Heat is a 1995 film about two men, a professional thief planning a major bank robbery and the detective pursuing him. Although both are seemingly contrasting characters, over the course of the movie they discover a mutual understanding in their inability to stop "doing what they do".
- Directed, written and co-produced by Michael Mann.'
An epic tale of crime and obsession and two men on opposite sides of the law. taglines
Vincent Hanna
- I'm angry. I'm very angry, Ralph. You know, you can ball my wife if she wants you to. You can lounge around here on her sofa, in her ex-husband's dead-tech, post-modernistic bullshit house if you want to. But you do not get to watch MY FUCKING TELEVISION SET!
- I gotta hold on to my angst. I preserve it because I need it. It keeps me sharp [snaps fingers], on the edge [snaps fingers], where I gotta be.
- Who? Who? What are you, a fucking owl?
- When these guys walk out the door of whatever score they're gonna take next, they're gonna have the surprise of a lifetime.
- It's like you said. All I am is what I'm going after.
Neil McCauley
- I am double the worst trouble you ever thought of.
- I'm alone, I am not lonely.
- He knew the risks, he didn't have to be there. It rains... you get wet.
- I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I know life is short, whatever time you get is luck. You want to walk? You walk right now. Or on your own... on your own you choose to come with me. And all I know is... all I know is there's no point in me going anywhere anymore if it's going to be alone... without you.
- [Robbing a bank] We want to hurt no one. We're here for the bank's money, not your money. Your money is insured by the federal government, you're not gonna lose a dime. Think of your families, don't risk your life. Don't try and be a hero.
- You recognize their M.O.?
- I've been paging your ass all day! I can't stand fucking pagers!! You're bust-up speed freak! Jacking up methamphetamine, again!
- Chris slipped his tail, and doesn't talk about their scores with Charlene. So, there's nothing for me to get from Marciano. I just tried.
- My name is Sergeant Drucker. I'm with Robbery Homicide. Would you mind putting your kid in the next room?
- Well, who has to? 'Cause you're on a plane back to New Jersey, jagoff.
- That's right. You will have to. See, if you don't betray Chris, you victimize Dominic. Cause he'll be in foster homes, with no living parents to take care of him. He'll be fucked for life. Dominic didn't chose to screw up his life, but Chris did. You give up Chris, you get off clean. You can do it. For your kid, so you can raise him.
- All kinds of shit. But I don't have to sell this, and you know it. 'Cause this kind of shit here sells itself.
- Come on, sugar. Show yourself.
- [to Marciano] SHUT-UP!!
- One second at the doorway, then it's all over.
- {In Script Only} [slams Marciano into the wall, while speaking to an an Officer] GET HIM OUTTA HERE!!
- [barking into walkie-talkie] Unit 2? This is Command. Take him at the street, and check him out.
- It's a 'No-Go', Vince.
Justine Hanna
- [to Vincent] You don't live with me, you live among the remains of dead people. You sift through the detritus, you read the terrain, you search for signs of passing, for the scent of your prey, and then you hunt them down. That's the only thing you're committed to. The rest is the mess you leave as you pass through. ("You sift through the detritus" is missing in the US blu-ray release).
- [to Vincent] You prefer the normal routine. We fuck and you lose the power of speech.
- [to Vincent] I may be stoned on grass and Prozac, but you've been walking through our life dead.
- Michael: What's your name?
- Waingro: Waingro. [Michael opens the door and lets Waingro in. He climbs up into the passenger's seat] You're Michael, huh? You guys always work together?
- Michael: All the time.
- Waingro: Real tight crew, huh?
- Michael: Real tight.
- Waingro: Yeah if this works, I'd consider going again, you know.
- Michael: Yeah, stop talking, okay, slick?
- Waingro: Get back. [The terrified guards don't move] Get back! [They still don't move] Get back!! [Waingro pistol-whips the first guard over the left shoulder]
- Michael: Hey slick, see that shit comin' outta their ears? They can't fucking hear you! Cool it!
- Chris: All right guys! I got it! Got it!
- Waingro: [to the guards] You had to fuck with me. You wanna fuck with me?
- [He shoots the first guard in the head. The second one reaches for his ankle holster. Neil promptly kills him. With a nod from Neil, Michael shoots the third guard twice in the chest. He then steps up and shoots the final guard]
- Neil: [to Waingro] What the fuck were you doin'? What did you do? [grabs Waingro] Dumb motherfucker.
- Waingro: The guy was making a move.
- Uniformed Officer: You taking this one, Lieutenant? Or does it stay in Division?
- Vincent: Does this look like gangbangers working the local 7-Eleven to you? Robbery-Homicide's taking it.
