We’re a very angry society, bad things have happened to us and many people don’t take that into consideration, especially the people who think that they’ve arrived. They forget the pain we have gone through as black people. That anger shows itself from time to time. In the EFF, we try and control it.
  • We have instructed our attorneys to appeal [the judgment]. Not even the courts should be allowed to silence the truth, also if that truth is against the Thuma Mina group of the ruling elite.
  • We might be imprisoned, we might go to jail, we might be subjected to fines. Every time such rulings are made against us, you must know that it is not a ruling against the leadership, it's a ruling against the struggle for the land. … You must know that when you are EFF, you are the enemy of the Rothschilds, you are the enemy of the Ruperts, you are the enemy of the establishment. The establishment is white monopoly capital, it's the army, it's the police, it's the courts, every institution that existed 300 years ago, that's what an establishment means. … Not so long ago, they gave a judgment and said, 'according to the new dawn'. How can a judge use a political speech in passing a judgment? You use the same language of politicians as a judge and want to be respected. … We cannot have judges that seek to impress politicians. Did you ever ask yourself a question: 'What would happen to this country if the judiciary is captured?' Then we are gone. It is the end of this country. … The judiciary is about to be captured, I'm warning you now and you'll know, in the past five years, I've never misled you. … There was a judge called Judge Nugent who had a meeting with Pravin Gordhan before Gordhan appeared in that Nugent Commission. The judge did not disclose that he met a politician before that politician came into the commission. … Why are the judges meeting politicians? … South Africa be warned, … something wrong is happening to the judiciary.
  • Trevor Manuel has always served the white capital, now he is accused of triple conflict of interest, exactly what we raised earlier. Trevor can kick and scream and win the court cases, but facts don’t change. … Why did you interview other candidates if you knew [your relationship with Edward Kieswetter]? What if you were too hard on the other candidates? … The reason why they want SARS so desperately is because it is the only weapon they can use against their enemies. SARS is being used as a weapon to fight opponents of white monopoly capital. … They can come for us at any time.
  • They [the DA] refused with their votes [in DA-led coalitions]. They don’t want to vote with us but they want us to vote with them. … We cannot keep on voting for people who won’t vote for us. It’s done. It’s finished. … We […] took a decision that we are no longer working with the DA in all municipalities of South Africa where the DA requires the votes of the EFF. We’ll also not vote with the ANC.
  • When the whites are beating you up at the farms and you are being undermined by whites in the newsroom, you come here. But when it comes time for voting, you are not there. … South Africa chose the government they want.
  • [Mnangagwa is either ignorant or had bowed to pressure from the white supremacist world.] We are of the firm view that Mnangagwa is either deeply misinformed about the real causes of the crisis in Zimbabwe, or is simply capitulating to pressure. Either way, this treasonous act of paying white settlers money that Zimbabwe does not have will not resolve the crisis in Zimbabwe, which is essentially a political crisis resulting from years of mismanagement, at the centre of which Mnangagwa features prominently.
  • Xoli Mngambi: That is the former president Kgalema Motlanthe who says that if there is any more friction in that town of Senekal it could spark civil war. Are you going to listen to him?
    Malema: So be it. We are in this mess because of people like him, who allowed whites to undermine us like that. You think we can listen to people like him? You think we can listen to Mbeki? To Zuma? To Mandela? We'll never allow that. This nonsense must come to an end at some point. This whites should know that we are not step-children in this country. This is our country, we too belong here. And if going to Senegal will cause a civil war – if a man exercises his constitutional rights, that will lead to a civil war – so be it. I am not talking here from the comfort of my couch in the NewzRoom Afrika offices. I'll be in Senegal myself. I'll be leading from the front. Do what you want to do. What soldiers ... why should we be scared of retired soldiers, when we are not scared of them when they were soldiers? When they legitimately carried guns to kill black people, we confronted them with stones. Let history repeat itself. Let us confront the same people our parents confronted. If that is going to be the case, let it be. We are not going to live in fear here because we think white farmers are former generals. They can go to hell. Murderous generals.
    Xoli Mngambi: Mr. Malema, I put it to you that as a responsible leader, you are the third biggest party in this country. Your utterances right now, you sound like a person who is spoiling for war, not the protection of democracy, that you claim to go and do there. Is that what you essentially want?
    Malema: What is war? When a person says I am going to Senegal to defend a building with my body? I have never told you of AK 47. I have never told you of [?]. You are talking war? When I defend myself against white racist and terrorist. If you are scared of them it is none of my business chief. You are all alone, [when you say you are being] scared of white people. I am standing up to them.
    • In a Newsfeed AM interview with Xoli Mngambi of NewzRoom Afrika at 10:02 on 15 October 2020.
  • Well, we send messages of support and condolences to all victims of murder in SA, including the farm manager. There is nothing in our law called farm murder. Murder is murder, it is criminality and should be attended to as such. ... A criminal must rot in jail, once found guilty. We have no interest of people who go around killing innocent people, particularly civilians who are trying to make an honest living. So we really are not going to Senekal to sympathise with a thug. We are going there to defend our democracy, our constitution, which is under threat by racist, terrorist farmers.
