It's time to stop a foreign policy which is essentially a marketing strategy for the weapons industry.

Jill Ellen Stein (born May 14, 1950) is an American physician, activist, and perennial candidate. She was the the nominee of the Green Party for President of the United States in the 2012, and 2016 elections and candidate for governor of Massachusetts in 2002 and 2010.


(most recent first)

  • Pope Francis has offered to mediate talks between #Venezuela's President Maduro & US-backed opposition Guaido - if both sides are willing to talk. Maduro says yes, but Guaido says no. If Guaido is such a champion of democracy, why does he refuse to hold peaceful dialogue? 🤔
  • The Red Cross has refused to participate in the US-led effort to deliver humanitarian aid to Juan Guaido in #Venezuela, saying that using humanitarian aid to serve a political agenda would violate its "fundamental principles of impartiality, neutrality & independence."
  • It’s time to move past lesser evil & fight for the greater good like our lives depend on it, because they DO. We can create an America & a world that works for all of us, & puts people, planet & peace over profit. The power to create that world is in our hands. Let’s get to work!
  • Chickenhawks like John Bolton are saying the quiet part out loud on why the ruling class should support the Venezuela coup: “It will make a big difference to the US economically if we could have American oil companies really invest in & produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela."
  • When you think back to the lead-up to the Iraq War, do you wish we had fought harder to stop the slaughter? Now's our chance to do that as Trump's gang pushes Venezuela towards a bloodbath. Expose & resist these warmongers NOW! #NoMoreWar
  • They lied to you about Vietnam. They lied to you about Iraq. They lied to you about Syria. They lied to you about Honduras. They lied to you about Libya.
    So why would you believe what they're saying about Venezuela?
  • Almost 60% of US are sick of the 2 parties of war & Wall Street... but anyone who runs - or even votes - outside the 2-party box is attacked as a "spoiler" by the political/media establishment. The solution? Ranked Choice Voting, which frees you to vote for what you really want.
  • After New Knowledge was caught running a false-flag operation to plant fake stories about Russian trolls in the media, their CEO & 4 co-conspirators were kicked off Facebook & Sen. Doug Jones called for a federal investigation into the firm for possible election crimes.
  • The New Knowledge report on alleged Russian social media interference doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. It uses cherry-picked facts to prop up a deceptive, wildly exaggerated narrative. The authors have been discredited & their methodology is hopelessly flawed.
  • The same blowhard politicians talking about "bringing democracy" to Venezuela have aided & abetted the Saudi dictators executing dissidents, murdering journalists & starving millions of kids in Yemen. They don't give a damn about democracy or poor people's lives. It's about OIL.
  • US has backed right-wing coups up and down Latin America for 100+ years. Not one was about democracy. All have been to enrich the global elite. But we’re supposed to believe this time in Venezuela - which has the world’s largest oil reserves - is different?
  • Deep gratitude to all who fearlessly speak truth to power in these times of widespread deceit. If war can be started by lies, maybe peace can be started by truth. Keep using your voice to make sure the truth gets out.
  • The Pentagon takes over half the US federal discretionary budget. If we spend billions on a Green New Deal instead of wasting trillions on weapons & war, we'll make wars for oil obsolete - and make the world a safer place for all future generations of life on Earth. #GreenNewDeal
  • People are told over and over, "Don't vote your values. Vote your fears." But what we got was everything we were afraid of.
  • It's time to stop a foreign policy which is essentially a marketing strategy for the weapons industry.

Pope Francis has offered to mediate talks between #Venezuela's President Maduro & US-backed opposition Guaido - if both sides are willing to talk. Maduro says yes, but Guaido says no. If Guaido is such a champion of democracy, why does he refuse to hold peaceful dialogue? The Red Cross has refused to participate in the US-led effort to deliver humanitarian aid to Juan Guaido in #Venezuela, saying that using humanitarian aid to serve a political agenda would violate its "fundamental principles”.

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