- Uniformed Officer: It's all yours.
- Det. Bosko: We've got three motorists. All they saw were men with masks, they were distant. Console TV Man over there, however, he was closer. [gestures to the homeless man, who is being interviewed by another detective]
- Vincent: Did he ID anybody?
- Det. Bosko: Well he was hiding. He heard it mostly. [Hanna starts towards the bodies of the three guards]
- Vincent: OK, what about them?
- Det. Bosko: Right, now according to the TV Man, this guy started mouthing off.
- Vincent: Smart.
- Det. Bosko: Yeah, somebody called a guard "Slick".
- Sgt. Drucker: Slick?
- Det. Bosko: Yeah. Now this guy - I figure this guy went for that holdout piece, ankle holster, right from here. Bang. Bang. Bang-bang-bang, to this side. This guy here has got what appears to be a double-tap entry wound to the sternum. Tattooing around a head-wound, scorched bone, close range, probably executed. There was $1.6 million in bearer bonds, and they ignored the loose cash.
- Vincent: 'Cause they had no time; 'cause they were on a clock, which means they knew our response time to a 211, had our air, immobilized it, entered, [and] escaped in under three minutes. It's a good spot here. We've got good escape routes - two freeways, within a quarter of a mile.
- Det.-Sgt. Casals: Traffic video camera?
- Vincent: Probably disabled. Check it anyway.
- Sgt. Drucker: You recognize the M.O.?
- Vincent: M.O. is that they're good. Once it escalated into a murder one beef for all of 'em, after they killed the first two guards, they didn't hesitate; pop guard number three because... what difference does it make? Why leave a living witness? Drop of a hat these guys will rock and roll. The shape charge--the shape charge indicates that they are technically proficient. Proficient enough to go in on the prowl, so let's start looking for recent highline burglaries that have mystified us. [to Casals] Run "Slick" as an alias to the FBI. We're gonna get the phone book. Do it anyway. [to Drucker] Who's movin' the bearer bonds? Check the usual fences. You and I will check with Cuzomano and Torena. [to Schwartz] I want you to take Goldstein and O'Farrell. [to Bosko] Hang in with forensics, from the bomb squad. I want the explosive. If we're lucky, it's exotic - we can trace the sale.
- Justine: Are you all right? What happened? Where've you been?
- Vincent: Work. Lauren's dad show up?
- Justine: Didn't call, didn't show. We waited for you until 10:30.
- Vincent: Does this guy have any idea of what's going on with this kid?
- Justine: [shakes her head] I don't know.
- Vincent: What, is she okay?
- Justine: She's been in her room all day, so no, she's not okay. Neither am I. Uh, I made dinner for us four hours ago. Um, by the time I tried to maintain a consistent mood between us, she'd withdraw.
- Vincent: I've got three dead bodies on a sidewalk off Venice Boulevard, Justine! I'm sorry if the goddamn...chicken...got overcooked.
- Neil: L.A.P.D. Gee, what, where the fuck did this heat come from?
- Chris: Maybe it's the score they were onto, the place, not us. 'Cause it's been hit a couple of times, you know, or something?
- Neil: Assume they got our phones, assume they got our houses, assume they got us, right here, right now as we sit, everything. Assume it all.
- [Hanna, Drucker, Casals, and a Las Vegas detective barge past Alan Marciano's secretary and enter his office]
- Alan Marciano: Can I help you?
- Vincent: Are you Alan Marciano?
- Alan Marciano: Yeah. And who the fuck are you?
- [Hanna pins Marciano down onto his office desk]
- Vincent: Lieutenant Vincent Hanna, LAPD.
- Alan Marciano: LA? This is Las Vegas! You don't have jurisdiction here!
- [Hanna sets Marciano down in his chair and turns him towards the Las Vegas detective]
- Vincent: Las Vegas PD takes you into custody. You are extradited to Newark on a New Jersey warrant for smuggling cigarettes up from North Carolina three years ago, or you go to work for us. Cut and dried. That...is...it.
- [Hanna's team question Alan Marciano about Charlene Shiherlis]
- Alan Marciano: [somewhat to himself] Why'd I get mixed up with that bitch?
- Vincent: Cause she's got a great ass!! And you got your head all the way up it! Ferocious, aren't I? When I think of asses, a woman's ass, something comes out of me.
- Alan Marciano: So?
- Vincent: So, no big thing. All I want is her husband, and his whole fucking crew. Now you're gonna work with Sgt. Drucker here.
- [Hanna notices that the crew is leaving empty-handed, after one of the SWAT officers in his van makes a noise that gives himself away to McCauley]
- Vincent: [over the radio] OK, let 'em go.