  • What type of a human being are you white man to stay in a house with an electricity? All you can do is to wire to the [...] workers of the farm a simple electricity so that they can have light at night. Their children too must study. ... We want the children in the farms to own the farms. And they can only own the farms if they are educated. ... So that we can guarantee a better future for our children. What kind of a human being are you white man to deny these children a light to study and make their future bright? .... All we are asking for is the bright future of our children. We don't want our children to travel the same journey their grandfathers travelled.
  • If South African police want a fight, they must declare it. We will treat them the same way we treated them in the 80s. We will not only fight them at the picket lines, we will go to their homes and fight them in their own houses, with their own families. [Applause] We are not scared of police. They think this uniform gives them some superior power. We'll see you after you take off the uniform at night at home, when you are about to eat pap. ... Bloody coward. ... We'll come for you one by one at your own comfort zone. We will teach you that no-one can defeat the power of the masses. Not a policeman, not a police state, not a military state, not a dictatorship, once the masses have taken a decision, no-one will defeat them. Racism in South Africa is going to fall – they like it, or they don't like it. It is just a matter of time, we are going to go after racists everywhere, and there will not be a home for racist[s]. They will on their own take a flight or a ship out of South Africa, because they will no longer feel comfortable in South Africa. Let's not make home for racism. Guys, there is no any other way of fighting racism. Racism is violence. It must be responded with violence. That's the only way we are going to stop racist[s] in South Africa.
  • Because you must get Malema and Ndlozi guilty through any means necessary, by hook or crook, it doesn't matter. We don't have a case but let's concoct, because perhaps those pictures that are removed are now proving something else which is not in the best interest of AfriForum and the ANC. And what is interesting is that the ANC through the NPA, they are pursuing the same interest as the AfriForum. And it has been the same for quite some time that the ANC shares similar ideological perspective with AfriForum. It comes as not a shock to us, because they even had a press conference together at some point in Gauteng. So you got the right wing with the so-called former liberation movement working together to eliminate what they perceive as a political threat, not through honest political contestation, but through manipulation of law enforcement and abuse of the courts, because politically you can't defeat your opponent. ... we were clearly provoked ... the onus are on them to prove that we were not supposed to be there. ...
  • Sophie Mokoena: The Pan-African Parliament, there has been a contestation Mr Malema, on the powers and the function of the Pan-African Parliament but also whether it is effective enough to deal with issues of governance on the continent.
    Malema: Well, that's what we are calling for as Pan-African Parliament, that we must have legislative powers, that we must have the capacity to play an oversight role on the executives in the continent, hold them accountable, and we can only do that if countries ratify the protocols which will allow this parliament to become a fully legislative continental body which will hold executives accountable. A lot of presidents aren't comfortable with that because they do not accept being held accountable, and those are some of the people who thrive on violation of human rights, dictatorship and stealing the government money and resources of the countries without being held accountable. They do that with impunity because they know that they control and run those countries as if they are personal properties, but with a continental body like PAP being given legislative powers to hold executives accountable, they will no longer be in a position to do all the shenanigans they are able to get away with now.
  • Sophie Mokoena: Mr Malema, some say it was ill-discipline. What was happening?
    Malema: Well, a member of parliament from Mali has been misbehaving. He moved from his side to our side, started fighting with a Zimbabwean lady, from there he came to me. Every time people disagree with Mali's position on rotation, he bangs tables and he doesn't stop. So when I asked him to keep quiet so that we can listen, he started being aggressive and threatened to kill me, and I said, "I won't do it here, I won't kill you here inside, I will kill you outside, so, stop threatening to kill me inside parliament." So it was a reaction. If a person says to me he will kill me you can't give him roses. I told him, "I will kill you."
    Mokoena: ... is it necessary really?
    Malema: I will kill him. He can't threaten me, to kill, I will kill him. I will repeat it anywhere. No-one threatens me. ... My life is more important than any other thing. I will defend myself. I didn't go to where he was sitting. He has been bullying everybody here. He can't bully me. No-one can bully me and threaten to kill me. I said to him, "out of respect for this thing I'll kill you outside, I won't kill you inside parliament." I respect this house. Today he came to me, we smoked a peace pipe and everything is fine now ... The problem here is that the western countries [of Africa] are refusing to accept the principle of rotation. And when they disagree with you, they bully you and do all types of intimidation. ...
    Mokoena: What is your message [to the youth] after this video?
    Malema: ... The youth of Africa [...] have tolerated nonsense for a very long time, especially from the so-called elders who are ruling them in an autocratic manner, in a manner that if you disagree you get killed, in an undemocratic manner, where women and children are being raped, [...] people who are opposing the status quo, as a way of punishing their opponents. ... That is why in this country we are able to put a stop to a potential nonsensical situation, because of our attitude [that] it doesn't matter how dangerous the situation can be, if it is not in the best interest of our people, we are going to deal with it.
    Mokoena: The tension between the Francophones and Anglophones does not project a good image of the continent that is trying to unite. ... Why can Africans not speak in one voice, particularly on issues that are of interest to the continent?