- Police Captain: What do you mean? We can take 'em...
- Vincent: On what? What are you gonna take 'em on? Breaking and entering? They didn't steal anything yet. Don't you get it? It gets knocked back to some chicken shit misdemeanour, they do six months and they're out. No fuckin' way.
- Police Captain: I'm not taking the heat from my boss just 'cause you let 'em go. They're not walking.
- Vincent: That's exactly what they're gonna do. They're gonna walk. This is my operation. I have tactical command that supersedes your rank! They will walk away and you will let them! [slams his radio down] Fuck!
- [Neil calls Roger Van Zant from a restaurant kitchen phone after the assassination attempt]
- Neil: Roger Van Zant?
- Roger Van Zant: Yeah, who's this?
- Neil: You know what this is?
- Roger Van Zant: Yes I do, yes I do. I sent a guy to deliver the package. He didn't call. Is everything all right?
- Neil: Tell you what: forget the money.
- Roger Van Zant: What?
- Neil: Forget, the money.
- Roger Van Zant: Well, it's--it's a lot of money. Wha--What are you doing? Whaddaya mean, "forget the money"?
- Neil: What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone.
- Roger Van Zant: I don't understand.
- Neil: Because there is a dead man on the other end of this fuckin' line. [hangs up]
- [Vincent gets back after being called to the scene of Waingro's latest murder victim]
- Justine: I guess the earth shattered?
- Vincent: So why didn't you let Bosko take you home?
- Justine: I didn't wanna ruin their night too. What was it?
- Vincent: You don't wanna know.
- Justine: I'd like to know what's behind that grim look on your face.
- Vincent: I don't do that. You know it. Let's go, come on.
- Justine: You never told me I'd be excluded.
- Vincent: I told you when we hooked up, baby, that you were gonna have to share me with all the bad people and all the ugly events on this planet.
- Justine: And I bought into that sharing. Because I love you. I love you fat, bald, money, no money, driving a bus - I don't care. But you have got to be present like a normal guy, some of the time. That's sharing. This is not sharing, this is left overs!
- Vincent: Oh, I see, what I should do is, er, come home and say, "Hi honey! Guess what? I walked into this house today, where this junkie asshole just fried his baby in a microwave, because it was crying too loud. So let me share that with you. Come on, let's share that, and in sharing it, we'll somehow, er, cathartically dispel all that heinous shit". Right? [pause] Wrong.
- [Vincent catches his wife cheating on him]
- Justine: In a way, you're a party to this.
- Vincent: Oh yeah, I made Ralph fuck you because it makes me feel good!
- Vincent: Seven years in Folsom. In the hole for three. McNeil before that. McNeil as tough as they say?
- Neil: You lookin' to become a penologist?
- Vincent: You lookin' to go back? You know, I chased down some crews; guys just lookin' to fuck up, get busted back. That you?
- Neil: You must've worked some dipshit crews.
- Vincent: I worked all kinds.
- Neil: You see me doin' thrill-seeker liquor store holdups with a "Born to Lose" tattoo on my chest?
- Vincent: No, I do not.
- Neil: Right. I am never goin' back.
- Vincent: Then don't take down scores.
- Neil: I do what I do best. I take scores. You do what you do best trying to stop guys like me. [shrugs]
- Vincent: You never wanted a normal-type life?
- Neil: What the fuck is that? Barbecues and ballgames?
- Vincent: Yeah.
- Neil: This regular type life, that your life?
- Vincent: No. My life is a disaster zone. I got a stepdaughter so fucked up, because her real father's this large-type asshole. I got a wife, we're passing each other on the down-slope of our marriage. My third. Because, I spend all of my time chasing guys like you around the block. That's my life.
- Neil: A guy told me one time: Don't ever let yourself get attached to anything that you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner [pause] Now, if you're on me and you gotta move when I move, how do you expect to keep a...a marriage?
- Vincent: That's an interesting point. What are you, a monk?
- Neil: No. [pause] I got a woman.
- Vincent: What do you tell her?
- Neil: I tell her that I'm a salesman.
- Vincent: So, if you spot me around the corner...you gonna walk out on this woman? Not even say goodbye?
- Neil: That's the discipline.
- Vincent: That's pretty vacant.
- Neil: It is what it is. Either that, or we better go do something else, pal.
- Vincent: I don't know how to do anything else.
- Neil: Neither do I.
- Vincent: And I don't much want to.
- Neil: Neither do I.
- Vincent: [laughs] You know, I have this recurring dream. I'm sitting at this big banquet table and all the victims of all the murders I ever worked are there...and they're staring at me with these black eyeballs because they got eight-ball hemorrhages from the head wounds. And there they are, these big balloon people because I found them two weeks after they'd been under the bed. The neighbors reported the smell and there they are all just sitting there.