    Malema: The Francophones are still admiring their colonizers, they still worship the symbols of France. Actually they see themselves as French, and we have to do away with that. ... They seem to be thinking that because of the numbers of their countries they must have dominance over us, and they must serve in the best interests of what France requires them to do. ... A rotational principle helps to unite a continent, in a sense that every region feels that it is part of this parliament.
  • ... these rich white families in South Africa, they are the face of the land criminal. That was committed in this country. That's why we are here to say to Rupert: Your riches come out of stealing from black people. Your riches come from the exploitation of black people. Our people work in the wine farms and you don't pay them anything. Instead you pay them with bottles of wine and alcohol because you have no regard for black people and black dignity. So you are not rich because you are smarter than us, you are rich because your forefathers committed a black genocide and stole our cattle and killed our leaders and took everything that belongs to us. The unbanning of the ANC, when they came back from exile, they came here in Stellenbosch to hold the first national executive committee meeting in a farm owned by the Ruperts. That day they came, Mandela out of prison, exiles returned, but guys we need to have our first meeting. It was held in a Ruperts' farm. And then how can you say the ANC will not sell out when their first historic meeting was held in the Ruperts' farm. The person who lead such facilitation and processes is one of our own, our own black brother Trevor Manuel. He's the one who has been working with them even before the liberation. He is one of them. That is why Trevor and them are rich like that and you can't touch them.

Quotes about Julius Malema

  • Julius Malema is a devotee of the Goebbels/Stalin/Mao rulebook on propaganda which preaches if you tell a lie enough times, people will eventually believe it. Witness the EFF leader’s racist ranting about who should own South Africa’s land [...] stirring murderous thoughts in revolutionary breasts. But Malema’s self-righteous belief that he can force expropriation of legally owned land has been made once too often.
  • This fool is misinformed and does not have any insight with regard to business ownership in KZN. Why does he not talk about Huletts and other big, white capital and business in the province? The issue of land distribution must begin with Huletts, why is Malema silent on this? Is the Indian community an easy target in Malema’s political stage performance? Workers are aware of their rights these days and know about labour courts and their right to CCMA if there are issues around labour matters. There are very few who are not familiar with this recourse. Instead of playing on racial tensions, why doesn’t Malema encourage workers to challenge their working conditions through proper structures? I am disappointed in Malema and will not support his political agenda, as he is clearly causing dissension and division in our society. A true leader does the opposite.
  • During the State of the Nation Address debate, EFF leader Julius Malema (a Marxist) accused President Cyril Ramaphosa of making empty promises regarding the [principle of land expropriation without compensation] issue. Malema is a dangerous individual who encourages farm terror and murder. [...] For far too long the hard left of the ANC has been taking control, their policies shaped by the EFF because they are losing votes to the EFF's rhetoric of hate, divisive racism and a promise to under-educated South Africans that all will be well if they just take the white people's farms and businesses.
  • He must do what he must do and we will do what we must do. We are a party of principle, we believe in property rights and there's no way that we can support that, so if they want to blackmail us into doing it, they will have to remove us.
  • It’s time we condemned black people’s racism. Malema prejudicing Trollip on skin colour is nothing but racism. He can make whatever political decision but race is no justification for differentiation in this context.
  • When an individual or a political party tables a motion in a meeting or the National Assembly and the motion wins the day by an overwhelming majority, what is the reason for attacking those who voted against it? Is this not intolerance? It is clear that if the EFF won elections, those who voted against it will be in serious trouble.
  • My blackness gets questioned by other blacks when I disagree with Julius Malema. I didn't know that my identity as a black man depended on whether I agree with a man who is a communist, gave us Zuma, bankrupted Limpopo and uses race politics to poison the minds of our youth.
    • Siphamandla (Siph) Ndlovu in a tweet (9 March 2018)
  • I'm going to say something that I know I will be attacked [for]. We mismanaged the Julius Malema phenomenon. … We were quick to expel people that we should have spoken to them. … If you check the knock-on effect of the members that left us to join the EFF, that's exactly what we have lost in terms of voter participation. People didn't leave the ANC for the opposition, they left for a far left movement or a movement that felt the ANC was not strong enough. … Our incapability to manage internal differences, unfortunately, affected us. For me how we mismanaged those internal differences remains the key part that led us to lose power in those two metros.
  • On this occasion, we cannot remain silent in the face of the EFF’s [i.e. Malema's] pretentiousness to know more about the history and politics of Zimbabwe than the Zimbabweans themselves. Even more, the EFF has the audacity to dare teach Zimbabweans, even our head of state about the land question in our country.
  • I make a challenge to him today, if you believe what you say around the police not doing their job and being at war with you, I challenge you, Mr Malema, to give up your security detail that is provided to you by the state – you are the only opposition leader who has a SAPS security detail – I challenge you today, to give up your security detail. ... If you are calling on the public to attack police officers, then I think that is a disgrace that you yourself would be sitting with police protection, and expect people to attack the very people that you are relying on to be safe. And I think it is hypocrisy of the highest order.
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