- Neil: What do they say?
- Vincent: Nothing.
- Neil: No talk?
- Vincent: They have nothing to say. We just look at each other. They look at me and that's it. That's the dream.
- Neil: I have one where I'm drowning. I gotta wake myself up and start breathing or I'll die in my sleep.
- Vincent: You know what that's about?
- Neil: Yeah...having enough time.
- Vincent: Having enough time...to do what you want to do?
- Neil: Yeah.
- Vincent: You doing it now?
- Neil: No, not yet.
- Vincent: You know, we're sitting here, you and I, like a coupla regular fellas. You do what you do. I do what I gotta do. Now that we've been face to face...if I am there and I got to put you away? [pause] I won't like it. But, i'll tell ya...if it's between you and some poor bastard whose wife you're going to make into a widow, brother, you are gonna go down.
- Neil: There's a flip side to that coin. What if you do got me boxed in and I gotta put you down? [pause] 'Cause no matter what, you will not get in my way. We'e been face to face...yeah But I won't hesitate. Not for a second.
- Vincent: [smiles] Maybe, that's the way it'll be. Or...who knows.
- Neil: Or maybe, we'll never see each other again.
- [Vincent returns to the station after having coffee with McCauley]
- Det.-Sgt. Casals: They dumped us.
- Vincent: What?
- Det. Bosko: They dumped us.
- Vincent: Whaddaya mean, "they dumped us"?
- Sgt. Drucker: Chris slipped his tail. He doesn't talk about their scores with Charlene, so there's nothing for me to get from Marciano, I tried.
- Vincent: What about Cheritto?
- Det.-Sgt. Casals: Same. Transponders got put on a bus to San Clemente.
- Vincent: They dumped all our surveillance?!
- Det.-Sgt. Casals: Yeah, at the same time: 9:00 PM.
- Vincent: I had coffee with McCauley HALF AN HOUR AGO!
- Det.-Sgt. Casals: We were on you! Then McCauley drives into LAX where surveillance can't fly over because of flight paths. His car's still there; he's gone.
- Vincent: Does anybody have any idea where the fuck these people are?
- Albert Torena: Where's your empathy, brother? It's a substance abuse problem.
- Vincent: Empathy was yesterday. Today, you're wasting my motherfucking time.
- [Vincent and his team are standing in the same spot Neil and his gang were standing looking at something.]
- Vincent: I got an idea what they're looking at.... You know what they're looking at?... I mean — is this guy something, or is he something?... This crew is good!... You wanna know what they're looking at?
- Dr. Bob: What?
- Vincent: Us.... The L-A-P-D.... Po-lice Department.... We just got made...
- Waingro: I had to get it on. He [the guard] was making a move. I had to get it on! [McCauley smashes Waingro's face into the table.]
- Neil: Split's in the car. Took it out of ours, evenly. To make up for his full end. Because I want to pay off and get rid of this motherfucker right now.
- [They walk out of the diner. Neil grabs Waingro by the nose and drags him between a lot of cars. Trejo opens up a car trunk lined with garbage bags. Neil forces Waingro to the ground, kicks him, holds him down, and draws his pistol out to shoot him]
- Michael: HOLD IT!
- [McCauley looks up, and sees a police car over on the main road, stopped. After a moment, the cruiser activates its lights and siren, makes a u-turn, and drives away. By the time Neil turns around, Waingro has vanished]
- [Last words of the film, as McCauley lies dying]
- Neil: Told you I'm never going back.
- Vincent: Yeah.
- An epic tale of crime and obsession and two men on opposite sides of the law.
- A Los Angeles crime saga.
- From "The Godfather" to "Scent of a Woman". From "Raging Bull" to "Goodfellas". Two of America's celebrated superstars will finally collide.
- Al Pacino — Lt. Vincent Hanna
- Robert De Niro — Neil McCauley
- Val Kilmer — Chris Shiherlis
- Mykelti Williamson — Sgt. Drucker
- Diana Venora — Justine Hanna
- Ashley Judd — Charlene Shiherlis
- Wes Studi - Det.-Sgt. Sammy Casals
- Jerry Trimble - Det. Danny Schwartz
- Ted Levine - Det. Mike Bosko
- William Fichtner — Roger Van Zant
- Tom Sizemore — Michael Cheritto
- Susan Traylor — Elaine Cheritto
- Dennis Haysbert — Donald Breedan
- Kevin Gage — Waingro
- Jeremy Piven - Dr. Bob
- Jon Voight - Nate
External links
- Heat quotes at the Internet Movie Database
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